NAVY UFGS-02 83 13 00 20-2011 LEAD IN CONSTRUCTION《建筑中的铅》.pdf

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1、*USACE / NAVFAC / AFCESA / NASA UFGS-02 83 13.00 20 (August 2011)-Preparing Activity: NAVFAC SupersedingUFGS-02 83 13.00 20 (April 2006)UFGS-13282 (August 2003)UNIFIED FACILITIES GUIDE SPECIFICATIONSReferences are in agreement with UMRL dated July 2011*SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTSDIVISION 02 - EXISTING

2、 CONDITIONSSECTION 02 83 13.00 20LEAD IN CONSTRUCTION08/11PART 1 GENERAL1.1 REFERENCES1.2 DEFINITIONS1.2.1 Action Level1.2.2 Area Sampling1.2.3 Competent Person (CP)1.2.4 Contaminated Room1.2.5 Decontamination Shower Facility1.2.6 High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor (HEPA) Filter Equipment1.2.7 Lea

3、d1.2.8 Lead Control Area1.2.9 Lead Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)1.2.10 Material Containing Lead/Paint with Lead (MCL/PWL)1.2.11 Personal Sampling1.2.12 Physical Boundary1.3 DESCRIPTION1.3.1 Description of Work1.3.2 Coordination with Other Work1.4 SUBMITTALS1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE1.5.1 Qualification

4、s1.5.1.1 Competent Person (CP) Training Certification1.5.1.3 Testing Laboratory1.5.1.4 Third Party Consultant Qualifications1.5.2 Requirements1.5.2.1 Competent Person (CP) Responsibilities1.5.2.2 Lead Compliance Plan1.5.2.3 Occupational and Environmental Assessment Data Report1.5.2.4 Medical

5、Examinations1.5.2.5 Training1.5.2.6 Respiratory Protection Program1.5.2.7 Hazard Communication Program1.5.2.8 Lead Waste ManagementSECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 1Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- Environmental, Safety and Health C

6、ompliance1.5.3 Pre-Construction Conference1.6 EQUIPMENT1.6.1 Respirators1.6.2 Special Protective Clothing1.6.3 Rental Equipment Notification1.6.4 Vacuum Filters1.6.5 Equipment for Government Personnel1.7 PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS1.7.1 Protection of Existing Work to RemainPART 2 PRODUCTSPART 3 EXECUTIO

7、N3.1 PREPARATION3.1.1 Protection3.1.1.1 Notification3.1.1.2 Lead Control Area3.1.1.3 Furnishings3.1.1.4 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems3.1.1.5 Decontamination Shower Facility3.1.1.6 Eye Wash Station3.1.1.7 Mechanical Ventilation System3.1.1.8 Personnel Protection3.2 ERECTION

8、3.2.1 Lead Control Area Requirements3.3 APPLICATION3.3.1 Lead Work3.3.2 Paint with Lead or Material Containing Lead Removal3.3.2.1 Paint with Lead or Material Containing Lead - Indoor Removal3.3.2.2 Paint with Lead or Material Containing Lead - Outdoor Removal3.3.3 Personnel Exiting Procedures3.4 FI

9、ELD QUALITY CONTROL3.4.1 Tests3.4.1.1 Air and Wipe Sampling3.4.1.2 Sampling After Removal3.4.1.3 Testing of Material Containing Lead Residue3.5 CLEANING AND DISPOSAL3.5.1 Cleanup3.5.1.1 Clearance Certification3.5.2 Disposal3.5.2.1 Disposal Documentation3.5.2.2 Payment for Hazardous Waste- End of Sec

10、tion Table of Contents -SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-*USACE / NAVFAC / AFCESA / NASA UFGS-02 83 13.00 20 (August 2011)-Preparing Activity: NAVFAC SupersedingUFGS-02 83 13.00 20 (April 2006)UFGS-13282 (A

11、ugust 2003)UNIFIED FACILITIES GUIDE SPECIFICATIONSReferences are in agreement with UMRL dated July 2011*SECTION 02 83 13.00 20LEAD IN CONSTRUCTION08/11*NOTE: This guide specification covers the requirements for protection of workers, disposal of lead painted material.Adhere to UFC 1-300-02 Unified F

12、acilities Guide Specifications (UFGS) Format Standard when editing this guide specification or preparing new project specification sections. Edit this guide specification for project specific requirements by adding, deleting, or revising text. For bracketed items, choose applicable items(s) or inser

13、t appropriate information.Remove information and requirements not required in respective project, whether or not brackets are present.Comments, suggestions and recommended changes for this guide specification are welcome and should be submitted as a Criteria Change Request (CCR).*NOTE: This guide sp

14、ecification also provides guidelines/recommendations for cleanup of lead on construction projects impacting material containing lead and/or lead based paint. This guide specification does not apply to abatement of lead hazards in target housing or child occupied facilities. Section 02 82 33.13 20 RE

15、MOVAL/CONTROL AND DISPOSAL OF PAINT WITH LEAD is to be used for abatement or control of lead hazards in 40 CFR 745 defined child occupied facilities or target housing.*NOTE: Obtain project specific information and appropriate sampling of Paint with Lead (PWL) or Material Containing Lead (MCL) that w

16、ill be removed or disturbed.SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-*NOTE: When historic preservation work will disturb PWL, refer to the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properti

17、es and/or Brief 37, “Appropriate Methods for Reducing Lead-Paint Hazards in Historic Housing“ as appropriate. *NOTE: Projects involving housing improvement, maintenance, or repair are not considered a lead-based paint hazard abatement action even if the effect of the work removes (or reduces) lead e

18、xposure potentials to the occupants. However, appropriate precautions for protecting occupants and leaving the housing clean (clearance) after concluding any work disturbing lead must be considered. Specific training and certification requirements (40 CFR 745 or authorized state program requirements

19、) may not be necessary for all projects. However, it is strongly recommended that the specification editor have appropriate training regarding lead. *PART 1 GENERAL1.1 REFERENCES*NOTE: This paragraph is used to list the publications cited in the text of the guide specification. The publications are

20、referred to in the text by basic designation only and listed in this paragraph by organization, designation, date, and title.Use the Reference Wizards Check Reference feature when you add a RID outside of the Sections Reference Article to automatically place the reference in the Reference Article. A

21、lso use the Reference Wizards Check Reference feature to update the issue dates.References not used in the text will automatically be deleted from this section of the project specification when you choose to reconcile references in the publish print process.*The publications listed below form a part

22、 of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only.SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE ASSOCIATION (AIHA

23、)AIHA Z88.6 (2006) Respiratory Protection - Respirator Use-Physical Qualifications for PersonnelSTATE OF VIRGINIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE (VAC)16 VAC 25-35 Title 16, Agency 25, Chapter 35: Regulation Concerning Certified Lead Contractors Notification, Lead Project Permits And Permit Fees18 VAC 15-30 Tit

24、le 18, Agency 15, Chapter 30: Virginia Lead-Based Paint Activities RegulationsU.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD)HUD 6780 (1995; Errata Aug 1996;Rev Ch. 7 - 1997) Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in HousingU.S. NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADM

25、INISTRATION (NARA)29 CFR 1926.103 Respiratory Protection29 CFR 1926.21 Safety Training and Education29 CFR 1926.33 Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records29 CFR 1926.55 Gases, Vapors, Fumes, Dusts, and Mists29 CFR 1926.59 Hazard Communication29 CFR 1926.62 Lead29 CFR 1926.65 Hazardous Waste

26、Operations and Emergency Response40 CFR 260 Hazardous Waste Management System: General40 CFR 261 Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste40 CFR 262 Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste40 CFR 263 Standards Applicable to Transporters of Hazardous Waste40 CFR 264 Standards for Own

27、ers and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities40 CFR 265 Interim Status Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities40 CFR 268 Land Disposal RestrictionsSECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 5Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo

28、 reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-40 CFR 745 Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention in Certain Residential Structures49 CFR 172 Hazardous Materials Table, Special Provisions, Hazardous Materials Communications, Emergency Response Information, and Training Requirements

29、49 CFR 178 Specifications for PackagingsUNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES (UL)UL 586 (2009) Standard for High-Efficiency Particulate, Air Filter Units1.2 DEFINITIONS1.2.1 Action LevelEmployee exposure, without regard to use of respirators, to an airborne concentration of lead of 30 micrograms per cubic mete

30、r of air averaged over an 8 hour period.1.2.2 Area SamplingSampling of lead concentrations within the lead control area and inside the physical boundaries which is representative of the airborne lead concentrations but is not collected in the breathing zone of personnel (approximately 1.5 to 1.8 met

31、ers 5 to 6 feet above the floor).1.2.3 Competent Person (CP)As used in this section, refers to a person employed by the Contractor who is trained in the recognition and control of lead hazards in accordance with current federal, State, and local regulations and has the authority to take prompt corre

32、ctive actions to control the lead hazard. A Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) certified by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene or a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) certified by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals is the best choice.1.2.4 Contaminated RoomRefers to a room for remo

33、val of contaminated personal protective equipment (PPE).1.2.5 Decontamination Shower FacilityThat facility that encompasses a clean clothing storage room, and a contaminated clothing storage and disposal rooms, with a shower facility in between.1.2.6 High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor (HEPA) Filte

34、r EquipmentHEPA filtered vacuuming equipment with a UL 586 filter system capable of collecting and retaining lead-contaminated particulate. A high efficiency particulate filter demonstrates at least 99.97 percent efficiency against 0.3 micron or larger size particles.SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 6Pro

35、vided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1.2.7 LeadMetallic lead, inorganic lead compounds, and organic lead soaps. Excludes other forms of organic lead compounds.1.2.8 Lead Control AreaA system of control methods to prevent the spread of lead du

36、st, paint chips or debris to adjacent areas that may include temporary containment, floor or ground cover protection, physical boundaries, and warning signs to prevent unauthorized entry of personnel. HEPA filtered local exhaust equipment may be used as engineering controls to further reduce personn

37、el exposures or building/outdoor environmental contamination.1.2.9 Lead Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)Fifty micrograms per cubic meter of air as an 8 hour time weighted average as determined by 29 CFR 1926.62. If an employee is exposed for more than eight hours in a work day, the PEL shall be dete

38、rmined by the following formula:PEL (micrograms/cubic meter of air) = 400/No. hrs worked per day1.2.10 Material Containing Lead/Paint with Lead (MCL/PWL)Any material, including paint, which contains lead as determined by the testing laboratory using a valid test method. The requirements of this sect

39、ion does not apply if no detectable levels of lead are found using a quantitative method for analyzing paint or MCL using laboratory instruments with specified limits of detection (usually 0.01 percent). An X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) instrument is not considered a valid test method.1.2.11 Personal Sam

40、plingSampling of airborne lead concentrations within the breathing zone of an employee to determine the 8 hour time weighted average concentration in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.62. Samples shall be representative of the employees work tasks. Breathing zone shall be considered an area within a hemis

41、phere, forward of the shoulders, with a radius of 150 to 225 mm 6 to 9 inches and centered at the nose or mouth of an employee.1.2.12 Physical BoundaryArea physically roped or partitioned off around lead control area to limit unauthorized entry of personnel.1.3 DESCRIPTION1.3.1 Description of Work*N

42、OTE: Specify the construction activities that will impact lead based paint or lead containing material. Show the location of MCL/PWL impacted construction activities on the contract drawings and indicate its condition (well adhered sheets or wrappings, solid, aggregates, bricks or blocks, powdered,

43、liquid, sludge, etc.). Example activities include: preparing surfaces for painting, saw SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 7Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-cutting through painted material, sanding painted surfaces, scabbling painted or othe

44、rwise leaded concrete surfaces, blast cleaning painted surfaces, torch cutting through painted metal. *Construction activities impacting PWL or material containing lead which are covered by this specification include the demolition and/or removal of material containing lead in _ condition, located _ and as indicated on the drawings. _1.3.2 Coordination with Other WorkTh

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