, “ c “ C - a * c z “ a E E a T C c C c * E C a E E ! 5 5 n r n i1 T r c n 2 5543 DIN - Laminated springs; spring link washers and intermediate spring
1、 “ c “ C - a * c z “ a E E a T C c C c * E C a E E ! 5 5 n r n i1 T r c n 2 5543 DIN - Laminated springs; spring link washers and intermediate spring link washers for spring suspension Ressorts lames; plaquettes de fixation des ressorts en forme de selles et plaquettes intermdiaires de fixation des ressorts destines la suspension ressorts MaRe in mm 1 Mitgeltende Normen DIN 71 68 Teil 1 Allgemeintoleranzen (Freimatoleranzen); Lngen- und Winkelm。
2、ithout license from IHS-,-,-9 MS25OiL REV G h2 m 7777712 0005204 5 FED. LUC CLASS 6210 6)Peak transmission: The peak transmission of the filter on a graph of measured transmission versus wavelength shall be 60% 3%. Peak wavelength: The wavelength at which peak transmission occurs on a graph of measured transmission versus wavelength shall be 480 20 nanometers. Red transmisaion: The X of transmission for each wavelength shwo shall not be exceeded. The percentage of trans。
3、artments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. PAGE 1 LAMP REF, PART NO. Delete: MS25237-327 Substitute: MIL-DTL-6363/8 PART NO. M6363/8-5 Delete: MS25237-328 Substitute: MIL-DTL-6363/8 PART NO. M6363/8-2 Custodians: Preparing Activity Navy- AS DLA -IS Army CR4 Air Force- 99 (Project 6210-1075) Review Activities: Army - AT AMSC N/A FSC 6210 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or n。