
e recorder.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.(2). A. By going on a diet. B. By having fewer meals. C. By doing physical exercises. D. By eating fruits and vegetables.(


1、e recorder.分数:7.00A.B.C.D.2. A. By going on a diet. B. By having fewer meals. C. By doing physical exercises. D. By eati。

2、ea. C. The jacket was designed by the woman. D. The woman spent a lot of money on the jacket.分数:7.00A.B.C.D.2. A. The ma。

3、n going out. C. To prevent the thief from breaking into the house. D. To prevent visitors from having an accident.分数:7.0。

4、The woman should eat less. D. The woman should stop running daily.分数:7.00A.B.C.D.2.A. Shes not interested in the party. 。

5、ce in teaching sociology. C. Dr. Levensky allows very little flexibility in class. D. Dr. Levensky does not expect stude。

6、ome fresh air in the morning D. Having a good rest will help Mike with the exam.分数:7.00A.B.C.D.2. A. Take the wallet to 。

7、 D.She enjoys working for the Students Union.分数:7.00A.B.C.D.2. A.He dislikes Advanced Mathematics hut has to study it. B。

8、doesnt regard the coat as a bargain. D. The man actually doesnt appreciate the coats color.分数:7.00A.B.C.D.2. A. She is g。

9、2 引用标准GB 3107. 1 船用烟火信号通用技术条件3产品分类3. 1 型式和尺寸3. 1 1 舶用绿星火箭信号为火箭推进式拉发或击发式引燃的火焰型烟火信号其主要构件包括:a. 火箭推进器;b. 绿光信号体gc. 引燃具;d. 壳体兼。

10、国际海上人命安全公约.2 51用标准GB 3107. l 船用烟火信号通用技术条件3 产品分类3. 1 型式和尺寸3. 1. 1 船用红星火箭信号为火箭推进式拉发或击发号燃的火焰型烟火信号.其主要构件包括:a. 火箭推进器;b. 信号体zc。

标签 > 星火听力[编号:209338]

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