NFPA 1984-2016 Standard on Respirators for Wildland Fire-Fighting Operations (Effective Date 03 05 2015).pdf

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1、Copyright 2015 National Fire Protection Association. All Rights Reserved.NFPA1984Standard onRespirators for Wildland Fire-Fighting Operations2016 EditionThis edition of NFPA 1984, Standard on Respirators for Wildland Fire-Fighting Operations, wasprepared by the Technical Committee on Respiratory Pro

2、tection Equipment and released bythe Correlating Committee on Fire and Emergency Services Protective Clothing and Equip-ment.It was issued by the Standards Council on February 13, 2015, with an effective date ofMarch 5, 2015, and supersedes all previous editions.Origin and Development of NFPA 1984In

3、 October 2006, the NFPA Standards Council received a request that NFPA develop anew respiratory standard for fire fighters in wildland fire operations. In November of2006, the NFPA Standards Council voted to publish a notice of receipt of the requestsoliciting opinions on the need to address the sub

4、ject matter, information on resourcesavailable on the topic, those interested in participating if approved, and other organiza-tions actively involved in the subject.At its October 2007 meeting, the Council voted to proceed with the request to develop anew document on respiratory standards for wildl

5、and fire fighting. The Council asked theTechnical Correlating Committee (TCC) on Fire and Emergency Services Protective Cloth-ing and Equipment to clarify whether this document would be assigned to an existing techni-cal committee (TC) under the project or if a new TC was being contemplated. In addi

6、tion,the Council directed the TCC to submit a new or revised TC scope, and that a start-up rosterfor any new TC be submitted.At its March 2009 meeting, the TCC on Fire and Emergency Services Protective Clothingand Equipment reported to the Council that the TCC had assigned the development of thenew

7、document to the TC on Respiratory Protection Equipment. The Council directed theTCC to review the membership on the TC and make any recommendations necessary toensure that the TC had the appropriate wildland fire-fighting expertise to develop the docu-ment. The Council subsequently determined that t

8、he TC on Respiratory Protection Equip-ment had the necessary expertise to develop the document, and instructed the TC to proceedwith the development of a draft, ballot the TC and TCC, and make a request to the Council toenter an appropriate revision cycle.The draft of NFPA 1984, Standard on Respirat

9、ors for Wildland Fire-Fighting Operations, waspublished in the Report on Proposals (ROP) and released for public review and comment onDecember 8, 2009. Following the public review period, which closed on March 5, 2010, theReport on Comments (ROC) was processed in the Spring of 2010. The TCC on Fire

10、andEmergency Services Protective Clothing and Equipment processed the proposed NFPA 1984at its meeting in June 2010 and approved the document to go forward.The 2016 edition of NFPA 1984 incorporates TIA-11-1, issued by the Standards Council onMarch 1, 2011. This TIA addresses NIOSH certification of

11、wildland fire fighter respirators inaccordance with 42 CFR 84. This edition also features two new tests for breathing resistanceand air-purifying respirators (APR) air purification component capacity.19841NFPA and National Fire Protection Association are registered trademarks of the National Fire Pr

12、otection Association, Quincy, Massachusetts 02169.Correlating Committee on Fire and Emergency Services Protective Clothing and EquipmentWilliam E. Haskell, III, ChairNational Institute for Occupational Safety a full face-piece covers the wearers nose, mouth, and eyes.3.3.10 Follow-up Program. The sa

13、mpling, inspections, tests,or other measures conducted by the certification organizationon a periodic basis to determine the continued compliance oflabeled and listed products that are being produced by themanufacturer to the requirements of this standard.3.3.11 Haze. Light that is scattered as a re

14、sult of passingthrough a transparent object.3.3.12 Manufacturer. The entity that directs and controls anyof the following: compliant product design, compliant prod-uct manufacturing, or compliant product quality assurance;or the entity that assumes the liability for the compliant prod-uct or provide

15、s the warranty for the compliant product.3.3.13 Melt. A response to heat by a material resulting inevidence of flowing or dripping.3.3.14 Model. The collective term used to identify a group ofindividual items of the same basic design and componentsfrom a single manufacturer produced by the same manu

16、fac-turing and quality assurance procedures that are covered bythe same certification.3.3.15 NIOSH-Certified. Tested and certified by the Na-tional Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH),National Personal Protective Equipment Laboratory(NPPTL), in accordance with the requirements of 42

17、 CFR PAPR. See 3.3.19, Powered Air Purifying Respirator(PAPR).3.3.17 Particulate Matter. Finely divided solid or liquid mat-ter (particles).3.3.18 Pink Noise. Noise that contains constant energy peroctave band.3.3.19 Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR). An air-purifying respirator that

18、 uses a powered blower to force theambient air through one or more air purifying components tothe respiratory inlet covering.3.3.20* Product Label. A label or marking provided by themanufacturer for each compliant product containing compli-ance statements, certification statements, manufacturer andm

19、odel information, or similar data.3.3.21 Respirator. The complete assembly including the res-piratory inlet covering, air purification components, electron-ics, batteries, harness, cables, and hoses where applicable; de-signed to protect the wearer from inhalation of atmospherescontaining harmful ga

20、ses, vapors, or particulate matter.3.3.22 Sample. The equipment, equipment component, en-semble, element, item, composite, or component that is con-ditioned for testing. (See also 3.3.25, Specimen.)3.3.23 Separate. A material response evidenced by splittingor delaminating.3.3.24* Service Life. The l

21、ength of time required for an airpurification component to reach a specific effluent concentra-tion.3.3.25 Specimen. The conditioned equipment, equipmentcomponent, ensemble, element, item, composite, or compo-nent that is tested. Specimens are taken from samples. (See also3.3.22, Sample.)3.3.26 Wild

22、land Fire. Accidental or planned outdoor firesburning vegetation such as woodlands, forests, grasslands,brush, and prairies.3.3.27 Wildland Fire Fighting. The activities of fire suppres-sion and property conservation in woodlands, forests, grass-lands, brush, prairies, and other such vegetation, or

23、any com-bination of vegetation, that is involved in a fire situation but isnot within buildings or structures.3.3.28 WildlandFire-FightingRespirator. A respirator that hasbeen certified for providing respiratory protection duringwildland fire-fighting operations by NIOSH under 42 CFR 84,and certifie

24、d as compliant with NFPA 1984.Chapter 4 Certification4.1 General.4.1.1 The process of certification for wildland fire-fightingrespirators as being compliant with NFPA 1984 shall meet therequirements of Section 4.1 through Section* Prior to certification of wildland fire-fighting respira-to

25、rs to this standard, respirators shall be certified by NIOSH asan air-purifying respirator, or as a powered air-purifying respi-rator.4.1.3 All respirators for wildland fire-fighting operations thatare labeled as being compliant with this standard shall meet orexceed all applicable requirements spec

26、ified in this standardand shall be certified.4.1.4 All certification shall be performed by a certificationorganization that meets at least the requirements specified inSection 4.2, and that is accredited for personal protectiveequipment in accordance with ISO 65, General requirements forbodies opera

27、ting product certification systems. The accreditationshall be issued by an accreditation body operating in accor-dance with ISO 17011, General requirements for accreditation bod-ies accrediting conformity assessment bodies.4.1.5 Manufacturers shall not claim compliance with por-tions or segments of

28、the requirements of this standard andshall not use the NFPA name or the name or identification ofthis standard, NFPA 1984, in any statements about their re-spective wildland fire-fighting respirators unless the respiratoris certified as compliant to this standard.4.1.6 All compliant wildland fire-fi

29、ghting respirators shall belabeled.4.1.7 All compliant wildland fire-fighting respirators shall belisted by the certification organization. This listing shall uniquely19848 RESPIRATORS FOR WILDLAND FIRE-FIGHTING OPERATIONS2016 Editionidentify the certified product by style, model number, part num-be

30、r, or similar specific identification.4.1.8 All compliant wildland fire-fighting respirators shallalso have a product label that meets the requirements speci-fied in Section* The certification organizations label, symbol, or iden-tifying mark shall be attached to the product label, shall b

31、epart of the product label, or shall be immediately adjacent tothe product label.4.2 Certification Program.4.2.1* The certification organization shall not be owned orcontrolled by manufacturers or vendors of the products beingcertified.4.2.2 The certification organization shall be primarily en-gaged

32、 in certification work and shall not have a monetary in-terest in the products ultimate profitability.4.2.3 The certification organization shall be accredited forpersonal protective equipment in accordance with ISO 65,Generalrequirementsforbodiesoperatingproductcertificationsystems.The accreditation

33、 shall be issued by an accreditation body op-erating in accordance with ISO 17011, General requirements foraccreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies.4.2.4 The certification organization shall refuse to certifyproducts to this standard that do not comply with all appli-cable requi

34、rements of this standard.4.2.5* The contractual provisions between the certification or-ganization and the manufacturer shall specify that certifica-tion is contingent on compliance with all applicable require-ments of this standard. The certification organization shall not offer or con-fer a

35、ny conditional, temporary, or partial certifications. Manufacturers shall not be authorized to use any la-bel or reference to the certification organization on productsthat are not compliant with all applicable requirements of thisstandard.4.2.6* The certification organization shall have labo

36、ratory fa-cilities and equipment available for conducting proper tests todetermine product compliance. The certification organization laboratory facilitiesshall have a program in place and functioning for calibrationof all instruments, and procedures shall be in use to ensureproper control of

37、 all testing. The certification organization laboratory facilitiesshall follow good practice regarding the use of laboratorymanuals, form data sheets, documented calibration and cali-bration routines, performance verification, proficiency test-ing, and staff qualification and training program

38、s.4.2.7 The certification organization shall require the manu-facturer to establish and maintain a quality assurance programthat meets the requirements of Section* The certification organization shall require themanufacturer to have a product recall system as specified inSection 4.8 as p

39、art of the manufacturers quality assuranceprogram. The certification organization shall audit the manu-facturers quality assurance program to ensure that the qualityassurance program provides continued product compliancewith this standard.4.2.8 The certification organization and the manufactu

40、rershall evaluate any changes affecting the form, fit, or functionof the compliant product to determine its continued certifica-tion to this standard.4.2.9* The certification organization shall have a follow-upinspection program of the manufacturing facilities of the com-pliant product with at least

41、 two random and unannouncedvisits per 12-month period. As part of the follow-up inspection program, the cer-tification organization shall select sample compliant productat random from the manufacturers production line, from themanufacturers in-house stock, or from the open market. Samp

42、le product shall be inspected and tested by thecertification organization to verify the products continuedcompliance. The certification organization shall be permitted toconduct specific testing to verify the products continued com-pliance. For products, components, and materials where

43、 priortesting, judgment, and experience of the certification organi-zation have shown results to be in jeopardy of not complyingwith this standard, the certification organization shall conductmore frequent testing of sample product, components, andmaterials acquired in accordance with agains

44、t the ap-plicable requirements of this standard.4.2.10 The certification organization shall have in place aseries of procedures as specified in Section 4.6 that addressreport(s) of situation(s) in which a compliant product is sub-sequently found to be hazardous.4.2.11 The certification organizations

45、 operating proceduresshall provide a mechanism for the manufacturer to appealdecisions. The procedures shall include the presentation ofinformation from both sides of a controversy to a designatedappeals panel.4.2.12 The certification organization shall be in a position touse legal means to protect

46、the integrity of its name and label.The name and label shall be registered and legally defended.4.3 Inspection and Testing.4.3.1 For both initial certification and recertification of wild-land fire-fighting respirators, the certification organizationshall conduct both inspection and testing as speci

47、fied in thissection.4.3.2 All inspections, evaluations, conditioning, and testingfor certification or for recertification shall be conducted by acertification organizations testing laboratory that is accred-ited in accordance with the requirements of ISO 17025, Gen-eral requirements for the competen

48、ce of testing and calibration labora-tories. The certification organizations testing laboratorysscope of accreditation to ISO 17025, General requirements for thecompetence of testing and calibration laboratories, shall encompasstesting of personal protective equipment. The accreditatio

49、n of a certification organizationstesting laboratory shall be issued by an accreditation body op-erating in accordance with ISO 17011, General requirements foraccreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies.19849CERTIFICATION2016 Edition4.3.3 A certification organization shall be permitted to utilizeconditioning and testing results conducted by a product orcomponent manufacturer for certification or recertificationprovided the manufacturers testing laboratory meets the re-quirements specified in through The manufacturers testing labo


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