NISO TR01-1995 Environmental Guidelines for the Storage of Paper Records《纸质记录存储用环境指南》.pdf

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1、Environmental Guidelines for the Storage of Paper Records Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A. NISO TROL 95 = 6478908 0002388 332 About the NISO Technical Report Series The National Information Standards Organization is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to develop and maintain tec

2、hnical standards for libraries, information services, and publishers. NISO technical reports address a variety of topics that are related to NISOs standardization interests. Conclusions or recommendations do not represent a consensus of the NISO membership and the material presented is not normative

3、 in nature. Questions or comments about the NISO Technical Report Series may be addressed to National information Standards Organization 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300 Bethesda, MD 20814 Telephone: 301-654-2512 Fax: 301-654-1721 To purchase NICO publications contact: NISO Press Fulfil

4、lment P.O. Box 338 Oxon Hill, MD Telephone: 301-567-9522 Fax: 301-567-9553 NISO TROL 95 = 6478908 0002389 279 NISO Technical Report: 1 I NISO-TR01-1995 ISSN: 1081-8006 Environmental Guidelines for the Storage of Paper Records William K. Wilson Abstract: This technical report suggests environmental p

5、arameters that influence the preservation of paper-based records in libraries and archives. Storage parameters addressed include temperature, relative humidity, expo- sure to light, gaseous contaminants, and particulates. Values and procedures for the various parameters are recommended. An appendix

6、provides informa- tion germane to the development of environmental guidelines for storage with a technical summary of information in the literature. A glossary is included. A Technical Report Sponsored by the National Information Standards Organization Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A. NISO TROL 95 6478908

7、 0002390 T0 Published by NISO Pms P.O. Box 1056 Bethesda, Maryland 20827 Copyright 01995 by National Information Standards Organization All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, e

8、lectronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. All inquiries should be addressed to NISO Press, P.O. Box 1056, Bethesda, Maryland 20827. Printed in the United States of America ISBN: 1-

9、880124-21- 1 ISSN: 1081-8006 NISO Technical Report Series This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO 239.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Wilson, William K. (William Kester), 1913- Environmental guidelines for the storage of paper records / Willia

10、m K. Wilson ; a technical report sponsored by the National Information Standards Organization p. cm. - (NISO technical series, ISSN 1081-8006; 1) ISBN 1-880124-21-1 1. Library materialsxonservation and restoration-standards-United States. 2. Archival materials-conservation and restoration-Standards-

11、United States. 3. Paper-Preservation-Standards-United States. 4. Library materials-Storage- Standards-United States. 5. Archival Materials-Storage-Standards-United States. 6. Paper-Storage-Standards-United States. I. National Information Standards Organization (U.S.). II. Title. III. Series. 2701.4.

12、U6W95 1995 025.814620 95235 18 CIP NISO TROL 95 m 6478908 0002372 927 m Foreword This report grew out of work sponsored by NISO to create a national standard to define environmental guidelines for libraries and archives. Agreement could not be reached on the specifics that a standard should address.

13、 However, administrators of libraries and archives and environmental engineers continued to request guidance on this topic. This report is an effort to meet that need by providing some insights into the questions that must be examined in planning an appropriate environment for paper records. Over th

14、e last decade many persons contributed to NISOs exploration of this topic and it is appropriate that their contributions to NISOs work be recognized. The following persons served on the original NISO standards committee on Environmental Guidelines: Paul N. Banks, chairperson; Edmund Winslow; Barclay

15、 W. Ogden; David H. Stam; Philip A. Knachel; and Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler. This committee was reconstituted in 1988 with the following members: William K. Wilson, chairperson; Alan Calmes; Ernest Conrad; Paul Banks; Margaret Byrnes; Susan Lee-Bechtold; Edwin Parks; Chandru Shahani; Gay Walker; and Joh

16、n Waterhouse. NISO extends to these experts its appreciation and thanks for their contributions and support. This report was written by William K. Wilson. For fifteen years Wilson was chief of the Paper Section of the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and Technolo

17、gy). Since his retirement Wilson has been an active contributor to setting national standards for papers for permanent records through the National Archives and the ASTM. The following persons assisted in the final editing of this report: Ed Brandon, retired chief of the Paper Science Department, Mi

18、ami University (Ohio); Ed Parks, National Institute of Standards and Technology (retired); David Erhardt, Smithsonian Conserva- tion Laboratory; and Kitty Nicholson, senior conservator, National Archives and Records Administration. This technical report is the first in the NISO Technical Report Seri

19、es. It is not a national standard and its material is not normative in nature. Comments may be addressed to: National Information Standards Organization, 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300, Bethesda, Maryland 20814. Patricia Harris Executive Director National information Standards Organization Page v .

20、 NISO TROL 95 6478908 O002392 863 NISO TR01-1995 Contents Foreword v Preface vii 1 . Purpose and Scope . 1 1.1 Purpose . 1 1.2 Scope 1 2 . Storage Parameters for Paper Documents 1 2.1 Temperature and Relative Humidity . 1 2.1.1 2.2.1 2.3.1 2.4.1 Suggested Values for Temperature and Relative Humidity

21、 . 1 2.2 Exposure to Light 2 Suggested Guidelines for Exposure to Light 2 2.3 Gaseous Contaminants . 2 Suggested Maximum Levels 3 2.4 Particulates . 3 Removal of Particulates by Air Filtration 3 3 . Monitoring of Control Devices . 3 4 . Building and Facilities . 3 Bibliography . 4 Appendix: Informat

22、ion Germane to the Development of Suggested Environmental Guidelines for the Storage of Paper Records 7 1 . Introduction . 7 2 . Library and Archives Environments . 7 2.2 Microenvironment . 7 2.1 Macroenvironment 7 3 . Effect of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Records 7 3.1 Introduction 7 3.2 E

23、ffect of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Rate of Degradation . 8 3.3 Low Temperature Storage of Paper-Based Records . 9 3.4 Rheological Properties of Book Components . 9 3.6 Effect of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Mold Growth 11 3.5 Temperature and Relative Humidity in Relation to Handli

24、ng of Paper-Based Records . 10 4 . Light 11 5 . Air Contaminants . 12 5.1 Kinds of Contaminants . 12 5.2 Gaseous Contaminants . 12 5.3 Particulates . 12 5.4 Sulfur Dioxide 12 5.5 Oxides of Nitrogen 13 5.6 Ozone 13 (continued) NISO TROL 75 W b478908 O002393 7TT NISO TRO1-1995 (Contents continued) 5.7

25、 Other Contaminants . 13 5.8 Removal of Gaseous Contaminants . 13 5.9 Removal of particulates 13 . . 6 Air Conditioning. Including Energy Considerations 14 6.1 General Considerations 14 6.2 Some Practical Elements of Air Conditioning 15 Temperature and Relative Humidity . 15 6.2.1 6.2.2 Northern Cli

26、mates . 15 6.2.3 Arid Regions 15 6.2.4 Tropical Climates . 15 7 . Building and Facilities . 16 Bibliography . 18 Glossary 19 Tables Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Suggested values for temperature and relative humidity . 2 Comparison of relative degradation rates of paper at various temperatures 8 D

27、ust spot ratings of various filters 14 Use of drift to protect a building and its contents (Example) . 15 Figures Figure 1A Figure 1B Figure 2 Degradation rates of paper at various temperatures and relative humidity values compared with an assumed rate of one at 21C (70F) at 50% relative humidity 10

28、 Degradation rates of paper at various temperatures and relative humidity values compared with an assumed rate of one at 21C (7OOF) at 50% relative humidity . The relative degradation rate scale is about one-twentieth that of Figure 1A 10 Typical filter collection efficiency 14 Page iu NISO TROL 95

29、M 6478908 0002394 636 = NISO TR01-1995 Preface Paper-based records are the foundation of our recorded history. Most of the records of the past are on paper and, in spite of the fact that many recordsnow are computer-based, most records that are expected to last for many years are on paper. The tasko

30、f preservation includes papers with different chemical and physical compositions assembled as books, pamphlets, single sheets in folders, letters, and maps. Paper- based records in archives and libraries may range in age from centuries to days. Most of these records, regardless of condition, have su

31、rvived for only a fraction of their expected lifetime. Experience and research have shown that maintaining an appropriate storage environment can significantly enhance the long-term preservation of library and archives collections. However, the storage environment in a repository may be chosen for r

32、easons of human comfort or cost, not to achieve the preservation of materials. Thus, many systems capable of maintaining a good preser- vation environment are modified for human comfort, to run more cost-efficiently, or to shut down when the building is not occupied. This technical report addresses

33、boundary conditions for temperature, relative humidity, light, airborne particulates, and gaseous contaminants in storage of paper-based records in libraries and archives. The many factors that influence the choice of environmental boundary conditions for a repository include financial resources geo

34、graphic location w facility type (archives, vault, research library, historic house, warehouse) w document value w handling frequency (daily, yearly, century) retention objectives material composition (paper, parchment, photo) w disaster vulnerability pattern of use (exhibit, research, teaching, spe

35、cial showings for visitors) construction of building. for the following reasons: The control of parameters other than temperature in a building is costly. The control of relative humidity is especially problematic, because - a building may not be amenable to relative humidity control, and - the cont

36、rol of relative humidity in the lower range, because of limitations of air-conditioning However, rigid requirements for environmental conditions in archives and libraries are impossible equipment, is limited and costly. w The best environment for paper records is not suitable for people. w Environme

37、ntal damage is different for different records in the same building, for example, - damage to records that are seldom used differs from - damage to records used frequently and exposed to light, such as those in the reference section. This technical report includes basic information on the effect of

38、the environment on records and makes recommendations for general situations. However, because organizations must make decisions based on the realities of the moment, this report serves as a guide, not as a specification. The emphasis is that the development of an adequate environment for storage of

39、records depends first on the adequacy of the physical characteristics of the building itself. William K. Wilson Page vii NISO TROL 95 6478908 0002395 572 NISO TR01-1995 Environmental Guidelines for the Storage of Paper Records 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this technical report is

40、to guide librarians, archivists, engineers, architects, and others involved in the design, construction, reno- vation, and maintenance of buildings that serve as storage repositories for record collections. 1.2 Scope This technical report provides guidelines for the environmental parameters that inf

41、luence the de- terioration of paper-based records housed in a storage repository. Specifically, it suggests mini- mum and/or maximum values for temperature, relative humidity, exposure to light, and the re- moval of gaseous and particulate contaminants. The report is designed so that a user may sele

42、ct specific limits for a particular storage condition or repository. The choice of limits will depend in part on (a) local climatic conditions,( b) consider- ations of human comfort, (c) currently available technology for environmental control systems, (d) constraints of existing buildings, (e) limi

43、ts of constructionmaterials, and (f) cost considerations. The recommendations contained in this techni- cal report primarily address the storage of paper records, but they also take into consideration the storage of animal skins (leather, parchment and vellum) and photographic materials which are ty

44、pically stored in the same space as paper-based records. The body of this technical report includes tech- nical recommendations for environmental param- eters and a summary of the information on which these recommendations are based. Background material used to develop these parameters is based on m

45、any reference publications, and some sup- port material was developed especially for this technical report. The rationale for the creation of this technical report appears in the appendix. 2. Storage Parameters for Paper Storage parameters for paper documents are tem- perature and relative humidity,

46、 exposure to light, gaseous contaminants, and particulates. Documents 2.1 Temperature and Relative Humidity These conclusions are drawn from a review of the literature: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. For chemical stability, the lower the tempera- ture where paper is stored, the better. In usage situatio

47、ns, a compromise must be made between people and records. For storage of paper records with only occa- sional retrieval, a constant temperature within the range from deep-freeze to about 65 OF would be suitable. Fluctuations in temperature increase the deg- radation rate of paper relative to storage

48、 at one temperature (Shahani, Hengemihle, and Weberg 1989). For chemical stability, the lower the relative humidity where paper is stored, the better. For ordinary use, paper may be handled safely around 20% RH. If paper is folded during use, about 30% RH would be safer. It is a matter of degree rat

49、her than kind, but maintaining RH at 40-50% for handling is not necessary. To avoid mold growth, paper, leather, and parchment should be stored at an RH lower than about 55%. The literature is not in agree- ment on this figure; 70% is the value usually given, but lower values have been suggested. To provide a margin of safety, especially as microenvironments tend to vary more than macroenvironments, 55% is suggested. Parchment may safely be stored at 30-50% RH. Forstability, 30% is better, but if parchment has beenstored at 50-60% relative humidity, chang- ing the


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