NISO Z39 20-1999 Criteria for Price Indexes for Printed Library Materials《图书馆印刷资料的价格指数标准》.pdf

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1、STD-NISO Z39-20-ENGL 1999 b478908 0003626 725 9 ANSIINISO 239.20-1999 Criteria for Price Indexes for Printed Library Materials Abstract: The purpose of price indexes for print library materials is to measure as accurately as possible on a periodic basis the extent of price changes. A price index is

2、an economic indicator that in systematic fashion for a period of time and at fixed intervals of time (usually annual) provides for the derivation of average prices and citation of changes in terms of index numbers. Price indexes describe the essential characteristics of various forms of library mate

3、rials (as set forth in the standard) so that the same characteristics are measured periodically. A set of prices indexes is intended to meet administrative needs for budgeting, materials price analysis, and other purposes in libraries and other organizations with similar information needs. Price ind

4、exes represent a standard measurement of the market dynamics of a particular publication type (format) rather than reflecting exact pricing for a specific library, publisher, or situation. An American National Standard Developed by the National Information Standards Organization Approved August 3, 1

5、999 by the American National Standards Institute Published by the National nforrnation Standards Organization Bethesda, Maryland NISO Press, Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A. Published by NISO Press 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300 Bethesda, MD 20814 www .n i so .org Copyright 01 999 by the National Informa

6、tion Standards Organization All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, wit

7、hout prior permission in writing from the publisher. All inquiries should be addressed to NISO Press, 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 2081 4. Printed in the United States of America ISSN: 1041 -5653 National Information Standard Series ISBN: 1-8801 24-46-7 This paper meets the requirem

8、entsof ANSIINISO 239.48-1 992 (R 1997) Permanenceof Paper. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data National Information Standards Organization (U.S.) standardldeveloped by the National Information Standards Organization. p. cm. - (National information standards series, ISSN 1041-5653) Cri

9、teria for price indexes for printed library materials: an American national Includes bibliographical refererences. “ ANSIINISO 239.20-1 999“. ISBN 1-8801 24-46-7 1 , Acquisitions (Libraries)-Costs-Statistical methods Standards-United States. 2. Library materials-Prices-Statistical methods Standards-

10、United States. 3. Books-Prices-Statistical methods Standards-United States. 4. Price indexes Standards-United States. I. Title. II. Series. Z689.5.U6N38 1999 99-21 579 338.4707050973-dc21 CIP Contents Foreword iv 1. Scope and Purpose 1 1 .I Scope . 1 .1 .I 1 .1 .2 Publications Excluded from the Scop

11、e 1 .2 Purpose Publications Included in the Scope . 2. Definitions 2 3. General Soecifications 2 3.1 Definition of Material 3.2 %me Period . 3.3 Country of Publication 3.4 Subject Classification 3.5 Statement of Prices 3.6 Total and Index Populations . 4 3.7 Methodology . 3.8 Price Range Tables . 6

12、4. Specific Guidelines for Selected Library Materials 6 4.1 Price Index for Hardcover Paperback, 4.1.1 Method of Compilation . 4.2 Price Index for Periodicals 4.2.1 Method of Compilation . 5. Text References 8 6. References for Subiect Classification Svstems 9 ANWNISO 239.20-1999 Fore wo rd (This fo

13、reword is not part of the American National Standard Criteria for Price Indexes for Printed Library Materials, ANSIINISO 239.20-1 999. It is included for information only.) The first American National Standard for Criteria for Price Indexes for Library Materials ANSI 239.20-1 974 was published in 19

14、74. A revision was issued in 1983 after four years of deliberation over a variety of concerns in the areas of classification and data collec- tion. In 1991, a revision was drafted by Fred C. Lynden, Rockefeller Library, Brown University, acting as Technical Editor, but consensus approval on that rev

15、ision was not achieved. The current revision committee was established in 1995 to review the standard in light of its primary purpose and use along with those issues that were raised during the previous review process, such as the implications of the increasing number of electronic publications. Ove

16、r the years, this standard has become much misunderstood. It is the desire of the current revision committee that the streamlining of the standards scope and content will serve to alleviate that situation. Contrary to some beliefs, the standard did not in the past, and does not now, provide guidelin

17、es for the conduct of price studies based on a particular disciplines literature, .e., cost studies that attempt to create an equitable comparison across publishers by reducing subscription price to a unit of measure based on cost/page or cost/word or costhumbers of characters or similar cost measur

18、e. The committee wishes to indicate clearly that the standard is a macro-level view of what is happening to the pricing of certain information resources and is not intended to high- light specific publishers or their prices. Further, the committee wishes to emphasize that the prices covered by this

19、standards indexes should be those set for libraries in the United States and not for members of professional societies or individual purchasers. This standards primary purpose has been to provide both a historical and current context so that librarians can make informed budget decisions. For example

20、, the standard can be used when conducting price surveys (versus studies) and projections. Following that frame of reference, it is also apparent that the materials having a major impact on a librarys budget are primarily printed books and journals. Thus, this revision of the standard contracts its

21、scope to include hardcover and paperback books, and periodicals, omitting non-print (electronic) materials, microforms, serials services, and newspapers. With the deletion of these materials from the scope of this revised stan- dard, its focus is reflected in a new title emphasizing select print mat

22、erials. The narrow- ing scope is not intended to diminish in any way the importance of material types not specifically addressed in the criteria. The intention is to provide basic criteria in broad categories that can be easily extrapolated to other more specific material types without developing a

23、highly detailed standard that would have a short shelf life due to rapid changes in the publishing industry. Another important departure from the previous standard is the shift from the use of volume in the criteria for the compilation of price indexes for books to the use of We. The revision commit

24、tee recognizes that using volume counts in price indexes provides a more accurate measurement of per-unit costs, but the criteria were written using title counts in order to reflect the best common practice in use at this time. Most national indexes are currently derived from vendor-supplied data th

25、at report price by title. The consistent use of either title or volume as a unit measure would produce an accurate price index. (continued) Page v Previous page is blank STDaNISO Z39.20-ENGL 1999 m b478908 0003630 15b R ANSVNISO 239.20-1999 Librarians who plan to develop local indexes based on their

26、 institutional data need to recognize the differences between the use of external data, as represented by pub- lished indexes, and those using local data. A published index seeks to represent the overall market dynamic of a segment of publishing, reflecting the general economic movement of prices. T

27、he local index usually seeks to develop data that reflect their own institutional cost experiences, including those costs generally excluded from a pub- lished index, such as discounts or handling/shipping charges. The exclusion of non-print media leads to the question of why the revision committee

28、confined the scope of the standard rather than expanding into the area of electronic information products. It was the general sense of the committee that current pricing models in the area of electronic publishing are premature and too much in a state of flux for an index to be able to accurately me

29、asure price changes across, or even within, formats. With some publishers charging for electronic journals, and others putting forth products for a year or more at no cost, and still others linking the cost of electronic journals to concurrent purchase of the print versions, the committee believed t

30、hat to endorse a comparison among such publications would serve neither the library nor the publishing community well. However, the committee does encourage individual researchers to attempt applications of a price index approach to electronic publications on a local, micro-level versus the broad ma

31、rketplace, so that some experience can be gained during the period that electronic products are in development and pricing models become measurable. Devel- opment of new price indexes based on needs specific to licenses for databases with varying levels of access and prices is encouraged. In anticip

32、ation of creating price indexes for electronic products in the future, the results of such investigations would prove invaluable for this standards next revision process. Finally, the revision committee wishes to emphasize that the standard defines criteria for an index to publishers prices and not

33、to any explicit production costs or perceived user value. It is vitally important that investigators applying this standard make the distinction between the strictly quantitative nature of the standards criteria for indexes and the potential for both quantitative and qualitative approaches in other

34、research efforts. This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the National Information Standards Organization. It was balloted by the NISO Voting Members November 28, 1997 - February 28, 1998. It will next be reviewed in 2004. Suggestions for improving this standard are welcome

35、. They should be sent to the National Informa- tion Standards Organization, 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 2081 4. NISO approval of this standard does not necessarily imply that all Voting Members voted for its approval. At the time it approved this standard, NISO had the following Vo

36、ting Members: NISO Voting Members 3M Jerry Kare1 American Library Association Carlen Ruschoff Richard W. Lindahl (Alt) American Association of Law Libraries American Society for Information Science Kurt Kopp Robert L. Oakley Mary Alice Baish American Chemical Society Robert S. Tannehill, Jr. America

37、n Society of Indexers Marie Kascus Charlotte Skuster (Alt) Page vi STDONIS0 Z39-20-ENGL L999 b478908 0003633 O92 = ANSVNISO 239.20-1 999 NISO Voting Members (continued) American Theological Library Asso ci atio n Myron B. Chace Ameritech Library Services, Academic Patti Pray Amoco Corporation Randy

38、R. Reddemann Armed Forces Medical Library Diane Zehnpfennig Emily Court (Alt) Art Libraries Society of North America David Austin Susan Jurist (Alt) Association for Information and Image Management Marilyn Wright Association of Information and Bruce H. Kiesel Association of Jewish Libraries Pearl Be

39、rger David Giiner (Alt) Association of Research Libraries Duane E. Webster Blue Angel Technologies, Inc. Margaret St. Pierre Jeff Tanara (Alt) CARL Corporation Ward Shaw College Center for Library Automation J. Richard Madaus Ann Armbrister (Alt) Data Research Associates, Inc. Michael J Mellinger Da

40、ta Research Users Group, Inc. Beth F. Anderson EBSCO Information Services Sandra H. Hurd Melanie Watts (Alt) Mary Beth Vanderpoorten (Ait) El sevie r Science Incorporated John Mancia Norman Paskin (Alt) The Faxon Company Alan Nordman Fo I I e tt D. Jeffrey Biumenthai Gaylord Information Systems Jame

41、s English William Schickiing (Alt) GCA Research Institute Norman Scharpf Division Dissemination Centers Geac Computers, Inc. 6.J. Mitchell He w I ett- Pac ka rd Com p a n y LynneSzabo Eugenie Prime (Alt) IBM Tryg Ager Indiana Cooperative Library Services Authority Millard Johnson Dea Szatkowski (Ait

42、) Information Access Company Victoria Gray Innovative Interfaces, Inc. Gerald M. Kline Sandra Westall (Alt) Knight-Ridder Information, Inc. Richard Boulderstone David Loy (Alt) Lexis/Nexis Peter Ryal1 Library Binding Institute Sally Grauer Library of Congress Winston Tabb Sally H. McCallum (Alt) Luc

43、ent Technologies, Inc. M.E. Brennan Medical Library Association Hope Barton Carla J. Funk (Alt) MINITEX Cecelia Boone William DeJohn (Ait) Music Library Association Lenore Coral Geraldine Ostrove (Alt) National Agricultural Library Pamela Q. J. Andre Gary K. McCone (Ait) National Archives and Record

44、s Administration Alari Calmes National Federation of Abstracting and John Schnepp National Library of Medicine Lois Ann Colaianni OCLC, Inc. Donald J. Muccino OhioLINK David Barber PALIN ET James E. Rush Information Services Page vi STDeNISO Z39.20-ENGL 1999 6478908 0003632 T29 = FOREWORD ANWNISO 23

45、9.20-1 999 NISO Voting Members continued) Readmore Academic Services Sandra J. Gurshrnan Amira Aaron (Alt) The Research Libraries Group, Inc. Kathy Bales Wayne Davison (Alt) R. R. Bowker Albert Simmonds R. R. Donnelley 81 Sons, Co. Sidney P. Marland 111 Silverplatter Information Inc. Bradley McLean

46、Denis Lynch (Alt) SIRS, Inc. Leonardo Lazo Harry Kapianian (Alt) Society for Technical Communication Connie Bibus Kevin Burns (Alt) Society of American Archivists Paul Conway Special Libraries Association Marjorie Hlava SU N Y/O C LC Liz Lane UM1 Todd Feagan Jim Tumoio (Alt) US. Department of the Ar

47、my, Paula E. Vincent US. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Office of Information Services He ad q u a rte rs Paul Vassallo US. Department of Defense, Defense Gretchen A. Schlag Gopalakrishnan Nair (Alt) U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technic

48、al Information Nancy Hardin Technical Information Center US. National Commission on Libraries Jane Williams VTLS, Inc. Vinod Chachra West Publishing Company Forrest Rhoads The H.W. Wilson Company George I. Lewicky Ann Case (Alt) Winnebago Software Karen Folstad Carol Blagsvedt (Alt) and Information

49、Science NISO Board of Directors At the time NISO approved this standard, the following individuals served on its Board of Directors: Joel H Baron, Chair The New England Journal of Medicine Michael J. McGill, Immediate Past Chair University of Michigan Medical Center Donald J. Muccino, Vice ChairlChair-elect Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Michael J. Mellinger, Treasurer Data Research Associates, Inc. Patricia R. Harris, Executive Director National Information Standards Organization Directors Representing Libraries Marjorie Hlava Lennie Stove1 The Research Libraries G


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