REG NASA-LLIS-1026-1997 Lessons Learned Aeronautics Technology Research Center Flight Operations Consolidation Delay in Implementation Flight Safety Impacts.pdf

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REG NASA-LLIS-1026-1997 Lessons Learned Aeronautics Technology Research Center Flight Operations Consolidation Delay in Implementation Flight Safety Impacts.pdf_第1页
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REG NASA-LLIS-1026-1997 Lessons Learned Aeronautics Technology Research Center Flight Operations Consolidation Delay in Implementation Flight Safety Impacts.pdf_第2页
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1、Lessons Learned Entry: 1026Lesson Info:a71 Lesson Number: 1026a71 Lesson Date: 1997-02-01a71 Submitting Organization: HQa71 Submitted by: David M. LengyelSubject: Aeronautics Technology Research Center Flight Operations Consolidation/Delay in Implementation/Flight Safety Impacts Description of Drivi

2、ng Event: Consolidation of Flight Operations Research at DFRC was put on Hold by Congressional Mandates and has Caused Workforce/Morale ProblemsLesson(s) Learned: The well-planned consolidation of NASA flight research aircraft at the Dryden Flight Research Center has been put on hold by congressiona

3、l mandates. This uncertain situation has prompted low morale and caused the loss of good people, which could well lead to flight safety problems.Recommendation(s): The well-planned consolidation of NASA flight research aircraft at the Dryden Flight Research Center has been put on hold by congression

4、al mandates. This uncertain situation has prompted low morale and caused the loss of good people, which could well lead to flight safety problems.Evidence of Recurrence Control Effectiveness: NASA is continuing to work with both the Administration and Congress on the consolidation of flight research

5、 aircraft. As always, safety of flight remains the “number one“ priority in all our aircraft operations. We will cancel or postpone missions if staffing attrition or other problems impact operations. Most recently, the Office of Safety and Mission Assurance completed an assessment of aircraft operat

6、ions at the Ames Research Center, where they found “an extremely talented and dedicated group of professionals who are committed to mission success and safety.“ Although staff has been declining, a number of aircraft have been decommissioned, thereby allowing a smaller staff Provided by IHSNot for R

7、esaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-to continue effective and safe operations.Documents Related to Lesson: N/AMission Directorate(s): a71 Exploration Systemsa71 Aeronautics ResearchAdditional Key Phrase(s): a71 Administration/Organizationa71 Aerospace Safety Adv

8、isory Panela71 Aircrafta71 Flight Operationsa71 Human Resources & Educationa71 Policy & PlanningAdditional Info: Approval Info: a71 Approval Date: 2001-11-20a71 Approval Name: Bill Loewya71 Approval Organization: QSa71 Approval Phone Number: 202-358-0528Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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