SAE ARP 5577-2002 Aircraft Lightning Direct Effects Certification《飞机闪电直接影响认证》.pdf

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1、AEROSPACE RECOMMENDED PRACTICEARP5577Issued 2002-09Aircraft Lightning Direct Effects CertificationFOREWORDWhenever a reference document appears in this Recommended Practice, it carries the minimum revision level of the reference document acceptable to meet the intended requirements. Later versions o

2、f the reference document are also acceptable but earlier versions are not acceptable. In all cases, other documents shown to be equivalent to the reference document are also acceptable.TABLE OF CONTENTS1. SCOPE .31.1 Purpose.32. REFERENCES .32.1 U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) and European J

3、oint AirworthinessRequirements (JAR)32.2 Advisory Circulars .32.2.1 FAA Advisory Circulars .32.2.2 Advisory Circulars Joint 52.3 Industry Documents 52.3.1 SAE Publications 52.3.2 Eurocae Publications 52.3.3 RTCA, Inc. Publications 52.4 Definitions and Acronyms .62.4.1 Definitions .62.4.2 Acronyms 63

4、. BACKGROUND7Reaffirmed 2008-03SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any pate

5、nt infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright 2008 SAE International All rights reserved.

6、No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Te

7、l: 724-776-4970 (outside USA) Fax: 724-776-0790 Email: SAE WEB ADDRESS: http:/ SAE ARP5577 - 2 -TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)4. APPROACHES TO COMPLIANCE 74.1 Determine the Lightning Strike Zones for Aircraft .94.2 Establish the Lightning Environment Associated With

8、the Zones.94.3 Perform Lightning Hazard Assessment 94.4 Design Protection in Accordance With Acceptance Criteria .114.5 Verify Compliance .124.6 Determine and Implement Corrective Measures 135. MAINTENANCE AND SURVEILLANCE.14FIGURE 1 Relationship Between Aircraft Environment, Zoning and Testing 4FIG

9、URE 2 Route to Compliance8SAE ARP5577 - 3 -1. SCOPE:This document provides guidance for a means of showing compliance with regulations for protection against lightning direct effects for aircraft of conventional design, as well as for those involving advanced composite structures or other new techno

10、logies. This guidance also applies to those aspects of aircraft systems and components not addressed in the regulations covering the protection of electrical/electronic systems (for example, FAR/JAR xx.1316) or fuel systems (for example, xx.954). The guidance provided in this document applies to ini

11、tial designs as well as modifications.1.1 Purpose:The purpose of this document is to provide information and guidance concerning an acceptable means, but not the only means, of compliance with Parts 23, 25, 27, and 29 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) and Joint Aviation Regulations (JAR), ap

12、plicable to aircraft for protection against the direct effects of lightning. Accordingly, this material is neither mandatory nor regulatory in nature and does not constitute a regulation. In lieu of following this method, the applicant may elect to establish an alternate method of compliance that is

13、 acceptable to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)/Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) for complying with the requirements of Sections 23.867, 25.581, 27.610, (a) and 29.610(a), (b) and (c).NOTE: This material does not explicitly cover fuel systems as required by FAR/JAR 23.954, 25.954, 27.954 an

14、d 29.954 or electrical/electronic systems as defined in 23.1309(e) 25.1316, 27.1309(d) and 29.1309(h).This document is one of several documents related to the effects of lightning on aircraft. Figure 1 shows the relationship between the external environment, zoning of the aircraft, and testing requi

15、rements.2. REFERENCES:2.1 U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) and European Joint Airworthiness Requirements (JAR):Federal Aviation Regulations 14 CFR Parts 23.867, 25.581, 27.610, and 29.610Joint Aviation Requirements Parts 25.X899, 23.867, 25.581, 27.610, and 29.6102.2 Advisory Circulars:2.2.1

16、FAA Advisory Circulars: The following documents can be obtained from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Subsequent Distribution Office, Ardmore East Business Center, 3341 Q 75th Avenue, Landover, MD 20785.AC 23.1309-1C Equipment, Systems, and InstallationsAC 25.1309-1A System Design and Analysis

17、AC 25.571-1C Damage Tolerance and Fatigue Evaluation of StructureAC 27-1B Certification of Normal Category RotorcraftAC 29-2C Certification of Transport Category RotorcraftSAE ARP5577 - 4 -FIGURE 1 - Relationship Between Aircraft Environment, Zoning, and TestingSAE ARP5577 - 5 -2.2.2 Advisory Circul

18、ars Joint:ACJ 25X899 Electrical Bonding and protection Against Lightning and Static ElectricityACJ 29.610 Lightning and Static Electricity ProtectionACJ 25.581 Lightning Protection2.3 Industry Documents:2.3.1 SAE Publications: The following documents can be obtained from Society of Automotive Engine

19、ers (SAE), 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 ( Aircraft Lightning Zoning StandardARP5412 Aircraft Lightning Environment and Related Test WaveformsDraft ARP5416 Aircraft Lightning Test MethodsARP5415 Users Manual for Certification of Aircraft Electrical/Electronic

20、Systems for the Indirect Effects of Lightning2.3.2 Eurocae Publications: The following documents can be obtained from EUROCAE, 17, rue Hamelin, 75116 Paris ( ED-14D “Environmental Conditions and Test procedures for Airborne Equipment”, Section 23 “Lightning Direct Effects”, d

21、ated July, 1997EUROCAE ED-91 Aircraft Lightning Zoning Standard”, Rev A1, dated September, 1999EUROCAE ED-84 “Aircraft Lightning Environment and Related Test Waveforms”, Rev A1, dated May, 2001EUROCAE Draft ED-105 “Aircraft Lightning Test Methods”2.3.3 RTCA, Inc. Publications: The following document

22、s can be obtained from RTCA, Inc., 1140 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 1020, Washington, DC 20036-4001( “Environmental Conditions and Test procedures for Airborne Equipment”, Section 23 “Lightning Direct Effects”, dated July, 1997SAE ARP5577 - 6 -2.4 Definitions and Acronyms

23、:2.4.1 Definitions: The following are definitions of terms as they are utilized in this document.DIRECT EFFECTS: Any physical effects to the aircraft and or equipment due to the direct attachment of the lightning channel and/or conduction of lightning current. This includes dielectric puncture, blas

24、ting, bending, melting, burning and vaporization of aircraft or equipment surfaces and structures. It also includes directly injected voltages and current in associated wiring, plumbing, and other conductive components. Direct effects also include shock and flash blindness to personnel.EXTERNAL LIGH

25、TNING ENVIRONMENT: Characterization of the natural lightning environment for design and certification purposes.LIGHTNING CHANNEL: The ionized path through the air along which the lightning current pulse passes.LIGHTNING STRIKE: Any attachment of the lightning flash to aircraft.LIGHTNING STRIKE ZONES

26、: Aircraft surface areas and structures classified according to the possibility of lightning attachment, dwell time and current conduction.2.4.2 Acronyms: The following are acronyms of terms as they are utilized in this document.AC Advisory CircularACJ Advisory Circular JointAMJ Advisory Material Jo

27、intARP Aerospace Recommended PracticeCFR Code of Federal RegulationsEUROCAE European Organization for Civil Aviation EquipmentFAA Federal Aviation AdministrationFAR Federal Aviation RegulationJAA Joint Aviation AuthoritiesJAR Joint Aviation RequirementsMG Maintenance GuidelinesSAE Society of Automot

28、ive EngineersSAE ARP5577 - 7 -3. BACKGROUND:Aircraft structure and components may be vulnerable to lightning hazards. Aircraft which utilize an increasing number of structural materials that are non-conductive or of low conductivity are currently being and will continue to be certified, reinforcing

29、the need for better formalization and guidance on compliance methods.Lightning direct effects are any physical effects to the aircraft and/or equipment due to the direct attachment of the lightning channel to the aircraft and/or conduction of lightning current. This includes dielectric puncture, bla

30、sting, bending, melting, burning and vaporization of surfaces and structures. It also includes directly injected voltages and current in wiring, plumbing, control cables and other conductive components. Other effects can also include shock effects and flash blindness to personnel.This document provi

31、des approaches to compliance based on lightning environment and lightning interaction with aircraft as defined in ARP5412/ED-84. Due to the lightning attachment process, not all locations on an aircraft are exposed to the same lightning environment components. To optimize lightning protection, the a

32、ircraft will, therefore, be divided into different lightning strike zones as defined in ARP5414/ED-91. These zones will then be protected against their applicable lightning environment.4. APPROACHES TO COMPLIANCE:The following six activities are elements of an iterative process for certification of

33、aircraft with respect to direct effects of lightning (see Figure 2). The order of activities, and the iterative application of them for a particular situation, is left to the applicant and strict adherence to the order in the list is not intended.1. Determine the lightning strike zones for aircraft

34、(see 4.1).2. Establish the lightning environment associated with the zones (see 4.2).3. Perform Lightning Hazard Assessment. Determine aircraft structure, systems and components safety classifications and make a Lightning Hazard Assessment to review the design of the aircraft and its systems and com

35、ponents to identify lightning direct effects and their potential hazards (see 4.3).4. Design protection in accordance with acceptance criteria (see 4.4).5. Verify Compliance (see 4.5).6. Determine and implement corrective measures (see 4.6).These activities are described in more detail in the follow

36、ing paragraphs.SAE ARP5577 - 8 -FIGURE 2 - Route to Compliance4. (Continued):Experience has shown, particularly on aircraft with novel structure or components, that submittal of a lightning certification plan early in the aircraft program is desirable. Regulatory authority concurrence with this cert

37、ification plan should be obtained. This plan is beneficial to both the applicant and the regulatory authorities because it identifies and defines acceptable resolution of critical issues early in the certification process.SAE ARP5577 - 9 -4.1 Determine the Lightning Strike Zones for Aircraft:Not all

38、 voltage waveforms and current components of the external lightning environment are applicable everywhere on an aircraft. Lightning strike zones are the means by which the external lightning environment is applied to each part of an aircraft. The locations of these zones on any aircraft are dependen

39、t on the aircrafts geometry, and operational factors and often vary from one aircraft type to another. Therefore, a set of lightning zones must be established for each aircraft type. Guidance for location of the lightning strike zones on a particular aircraft is given in ARP5414/ED-91.Zones 1A, 1B,

40、1C, 2A and 2B are surfaces where lightning channels are likely to attach. Structures that lie within or between these surfaces must conduct lightning currents between lightning entry and exit locations. These structures are in Zone 3. Generally, structures in Zone 3 must be capable of conducting all

41、 of the lightning current components.4.2 Establish the Lightning Environment Associated With the Zones:The external lightning environment is represented by synthesized waveforms of the lightning current components at the aircraft surface, and voltage waveforms that represent the effects of electric

42、fields associated with the pre-lightning attachment phase. These waveforms and their applications in each lightning strike zone are provided in ARP5412/ED-84.4.3 Perform Lightning Hazard Assessment:The effect of lightning on all aircraft structures, systems and components must be evaluated to determ

43、ine the possible safety consequences of any lightning damage. This evaluation should identify aircraft structure, systems and components whose failure or malfunction due to a lightning strike could contribute to or lead to catastrophic effects either immediately or after some delay. Based on this sa

44、fety evaluation the aircraft structure, systems and components classified with lightning related failure or malfunction must be shown to comply with the lightning regulations.The aircraft structural classification performed for damage tolerance and fatigue evaluation may be used to support the light

45、ning safety classification. For transport category airplanes the aircraft structure classification for damage tolerance and fatigue evaluation is typically performed to comply with 14 CFR 25.571 and the associated AC 25.571-1C. For transport helicopters, a similar structural classification is perfor

46、med to comply with 14 CFR 29.571. Principal structural elements are identified as part of these regulations. According to AC 25.571-1C, a principal structural element is one that contributes significantly to the carrying of flight, ground, or pressurization loads, and whose integrity is essential in

47、 maintaining the structural integrity of the airplane. AC 29-2C, MG-11 provides a similar definition for principal structural elements on rotorcraft, and provides examples of rotorcraft principal structural elements.SAE ARP5577 - 10 -4.3 (Continued):Lightning related damage to other aircraft structu

48、re, systems and components required for aircraft control may contribute to catastrophic failures or malfunctions as a result of lightning effects. The safety classification process should consider structural elements such as control surfaces, where lightning damage could cause loss of control effect

49、iveness or control surface flutter. Other control system components such as control cables, push rods, actuators, hinges, and helicopter rotor transmissions should be assessed to consider the failure effects from lightning. Externally mounted components such as antennas and radomes should be considered, if the failure of these components could cause structural damage to adjacent principal structure or engines.Aircraft structure, systems and components that are subject to conducted lightning, as well as direct lightning attachment, should also be incl


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