SAE AS 1354-2016 Individual Inflatable Life Preserver.pdf

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2、U SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be revised, reaffirmed, stabilized, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright 2016 SAE International All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a ret

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4、 SAE WEB ADDRESS: http:/ SAE values your input. To provide feedback on this Technical Report, please visit http:/ AEROSPACE STANDARD AS1354 Issued 2016-02 Individual Inflatable Life Preserver RATIONALE ARP1354A has been revised as AS

5、1354 at the request of the FAA. This Aerospace Standard was developed to update design and performance requirements for individual life preservers. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SCOPE 4 2. REFERENCES 4 2.1 Applicable Documents 4 2.1.1 SAE Publications . 4 2.1.2 ASTM Publications 4 2.1.3 RTCA Publications 4 2

6、.1.4 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) . 4 2.1.5 FAA Publications . 4 2.1.6 U.S. Government Publications 5 2.1.7 U.S. Department of Health i.e., they shall have had no experience using a life preserver or specific equipment to be tested, and they shall not have viewed or talked with other persons pe

7、rforming the same or similar activities. SAE INTERNATIONAL AS1354 Page 7 of 24 TEST SUBJECT CHARACTERISTICS: Refers only to weight and height, except as otherwise indicated. The values for each characteristic are a composite of those reported in the latest studies referenced in 2.1.7, 2.1.8, and 2.1

8、.9. Test Subjects are nominally defined as follows: A 5th percentile female is no more than 60 inches (1.5 m) tall and weighs no more than 113.2 pounds (51.4 kg) with a head circumference not greater than 20.67 inches (52.5 cm). A 5th percentile male is no more than 65 inches (1.7 m) tall and weighs

9、 no more than 140.9 pounds (63.9 kg). A 50th percentile female is 63 to 64 inches (1.6 m) tall and weighs 142 to 155.8 pounds (64.4 to 70.7 kg). A 50th percentile male is 69 to 70 inches (1.8 m) tall and weighs 175 to 188.8 pounds (79.4 to 85.6 kg). A 95th percentile female is at least 68 inches (1.

10、7 m) tall and weighs at least 205 pounds (93.0 kg). A 95th percentile male is at least 73.7 inches (1.9 m) tall and weighs at least 243.9 pounds (110.7 kg) with a head circumference of at least 23.79 inches (60.4 cm). TORSO: The human body, excluding head, neck, and limbs. 2.4 Mandating and Recommen

11、ding Words SHALL indicates a mandatory criterion. SHOULD indicates a criterion for which an alternative, including noncompliance, may be applied if it is documented and justified. 3. DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Tests and measurements performed to demonstrate compliance with this standard sha

12、ll be conducted with equipment calibrated according to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) specifications, using standards and references traceable to a recognized national authority (e.g., National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST). The description of test results shall include the

13、 accuracy and precision of the measurement(s), e.g., measured in 5 pound increments with accuracy of 0.10 pounds. All tests requiring timing shall use time encoded video. Demonstration life preservers that are only appearance-correct models used by a crew member to show passengers how to don and ope

14、rate the life preserver, but are not intended to be functional, do not need to meet the performance or test requirements of this standard. Demonstration life preservers should be marked accordingly. 3.1 Reversibility The life preserver shall perform its intended function when reversed (front versus

15、back side of life preserver), unless its design precludes improper donning. Markings indicating reversibility and/or proper donning orientation shall be included on both sides of the life preserver, in accordance with marking requirements in 3.18. 3.2 Compartmentalization The inflatable life preserv

16、er may have one or two separate gas tight flotation chambers. Each flotation chamber shall be shown to comply with the requirements in 3.5. 3.3 Chafing and Abrasion The flotation chambers shall be protected such that component parts do not cause chafing or abrasion of the material in both the packed

17、 and inflated conditions. SAE INTERNATIONAL AS1354 Page 8 of 24 3.4 Buoyancy The life preserver shall be shown to provide a buoyant force not less than that required in Table 1. The buoyant force of the life preserver is equal to the weight of the volume of the fresh water displaced by the life pres

18、erver when totally submerged. Buoyancy shall be demonstrated using only the standard gas reservoirs required in starting from a vacuum flat unit. Table 1 - Minimum buoyant force Category of Life Preserver Weight of Wearer (lb/kg) Minimum Buoyant Force in Fresh Water at 70 F 5 F (21.1 C 2.8 C

19、) (lb/N) Adult Above 90/40.82 35/155.69 Adult-Child Combination 35/15.88 and above 35/155.69 Adult-Child-Infant (Universal) Under 35/15.88 to above 90/40.82 35/155.69 Child 35/15.88 to 90/40.82 25/111.21 Infant-Small Child Under 35/15.88 20/88.96 3.5 Inflation 3.5.1 Oral Inflation Means With the exc

20、eption of infant-small child life preservers, a means shall be provided by which the wearer can inflate each flotation chamber by blowing into a mouthpiece in accordance with the instructions provided on the life preserver. The PRXWKSLHFHIRURUDOLQIODWLRQVKDOOEHUHDGLODYDLODEOHWRWKHZHDUHUZLWKRXWLQWHU

21、IHULQJZLWKWKHZHDUHUVIDFHRUERG7K e oral inflation means shall be readily available to assisting persons. Oral Inflation Valve The opening pressure of the oral inflation valve, with no backpressure applied, shall not exceed 0.44 lb/in2 gage (psig) (3.03 kPa). The oral infla

22、tion valve shall not leak when back pressure is applied throughout the range from 0 to 10 psig (0 to 68.95 kPa). Oral Inflation Means Attachment The attachment of the oral inflation means to the flotation chamber shall be shown not to fail when a 100 pound (45.36 kg) tension load i

23、s applied to the inflation means outwardly from and perpendicular to the surface of the flotation chamber for at least 3 seconds. An adapter having an inside diameter at least 0.75 inches (19.05 mm) larger than the outside diameter of the oral inflation means attachment shall be used to su

24、pport the flotation chamber fabric during load application. 3.5.2 Manual Inflation Means A means shall be provided by which the wearer, or the person assisting a child or infant-small child wearer, may manually activate the release of stored gas to inflate each flotation chamber of the life preserve

25、r. Manual Inflation Gas Reservoir A reservoir containing a non-flammable, compressed gas shall be provided for each flotation chamber of the life preserver. Carbon dioxide (CO2) cylinders complying with AS6011 or equivalent are acceptable, as are cylinders having different sizes and fill wei

26、ghts that comply with all other requirements of AS6011. SAE INTERNATIONAL AS1354 Page 9 of 24 For life preservers intended to be fully or partially donned before flight but require additional procedures to complete the donning process prior to operation; a means to prevent the inflation cylinder fro

27、m loosening and coming out of the inflator shall be incorporated. A visual indicator that allows for easy inspection that the inflation system is ready to function shall be included. Manual Inflation Activation Means Activation of gas release shall be achievable by either hand, usi

28、ng a single downward pull of a red-colored pull-tab/knob/ball, having rounded edges, attached to the gas release mechanism. The top edge of each tab/knob/ball shall extend 1.5 to 3 inches (38.1 to 76.2 mm) below the bottom edge of the donned life preserver. The downward force necessary to operate th

29、e gas release mechanism shall not exceed 15 pounds (6.8 kg). The activation means shall be shown not to fail or separate when it is subjected to a 60 pound (27.2 kg) pull for at least 3 seconds. For activation means that are designed to separate from the gas release mechanism, the pull tab

30、/knob/ball assembly shall withstand a 30 pound (13.6 kg) pull for at least 3 seconds without failure. The gas release mechanism shall be shown to withstand a hydrostatic pressure of not less than 1.5 times the working pressure of the gas cylinder at 70 F 5 F (21.1 C 2.8 C) or 1500 psig (10

31、342.1 kPa), whichever is greater, without deformation or leakage. The mechanism shall not leak when subjected to 2 psig (13.79 kPa) back pressure and shall not lose more than 0.5 psig (3.45 kPa) when subjected to 40 psig (275.79 kPa) back pressure for at least 30 seconds. The inflation val

32、ve in the gas release mechanism shall allow a minimum gas flow of 0.14 ft3 (4 L) per minute at 40 psig (275.79 kPa) inlet pressure. The valve shall not leak when subjected to a vacuum of 12 inches of water (2.99 kPa) applied so as to reduce the seating spring pressure and with atmospheric pressure o

33、n the other side. Manual Activation Means Attachment The attachment of the manual inflation means to the flotation chamber shall be shown not to fail when a 250 pound (113.4 kg) tension load is applied outwardly from and perpendicular to the surface of the chamber for at least 3 se

34、conds. An adapter having an inside diameter at least 0.75 inches (19.05 mm) larger than the outside diameter of the manual inflation means attachment shall be used to support the flotation chamber fabric during load application. 3.6 Overpressure With the flotation chamber(s) orally inflate

35、d, the flotation chamber(s) shall not burst or deflate when the manual inflation means are activated. This shall be demonstrated in accordance with the procedure in 5.1.2. 3.7 Temperature 3.7.1 Operational Temperature Range The life preserver shall be capable of satisfactory inflation and pressure r

36、etention after exposures to temperature extremes of -40 F (-40 C) and +140 F (60 C), demonstrated in accordance with the Operational Temperature Range test procedure in 5.2.1. 3.7.2 Extreme Temperature Exposure The life preserver shall be capable of satisfactory inflation and pressure retention afte

37、r exposures to temperature extremes of -60 F (-51.1 C) and +160 F (71 C) and then returned to an ambient temperature of 70 F 5 F (21.1 C 2.8 C). This shall be demonstrated in accordance with the Extreme Temperature Range test procedure in 5.2.2. SAE INTERNATIONAL AS1354 Page 10 of 24 3.8 Deflation A

38、 means shall be provided by which the wearer or a person assisting the wearer can deflate each flotation chamber. Use of the deflation means shall not preclude subsequent re-inflation of the flotation chamber by either oral or manual activation means. Inadvertent deflation of the flotation chamber o

39、r deliberate deflation by the wearer of an infant-small child preserver shall be prevented. 3.9 Donning Donning tests shall be performed to show compliance with design requirements and comprehensibility of markings. The procedure for donning the life preserver shall be simple and obvious such that i

40、t can be rapidly donned by an untrained person without any assistance. This shall be demonstrated in accordance with the test criteria and procedures in 5.3. For the adult and adult-child category, it shall be demonstrated that at least 75% of the total number of test subjects, and at least 60% of t

41、he test subjects in each age group specified in 5.3.1, can don the life preserver within 25 seconds, unassisted, starting with WKHIROGHGOLIHSUHVHUYHURQWKHWHVWSDUWLFLSDQWVODS,WPXVWDOVREHGHPRQVWU DWHGWKDWDQDGXOWXQDVVLVWHGFDQinstall an appropriate life preserver on another adult or child within 30 seco

42、nds. For the child and infant-small child, it shall be demonstrated that at least 60% of five adult test subjects of both sexes between the ages of 20 and 40, unassisted, can install a child life preserver on a child weighing between 35 and 90 pounds (15.88 and 40.82 kg) and an infant-small child li

43、fe preserver on a child dummy within 90 seconds, unassisted, starting with the folded life preserver. The donning-time test does not apply to constant wear life preservers that are intended to be fully donned by the wearer while onboard the aircraft. The donning-time test does apply to constant wear

44、 life preservers that are intended to be partially donned by the wearer while onboard the aircraft and require an additional donning procedure prior to inflating the life preserver or entering the water. For these partially donned life preserver designs, the test shall begin with the life preserver

45、in the partially donned condition. 3.10 Retention The means of retaining the life preserver on the wearer for an adult, adult-child, and child life preserver shall require that the wearer secure no more than one attachment and make only one adjustment for fit. This requirement does not apply to cons

46、tant wear life preservers. The retention means shall not make use of knots. Partially donned life preservers shall not require the wearer to secure more than one attachment or make more than one adjustment for fit after the life preserver is partially donned. The means of retaining the life preserve

47、r shall be shown to be operable with chilled/gloved hands within 5 seconds (e.g., fastening/unfastening buckles, snaps, etc.) and shall not require any action to secure other than fastening and fit adjustment (e.g., removal of rubber bands, unfastening of attachment points). This requirement does not apply to constant wear life preservers. The adult, adult-child, and child category life preserver shall remain inflated, s

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