SAE AS 8034B-2011 Minimum Performance Standard for Airborne Multipurpose Electronic Displays《机载多用途电子显示屏的最低性能标准》.pdf

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SAE AS 8034B-2011 Minimum Performance Standard for Airborne Multipurpose Electronic Displays《机载多用途电子显示屏的最低性能标准》.pdf_第1页
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1、_SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising theref

2、rom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright 2011 SAE International All rights reserved. No part of this publication ma

3、y be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: +1 724-776-4970 (outside US

4、A) Fax: 724-776-0790 Email: SAE WEB ADDRESS: http:/www.sae.orgSAE values your input. To provide feedback on this Technical Report, please visit http:/ REV. B Issued 1982-12 Reaffirmed 1993-05 Revised 2011-06Supersed

5、ing AS8034A (R) Minimum Performance Standard for Airborne Multipurpose Electronic Displays RATIONALEThe original AS8034 document specified minimum performance standards for Electronic Displays which, at the time of publication, included only Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) displays. The AS8034A revision upda

6、ted the minimum performance standards to include specific performance standards for Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) not covered in the originally published document. The current revision, AS8034B, contains clarification on the scope of applicable types of electronic displays, updated references as wel

7、l as specific updates to the general minimum performance standards for electronic displays identified in Section 3, specific performance standards for LCDs in Section 4.5, and some clarification to CRT specific minimum performance standards in Section 4.4. This document was developed by the SAE A-4

8、Electronic Display committee and supersedes AS8034 and AS8034A.TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SCOPE 52. REFERENCES 62.1 Applicable Documents 62.1.1 SAE Publications . 62.1.2 CIE (Commisions Internationale de lEclairage) Publications. 62.1.3 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) . 62.1.4 EIA Publications 72.1.5 FA

9、A Publications . 72.1.6 RTCA/EUROCAE Publications . 72.1.7 VESA Publications 72.2 Related Publications . 72.2.1 SAE Publications . 72.2.2 FAA Publications . 72.2.3 RTCA/EUROCAE Publications . 82.2.4 U. S. Government Publications . 82.3 Definitions . 83. GENERAL STANDARDS 83.1 Material . 83.2 Workman

10、ship 83.3 Compatibility of Components 83.4 Interchangeability 83.5 Accessibility of Controls 93.6 Self-Test Capability . 9Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAENot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SAE AS8034B Page 2 of 313.7 E

11、ffect of Tests . 93.8 Malfunctions color banding and color fringing are examples of color anomalies. Anomalies are especially visible in dynamic images and may not be visible in static images. The extent of the anomaly is dependent on many factors including the size, shape, and arrangement of the di

12、splay shall have no matrix anomalies which cause distraction or erroneous interpretation. This shall be assessed with both static and dynamic formats.Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAENot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-S

13、AE AS8034B Page 13 of 314.2.8.2 Symbol Motion Display symbology that is in motion (translation and/or rotation) should not have distracting jitter, jerkiness, or ratcheting effects. Dynamic symbols should maintain luminance (per 4.3.2), contrast, color, line width, and symbol quality characteristics

14、 independent of their rate of motion. Pointers and bar graphs should be designed with built in hysteresis or smoothing of the displayed value such that when a constant or near constant value of a parameter is to be displayed, objectionable motion is eliminated. 4.2.9 Crosstalk Crosstalk shall not be

15、 readily apparent or distracting. 4.2.10 Image Retention Undesired afterimages that persist on the display should not be readily discernible day or night, should not be distracting, and shall not cause an erroneous interpretation of the display. 4.2.11 Defects Visible defects on the display surface

16、(such as failed-ON or failed-OFF elements, rows, or columns, etc.) should not be distracting and shall not cause an erroneous interpretation of the display. Defects which are not visible with any operational format from the minimum viewing distance are acceptable. Failed-ON Row/Columns (Mat

17、rix Display) No failed-ON row/columns shall be allowed on the display. Failed-OFF Row/Columns (Matrix Display) Depending on resolution, mode, color, and format, there may be failed-OFF row/column defects which are neither distracting nor cause erroneous interpretation. In no case shall a fa

18、iled-OFF row/column cause any loss of expected information or erroneous interpretation. If a failed-OFF row/column is in an unused area (format dependent) or is orthogonal to other depicted lines, it may never be detected by the flightcrew. Element Failures Beyond the requirements of 4.2.11,

19、, and, the number of acceptable element failures is an aesthetic issue not a safety of flight issue. Failed-OFF elements and failed-ON blue elements are much less objectionable than failed-ON red, green, or white elements. Clusters of failed elements are more objectionable than tho

20、se widely separated. The number of acceptable defects is dependent on the format. Any segment failure on a segmented display shall constitute an unacceptable display (unless there are redundant segments). Section 7.37 defines segmented display.4.2.12 Multiple Images When illuminated with light not n

21、ormal to the display surface, for example sun shafting illumination, transflective or reflective liquid crystal displays can produce multiple images of displayed information. The multiple images formed should not be distracting and shall not cause erroneous interpretation of displayed data. 4.3 Gene

22、ral Photocolorimetric Characteristics 4.3.1 Ambient Illumination Characteristics The display symbology shall be readable and/or discernible throughout the viewing envelope under all ambient illumination levels ranging from 1.1 lx (0.1 ft-c) to sun-shafting illumination of 86 100 lx (8000 ft-c) incid

23、ence on the face ofthe display and provide rapids eye adaptation for transitions from forward field of view luminance levels of up to 34 300 cd/m2 (10 000 fL). Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAENot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from

24、 IHS-,-,-SAE AS8034B Page 14 of 314.3.2 Luminance Characteristics Luminance: The display luminance shall be sufficient to provide a usable display under the maximum ambient illumination. Manual Luminance Control The display system shall have capability for manual luminance control. Au

25、tomatic Luminance Control If the display system has automatic luminance compensation, the operation of this compensation shall function so that the system meets the requirements of 4.3.1 under changing flight deck ambient light levels. Manual luminance control shall not be adversely affected by fail

26、ure of the automatic luminance control. Luminance Tracking When the luminance of the display is varied between maximum and minimum, the relative luminance of all displayed information shall remain visually consistent. In no case shall any critical symbols or characters become invisible at th

27、e minimum luminance setting while other characters or symbols are visible. Luminance Uniformity The luminance uniformity of the display shall be sufficient to prevent hazardously distracting conditions or erroneous interpretation of information. 4.3.3 Luminance and Color Discrimination Under

28、 the conditions in 4.2.1 displayed information shall have sufficient luminance contrast and/or color difference to discriminate between the following as applicable: a. Between symbols (including characters and/or lines) and the background (ambient or generated) on which they are overlayed.b. Between

29、 various symbols, characters and lines. This shall also include when they overlay ambient or generated backgrounds.c. Between the generated backgrounds and ambient backgrounds. d. Between the generated backgrounds of various specified colors. In all cases the luminance contrast and/or color differen

30、ces between all symbols, characters, lines, or all backgrounds shall be sufficient to preclude confusion or ambiguity as to information content of any displayed information. When operationally relevant, the color of the information shall be identifiable (e.g., if colors are used for alerting). The m

31、anufacturers shall specify the ambient illumination level and illuminate characteristic for which this requirement is met, The minimum ambient illumination requirement is specified in section 4.3.1. NOTE: It is not recommended to place a symbol on a background of equal luminance regardless of color

32、differences. Saturated colors are not recommended to be used for background; saturated colors should be saved for smaller items such as symbols, icons, targets, etc. Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAENot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without licens

33、e from IHS-,-,-SAE AS8034B Page 15 of 314.3.4 Color Where multiple colors are used to enhance discrimination, the use of color shall result in no erroneous or ambiguous interpretation of the displayed information. In no case should colors be selected which conflict with the requirements of 4.3.3.In

34、general, color should not be used as the only coding dimension. Other coding dimensions such as shape, location, bold, boxed, or highlighting should be used as redundant coding.Displays intended to be installed in all types of aircraft (Part 23, 25, 27, and 29) shall meet the requirements in 14 CFR

35、25.1322 and the guidance in AC 25.1322. Displays intended to be installed in only in Part 23, 27, or 29 aircraft may not be required to meet 14 CFR 25.1322 and the associated AC, but shall meet the requirements in 14 CFR 2X.1322 and shall have appropriate wording in the limitations section of the in

36、stallation instructions. NOTE: Approximately nine percent of the population has some sort of color vision deficiency (what is commonly called “color blindness”). It should also be noted that the FAA does not test for all potential color deficiencies. Color Uniformity The color difference bet

37、ween any symbols of the same color located at any position within the useful display area (see definition section) shall result in no ambiguity or an incorrect identification of an assigned color over the entire range of luminance control.4.4 CRT: This section applies only if the display is a CRT.4.

38、4.1 Luminance Uniformity The luminance of a given symbol, line, character, or generated background shall not vary more than: a. 30% when located within the useful display area, or b. 20% when located within the central 80% of the useful display area. These requirements apply for any luminance contro

39、l setting. Under night lighting conditions with the display brightness set at the lowest usable level for flight all symbology, all flags,and annunciations shall be adequately visible.NOTE: The lowest usable level is not the same as the lowest level on some display systems. 4.4.2 Convergence When a

40、display element is a composite of multiple traces (such as multiple guns of a shadow mask CRT, or alternate fields of a beam penetration CRT), the beam centers shall be converged. This convergence value at any point shall be within the average of the line widths of the respective traces at that poin

41、t. This requirement applies over the useful display area for all symbol intensity settings. When a display element is comprised of two or more closely spaced traces (such as raster generated symbology) the primary gun beam centers shall be converged. This convergence value shall be within one displa

42、y line width or 0.7 milliradians, whichever is greater, when viewed from within the manufacturers specified design eye position viewing envelope.In no case shall misconvergence cause a line, symbol, or character color or form to be ambiguous. Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license

43、 with SAENot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SAE AS8034B Page 16 of 314.5 LCD This section applies only if the display is an LCD .4.5.1 Luminance Information should be readable over a wide range of ambient illumination under all foreseeable conditions r

44、elative to the operating environment, including but not limited to:x Direct sunlight on the display x Sunlight through a front window illuminating white shirts (reflections) x Sun above the forward horizon and above a cloud deck in a flightcrew members eyes x Night and/or dark environment Ma

45、ximum Luminance, Transmissive Displays With manual and automatic luminance controls at maximum, the average white symbol luminance across the useful display area shall be at least 257 cd/m2 (75 fL) when measured from within the design eye position viewing envelope in a dark ambient. The maximum whit

46、e symbol luminance shall be at least 171 cd/m2 (50 fL) anywhere on the useful display area under static conditions (e.g., when the display is not changing) and dynamic conditions. (e.g., when the display is changing such as when the compas card is rotating). This luminance requirement is based on a

47、0.6 milliradians line width. Larger line widths and filled areas will require less luminance to provide the same apparent brightness. Conversely, smaller line widths will require more luminance for the same apparent brightness. Refer to ARP4256, for additional guidance on apparent brightness

48、 as a function of line width. Maximum luminance required for a given display to be considered usable is also a function of the display installation location. The above luminance requirements are based on requirements for primary instrumentation located under the glare shield and are minimum performance requirements. Other installation positions that are closer to the forward-field-of-view ambient luminance, such as on the glare shield, may require greater luminance levels for equal readability and


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