SAE J 1488-2010 Emulsified Water Fuel Separation Test Procedure《乳化水 油分离试验规程》.pdf

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1、_ SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising there

2、from, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright 2010 SAE International All rights reserved. No part of this publication m

3、ay be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: +1 724-776-4970 (outside U

4、SA) Fax: 724-776-0790 Email: SAE WEB ADDRESS: http:/www.sae.orgSAE values your input. To provide feedbackon this Technical Report, please visit http:/ OCT2010 Issued 1985-06 Revised 2010-10Supers

5、eding J1488 AUG1997 Emulsified Water/Fuel Separation Test Procedure RATIONALE SAE J1488 was revised to meet the five-year review requirements and to include improvements to the test method as defined by the SAE Filter Test Method Committee (FTMC). FOREWORD Water in fuels is one of the major causes o

6、f diesel engine maintenance problems. The effects of water in fuel are characterized by corrosion of fuel system parts, plugging of filters and orifices and, in some cases, failure of fuel injectionequipment. Water in fuel often dissolves sulfur compounds, becomes acidic, and enhances corrosion in f

7、uel injection systems as well as in the engine itself. The presence of water also encourages microbiological growth, which generates orifice and filter restricting sludge. Further, due to displacement of fuel lubrication in close tolerance injector parts, and rapid expansion of heated water at the f

8、uel injector tip, galling, and more serious failure may also occur. During transportation, transfer, and storage of fuel, water may become entrained in a variety of ways. The mode and timing of water entry in the handling sequence before use, as well as the chemistry of the fuel itself (additives an

9、d surfactants), will determine what form the contaminant takes. In systems where water and fuel pass through high shear pumps, fuel/water interfacial tension is relatively low and settling time is minimized, fine emulsions may predominate. In systems where water enters before or after low shear pump

10、s, or where there is a prolonged settling time in high interfacial tension fuel, larger water droplets may predominate. In some systems, both fine emulsions and large droplets may be present simultaneously. Generally, fine emulsions are more likely to predominate on the pressure side of high shear p

11、umps, whereas larger water droplets are more likely to predominate on the suction side of pumps. (A water removal test procedure designed for applications where large water droplets predominate is also recommended. This procedure is given in SAE J1839.) The following test procedure is relevant to fi

12、nely dispersed or emulsified water separation devices whether applied on the suction or discharge side of engine fuel transfer pumps. This procedure recommends pressure side location of the test unit for ease and convenience of testing only. The procedure is well suited to lower flow rates, although

13、 it may be applied with due caution to flow rates up to 100 Lpm using parallel emulsion generating circuits. It has been designed to approximate field conditions in a practical manner. A 3500-rpm centrifugal pump is used to disperse water in the fuel, simulating most fuel loading pumps. The test fue

14、l may be an actual fuel sample (with additives) that is to be used in the field, or it may be No. 2 fuel oil that has been clay treated (conditioned) so as to enable equal and reproducible laboratory comparisons of various test devices. Additionally a fluid simulating a representative biodiesel is r

15、ecommended as biodiesel has been established as being particularly problematical for controlled water separation and water separation testing. Test fuel conditioning is recommended for laboratory comparisons only, as this treatment may yield water removal efficiency results, which are significantly

16、different from those obtained using water separating devices in untreated fuel or biodiesel. Furthermore, testing unused “clean“ water separators may provide water removal efficiencies that are far superior to those obtained from the same water separators after very short exposure to natural fuel an

17、d natural fuel contaminants. SAE J1488 Revised OCT2010 Page 2 of 121. SCOPE To determine the ability of a fuel/water separator to separate emulsified or finely dispersed water from fuels. This test method is applicable for biodiesel fuel. 2. REFERENCES 2.1 Applicable Documents The following publicat

18、ions form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply. 2.1.1 SAE Publication Available from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) or

19、 724-776-4970 (outside USA), J1839 Coarse Droplet Water/Fuel Separation Test Procedure 2.1.2 ASTM Publications Available from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, Tel: 610-832-9585, D 971 Test Method for Interfa

20、cial Tension of Oil Against Water by the Ring Method ASTM D 4176 Test Method for Free Water and Particulate Contamination in Distillate Fuels (Visual Inspection Procedure) ASTM D 6304-00 Test Method for Determination of Water in Petroleum Products, Lubricating Oils, and Additives by Coulometric Karl

21、 Fischer Titration replace with ISO 12937 ASTM D 7261-08 Standard Test Method for Determining Water Separation Characteristics of Diesel Fuel by Portable Separometer 3. TEST APPARATUS A test system, as illustrated in Figure 1. This system generates test emulsion populations in ultra low sulfur diese

22、l fuel (IFT 15-19 mN/m). Test droplet size distribution in this procedure is controlled for changes in test flow rate at recommended interfacial tensions, but may vary significantly in test fuels where interfacial tension is not controlled. A test system, as illustrated in Figure 1, is to include: 3

23、.1 A flat bottom, corrosion resistant fuel container with a fuel outlet not less than 4 cm from the bottom of the container. SAE J1488 Revised OCT2010 Page 3 of 12FIGURE 1 - TEST SYSTEM 3.2 A 3500 rpm 100 rpm, 1 Hp centrifugal pump, ITT Gould model 1ST 1E5D4. 3.3 Fuel flow meter capable of measuring

24、 with an accuracy of better than or equal to 5% of actual flow. 3.4 Temperature indicator with an accuracy of 1.5 C. 3.5 A cleanup water separator assembly such that not more than 50 ppm of undissolved water is recycled on an average basis under test conditions. 3.6 A corrosion resistant water sump

25、with approximate capacity of 19 L. 3.7 Water flow meter (0 to 100 mL/min, or as required) with flow regulating valve, capable of measuring water at 0.25% of test flow rate, with an accuracy of 5% of actual flow. 3.8 Automatic Karl Fischer Coulemetric Titration Apparatus for water content analysis. 3

26、.9 Leave static mixer in system. Full flow needs to go through this “mixer”. Minimum of 50 ml sample size. Sonicate in a sealed container before Karl Fischer analysis. 3.10 The fuel/water separation stand piping should have a velocity equal to or greater than 0.72 m/s. Any nonrusting and nonreacting

27、 pipe material may be used. SAE J1488 Revised OCT2010 Page 4 of 123.11 A differential pressure gauge with a readability of 340 Pa and an accuracy of 340 Pa. 3.12 Syringe sampler in accordance with Figure 2. Note that the influent sampler does not have an in-line mixer while the effluent sampler does

28、, this is because the water at the influent section is emulsified and an in-line mixer at this point is not needed. The syringe sampler may be replaced with a beaker or vile to collect the sample. The sample should be sealed and sonicated before Karl Fischer analysis.FIGURE 2 - EFFLUENT SAMPLER 3.13

29、 Temperature control system capable of maintaining test temperature as specified in 5.2. 3.14 Double pipe heat exchanger (cooling and heating, if required) with fuel in the tube side. This should be a single pass, single tube, double pipe exchanger. If adequate cooling can be accomplished after the

30、cleanup fuel/water separator (see Figure 1), then any type of heat exchanger may be used. 3.15 Fuel/water interfacial tension measuring device. Preferably a platinum ring detachment method (ASTM D 971) should be used. 3.16 For testing at flow rates greater than 25 Lpm it is required that separate em

31、ulsion generating circuit(s) with a common sump be connected in parallel to generate the emulsions for the test circuit. 4. TEST MATERIALS 4.1 Test Fluid Since commercially available diesel fuel oil (particularly biodiesel) contains highly variable constituents, that can significantly influence the

32、outcome of emulsion removal testing, the test oil type should be categorized and recorded as one of the following: a. A sample of the fluid used in the application. As defined by user, to include biodiesel fuels b. Specially treated fluid, per Appendix A. For the most standardized laboratory compari

33、sons, test fluid b is recommended as the least variable of the test fluids categorized above. In all these cases, it should be understood that the results are relevant to each individual fuel and that significant variancein performance can be expected with different fuels, depending on the particula

34、r design of the test fuel/water separator and the chemical nature of the particular lot of fuel. SAE J1488 Revised OCT2010 Page 5 of 12The IFT of the test fluid recommended in item b should be between 15 and 19 mN/m. NOTE: Microseparometer (ASTM D 7261-08) readings lower than 75 may indicate a fuels

35、 poor water separation ability. 4.2 Clean, distilled, or deionized water with a surface tension of 72 mN/m 2 mN/m at 20 C 1.5 C. 5. TEST CONDITIONS 5.1 Volume of Fuel Shall be five times the flow rate, per minute, with a minimum of 38 L. 5.2 Temperature 26.6 C 2.5 C measured at the test separator in

36、let or at a temperature agreed upon by the supplier and user. 5.3 Pressure Pressure or vacuum operating parameters are set as required by the manufacturer, user, or application, otherwise they are controlled by the fuel flow rate. 5.4 Flow Rate of Fuel Rated flow of unit to be tested or as specified

37、. 5.5 Water Flow Rate 0.25% of the emulsion generated circuit fuel flow rate. 6. TEST STAND VALIDATION 6.1 Determine the minimum and maximum flow rates at which the test stand is to be qualified, and test first at the minimum flow rate. 6.2 Install a straight pipe in the location where the test wate

38、r separator would be located. 6.3 Adjust the emulsion generation circuit flow to 25 Lpm using the throttling valves, while maintaining the minimum test flow rate in the filter test circuit. 6.4 Open the water valve and adjust water flow rate to be 0.25% of the emulsion generation circuit flow rate (

39、0.25% of 25 Lpm = 63 ml/min). 6.5 Run the validation test for 1 h, and take samples from the influent, effluent and cleanup sample ports at 20 min intervals, starting 20 min after the water injection has commenced. 6.6 Analyse the samples using the Karl Fischer apparatus and report water content as

40、ppm. Many Karl Fischer titration devices will determine the water concentration in terms of micrograms, or ppm by weight. To convert micrograms or ppmw to parts per million (ppm) by volume, use the following equation: 6EPN=PEKJ4A=EJC kEJLLI : RKHQIABN=?PEKJ ; o L6EPN=PEKJ4A=EJC : EJLLI:I=OOBN=?PEKJ;

41、 ; (QAH9=PAN(1) Report water concentrations in ppm by volume SAE J1488 Revised OCT2010 Page 6 of 126.7 Verify that the water content of all the influent and effluent samples is within the range of 2200 to 2800 ppm, and the cleanup samples are less than 50 ppm. 6.8 The system is qualified if all the

42、samples have the required water content. 6.9 Repeat the validation process, 6.3 to 6.8, for the maximum test flow rate for which the stand is to be qualified. 7. TEST PROCEDURE NOTE: Fullers Earth treated fuel and non-Fullers Earth treated fuel 4.1(a), and (b) may be used more than once for consecut

43、ive tests with or without re-treating, as long as the fuel meets the requirements of 4.1. 7.1 For every fresh batch of fuel, determine the water saturation level in test fuel according to Appendix B. 7.2 Prior to filling the fuel tank, determine whether the test fluid has a reasonable contamination

44、level and water concentration (indicated by a “pass” or “clear and bright” result in procedure 1 of ASTM D 4176, visual inspection procedure). 7.3 Install test fuel/water separator or filter on the discharge side of the emulsion generation pump circuit and in the filter test circuit (see Figure 1) .

45、 Adjust the emulsion generation circuit flow to 25 Lpm using the throttling valves, while meeting the required test flow rate in the filter test circuit. Air should be bled from all filters in the system at thistime. The systems should circulate for at least two turnovers to adequately coat test fil

46、ter media. Take initial pressure drop reading across the test filter at the rated flow. To determine turnover time use Equation 2: ()System Volume (L)1turnover minFlow Rate (L /min)= (Eq. 2) 7.4 Open the water valve and adjust water flow rate to be 0.25% of the emulsion generation circuit flow rate

47、(0.25% of 25 lpm = 63 ml/min). Start the clock at the same time water begins to flow and water flow rate is set. This point is zero test time. Water must be injected at the suction side of the pump. NOTE: To insure the proper water flow rate, the water line from water sump to pump should be free of

48、air and completely full of water. Further, the water line must feed into the fuel line, as close to the suction line fitting of the pump as is practical. 7.5 Periodically, drain the water from the water collection sump of the unit under test and the cleanup water separator collection sump into a vol

49、umetric container. It may be necessary to bring the system under positive pressure to drain under suction applications. The amounts of water collected from the test can be used to obtain a water balance verification efficiency (see Appendix C). Manually draining may not be necessary if an automatic water-sensin

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