SAE J 1529-1986 Overlap Shear Test for Automotive Type Sealant for Stationary Glass Bonding Recommended Practice《静态玻璃粘合用汽车密封胶的搭接剪切试验》.pdf

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SAE J 1529-1986 Overlap Shear Test for Automotive Type Sealant for Stationary Glass Bonding Recommended Practice《静态玻璃粘合用汽车密封胶的搭接剪切试验》.pdf_第1页
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SAE J 1529-1986 Overlap Shear Test for Automotive Type Sealant for Stationary Glass Bonding Recommended Practice《静态玻璃粘合用汽车密封胶的搭接剪切试验》.pdf_第2页
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SAE J 1529-1986 Overlap Shear Test for Automotive Type Sealant for Stationary Glass Bonding Recommended Practice《静态玻璃粘合用汽车密封胶的搭接剪切试验》.pdf_第3页
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SAE J 1529-1986 Overlap Shear Test for Automotive Type Sealant for Stationary Glass Bonding Recommended Practice《静态玻璃粘合用汽车密封胶的搭接剪切试验》.pdf_第4页
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SAE J 1529-1986 Overlap Shear Test for Automotive Type Sealant for Stationary Glass Bonding Recommended Practice《静态玻璃粘合用汽车密封胶的搭接剪切试验》.pdf_第5页
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1、SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirelyvoluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefro

2、m, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243TO PLACE A DOCUMENT

3、 ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS http:/www.sae.orgCopyright 1986 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.SURFACEVEHICLE400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001RECOMMENDEDPRACTICESubmitted for recognition as an American National Sta

4、ndardJ1529ISSUEDMAY86Issued 1986-05OVERLAP SHEAR TEST FOR AUTOMOTIVE TYPESEALANT FOR STATIONARY GLASS BONDINGForewordThis Document has not changed other than to put it into the new SAE Technical Standards BoardFormat.1. ScopeThis SAE Recommended Practice defines a procedure for the construction and

5、testing of glass tometal lap shears for determining shear strength of sealant adhesives for automotive stationary glass bonding.This procedure can also be used for fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) when used in place of metal.2. ReferencesThere are no referenced publications specified herein.3. Test Su

6、bstrates3.1 Substrates and DimensionsThe metal coupons shall be cut from automotive sheet metal into flat strips25.4 x 102 mm (1.000 x 4.000 in) coupons at a nominal thickness of 0.8 mm (0.032 in). The glass couponsshall be cut from float glass or ceramic coated fleet glass into 25.4 x 102 mm (1.000

7、 x 4.000 in) at a nominalthickness of 5.5 mm (0.220 in). Fiber reinforced plastic coupons shall be cut into flat strips 25.4 x 102 mm(1.000 x 4.000 in) at a nominal thickness of 2.54 mm (0.100 in). All test coupons shall be free of flaws such asnicks and splinters that would give erroneous test resu

8、lts.3.2 Surface CoatingsThe metal and FRP shall be coated with paints recommended by the automotiveengineer. Also, the ceramic on the glass shall be the type recommended by the automotive engineer.3.3 Surface PreparationSurface preparation with respect to cleaning and primer application shall be ina

9、ccordance with adhesive supplier or automotive engineer recommendation.SAE J1529 Issued MAY86-2-4. Preparation Of Test Joints4.1 Joint GeometryThe final joint geometry shall be shown in Figure 1 with tolerances specified under 4.3.FIGURE 1The joint geometry can be controlled by the use of a lap shea

10、r board as illustrated in Figure 2.FIGURE 2The lap shear board should be constructed as in Figure 2 to give the proper dimensions for the lap shear asdescribed in Figure 1. The glass coupons shall be taped onto the board so that the one inch side is 6.4 mmaway from the board. Glass coupons can be la

11、id down side-by-side to make multiple lap shears.4.2 Replacement of Metal with FRPFiber reinforced plastic coupons can replace metal coupons on the topsection of the board in Figure 2.4.3 Adhesive Bond Line ToleranceFinal bond tolerance width shall be 6.4 0.5 mm (0.25 0.02 in) and heightof 5 0.5 mm

12、(0.2 0.02 in).4.4 Sealant ApplicationThe sealants wet bead dimensions can be controlled to give the cured bonddimensions specified in Figure 1. The sealant shall be extruded using a 6.4 mm (0.250 in) high bead along theone inch side of the glass coupon. The bead shall also be high enough so that whe

13、n the metal coupon isplaced down on wet sealant to the required 5 mm (0.200 in) height, the resulting bond width on the metal willbe comparable to bead width on the glass side of 6.4 mm (0.250 in). Adhesive open time shall be prescribedby adhesive supplier or automotive engineer.4.5 Adhesive CureThe

14、 bonded lap shear shall be cured at the temperature and time prescribed by adhesivesupplier or automotive engineer.SAE J1529 Issued MAY86-3-4.6 Sample PreparationAfter the recommended cure cycle, the lap shear shall be removed from the board bycutting excess cured sealant away from the edge of the l

15、ap shear. This trimming will assure that the lap shearwill have the final bond line length of 25.4 mm (1.000 in) as described in Figure 1.4.7 ConditioningBonded lap shears shall be conditioned according to adhesive supplier or automotive engineerrecommendation before being tested.5. Testing5.1 Appar

16、atusTest apparatus as described in ASTM D 1002.5.2 Sample FixtureThe sample fixture described in Figure 3 shall be used when testing lap shears on thetensile tester. The glass coupon shall fit into the space provided with the bottom end of the lap shear resting onthe shoulder of the fixture. This wi

17、ll allow the metal part to hang down to allow clamping to the lower jaw oftensile tester.FIGURE 3SAE J1529 Issued MAY86-4-5.3 Sample ClampingThe sample clamping distance between the bottom edge of the glass in the fixture andclamping jaw on the metal shall be 38 mm (1.500 in).5.4 Test RateLap shears

18、 shall be tested at a pull rate of 50.8 mm (2 in)/min.5.5 Test QuantityA minimum of 5 sample lap shears shall be prepared for each test condition.6. Report6.1 Complete identification and application of sealant and primer(s) used, including type and manufacturers codenumber.6.2 Complete identificatio

19、n of the substrate. The paint system on the metal and FRP and the ceramic on the glassshall be described by type and supplier.6.3 Bonding conditions used in preparing samples and environmental conditions used in test procedure.6.4 Shear strength as pounds per square inch (PSI) and kilopascals (kPa)

20、by measuring the failed bond area.6.5 Averages of lap shear values with individual values. Mode of failure on individual lap shears and percentage ofall these failures.SCF Substrate failure (FRP, glass)CF Cohesive failure of sealantP Primer failure specifying the substrateAF Adhesive failure of the

21、sealant specifying the substratePTF Paint failure specifying the substratePREPARED BY THE SAE ADHESIVES AND BODY SEALERS SUBCOMMITTEEOF THE SAE NONMETALLIC MATERIALS COMMITTEESAE J1529 Issued MAY86RationaleNot applicable.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO StandardNot applicable.ApplicationThis SAE

22、Recommended Practice defines a procedure for the construction and testing of glassto metal lap shears for determining shear strength of sealant adhesives for automotive stationary glassbonding. This procedure can also be used for fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) when used in place of metal.Reference SectionThere are no referenced publications specified herein.Developed by the SAE Adhesives and Body Sealers SubcommitteeSponsored by the SAE Nonmetallic Materials Committee


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