SAE J 1605-2014 Brake Master Cylinder Reservoir Diaphragm Gasket.pdf

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1、SURFACE VEHICLESTANDARDJ1605 NOV2014Issued 1974-04Revised 2014-11Superseding J1605 MAR1992Brake Master Cylinder Reservoir Diaphragm GasketRATIONALEThe purpose of this standard is to establish a common approach of testing and evaluating the performance of brake master cylinder reservoir diaphragm gas

2、kets. The results may be used for the characterization of a singular gasket design, or the comparison of multiple gasket designs. It should be noted that this standard is not applicable to vented diaphragm designs. This revision was established primarily to update references to the contact informati

3、on for SAE and ASTM, as well as the brake fluid referee material batch code and source.1. SCOPEThis SAE Standard covers performance requirements and methods of test for master cylinder reservoir diaphragm gaskets that will provide a functional seal and protection from outside dirt and water.2. REFER

4、ENCES2.1 Applicable DocumentsThe following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1 SAE PublicationsAvailable from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-

5、0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) or 724-776-4970 (outside USA), J1601 Rubber Cups for Hydraulic Actuating CylindersSAE J1703 Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid_SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical a

6、nd engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time

7、it may be revised, reaffirmed, stabilized, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.Copyright 2014 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechani

8、cal, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: +1 724-776-4970 (outside USA)Fax: 724-776-0790Email: CustomerServicesae.orgSAE WEB ADDRESS: http:/www.sae.orgSAE values your input. To prov

9、ide feedbackon this Technical Report, please visithttp:/ INTERNATIONAL J1605 Revised NOV2014 Page 2 of 82.1.2 ASTM PublicationsAvailable from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, Tel: 610-832-9585,

10、www.astm.orgASTM D 395 Test Methods for Rubber Property - Compression SetASTM D 412 Test Methods for Rubber Properties in TensionASTM D 471 Test Method for Rubber Property - Effect of LiquidsASTM D 573 Test Method for Rubber - Deterioration in an Air OvenASTM D 1149 Test Method for Rubber Deteriorat

11、ion - Surface Ozone Cracking in a Chamber (Flat Specimens)ASTM D 1415 Test Method for Rubber Property - International Hardness3. GENERAL MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS3.1 CompositionThe materials used in the diaphragm gaskets shall be a rubber elastomer or combinations of elastomers and moisture barrier mate

12、rials suitable for use with motor vehicle brake fluids of the nonpetroleum type conforming to SAE J1703.3.2 Workmanship and FinishThe diaphragm gaskets shall be free from blisters, pin holes, cracks, embedded foreign material, or other physical defects, and shall conform to the dimensions specified

13、on the drawings.3.3 MarkingThe identification mark of the manufacturer, as designated by the Rubber Manufacturers Association, and other details as specified on the drawing shall be molded into each diaphragm gasket.4. INSPECTION AND REJECTION4.1 All tests and inspections shall be made at the place

14、of manufacture prior to shipment, unless otherwise specified. The manufacturer shall afford the inspector all reasonable facilities for the tests and specimens.4.2 The purchaser may make tests and inspections to govern the acceptance or rejection of the diaphragm gaskets at a laboratory of choice. S

15、uch tests and inspections shall be made not later than 60 days after receipt of the material.4.3 Any lot which fails to conform to one or more of the test requirements on the first sampling may be retested. For this purpose, two additional tests shall be made for the requirement in which failure occ

16、urred. Failure of either of the retests shall be cause for final rejection.4.4 All rejected diaphragm gaskets shall be destroyed by the manufacturer to insure that no substandard diaphragms will be used.5. CLASSIFICATION OF TESTS5.1 Qualification TestsThe qualification tests shall include all tests

17、specified herein.SAE INTERNATIONAL J1605 Revised NOV2014 Page 3 of 85.2 Lot Acceptance TestsQuality control tests for production lot acceptance shall include tests specified in 6.1.2, 6.3, and Sampling and Test FrequencyThe quantity of parts and the frequency of qualification tests and lot

18、 acceptance tests used to control production shall be agreed upon by the supplier and purchaser.6. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES REQUIREMENTS6.1 Rubber Hardness6.1.1 QualificationWhen tested as specified in 7.1, the rubber hardness shall be within the limits of 45 to 67 points. Hardness determinations from an

19、y one lot shall not vary more than r5 points.6.1.2 Lot AcceptanceWhen tested as specified in 7.1, the rubber hardness shall be equal to the qualifying value within r5 points providing it is within the limits of 45 to 67 points.6.2 Rubber Tension and Tear6.2.1 Qualification - Original PropertiesWhen

20、tested per ASTM D 412 and ASTM D 624, the rubber materials shall meet the following requirements:a. Tensile Strength: 6.9 MPa (1000 psi) minb. Ultimate Elongation: 250% minc. Tear, Die C: 21.9 kN/m (125 lb) min6.2.2 Qualificationaccelerated Aging At 100 qC (212 qF)The change from the original proper

21、ties and compression set after dry heat aging per 7.2 shall conform to the following requirements:a. Change in Hardness (IRHD or Durometer): 0 to +10 pointsb. Change in Tensile Strength: 20% maxc. Change in Ultimate Elongation: 30% maxd. Compression Set: 25% max6.3 Low Temperature Bendability at 40

22、qC (40 qF)After the low temperature test as described in 7.3, the diaphragm shall not crack and shall return to its approximate originalshape within 1 min.NOTE: Residual kinking of some convolutions shall not be cause for rejection.SAE INTERNATIONAL J1605 Revised NOV2014 Page 4 of 86.4 Resistance to

23、 Fluids at Elevated Temperature 120 qC (248 qF)After being subjected to the test for resistance to fluids at elevated temperature per 7.4, the diaphragm materials shall conform to the following requirements:6.4.1 Lot Acceptancea. Change in Hardness (IRHD or Durometer): 10 to +5 pointsb. Change in Vo

24、lume: 10 to +20%c. Precipitation: Not more than light6.4.2 Qualificationa. Change in Tensile Strength: 30% maxb. Change in Ultimate Elongation: 55% max6.5 Ozone ResistanceAfter being tested per 7.5, the surface of the diaphragm shall evidence no cracking, rupture, or other deterioration when examine

25、d under 2X magnification.6.6 Heat Pressure StrokingAfter being subjected to the heat pressure stroking test prescribed in 7.6, there shall be no fluid dampness on the top surface of the diaphragm except where there is contact with metal.6.7 Functional Design TestAfter being subjected to the function

26、al design test prescribed in 7.7, the convolutions of the diaphragm shall be fully extended, or the brake fluid level in the master cylinder reservoir shall not be greater than 3.2 mm (1/8 in) above the mastercylinder porting.7. TEST PROCEDURES7.1 Rubber HardnessThe referee method of determining rub

27、ber hardness shall be as described in ASTM D 1415. An alternate procedure, as agreed upon between vendor and purchaser, may be used. Test each specimen submitted for test; record the range of IRHD (degrees).Sample diaphragms, segments thereof, or specimens mutually acceptable to supplier and purchas

28、er shall be plied together as necessary to provide the test thickness. The same operator shall make all hardness determinations for any one test.7.2 Accelerated Aging at 100 qC (212 qF)7.2.1 Test MethodRubber Hardness, Tensile Strength, and Elongation Charge7.2.1.1 ApparatusCirculating air oven as s

29、pecified by ASTM D 573.SAE INTERNATIONAL J1605 Revised NOV2014 Page 5 of ProcedureSample diaphragms, specimen sections thereof, or accepted specimens shall be rinsed in isopropyl alcohol or equivalent and wiped dry with a lint-free cloth to remove dirt and packing debris. The specimen shall

30、 not remain in the alcohol for more than 30 s.The rubber hardness of unaged test specimens shall be determined as specified in 7.1 and recorded. The unaged tensile strength and ultimate elongation shall be determined and recorded in accordance with ASTM D 412.New test specimens shall be placed in a

31、circulating air oven as described in ASTM D 573 and held for 70 h at 100 qC 2 qC (212 qF 3.6 qF). The specimen shall then be removed from the oven, placed on a clean dry table top and allowed to cool for 16 to 96 h. The specimens shall then be retested for hardness as specified in 7.1, and tensile s

32、trength and ultimateelongation as specified in ASTM D 412. The tensile strength and ultimate elongation change shall be calculated per ASTM D 573.7.2.2 Test MethodCompression Set - Sample diaphragms, plied sections thereof, or accepted specimens, mutually agreed upon between supplier and purchaser,

33、shall be rinsed in isopropyl alcohol or equivalent and wiped dry with a lint-free cloth to remove dirt and packing debris. The specimens shall not remain in the alcohol for more than 30 s.The compression set of the specimens shall then be determined as specified in ASTM D 395, Method B with a heat t

34、reatment period of 22 h at 100 qC 2 qC (212 qF 3.6 qF).7.3 Low Temperature BendabilitySample diaphragms or accepted specimens shall be rinsed in isopropyl alcohol or its equivalent and wiped dry with a lint-free cloth. The specimen shall not remain in the alcohol for more than 30 s. The specimen sha

35、ll then be placed in a suitable cold chamber and exposed for 22 h at 40 qC to 43 qC (40 qF to 45 qF). It shall then be bent 180 degrees around a 6.35 mm (1/4 in) mandrel, conditioned at the test temperature, and released immediately. The time required for the part to return to its approximate origin

36、al shape shall be noted. (The cold specimen shall be bent while in the cold chamber with cold gloves to prevent heating by the fingers.)7.4 Resistance to Fluids at Elevated Temperature7.4.1 ApparatusCirculating air oven as specified in ASTM D 573.Use tightly sealed glass containers of suitable size.

37、7.4.2 SpecimenSample diaphragms or acceptable specimens providing a suitable sample size weighing approximately 3 to 5 g shall be used for the rubber hardness, volume change, and precipitation test. Suitably prepared specimens per ASTM D 412 shall be used for the tensile strength and elongation chan

38、ge tests.The specimens shall be stabilized at room temperature and then rinsed in isopropyl alcohol or its equivalent and wiped dry with a lint-free cloth to remove dirt and packing debris. The specimens shall not remain in the alcohol for more than 30 s.7.4.3 Test MethodsRubber Hardness and Volume

39、Change - Select two test specimens for test. Establish the initial rubber hardness per 7.1 and record.SAE INTERNATIONAL J1605 Revised NOV2014 Page 6 of 8Establish the volume of the same two specimens per ASTM D 471, using the water displacement method and record. The specimens shall then be quickly

40、dipped in alcohol to remove the water and dried with a lint-free cloth. Immediately after drying, each specimen shall be placed in a container and completely immersed in 75 mL of the latest batch of RM-66 as supplied by the SAE Approved Referee Source1. Containers shall be sealed to prevent vapor lo

41、ss, placed in the oven, and held at 120 qC 2 qC (248 qF 3.6 qF) for 70 h. At the end of the heating period, remove the specimen and container from the oven and allow to cool at 23 qC 5 qC (73 qF 3.6 qF) for 60 to 90 min. The specimens shall then be removed from their containers, rinsed in isopropyl

42、alcohol, and wiped dry with a lint-free cloth. The final volume and hardness shall be determined within 60 min after rinsing in alcohol.The weighings shall be the last operation before and the first operation after the immersion in the brake fluid and followed by a rubber hardness determination.The

43、volume change shall be calculated per ASTM D 471 as follows in Equation 1 to determine conformance to 6.4.1.(Eq. 1)where:m1 = initial mass in airm2 = initial mass in waterm3 = final mass in airm4 = final mass in water7.4.4 Test Method - PrecipitationTwo specimens approximately 3 to 5 g each shall be

44、 placed in a suitable glass container and completely immersed in 75 mL of the latest batch of RM-66 as supplied by the SAE Approved Referee Source2. The container shall be sealed to prevent vapor loss and placed in the oven at 120 qC 2 qC (248 qF 3.6 qF) for 70 h. At the end of the heating period, r

45、emove the container from the oven and with the diaphragm specimens still in the fluid, allow it to stand at room temperature for 22 h. The resulting precipitate shall be classified as none, trace, light, medium, or heavy. (It is recommended that a blank be run on the fluid with each series of tests.

46、)a. A trace precipitate shall be flocculent and remain in suspension.b. A light precipitate shall be flocculent, may settle, but possess no crystalline formations.c. A medium precipitate shall be primarily flocculent material with a few small crystals.d. A heavy precipitate shall be large in volume

47、and contain both flocculent and crystalline material.7.4.5 Test Method - Tensile Strength And ElongationSample diaphragms, sections thereof, or accepted specimens as specified in ASTM D 412 for tensile strength and ultimate elongation shall be immersed in the specified test fluid RM-66-03 for 70 h a

48、t 120 qC 2 qC (248 qF 3.6 qF). At the end of the heating period, remove the specimens and container from the oven and allow to cool at 23 qC 5 qC (73 qF 9 qF) for 60 to 90 min. The specimens shall then be removed from their container, rinsed in isopropyl alcohol, wiped dry with a lint-free cloth, an

49、d the tensile strength and ultimate elongation determined within 30 min after removal from the test fluid container.1SAE RM-66 is obtainable from Greening Associates, Inc., 19465 Mt. Elliott Ave., Detroit, MI 482342SAE RM-66 is obtainable from Greening Associates, Inc., 19465 Mt. Elliott Ave., Detroit, MI 48234Change in volume, %m3m4 m1m2 100u


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