SAE J 2266-2004 Location Referencing Message Specification (LRMS)《位置参考信息规范(LRMS)》.pdf

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1、 ISSUEDOCT2004 SURFACE J2266 VEHICLE STANDARD Location Referencing Message Specification (LRMS) SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applica

2、bility and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and su

3、ggestions. Copyright 2004 SAE International All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLA

4、CE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA) Fax: 724-776-0790 Email: SAE WEB ADDRESS: http:/ Issued 2002-XX Revised Proposed Draft Superseding JXXX MONTH022004-10 Foreword - This standard specifies standard location referen

5、ces for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The Location Referencing Message Specification (LRMS ) focuses on ITS data having the attribute of location, typically on a transportation network. Many location referencing methods have been described and used for transportation. Since different kin

6、ds of location referencing methods must be supported for ITS applications, a variety of location referencing data concepts are provided within the LRMS . TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Scope.5 2. References .5 3. Terms and Definitions .6 3.1 Definitions6 3.2. Acronyms10 4. The Location Referencing Message Spe

7、cification 11 4.1 Location Referencing Methods11 4.2 LRMS Structure 11 4.3 LRMS Profile Descriptions .12 4.4 LRMS Usage.14 5. Data Frames15 5.1 Data Frame: Address:frame 15 5.2 Data Frame: AddressLink:frame15 5.3 Data Frame: AddressPoint:frame.16 5.4 Data Frame: AdminAreaGroup:frame.16 5.5 Data Fram

8、e: Angle:frame 17 5.6 Data Frame: AreaLocation:frame.18 5.7 Data Frame: Attributes:frame.19 5.8 Data Frame: Chain:frame20 SAE J2266 Issued OCT2004 - 2 - 5.9 Data Frame: CrossStreets:frame.21 5.10 Data Frame: CrossStreetsLink:frame 22 5.11 Data Frame: CrossStreetsPoint:frame .24 5.12 Data Frame: Dist

9、ance:frame .25 5.13 Data Frame: GeographicCoordinate:frame.28 5.14 Data Frame: GeoLocation:frame 28 5.15 Data Frame: GeoLocationDelta:frame .29 5.16 Data Frame: GeoLocationLink:frame30 5.17 Data Frame: Geometry:frame .30 5.18 Data Frame: Grid:frame31 5.19 Data Frame: GridArray:frame .32 5.20 Data Fr

10、ame: GridInfo:frame.33 5.21 Data Frame: GridPoint:frame.33 5.22 Data Frame: GridPointPair:frame .34 5.23 Data Frame: GridPointSequence:frame.35 5.24 Data Frame: GroupLocation:frame37 5.25 Data Frame: Height:frame.37 5.26 Data Frame: IdType:frame38 5.27 Data Frame: LinearReference:frame .39 5.28 Data

11、 Frame: LinkGeneral:frame 43 5.29 Data Frame: LinkLocation:frame.43 5.30 Data Frame: LocationReference:frame44 5.31 Data Frame: NodeAttribute:frame .46 5.32 Data Frame: PointLocation:frame46 5.33 Data Frame: PointOffset:frame.48 5.34 Data Frame: PolarCoordinates:frame48 5.35 Data Frame: Polygon:fram

12、e 49 5.36 Data Frame: PreCoded:frame .49 5.37 Data Frame: PublicGrid:frame.50 5.38 Data Frame: PublicGridLocalReference:frame 51 5.39 Data Frame: PublicGridStatePlane:frame.51 5.40 Data Frame: PublicGridUSNG:frame52 5.41 Data Frame: RouteLocation:frame.53 SAE J2266 Issued OCT2004 - 3 - 5.42 Data Fra

13、me: SpatialObject:frame.54 5.43 Data Frame: StreetInfo:frame.56 5.44 Data Frame: Transition:frame 56 6. Data Elements .59 6.1 Data Element: AlertCCountryCode:nbr 59 6.2 Data Element: CountryCode:txt .59 6.3 Data Element: Direction:cd .62 6.4 Data Element: GridAltitude:qty63 6.5 Data Element: GridAlt

14、itudeDelta:qty.64 6.6 Data Element: GridLatitude:qty.64 6.7 Data Element: GridLatLonPointDelta:qty.65 6.8 Data Element: GridLongitude:qty 66 6.9 Data Element: GridPointAltitudeDelta:qty66 6.10 Data Element: GridPointCoordinateType:qty.66 6.11 Data Element: GridPointLatitude:qty67 6.12 Data Element:

15、GridPointLatLonDelta:qty.68 6.13 Data Element: GridPointLongitude:qty .69 6.14 Data Element: GridPointOffsetDistance:qty69 6.15 Data Element: GridPointPairCoordinateType:qty .70 6.16 Data Element: GridZoom:qty70 6.17 Data Element: HorizontalDatum:cd .71 6.18 Data Element: IntersectionType:cd 72 6.19

16、 Data Element: Int-index12.73 6.20 Data Element: Int-index16.73 6.21 Data Element: Int-index32.74 6.22 Data Element: Int-index8.74 6.23 Data Element: Int-latitude32 .75 6.24 Data Element: Int-loccode1675 6.25 Data Element: Int-loctable8.76 6.26 Data Element: Int-longitude32 76 6.27 Data Element: Lat

17、itude:Int-latitude32 .76 6.28 Data Element: LinkType:cd.77 6.29 Data Element: LRPositiveOffsetDirection:cd 78 SAE J2266 Issued OCT2004 - 4 - 6.30 Data Element: LROffsetReference:cd 78 6.31 Data Element: LRReferenceMethod:cd79 6.32 Data Element: LocationCode:Int-loccode16 80 6.33 Data Element: Locati

18、onTable:Int-loctable8.81 6.34 Data Element: Longitude:Int-longitude3281 6.35 Data Element: NodeOrigin:cd .81 6.36 Data Element: NodeValence:cd .82 6.37 Data Element: NormalizedDistance:qty .82 6.38 Data Element: NumericIDXSize12:Int-index12.83 6.39 Data Element: NumericIDXSize16:Int-index16.83 6.40

19、Data Element: NumericIDXSize32:Int-index32.84 6.41 Data Element: NumericIDXSize8:Int-index8.84 6.42 Data Element: PointType:cd84 6.43 Data Element: PostalCode:nbr88 6.44 Data Element: PreCodedIdType:cd88 6.45 Data Element: PublicGridEasting16:qty89 6.46 Data Element: PublicGridEasting32:qty89 6.47 D

20、ata Element: PublicGridEastWestDelta:qty89 6.48 Data Element: PublicGridGridSquare:txt .90 6.49 Data Element: PublicGridGridStep:qty .90 6.50 Data Element: PublicGridGridZone:txt.90 6.51 Data Element: PublicGridNorthing16:qty .91 6.52 Data Element: PublicGridNorthing32:qty .91 6.53 Data Element: Pub

21、licGridNorthSouthDelta:qty91 6.54 Data Element: PublicGridStatePlaneZone:Int-index1692 6.55 Data Element: SequenceNum:Int-index16 .92 6.56 Data Element: Side:cd 92 6.57 Data Element: String-index64 .94 6.58 Data Element: Text-name255 95 6.59 Data Element: Text-name-presuf4 96 6.60 Data Element: Vert

22、icalDatum:cd96 6.61 Data Element: VerticalLevel:qty.97 7. Reference Section97 SAE J2266 Issued OCT2004 - 5 - 1. Scope The Location Referencing Message Specification (LRMS) standardizes location referencing for ITS applications that require the communication of spatial data references between databas

23、es. ITS databases may reside in central sites, vehicles, or devices on or off roads or other transportation links. The LRMS is applicable to both homogeneous (same database) and mixed database environments that may be implemented on wireless or landline networks. While developed for ITS applications

24、, the LRMS may be used for non-ITS applications as well within the field of geographic information processing. 2. References The following documents shall be used, when applicable, in the process of populating and developing the message sets of this standard. The specific revision and issued date st

25、ated below shall be used for each document. When the following documents are superseded by an approved revision, the revised version shall be reviewed for applicability. The references cited below shall be included in the references of the other companion volumes of this standard unless specifically

26、 excepted. ASN.1:1997-Abstract Syntax Notation One1IEEE Std 1488-2000-IEEE Trial-Use Standard for Message Set Template for Intelligent Transportation Systems2IEEE Std 1489-1999-IEEE Standard for Data Dictionaries for Intelligent Transportation Systems ISO/IEC 8824-1:1998-Information technology-Abstr

27、act Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation3ISO/IEC 8824-2:1998-Information technology-Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Information object specification ISO/IEC 8824-3:1998-Information technology-Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Constraint specification ISO/IEC 8824-4:

28、1998-Information technology-Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Parameterization of ASN.1 specifications 1ASN.1:1997 Available from the World Wide Web at the following site: http:/ 2IEEE PublicationsAvailable from Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 445 Hoes

29、 Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855. 3ISO PublicationsAvailable from the ISO Central Secretariat, Case Postale 56, 1 rue de Varemb, CH-1211, Genve 20, Switzerland/Suisse (http:/ ISO publications are also available in the United States from the Sales Department, American National

30、Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA (http:/ SAE J2266 Issued OCT2004 - 6 - SAE J2354-Message Sets for Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS), June 20034SAE J2369-Standards for ATIS Message Sets Delivered Over Reduced Bandwidth Media, Marc

31、h 2000 3. Terms and Definitions For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions, abbreviations and acronyms apply. The terms, abbreviations and acronyms cited below shall be a part of the terms of the other companion volumes of this standard and guides unless specifically cited otherwis

32、e. 3.1 Definitions 3.1.1 Accuracy: The closeness of results of observations, computations, or estimates to the true values or the values accepted as being true. (NIST, 1992) With regards to a digital base map, accuracy refers to how close observation or computational estimates of the position of map

33、ped features are to true ground position. (MnDOT, 1993) 3.1.2 Administrative Area: For administrative purposes, the territory of a country may be divided into regions that have further subdivisions, forming a hierarchy of political units. Some countries have Administrative Areas that are not part of

34、 such a hierarchy. (GDF 4.0) 3.1.3 Altitude: Elevation above or below a reference datum, as defined in FIPSPUB 70-1; the z-value in a spatial address. See also elevation. 3.1.4 Area: A generic term for a bounded, continuous, two-dimensional object that may or may not include its boundary. (NIST, 199

35、2) 3.1.5 Attribute: A defined characteristic of an entity type. (NIST, 1992) Within a digital map database, attribute values of the digital object representation of an entity are typically alpha-numeric data within well-defined ranges. 3.1.6 Complex Intersection: The intersection of roadways involvi

36、ng offsets, central medians or some combination of offsets and central medians that can generate multiple nodes for representation. (Schuman, 1993) 3.1.7 Coordinate: A pair of numbers expressing horizontal distances along orthogonal axes; alternatively, a triplet of numbers measuring horizontal and

37、vertical distances. (NIST, 1992) 3.1.8 Coordinate system: A reference system for the unique definition of a location of a point in n-dimensional space. (Krzanowski et al, 1993) 3.1.9 Data Element: Some single unit of information of interest (such as a fact, proposition, observation, etc.) about some

38、 (entity) class of interest (e.g., a person, place, process, property, concept, association, state, event). (ISO/DIS 14817) 4SAE PublicationsAvailable from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. SAE J2266 Issued OCT2004 - 7 - 3.1.10 Data Frame: Grouping of data elements primarily fo

39、r the purpose of referring to the group with a single name, and thereby efficiently reusing groups of data elements that commonly appear together (as an ASN.1 Sequence, Sequence Of, Set, Set Of or Choice) in a message body specification. (ISO/DIS 14817) 3.1.11 Datum: A set of parameters and control

40、points used to accurately define the three-dimensional shape of the Earth (e.g. as an ellipsoid). The corresponding datum is the basis for a planar coordinate system. (MnDOT 1993) 3.1.12 Easting: An east (X-axis) offset of a location within a grid cell or UTM cell with respect to an origin. 3.1.13 G

41、eographic Coordinates: The quantities of latitude and longitude (and, sometimes, altitude) which define the position of a point on the Earth with respect to the reference spheroid or ellipsoid. (MnDOT 1993) 3.1.14 Grid: A set of grid cells forming a regular, or nearly regular, tessellation of a surf

42、ace. The tessellation is regular if formed by repeating the pattern of a regular polygon, such as a square, equilateral triangle, or regular hexagon. The tessellation is nearly regular if formed by repeating the pattern of an “almost“ regular polygon such as a rectangle, non-square parallelogram, or

43、 non-equilateral triangle. 3.1.15 Grid Cell: A two-dimensional object that represents the smallest nondivisible element of a grid. (NIST, 1992) 3.1.16 Grid Coordinates: Two distances which fix the position of a point on a grid. The perpendicular distance to the point from the y-axis is called the x

44、coordinate while the perpendicular distance to the point from the x-axis is called the y coordinate. (MnDOT 1993) 3.1.17 Grid Resolution: Distance between neighboring grid nodes. (Krzanowski et al, 1993) 3.1.18 Junction: A Feature that bounds Transportation Elements (ref. 3.1.45). A Junction Feature

45、 represents the physical connection between its adjoining Transportation Elements. 3.1.19 Line: A linear object composed of one or more connected line segments formed by a series of points. Commonly, a line represents such geographic entities as roads, rivers and shorelines. (Krzanowski et al, 1993)

46、 A one-dimensional object. (NIST, 1992) 3.1.20 Line Segment: A direct line between two points. (NIST, 1992) 3.1.21 Linear Object: A continuous one-dimensional object composed of a sequence of one or more line segments, each point of which bounds a maximum of two line segments. 3.1.22 Linear Referenc

47、ing: Process of identifying location(s) on a transportation network or specific link in a network by specifying a start position, direction, and distance along a particular route. (NCHRP, 1993) 3.1.23 Link: A topological connection between two nodes. A link may contain additional intermediate coordi

48、nates (shape points) to better represent the shape of curved features. (Schuman, 1993) A link may be directed by ordering its nodes. 3.1.24 Message: Grouping of data elements and/or data frames, as well as associated message metadata, that is used to convey a complete unit of information. (ISO/DIS 1

49、4817) SAE J2266 Issued OCT2004 - 8 - 3.1.25 Message Set: A collection of messages (see 3.1.24) for an application area. 3.1.26 Metadata: Data describing a set of data, for example its quality, lineage, format, and intended or suitable use. 3.1.27 Milepost: A reference point along the linear objects of a road network used in a linear referencing scheme. A milepost may or may not be at one-mile intervals. 3.1.28 NAD27 (North American Datum 1927): Geodetic datum defined by the geographic position of triangulation s


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