SAE J 2735-2016 Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Message Set Dictionary.pdf

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1、 _ SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising ther

2、efrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be revised, reaffirmed, stabilized, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright 2016 SAE International All rights reserved. No part of this

3、publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: +1 724-776-49

4、70 (outside USA) Fax: 724-776-0790 Email: SAE WEB ADDRESS: http:/ SAE values your input. To provide feedback on this Technical Report, please visit http:/ SURFACE VEHICLE STANDARD J2735 MAR2016 Issued 2015-09 Revised 2016-

5、03 Superseding J2735 JAN2016 Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Message Set Dictionary RATIONALE This Standard is the fifth edition of the message set dictionary. The changes made from prior editions include revising the content to reflect a uniform use of unaligned packed coding rules, a c

6、ommon message framework, the further refinement of several existing messages due to deployment experience, and the addition of a preliminary Personal Safety Message for use with vulnerable road users. This amendment to the standard was issued in March of 2016 to clarify how positional offsets were c

7、alculated in some data frames. Two typographical errors were also corrected at that time. The document areas affected by this limited scope revision are as follows: Section 6.82 Data Frame: DF_PathHistory, Page 79 In the Use section, Section 6.84 Data Frame: DF_PathHistoryPoint, Page 80 In the Use s

8、ection Section 6.84 Data Frame: DF_PathHistoryPoint, Page 80 In the ASN.1 Representation section Section 7.127 Data Element: DE_OffsetLL-B18, Page 171 In the Use section, Section 7.195 Data Element: DE_TimeOffset, Page 202 In the Use section Section 7.224 Data Element: DE_VertOffset-B12, Page 214 In

9、 the Use section Section 8.58 Data Element: EXT_ITIS_Codes ITIS, Page 240 In the ASN.1 Section 11.8 Lanes, Objects Defined in Intersections and Elsewhere, Page 263 In the last paragraph on this page. DEDICATION This standard is dedicated to the Memory of Broady Cash, who provided leadership and guid

10、ance in the evolution of the DSRC standards. His research led to work on the original ASTM DSRC standards, for which Broady pulled together a team of industry stakeholders and subject matter experts. The ASTM standard (E-2213) addressed all of the DSRC communications layers. Mr. Cash was also very a

11、ctive in helping support the establishment of the DSRC spectrum. When the DSRC standards expanded to IEEE and SAE, Broady continued his leadership role in ensuring that the 1609 and 802.11p standards continued to meet the original requirements, and that they would work together to meet the evolving

12、ITS applications requirements. He was often the glue that kept the standards activities on track, as he mediated differences of opinion and personalities among the various contributors to the standards. Broady Cash was born on October 7, 1948, in Amherst, Virginia. He passed away after battling a lo

13、ng illness on November 3, 2008. He is survived by his wife and two children. Many thanks to Broady for his invaluable contributions to DSRC and to the foundation of Connected Vehicle technologies. FOREWORD Prepared for use by the DSRC committee of the SAE by SubCarrier Systems Corp (SCSC). Create_ti

14、me: 07:35:50 PM Tuesday, September 01, 2015 Extracted from: J2735_r63.its Mod: 9/1/2015 7:30:56 PM SAE INTERNATIONAL J2735 MAR2016 Page 2 of 267 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SCOPE 13 1.1 Purpose . 13 2. REFERENCES 13 2.1 Applicable Documents 13 2.1.1 SAE Publications . 13 2.1.2 IEEE Publications 13 2.1.3 IS

15、O Publications 13 2.1.4 RTCM Publications . 14 2.1.5 NMEA Publication . 14 2.2 Related Publications . 14 2.2.1 SAE Publications . 14 2.2.2 US Dept. of Transportation, National Transportation Library 14 2.2.3 US Dept. of Transportation, National ITS Architecture . 14 2.2.4 ASTM Publications 15 2.2.5

16、IEEE Publications 15 3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS . 15 3.1 Definitions . 15 3.2 Abbreviations and acronyms . 23 4. THE USE OF DSRC MESSAGES IN APPLICATIONS 26 4.1 Introduction to DSRC Goals and Objectives (Informative) . 26 4.2 DSRC Overview (Informative) . 27 4.3 Philosophy of Message Design (Informati

17、ve) . 27 4.4 Message Encoding (Normative) 28 4.5 Additional Data Dictionary Constraints (Informative) . 28 5. MESSAGE SET 29 5.1 Message: MSG_MessageFrame (FRAME) 29 5.2 Message: MSG_BasicSafetyMessage (BSM) 30 5.3 Message: MSG_CommonSafetyRequest (CSR) 31 5.4 Message: MSG_EmergencyVehicleAlert (EVA

18、) . 32 5.5 Message: MSG_IntersectionCollisionAvoidance (ICA) 32 5.6 Message: MSG_MapData (MAP) 33 5.7 Message: MSG_NMEAcorrections (NMEA) 34 5.8 Message: MSG_PersonalSafetyMessage (PSM) . 34 5.9 Message: MSG_ProbeDataManagement (PDM) 35 5.10 Message: MSG_ProbeVehicleData (PVD) 36 5.11 Message: MSG_R

19、oadSideAlert (RSA) 36 5.12 Message: MSG_RTCMcorrections (RTCM) 38 5.13 Message: MSG_SignalPhaseAndTiming Message (SPAT) 39 5.14 Message: MSG_SignalRequestMessage (SRM) . 39 5.15 Message: MSG_SignalStatusMessage (SSM) 40 5.16 Message: MSG_TravelerInformation Message (TIM) 40 5.17 Message: MSG_TestMes

20、sages 41 SAE INTERNATIONAL J2735 MAR2016 Page 3 of 267 6. DATA FRAMES . 43 6.1 Data Frame: DF_AccelerationSet4Way 43 6.2 Data Frame: DF_AccelSteerYawRateConfidence 44 6.3 Data Frame: DF_AdvisorySpeed 44 6.4 Data Frame: DF_AdvisorySpeedList 44 6.5 Data Frame: DF_AntennaOffsetSet 45 6.6 Data Frame: DF

21、_ApproachOrLane . 45 6.7 Data Frame: DF_BrakeSystemStatus . 45 6.8 Data Frame: DF_BSMcoreData 46 6.9 Data Frame: DF_BumperHeights . 46 6.10 Data Frame: DF_Circle . 47 6.11 Data Frame: DF_ComputedLane 47 6.12 Data Frame: DF_ConfidenceSet . 48 6.13 Data Frame: DF_ConnectingLane 48 6.14 Data Frame: DF_

22、Connection 49 6.15 Data Frame: DF_ConnectionManeuverAssist 50 6.16 Data Frame: DF_ConnectsToList . 51 6.17 Data Frame: DF_DataParameters 51 6.18 Data Frame: DF_DDate 51 6.19 Data Frame: DF_DDateTime 51 6.20 Data Frame: DF_DFullTime 52 6.21 Data Frame: DF_DMonthDay . 52 6.22 Data Frame: DF_DTime 53 6

23、.23 Data Frame: DF_DYearMonth 53 6.24 Data Frame: DF_DisabledVehicle 53 6.25 Data Frame: DF_EmergencyDetails . 54 6.26 Data Frame: DF_EnabledLaneList . 54 6.27 Data Frame: DF_EventDescription . 54 6.28 Data Frame: DF_FullPositionVector . 55 6.29 Data Frame: DF_GenericLane 56 6.30 Data Frame: DF_Geog

24、raphicalPath . 57 6.31 Data Frame: DF_GeometricProjection 58 6.32 Data Frame: DF_Header. 58 6.33 Data Frame: DF_IntersectionAccessPoint 58 6.34 Data Frame: DF_IntersectionGeometry 59 6.35 Data Frame: DF_IntersectionGeometryList 60 6.36 Data Frame: DF_IntersectionReferenceID . 60 6.37 Data Frame: DF_

25、IntersectionState . 61 6.38 Data Frame: DF_IntersectionStateList 61 6.39 Data Frame: DF_ITIS_Phrase_ExitService 62 6.40 Data Frame: DF_ITIS_Phrase_GenericSignage 62 6.41 Data Frame: DF_ITIS_Phrase_SpeedLimit 62 6.42 Data Frame: DF_ITIS_Phrase_WorkZone 63 6.43 Data Frame: DF_J1939-Data Items 63 6.44

26、Data Frame: DF_LaneAttributes . 64 6.45 Data Frame: DF_LaneDataAttribute . 65 6.46 Data Frame: DF_LaneDataAttributeList 65 6.47 Data Frame: DF_LaneList . 66 SAE INTERNATIONAL J2735 MAR2016 Page 4 of 267 6.48 Data Frame: DF_LaneTypeAttributes . 66 6.49 Data Frame: DF_ManeuverAssistList . 66 6.50 Data

27、 Frame: DF_MovementEventList . 67 6.51 Data Frame: DF_MovementEvent 67 6.52 Data Frame: DF_MovementList 67 6.53 Data Frame: DF_MovementState . 68 6.54 Data Frame: DF_Node_LL_24B . 69 6.55 Data Frame: DF_Node_LL_28B . 69 6.56 Data Frame: DF_Node_LL_32B . 69 6.57 Data Frame: DF_Node_LL_36B . 69 6.58 D

28、ata Frame: DF_Node_LL_44B . 70 6.59 Data Frame: DF_Node_LL_48B . 70 6.60 Data Frame: DF_Node_LLmD_64b 70 6.61 Data Frame: DF_Node_XY_20b . 70 6.62 Data Frame: DF_Node_XY_22b . 71 6.63 Data Frame: DF_Node_XY_24b . 71 6.64 Data Frame: DF_Node_XY_26b . 71 6.65 Data Frame: DF_Node_XY_28b . 71 6.66 Data

29、Frame: DF_Node_XY_32b . 72 6.67 Data Frame: DF_NodeAttributeLLList . 72 6.68 Data Frame: DF_NodeAttributeSetLL . 72 6.69 Data Frame: DF_NodeAttributeSetXY 73 6.70 Data Frame: DF_NodeAttributeXYList 74 6.71 Data Frame: DF_NodeListLL 74 6.72 Data Frame: DF_NodeListXY . 74 6.73 Data Frame: DF_NodeLL 75

30、 6.74 Data Frame: DF_NodeOffsetPoint_LL 75 6.75 Data Frame: DF_NodeOffsetPointXY . 76 6.76 Data Frame: DF_NodeSetLL 77 6.77 Data Frame: DF_NodeSetXY . 77 6.78 Data Frame: DF_NodeXY . 77 6.79 Data Frame: DF_ObstacleDetection . 78 6.80 Data Frame: DF_OffsetSystem . 78 6.81 Data Frame: DF_OverlayLaneLi

31、st 78 6.82 Data Frame: DF_PathHistory 79 6.83 Data Frame: DF_PathHistoryPointList 79 6.84 Data Frame: DF_PathHistoryPoint . 80 6.85 Data Frame: DF_PathPrediction . 80 6.86 Data Frame: DF_PivotPointDescription 81 6.87 Data Frame: DF_Position3D . 82 6.88 Data Frame: DF_PositionalAccuracy 83 6.89 Data

32、Frame: DF_PositionConfidenceSet 83 6.90 Data Frame: DF_PreemptPriorityList 84 6.91 Data Frame: DF_PrivilegedEvents . 84 6.92 Data Frame: DF_PropelledInformation 84 6.93 Data Frame: DF_RegionList . 85 6.94 Data Frame: DF_RegionOffsets . 85 6.95 Data Frame: DF_RegionPointSet . 85 SAE INTERNATIONAL J27

33、35 MAR2016 Page 5 of 267 6.96 Data Frame: DF_RegulatorySpeedLimit . 86 6.97 Data Frame: DF_RequestedItem 86 6.98 Data Frame: DF_RequestorDescription 86 6.99 Data Frame: DF_RequestorPositionVector 87 6.100 Data Frame: DF_RequestorType 87 6.101 Data Frame: DF_RestrictionClassAssignment . 88 6.102 Data

34、 Frame: DF_RestrictionClassList . 88 6.103 Data Frame: DF_RestrictionUserTypeList 89 6.104 Data Frame: DF_RestrictionUserType 89 6.105 Data Frame: DF_RoadLaneSetList . 89 6.106 Data Frame: DF_RoadSegmentList 89 6.107 Data Frame: DF_RoadSegmentReferenceID . 89 6.108 Data Frame: DF_RoadSegment . 90 6.

35、109 Data Frame: DF_RoadSignID . 91 6.110 Data Frame: DF_RTCMheader . 91 6.111 Data Frame: DF_RTCMmessageList 92 6.112 Data Frame: DF_RTCMPackage 92 6.113 Data Frame: DF_Sample 92 6.114 Data Frame: DF_SegmentAttributeLLList . 93 6.115 Data Frame: DF_SegmentAttributeXYList 93 6.116 Data Frame: DF_Shap

36、ePointSet 93 6.117 Data Frame: DF_SignalRequesterInfo 93 6.118 Data Frame: DF_SignalRequestList . 94 6.119 Data Frame: DF_SignalRequestPackage . 94 6.120 Data Frame: DF_SignalRequest . 95 6.121 Data Frame: DF_SignalStatusList 95 6.122 Data Frame: DF_SignalStatusPackageList 95 6.123 Data Frame: DF_Si

37、gnalStatusPackage 95 6.124 Data Frame: DF_SignalStatus 96 6.125 Data Frame: DF_SnapshotDistance . 97 6.126 Data Frame: DF_Snapshot . 97 6.127 Data Frame: DF_SnapshotTime . 98 6.128 Data Frame: DF_SpecialVehicleExtensions . 98 6.129 Data Frame: DF_SpeedHeadingThrottleConfidence 99 6.130 Data Frame: D

38、F_SpeedLimitList . 99 6.131 Data Frame: DF_SpeedProfileMeasurementList 99 6.132 Data Frame: DF_SpeedProfile 100 6.133 Data Frame: DF_SupplementalVehicleExtensions . 100 6.134 Data Frame: DF_TimeChangeDetails . 101 6.135 Data Frame: DF_TrailerData 102 6.136 Data Frame: DF_TrailerHistoryPointList . 10

39、3 6.137 Data Frame: DF_TrailerHistoryPoint . 103 6.138 Data Frame: DF_TrailerUnitDescriptionList 103 6.139 Data Frame: DF_TrailerUnitDescription 103 6.140 Data Frame: DF_TransmissionAndSpeed 104 6.141 Data Frame: DF_TravelerDataFrameList . 104 6.142 Data Frame: DF_TravelerDataFrame . 105 6.143 Data

40、Frame: DF_ValidRegion . 106 SAE INTERNATIONAL J2735 MAR2016 Page 6 of 267 6.144 Data Frame: DF_VehicleClassification . 106 6.145 Data Frame: DF_VehicleData . 107 6.146 Data Frame: DF_VehicleIdent 107 6.147 Data Frame: DF_VehicleID . 108 6.148 Data Frame: DF_VehicleSafetyExtensions. 108 6.149 Data Fr

41、ame: DF_VehicleSize . 109 6.150 Data Frame: DF_VehicleStatusRequest . 109 6.151 Data Frame: DF_VehicleStatusRequestList . 109 6.152 Data Frame: DF_VehicleStatus 110 6.153 Data Frame: DF_VerticalOffset . 111 6.154 Data Frame: DF_WeatherProbe . 112 6.155 Data Frame: DF_WeatherReport 112 6.156 Data Fra

42、me: DF_WiperSet 112 7. DATA ELEMENTS 114 7.1 Data Element: DE_Acceleration . 114 7.2 Data Element: DE_AccelerationConfidence . 115 7.3 Data Element: DE_AdvisorySpeedType . 115 7.4 Data Element: DE_AllowedManeuvers . 115 7.5 Data Element: DE_AmbientAirPressure (Barometric Pressure) . 117 7.6 Data Ele

43、ment: DE_AmbientAirTemperature . 117 7.7 Data Element: DE_Angle 118 7.8 Data Element: DE_AnimalPropelledType . 118 7.9 Data Element: DE_AnimalType 119 7.10 Data Element: DE_AntiLockBrakeStatus 119 7.11 Data Element: DE_ApproachID 119 7.12 Data Element: DE_Attachment . 120 7.13 Data Element: DE_Attac

44、hmentRadius 120 7.14 Data Element: DE_AuxiliaryBrakeStatus 120 7.15 Data Element: DE_BasicVehicleClass 121 7.16 Data Element: DE_BasicVehicleRole . 123 7.17 Data Element: DE_BrakeAppliedPressure . 124 7.18 Data Element: DE_BrakeAppliedStatus 124 7.19 Data Element: DE_BrakeBoostApplied. 125 7.20 Data

45、 Element: DE_BumperHeight 125 7.21 Data Element: DE_CoarseHeading 125 7.22 Data Element: DE_CodeWord 126 7.23 Data Element: DE_CoefficientOfFriction . 126 7.24 Data Element: DE_Confidence . 126 7.25 Data Element: DE_Count 127 7.26 Data Element: DE_DDay 127 7.27 Data Element: DE_DeltaAngle 127 7.28 D

46、ata Element: DE_DeltaTime . 127 7.29 Data Element: DE_DescriptiveName 128 7.30 Data Element: DE_DHour . 128 7.31 Data Element: DE_DirectionOfUse . 129 7.32 Data Element: DE_DistanceUnits . 129 7.33 Data Element: DE_DMinute 130 SAE INTERNATIONAL J2735 MAR2016 Page 7 of 267 7.34 Data Element: DE_DMont

47、h . 130 7.35 Data Element: DE_DOffset . 130 7.36 Data Element: DE_DrivenLineOffsetLarge . 131 7.37 Data Element: DE_DrivenLineOffsetSmall . 131 7.38 Data Element: DE_DrivingWheelAngle . 131 7.39 Data Element: DE_DSecond 132 7.40 Data Element: DE_DSRC_MessageID . 132 7.41 Data Element: DE_Duration 13

48、4 7.42 Data Element: DE_DYear . 134 7.43 Data Element: DE_ElevationConfidence 135 7.44 Data Element: DE_Elevation 135 7.45 Data Element: DE_Extent . 136 7.46 Data Element: DE_ExteriorLights . 136 7.47 Data Element: DE_FuelType 137 7.48 Data Element: DE_FurtherInfoID 137 7.49 Data Element: DE_GNSSsta

49、tus . 138 7.50 Data Element: DE_GrossDistance 138 7.51 Data Element: DE_GrossSpeed . 139 7.52 Data Element: DE_HeadingConfidence 139 7.53 Data Element: DE_Heading 140 7.54 Data Element: DE_HeadingSlice 140 7.55 Data Element: DE_HumanPropelledType 141 7.56 Data Element: DE_IntersectionID . 142 7.57 Data Element: DE_IntersectionStatusObject 142 7.58 Data Element: DE_IsDolly. 143 7.59 Data Element: DE_Iso3833VehicleType. 143 7.60 Data


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