1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA
2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any
3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. SABS 0120 : Part 2 Section F-1983 Piling Clause ANNEXURE A. PART 2 : PROJECT SPECIFICATION SECTION F CONTENTS ESSENTIAL PROJECT SPECIFICATION CLATJSES .
4、ESSENTIAL DATA ADDITIONAL CLAUSES General . Normal Projects . Conditions of contract Detail sheets . Earthworks Tests . Documentation and design requirements . Faye Number - EXAMPLE OF DETAIL SHEET 4 August 1983 Approved by the COUNCIL OF TllE SOUTH AFRICAN BUREAU OF STANDARDS SAl3S 0120 : Part 2 Se
5、ction F-1983 Piling SAHS 1200 F : PILING NOTE a) Number PSF clauses in Portion 2 of the project specification in the sequence in which the clauses to which they relate appear in SABS 1200 F. b) The clause number(s) given at the beginning or after the heading of a clause is/are, unless otherwise stat
6、ed, the number(s) of the relevant clause(s) of SARS 1200 F. ESSENTIAL PROJECT SPECIFICATION CLAUSES set out suitable clauses in Portion 2 of the project spccification to provide essential information as follows: a) (Subclause 2.3) State the required cut-off level if it is to be other than 75 mm abov
7、e the underside of the pile cap. b) (Suiclause 5.1.1) Give the piling layout, minimum pile size and/or capacity and specified nominal load, type of pile, main reinforcement, and minimum concrete strength required. Draw attention to the requirements of Subclause of SABS l200 F and to the Cont
8、ractors liability in terms of Subclause 7.8 of SABS 1200 F. C) (Subclause 5.1.2 and 8.1.1) In Portion 1 (or, if necessary, in an annexure to the project specifica- tion) and on a site plan, set out details and give positions of boreholes sunk, cores, results of tests on cores or soil samples, and ot
9、her relevant site investigation data. d) (Suhclause 5.1.3) Where alternative proposals will be considered, state the critical design load or the nominal load of each pile, the maximum permissible deflection, and all other technical data necessary for thrb design of the piles and the piling layout. (
10、See Subclause 2.2 of Section F of Part 3 of the code. ) e) (Su1)clauses and 5.1.4(h) Where an alternative proposal will be considered, specify the additional detail drawings and other information that will be required and the details and calculations that will be ordered if the proposal is a
11、ccepted. f) (Suhclause Where SABS 1200 G has not been included in the contract, include the text of Subclauses of SABS 1200 G as a project specification clause. g) (Suhclause 6.3) State any tolerances that are to apply to preformed cast-in-situ piles in place of those given in Subcl
12、ause 6.2 of SABS 1200 F. h) (Subclause 7.6) State the acceptance criteria that a pile is to meet when tested (see below). ESSENTIAL DATA The availability of certain essential data may affect the prices tendered. Except where such data have been given in the schedde or in the detail sheets (s
13、ee 3.2.2 below) or in the tender drawings, set out in Portion 2 of the project specification suitable clauses covering items such as the following: a) (Subclauses 3.1, and State tle strength or girade of concrete requi.red in the piles if this information has not been given on the drawings.
14、 b) (Subclause 3.4(c) Where necessary, specify another maximum size for the classification of boulders in ternis of Subclause 3.4(c) of SABS 1200 F. NOTE: This size will be the minimum size for the classification of rock formation in terms of Subclause 3.4(d) of SABS 1200 F. C) (Subclauses 5.1.2 and
15、 8.1.1) (See l.l(a) above and also Subclause 1.1 of Section F of Part 3 of the code. ) d) (Subclause 5.1.1) Ensure that the nominal load (see Subclause 2.3 of SABS 1200 F) has been specified. e) (Sulclause 6.1) State the degree of accuracy of the PDs that are to apply if those set out i.n Clause 6 a
16、re not acceptable. f) (Subclause 7.1) Where it is required that a special trial pile be installed and tested, set out details and include suitable items in the schedule. g) (Subclause State the limit of the guarantee required if it is to be other than R500 000. h) (Subclause Where
17、the priced schedule for the original design is not required for comparison with that for an alternative offer, insert a clause to the effect that a priced schedule is not required. ADDITIONAL CLAUSES GENERA,. Where it is necessary to amplify or otherwise to vary the terms of SABS 1200.F to render th
18、em suitable for use in projects to be carried out in particular locations or under particular circumstances, include in the project specification clauses dealing with matters other than those covered by Clauses 1 and 2 above. (See also Subclause 1.3 of Section F of Part 3 of the code.) SAHS 0120 : P
19、drt 2 Section F-19R3 Piling 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 NORMAL PROJECTS N(YP1: TO meet requirements mposed by various norms of economlc development, projects are classified as normal, prestige, subeconomic, and labour-based projects (see Clause 4 of Section 0 or Part 3 of the
20、 code). Conditions of Contract. Because they have been framed for use with the gneral conditions of contract1) - (GC(:), certain subclauses of SABS 1200 F may require amendment or amplification when other conditions of contract are applicable. Where conditions of contract other than the WC are appli
21、cable to the contract, ensure titat provisions such as those set out in PSF 1.1 below are inclvded in the applicable conditions of contract or in the special conditions or in Portion 2 of the project specification (The number of the applicable clause of the GCC is given in brackets at the end of the
22、 c:lause for guidance only and must not be repeated.) PSF 1.1 CONTRACTOR TO SCARCE1 (Subclause 5.1.5) The Contractor shall, if required by the Engineer in writing, search for the cause of any defect, inperfectlon, or fault,under the direction of the Engineer. ilnless such defect, imperfection, or fa
23、ult shall be one for which the Contractor is liable under the contract, the cost of the work carried out by the Contractor m searching shall be borne by the Employer, but if such defect, imperfection, or fault shall he one for which the Contractor is liable, the cost of the work carried out in searc
24、hing shall be borne by the Contractor and he shall in such rase repair, rectify, and make good such defect, mperfection, or fault at his own expense. (GCC 50) Detail Sheets. Where drtarl sheets such as that given in Annexure A have been included in the tender document, lnsert a project specification
25、 clause such as the following: (See also Subclause 1.3.6 of Section F of Part 3, and Suhclause 4.2 of Section t of Part 5 of the code.) PSF 2. 1 IlI.:TAIL StiECTS Where details given on an approved detall bheet do not conform to the requirements of thr project specifiration, the details g*ven on the
26、 sard cletall sheet shall prevail. Earthworks. See Suhclause 1.3.1 of Section F of Part 3 of the code. - Tests (Clause 7) Definitions (Subclauses 2.3 and 7.1). Where considered necessary, include the following definitions: secial trml p=. A pile msCalled wth the object of detcrmininq (by means of te
27、sts) the bearinq qualities of the subsoil or the characteristics of the pile 1x1 situ and not intended to be used as a working pile. Trial test (Special test pile). A pile installed with the object of determining piling conditions and intended to be used as a working pile. (A tr,ial test ile may or
28、may not be tested.) Acceptance criteria (Subclause 7.6). The determination of acceptance criteria is dependent on the relationship between the nominal load and the load at which a pile is tested, the tolerable deflection of the top of the pile under load, and the material in which the pile is founde
29、d. (See Subclause 3.1.10 and Drawing F-5.: of Section F ot Part 5 of the code, ar.d also Subclause 2.2 of Section F of Part 3 of the code. ) The tolerable deflection with regard to the structure resting on the piles depends on the nature of the structure and its purpose. Wliere the strictest practic
30、able tolerances are necessary to meet the requirements of the engineer, set out a clause such as the following: PSF 3. ACCEPTANCE CRITERlA PSF 3.1 When a plle is tested Ln accordance with Clause 7 of SABS 1200 F, it will be Oeened to be acceptable lf the residual deflection of the top of the pile do
31、es not exceed the applicable of the following values: a) When the pjle has been tested at the nominal load dnd all load has been removed: 1) 3 mm for plles founded on or in rock; and 2) 6 mm for piles founded in soil or decomposed rock; b) When the pile has been tested at 1,5 tlrnes the nomlnal load
32、 and a11 load has been re-: 1) 6 mm for piles founded on or in rock; dnd 2) 12 mm for plles founded in soil os decomposed ruck. Different circumstances and locations may warr-nt the application of dfferent tests. Where lrlteqrlty testing 1s required, consider the inclusion of a clause such as the fo
33、llowing: PSF 4.1 lNTEGRITY TESTS FOR PILES. If sc required by the Cnglneer, tests shall be carried out on completed piles to estc&lish the souidnesz of the finished pile foundations. When so ordered, the Contractor shall core drill the piles, lay out the cores in suitable boxes, and store the cores
34、until the work has been accepted and any disputes that may arise have been resolved. The core drill shall be of at least NWM si7e and have a double tube bottom discharge barrel providing a core of diameter at least 54 nun. On completion of drilling and recovery of the cores, cach hole shall be flush
35、ed out and then qrouted from the bottom. 1) General conditions of contract for use in connection with works of civil engineering construction, prepared under the auspices of the SAICE, SAACE, and SAFCEC and recommended by these bodies for general use, and also endorsed for general use by the Civil W
36、gineering Advisory Council. (See also Clause C-l(d) of Anncxure C of Part 1 of the code.) SABS 0120 : Part 2 Section F-1983 Piling The core drilling, preservation, handling, and sampling shall be in accordance wlth the relevant requirements of SABS 1200 R), and the preparation and testinq, if ordere
37、d, shall be carried out in accordance with SABS Method 065). 3.2.5 Documentation and Design Requirements. In addition to considering the recommendations given in Clauses 1 and 2 and 3.2.1-3.2.4 above, compile project specification clauses and, where applicable, schedule items in accordance with the
38、recomelidations given in Subclause 1.3 and Clause 2 of Section F of Part 3 of the code. 2) site investigations (in course of preparation). 3) Drilling, preparation, and testing of concrete cores. SADS 0120 : Part 2 Section F-1983 Piling ANMFXURE: A. F.XAMPIX OF DETAIL SHEET . DETAIL SllElZT NO. PLAN
39、T AND PROCEDURE FOR INSTATLING PITES (See Subclauses 4.1.3 and 5.1.2 of SABS 1200 F) A. PLANT AND FQUIPMENT. In order that the planned rate of proqress (i.e. the driving/sinking rate stated in the tender) to the desiqnated pile founding level wrll be maintalnrd throughout, the pldnt and equrpment pr
40、ovtdod by the Contractor shall include the followng: For driven piles Type of hammer Mass of hamner . Manner of driving For bored piles p- B. PROCEDURI.:. The procedure adopied by the Contractor Co acl-rievv t-he planned rate of progress stated in his tender shall include the following: NOTE: The in
41、formation provided shall cover the scheduled items (pay Subclauses 8.2.4-8.2.8 of SABS 1200 F) and scheduled obstructions. Driven pj les Method of driving piles and casings or forming holes . The set (in millimetres) Lux the last ten blows Bored piles Flow piles will Le bored . . Size of each bulbou
42、s base, f any How base of pile will be cleaned before concrcte is placcd . How concrete will be laced and compacted How winforcing steel will Re maintained in place during placing and compoction of the concrete . Details of permanent casing, if any Date: - SIGNATURE OF TENDERER APPROVED as amended* SIGNATURE OF THE ENGINEER * Delete if no amendments DATE sabs pta