SANS 10120-2 NB-1981 Code of practice for use with standardized specifications for civil engineering construction and contract documents Part 2 Project specification Section NB Rai.pdf

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SANS 10120-2 NB-1981 Code of practice for use with standardized specifications for civil engineering construction and contract documents Part 2 Project specification Section NB Rai.pdf_第1页
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SANS 10120-2 NB-1981 Code of practice for use with standardized specifications for civil engineering construction and contract documents Part 2 Project specification Section NB Rai.pdf_第5页
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1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA

2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any

3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. Clause 1 . 2 . 3 . 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.8 3.3 3.4 SARS 0120 : Part 2 Section NR-1981 Railway sidings (trackwork) PART 2

4、: PROJECT SPECIFICATION . PORTION 2 SECTION NU CONTENTS ESSENTIAL PROJECT SPECIFICATZON CLAUSES 1 . ESSENTIAL DATA 1 . AnDITIONAL CLAUSES 1 General 1 Normal Projects 1 Material supplied by employer 1 . Take-off tirnout 2 . Occupation 2 Concrete sleepers 2 . Second-hand fishplates 2 Derail device 2 C

5、alculating of volume of ballast to be stockpiled 2 Destresslng of existing LWR track 2 Prestige Projects 7 Srbeconomlc and Labour-Based Projects 2 November 1981 Approved by the COUNCIL OF THE SOUTH AFRXCAN BUREAU OF STANDARDS SAUS 0120 : Part 2 Section NB-1981 Rai Lway sidings (trackwork) SABS 1200

6、NR : RAILWAY SIDINGS (TRACKWORK) NOTE a) Number the clauses in the projecc specification in the sequence in which the clauses to which they relate appear in SABS 1200 NB. h) The clause nmher(s) given at the heginning or arter the heading of a clause islare, unless otherwise stated, the number(s) of

7、the relevant clause(s) oF SARS 1200 NB. ESSENTIAL PROJECT SPECIFICATION CLAUSES Sec out suitahle clauses in Portion 2 of the project specificatin to provide essential information. as f 01 lows : a) (Suhclause Where the SAR will not supply and instal l tlie take-off turnout, inclnde in PS 4

8、(Details of Contract) a requirement such as “The Contraccor shall provide and install the take-off turnout“. h) (Subclause In a suitahle PSNR clause, state the details of arrangements that have been made for the Contraccor to remove the parts of the crack (owned hy others) that are required

9、 to he removed and to install the take-of f turnout. Schedule such a turnout separately for measurement and payment in tens of Subclause 8.3.2(d) of SABS 1200 NB. c) (Suhclause State whether junction fishplates will he permitted and if so, state the type and size and whether new or second-h

10、and material musc he used. d) (Suhclause Stace the amount of superelevation required on each curve and state the operating condi t ions. ESSENTIAL DATA The availability of certain essential data may affect the prices tendered. Except where such data have been given in the schedule or on the

11、 tender drawings, set out suitable clauses covering items such as the following in Portion 2 of the proJect specification: a) (Suhclause 3.2) Unless the informacion is given in the schedule. for each item OF PWM required for tlie project state the mass, class, and type (as relevant) and whether new

12、or second-hand material is to be supplied. h) Stace also, if applicahle, which of the items of material will he supplied by the employer (Sub- clause 3.2 of SABS 1200 NB) and include a clause srch as that given in Subclause 3.2.4 of Seccion A or referred to in Suhclause 3.2.1 of Seccion AA, as appli

13、cable. c) (Suhclause 3.2.3) For junction rails, scate the mass and the class of rail in existing track. d) (Suhclause 3.2.6) Stace whether sleepers and crossing hearers are to be of softwood, hardwood, concrete, or steel, and give dimensions and, where applicahle, mass. e) (Suhclause 3.2.6) When rel

14、evant, scate whether second-hand sleepers and crossing bearers may be used and. if so, where. E) (Suhclauses and Scace whecher soleplates or cast iron chairs are acceptable. and if so, what type and class. g) (Suhclauses 5.2.9 and 8.3.3) Stace the volume per kjlometre of ballast to

15、he provided. h) (Subclause 5.2.15) Give the position of whistle hoards, siding number boards, and any other signboards required. i) (Subclarise 6.l(i) State tolerances on sleeper dimensions if an accuracy better than Degree of Accuracy III is required. ADDITIONAL CLAUSES GENERAL. Where ic is necessa

16、ry to amplify or otherwise to vary the tens of SARS 1200 NR CO render them suitable for use in projects to he carried out in particular locations or under particular circumstances, include suitable PSNR clauses in Portion 2 of the projecc specification to deal with matters in addition to those cover

17、ed by Clauses 1 and 2. NORMAL PROJECTS NOTE: To meet requirements imposed by varlow norms of economic development. projects are classified as nonnal, prestige, subeconomic, and Lahour-based proJects (see Clause 4 of Section O of Part 3 of the code). Macerial Supplied hy Employer (Suhclatcse 3.2). Ex

18、cept as proviled for in 3.2.2. where the employer is to supply an t ten of PWM (see 2.l(h) take the necessary action ;incl also insert a clause such as chat given in Suhclause 3.2.4 of Section A. SABS 0120 : Parc 2 Section NR-l981 Rai Lway sidings (trackxrork) Take-Of f Turnout (Suhclause 8.3.2 (d).

19、 employer andche SAK for the SAR to prov It is normal ide and insta for arrangements co have been made between tie 111 the take-off curnout, and SABS 1200 NB provi for this situation. Where this is not the case, include a clarrse such as che following: des PSNB 1. Take-of f turnout not provided by S

20、AR PSNR 1.1 Supply and Lnscallation. The SAR will noc provide and install chc cake-off crrrrouc. The Contractor shall provide and install a 1 in 9 left-hand cake-off currlouc ac the pcint marked I1 ,I X on Drawing No. . He shall arrange for the supply. fabrication, and insertion oF this turnout at a

21、 time to suit the owner of Private Siding NO. . . . . Messrs . . . . . . . . . , and h? shall be fu1 ly responsible for tlie cons cruction of the curnouc coeplere. PSNB 1.2 Payment for supply and ins callation of cake-of f turnout. The cake-of f turnout is schedulted under item No. The tens of Suhcl

22、ause 8.3.2(d) of SABS 1200 NR shall :pply. Occupation. See Subclause 1.2.6 of Section NB of Parc 3 and Subclause 3.1.3 of Section NR of Parc 5 of the code. Concrete Sleepers (Subclause Despite the disadvantages of concrece sleepers in cle case cl derailments on a private siding, their use

23、may be economic on major sidings under particular circum- seances. Where this is the case make provision for them in the schedute. Second-Hand Fishplaces (Suhclause 3.2.7). In the case of contracts for clie .Iohabnnesburg City Counci L insert a clause prohihi c ing the use of second-hand f ishpla te

24、s. Derail llevicr (Subclause 3.2.11). Scate whether a derail device is to he a stock and switch type, a standard byes type, or a scotch block. Calculating of Volume of Ballast to be Stockpiled (Suhclalse 8.3.3(a). Where che basis specified in Suhclause 8.3.3(a) of SABS 1200 NR is not acceprabie, spe

25、cify tlie hasis to be used for comuting cw volume of ballast. Descressin of Existin LWR Track (Suhclause 8.3.8(c). If che contractor is required to descress LWR crack inse:t a sui tabl: clause based on SAR Specificacion E 101). PRESTIGE PROJECTS. A private railway siding where the traFEic densicy wi

26、ll he high is rep.?rded as a prestige project that warrants higher than normal standards. In such a case ensure that sitable clauses are included in che project specification to deal with tire materials listed in Subclause 2.7 of Section NB of Part 3 of the code and specify workmanship to Degrw of A

27、ccuracy IX (Suhclause 6.1 OF SARS 1200 NR). SUBECONOMIC MD LABOUR-RASED PRO.JECTS. Do not allow any relaxaclon of the requirements of SABS 1200 NB even where the earchworks, concrece work, etc for a siding are provided on a suheconomic hasis or are lahour-based. However, subs tancial savings may he ef Fccted for low-densi cy-traf fic sidings by specifying the Class C rails. 1) E 10 : Specification for placelaying and ballascing, puhlishrd by the Chief Civil Enginecr. SAII. .Johannesburg. r.dx pla


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