SANS 51124-3-2008 Pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded stainless steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems Part 3 System X - Dimensions《废水系统中使用的带水龙头及插入座的管道及.pdf

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SANS 51124-3-2008 Pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded stainless steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems Part 3 System X - Dimensions《废水系统中使用的带水龙头及插入座的管道及.pdf_第1页
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SANS 51124-3-2008 Pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded stainless steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems Part 3 System X - Dimensions《废水系统中使用的带水龙头及插入座的管道及.pdf_第2页
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SANS 51124-3-2008 Pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded stainless steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems Part 3 System X - Dimensions《废水系统中使用的带水龙头及插入座的管道及.pdf_第3页
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SANS 51124-3-2008 Pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded stainless steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems Part 3 System X - Dimensions《废水系统中使用的带水龙头及插入座的管道及.pdf_第4页
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SANS 51124-3-2008 Pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded stainless steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems Part 3 System X - Dimensions《废水系统中使用的带水龙头及插入座的管道及.pdf_第5页
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1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA

2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any

3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. ISBN 978-0-626-21230-8 SANS 51124-3:2008 Edition 1 EN 1124-3:1999 Edition 1SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded st

4、ainless steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems Part 3: System X Dimensions This national standard is the identical implementation of EN 1124-3:1999 and is adopted with the permission of CEN, rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels. Published by SABS Standards Division 1 Dr Lategan Ro

5、ad Groenkloof Private Bag X191 Pretoria 0001 Tel: +27 12 428 7911 Fax: +27 12 344 1568 SABS This standard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SABS.SANS 51124-3:2008 Edition 1 EN 1124-3:1999 Edition 1 Table of changes Change No. Date Sco

6、pe National foreword This South African standard was approved by National Committee SABS SC 138D, Water and sanitation Equipment and systems Copper pipes and steel pipes and fittings, in accordance with procedures of the SABS Standards Division, in compliance with annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement. T

7、his SANS document was published in September 2008. This standard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SABS.EUROPEANSTANDARD NORMEEUROPENNE EUROPISCHENORM EN11243 January1999 ICS23.040.10;23.040.40;23.040.60 Descriptors: waterremoval,sewage,waterpipelin

8、es,steeltubes,stainlesssteel,weldedtubes,pipesockets,seals: stoppers,dimensions,dimensionaltolerances Englishversion Pipesandfittingsoflongitudinallyweldedstainlesssteelpipes withspigotandsocketforwastewatersystemsPart3:System X;Dimensions Tubesetraccordsdetubesoudslongitudinalementen acierinoxydabl

9、e,manchonenfichablepourrseaux dassainissementPartie3:SystmeX;Dimensions RohreundFormstckeauslngsnahtgeschweitem, nichtrostendemStahlrohrmitSteckmuffefr AbwasserleitungenTeil3:SystemX;Mae ThisEuropeanStandardwasapprovedbyCENon16December1998. CENmembersareboundtocomplywiththeCEN/CENELECInternalRegulat

10、ionswhichstipulatetheconditionsforgivingthisEuropean Standardthestatusofanationalstandardwithoutanyalteration.Uptodatelistsandbibliographicalreferencesconcerningsuchnational standardsmaybeobtainedonapplicationtotheCentralSecretariatortoanyCENmember. ThisEuropeanStandardexistsinthreeofficialversions(

11、English,French,German).Aversioninanyotherlanguagemadebytranslation undertheresponsibilityofaCENmemberintoitsownlanguageandnotifiedtotheCentralSecretariathasthesamestatusastheofficial versions. CENmembersarethenationalstandardsbodiesofAustria,Belgium,CzechRepublic,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Greec

12、e, Iceland,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Spain,Sweden,SwitzerlandandUnitedKingdom. EUROPEANCOMMITTEEFORSTANDARDIZATION COMITEUROPENDENORMALISATION EUROPISCHESKOMITEEFRNORMUNG CentralSecretariat:ruedeStassart,36B1050Brussels 1999CEN Allrightsofexploitationinanyformandbyanymeans

13、reserved worldwideforCENnationalMembers. Ref.No.EN11243:1999E SANS 51124-3:2008This standard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SABS.Page2 EN11243:1999 Contents Page Foreword.3 1Scope3 2Normativereferences3 3Definitions4 4Symbols 4 5Dimensions4 5.1Ge

14、neralandtolerances.4 5 . 2 S o c k e t s 5 5 . 3 P i p e s.6 5.3.1PipewithonesocketShapeB1 .6 5.3.2PipewithtwosocketsShapeB2 7 5.4Bend .8 5.4.1BendwithlargeradiusShapeC1 .8 5.4.2BendwithsmallradiusShapeC2 9 5.4.3BendwithstillingsectionShapeC3 1 0 5 . 5 B r a n c h e s.1 1 5.5.1SinglebranchShapeD1 1

15、1 5.5.2ReducingsinglebranchShapeD11 1 2 5.5.3ReducingdoublebranchShapeD21 1 3 5.6Connectingunits .1 4 5.6.1Connectingunitsfortheusewithdischargesetsofsanitaryappliances(angularbend90)ShapeE114 5.6.2Connectingunitsforusewithotherkindsofpipes 1 5 5.7Transitionpipe(concentric)ShapeF2 2 2 5.8Repaircoupl

16、ing/doublesocketShapeF4 2 3 5.9InsertioncouplingwithlongsocketShapeF5 .2 4 5 . 1 0 T r a p G 1.2 5 5 . 1 1 A c c e s s p i p e s 2 6 5.11.1AccesspipewithroundcleaningholeShapeH1 2 6 5.11.2AccesspipewithrectangularcleaningholeShapeH2orovalcleaningholeShapeH3 .2 7 5.12Shearcoupling2 8 5.12.1Shearcoupl

17、ingAShapeK1 .2 8 5.12.2ShearcouplingBShapeK2 .2 9 6Otherfittings.2 9 7Seals.3 0 7.1 SealsforDN40toDN200 ShapeM1 .3 0 7.2TransitionsealfromsteelpipespecialsockettoplasticdrainpipeShapeE12D 3 1 7.3GasketforroundcleaningholesofaccesspipesofshapeH1ShapeH1D .3 2 7.4GasketforrectangularcleaningholesShapeH

18、2DorgasketforovalcleaningholesShapeH3D . 33 SANS 51124-3:2008This standard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SABS.Page3 EN11243:1999 Foreword ThisEuropeanStandardhasbeenpreparedbyTechnicalCommitteeCEN/TC165“Wastewaterengineering“,the secretariatofwh

19、ichisheldbyDIN. ThisEuropeanStandardshallbegiventhestatusofanationalstandard,eitherbypublicationofanidenticaltextor byendorsement,atthelatestbyJuly1999,andconflictingnationalstandardsshallbewithdrawnatthelatestbyJuly 1999. AccordingtotheCEN/CENELECInternalRegulations,thenationalstandardsorganization

20、sof thefollowing countriesareboundtoimplementthisEuropeanStandard:Austria,Belgium,CzechRepublic,Denmark,Finland, France,Germany,Greece,Iceland,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Spain,Sweden, SwitzerlandandtheUnitedKingdom. 1Scope Thisstandardappliestopipesandfittingsoflongitudinal

21、lyweldedstainlesssteelpipeswithspigotandsocketfor wastewatersystems. Itspecifiesdimensionsandtolerancesforpipes,fittings,pipeconnectorsandsealsoftheSystemXandestablishes asystemofdesignationsforthedifferentpipeandfittingtypesthatconformtothestatedrequirements. NOTE:SystemXisasystemofpipesandfittings

22、oflongitudinallyweldedstainlesssteelpipeswithtwostep sockets. ThisstandardisonlyvalidinconnectionwithEN11241. Thisstandarddoesnotapplytothemarkingofproducts.EN11241appliestothemarking. 2NormativeReferences ThisEuropeanStandardincorporatesbydatedorundatedreferences,provisionsfromotherpublications.The

23、se normativereferencesarecitedattheappropriateplacesinthetextandthepublicationsarelistedhereafter. For datedreferences,subsequentamendmentstoorrevisionsofanyofthesepublicationsapplytothisEuropean Standardonlywhenincorporatedinitbyamendmentorrevision. Forundatedreferencesthelatesteditionofthe publica

24、tionreferredtoapplies. EN295 Vitrifiedclaypipesandfittingsandpipejointsfordrainsandsewers prEN877 Castironpipesandfittings,theirjointsandaccessoriesfortheevacuationofwaterfrombuildings Requirements,testmethodsandqualityassurance EN11231:1999 Pipesandfittingsoflongitudinallyweldedhotdipgalvanizedstee

25、lpipeswithspigotandsocketforwastewater systemsPart1:Requirements,testing,qualitycontrol EN11241:1999 Pipesandfittingsoflongitudinallyweldedstainlesssteelpipeswithspigotandsocketforwastewatersystems Part1:Requirements,testing,qualitycontrol prEN1329 Plasticspipingsystemsforsoilandwastedischarge(lowan

26、dhightemperature)withinthebuildingstructure Unplasticizedpoly(vinylchloride)(PVCU) prEN1451 Plasticspipingsystemsforsoilandwastedischarge(lowandhightemperature)withinthebuildingstructure Polypropylene(PP) prEN1453 Plasticspipingsystemswithstructuredwallpipesforsoilandwastedischarge(lowandhightempera

27、ture)inside buildingsUnplasticizedpoly(vinylchloride)(PVCU) prEN1455 Plasticspipingsystemsforsoilandwastedischarge(lowandhightemperature)withinthebuildingstructure Acrylonitrilebutadienestyrene(ABS) prEN1519 Plasticspipingsystemsforsoilandwastedischarge(lowandhightemperature)withinthe buildingstruct

28、ure SANS 51124-3:2008This standard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SABS.Page4 EN11243:1999 Polyethylene(PE) prEN1565 Plasticspipingsystemsforsoilandwastedischarge(lowandhightemperature)withinthebuildingstructure StyreneCopolymerBlends(SAN+PVC) prE

29、N1566 Plasticspipingsystemsforsoilandwastedischarge(lowandhightemperature)withinthebuildingstructure Chlorinatedpoly(vinylchloride)(PVCC) ISO1127:1992 Stainlesssteeltubes:Dimensions,tolerancesandconventionalmassesperunitlength 3Definitions Forthepurposesofthisstandard,thedefinitionsspecifiedinEN1124

30、1apply. 4Symbols DN/ID Nominalsizeregardingtheinsidediameter DN/OD Nominalsizeregardingtheoutsidediameter d Diameter t Socketdepth s Wallthickness l Effectivelength r Radius a Angle e Offsetdimension(shift) t 5 Leastinsertiondepth 5Dimensions 5.1Generalandtolerances Thefiguresinthisstandardaresimpli

31、fieddrawings. Thedimensionsgivenshallbefollowed. Wherenodimensionsaregiveninthisstandard,tolerancesforlineardimensionsshallbefollowedaccordingto table1,tolerancesforradiishallbefollowedaccordingtotable2,tolerancesforangulardimensionsreferringtothe smallersidelengthshallbefollowedaccordingtotable3and

32、tolerancesforelastomerpartsshallbefollowed accordingtotable4. Table1 Dimensionsinmillimetres Dimensionalrange Tolerancesforlineardimensions from0upto300 morethan300 5 8 Table2 Dimensionsinmillimetres Dimensionalrange Tolerancesforradii morethan27upto181 morethan181upto378 morethan378upto457 3 4 5 SA

33、NS 51124-3:2008This standard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SABS.Page5 EN11243:1999 Table3 Sidelength mm Tolerancesforangles degrees morethan10upto120 morethan120upto400 morethan400 3 2 1,5 Table4 Dimensionsinmillimetres Rangeofnominalsize Tolera

34、ncesforelastomerparts relatingformbounddimensions (F)in% relatingformfittingbound dimension( C)in% morethan25upto 40 0,6 1,0 morethan40upto 63 0,8 1,3 morethan 63upto100 1,0 1,6 morethan100upto160 1,3 2,0 above160 0,8 byagreementwiththe manufacturerofthecomponents. 5.2Sockets Thesocketdimensionsacco

35、rdingtofigure1shallconformtotable5. Fittingsaregenerallyfabricatedwithsocket type1A. Detailsnotspecifiedshallbechosenappropriately. Sockettype 1A Sockettype2A/3A Sockettype 0,5A Standardsocket Longsocket Shortsocket 1 ) Jointwithringsealsocket Figure1:Sockettypes 1 )Foruseoftheshortsocket,nationalre

36、gulationsshouldbetakenintoaccount. SANS 51124-3:2008This standard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SABS.Page6 EN11243:1999 Table5 Dimensionsinmillimetres Nomi nal size DN/ID d 1 2 ) s 3 ) Socketdimensions light series L medium series M heavy series

37、 S d 2 d 3 d 4 Toleran cesfor d 1 to d 4 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 t 5 1 ) Toleran cesfor t 1 to t 4 40 42 1,0 1,2 1,5 44,8 47,8 44,8 0,6 30 70 100 16 20 50 53 1,0 1,2 1,5 55,8 59,8 55,8 0,6 3890 130 19 28 70 73 1,0 1,2 1,5 75,8 80,8 75,8 0,7 55 120 175 27 35 80 89 1,0 1,2 1,5 91,8 98,8 91,8 0,9 60 130 190 31

38、 40 + 4 2 100 103 1,0 1,2 1,5 106,8 114,8 107,8 1,0 70 150 220 38 45 125 133 1,0 1,5 2,0 137,8 146,8 139,8 1,3 75 160 235 41 50 150 159 1,0 2,0 2,5 163,8 175,8 167,8 1,6 80 170 250 56 55 200 219 1,0 2,0 2,5 223,8 240,8 227,8 2,2 120 250 370 76 85 1 )installationinstructionsonly(necessaryleastinserti

39、ondepthfortightnessofpipeconnection).exceptshort socket 2 )Pipeendsslightlyretracted 3 )PermissibledimensionsaccordingtoISO1127:1992:ISOtoleranceclassT3:10%ofthewallthickness, maximum0,2mm 5.3Pipes Theeffectivelengthofpipesshallcomplywithtable6ortable7. Ifthepipeshaveanadditionalcorrosionprotection(

40、P)accordingtoclause9ofEN11241:1999,thisshallbe addedtothedesignation. 5.3.1PipewithonesocketShapeB1 Figure2:ShapeB1 Designationofadrainagesteelpipe(B1)withstandardsocket(1A)ofmediumseries(M),nominalsizeDN/ID100 andeffectivelength l 1 =1000mmwithadditionalcorrosionprotection(P): PipeEN11243B11AM10010

41、00P SANS 51124-3:2008This standard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SABS.Page7 EN11243:1999 Table6 Dimensionsinmillimetres NominalsizeDN/ID l 1 5 40 50 70 80 250 500 750 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 100 125 150 200 5.3.2PipewithtwosocketsShapeB2 Figure

42、3:ShapeB2 Designationofadrainagesteelpipe(B2)withstandardsocket(1A)ofmediumseries(M),nominalsizeDN/ID 80andeffectivelength l 7 =750mm: PipeEN11243B21AM80750 Table7 Dimensionsinmillimetres NominalsizeDN/ID l 7 5 40 50 70 80 100 250 500 750 1000 1500 2000 3000 125 150 200 SANS 51124-3:2008This standar

43、d may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SABS.Page8 EN11243:1999 5.4Bend Ifrequired,type(A)or(B)andtheadditionalcorrosionprotection(P)accordingtoEN11241shallbeaddedtothe designation(see5.3). 5.4.1BendwithlargeradiusShapeC1 Figure4:ShapeC1 Designationofabend(C1)withstandardsocket(1A)ofmediumseries(M),nominalsizeDN/ID100and a =45 oftypeA: BendEN11243C11AM 10045A Table8 Dimensionsin

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