SANS 61290-5-1-2007 Optical amplifiers - Test methods Part 5-1 Reflectance parameters - Optical spectrum analyzer method《光学放大器 试验方法 第5-1部分 反射参数 光谱分析仪法》.pdf

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SANS 61290-5-1-2007 Optical amplifiers - Test methods Part 5-1 Reflectance parameters - Optical spectrum analyzer method《光学放大器 试验方法 第5-1部分 反射参数 光谱分析仪法》.pdf_第1页
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SANS 61290-5-1-2007 Optical amplifiers - Test methods Part 5-1 Reflectance parameters - Optical spectrum analyzer method《光学放大器 试验方法 第5-1部分 反射参数 光谱分析仪法》.pdf_第2页
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SANS 61290-5-1-2007 Optical amplifiers - Test methods Part 5-1 Reflectance parameters - Optical spectrum analyzer method《光学放大器 试验方法 第5-1部分 反射参数 光谱分析仪法》.pdf_第3页
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SANS 61290-5-1-2007 Optical amplifiers - Test methods Part 5-1 Reflectance parameters - Optical spectrum analyzer method《光学放大器 试验方法 第5-1部分 反射参数 光谱分析仪法》.pdf_第4页
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SANS 61290-5-1-2007 Optical amplifiers - Test methods Part 5-1 Reflectance parameters - Optical spectrum analyzer method《光学放大器 试验方法 第5-1部分 反射参数 光谱分析仪法》.pdf_第5页
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1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA

2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any

3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. ISBN 978-0-626-19564-9 SANS 61290-5-1:2007Edition 2IEC 61290-5-1:2006Edition 2SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Optical amplifiers Test methods Part 5-1: R

4、eflectance parameters Optical spectrum analyzer method This national standard is the identical implementation of IEC 61290-5-1:2006 and is adopted with the permission of the International Electrotechnical Commission. Published by Standards South Africa 1 dr lategan road groenkloof private bag x191 p

5、retoria 0001 tel: 012 428 7911 fax: 012 344 1568 international code + 27 12 Standards South Africa SANS 61290-5-1:2007 Edition 2 IEC 61290-5-1:2006 Edition 2 Table of changes Change No. Date Scope National foreword This South African standard was approved by National Committee StanS

6、A SC 74A, Communication technology Fibre optics, in accordance with procedures of Standards South Africa, in compliance with annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement. This SANS document was published in August 2007. This SANS document supersedes SANS 61290-5-1:2002 (edition 1). NORME INTERNATIONALECEIIECINT

7、ERNATIONAL STANDARD 61290-5-1Deuxime ditionSecond edition2006-05Amplificateurs optiques Mthodes dessais Partie 5-1: Paramtres de rflectance Mthode danalyseur de spectre optique Optical amplifiers Test methods Part 5-1: Reflectance parameters Optical spectrum analyzer method Pour prix, voir catalogue

8、 en vigueur For price, see current catalogue IEC 2006 Droits de reproduction rservs Copyright - all rights reserved Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut tre reproduite ni utilise sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procd, lectronique ou mcanique, y compris la photocopie et les microfil

9、ms, sans laccord crit de lditeur. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Varemb, PO B

10、ox 131, CH-1211 Geneva 20, SwitzerlandTelephone: +41 22 919 02 11 Telefax: +41 22 919 03 00 E-mail: Web: CODE PRIX PRICE CODE L Commission Electrotechnique InternationaleInternational Electrotechnical Commission SANS 61290-5-1:2007This s tandard may only be used and printed b

11、y approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SABS .61290-5-1 IEC:2006 3 CONTENTS FOREWORD.5 INTRODUCTION.11 1 Scope and object13 2 Normative references13 3 Acronyms and abbreviations .13 4 Apparatus.13 5 Test sample17 6 Procedure.17 6.1 Maximum and minimum input reflectance.17 6.2 Output r

12、eflectance .21 7 Calculation .21 7.1 Maximum and minimum input reflectance.21 7.2 Output reflectance .21 8 Test results 21 8.1 Maximum and minimum input reflectance.21 8.2 Output reflectance .23 Figure 1 Typical arrangement of the optical spectrum analyzer test apparatus for input reflectance15 Figu

13、re 2 Set-up for insertion loss measurement of optical coupler and isolator17 Figure 3 Set-up for OA input power measurements.19 SANS 61290-5-1:2007This s tandard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SABS .61290-5-1 IEC:2006 5 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHN

14、ICAL COMMISSION _ OPTICAL AMPLIFIERS TEST METHODS Part 5-1: Reflectance parameters Optical spectrum analyzer method FOREWORD 1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Commit

15、tees). The object of IEC is to promote international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports, Publicly Availab

16、le Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as “IEC Publication(s)”). Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-governmental organ

17、izations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. IEC collaborates closely with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by agreement between the two organizations. 2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical m

18、atters express, as nearly as possible, an international consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation from all interested IEC National Committees. 3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC Nati

19、onal Committees in that sense. While all reasonable efforts are made to ensure that the technical content of IEC Publications is accurate, IEC cannot be held responsible for the way in which they are used or for any misinterpretation by any end user. 4) In order to promote international uniformity,

20、IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC Publications transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional publications. Any divergence between any IEC Publication and the corresponding national or regional publication shall be clearly indicated in the latter. 5) IEC pro

21、vides no marking procedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for any equipment declared to be in conformity with an IEC Publication. 6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication. 7) No liability shall attach to IEC or its directors, emplo

22、yees, servants or agents including individual experts and members of its technical committees and IEC National Committees for any personal injury, property damage or other damage of any nature whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, or for costs (including legal fees) and expenses arising out of the

23、 publication, use of, or reliance upon, this IEC Publication or any other IEC Publications. 8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications is indispensable for the correct application of this publication. 9) Attention is drawn to the p

24、ossibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of patent rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. International Standard IEC 61290-5-1 has been prepared by subcommittee 86C: Fibre optic systems and active devices, of IE

25、C technical committee 86: Fibre optics. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2000. It constitutes a technical revision. In this edition the applicability has been extended to all commercially available optical amplifiersnot just optical fiber amplifiers. SANS 61290

26、-5-1:2007This s tandard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SABS .61290-5-1 IEC:2006 7 The text of this standard is based on the following documents: FDIS Report on voting 86C/697/FDIS 86C/702/RVD Full information on the voting for the approval of thi

27、s standard can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table. This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. IEC 61290 consists of the following parts under the general title Optical amplifiers Test methods:1Part 1-1: Test methods for gain parame

28、ters Optical spectrum analyzer Part 1-2: Power and gain parameters Electrical spectrum analyzer method Part 1-3: Power and gain parameters Optical power meter method Part 2-1: Test methods for optical power parameters Optical spectrum analyzer Part 2-2: Test methods for optical power parameters Elec

29、trical spectrum analyzer Part 3: Test methods for noise figure parameters Part 3-1: Noise figure parameters Optical spectrum analyzer method Part 3-2: Test methods for noise figure parameters Electrical spectrum analyzer method Part 5-1: Reflectance parameters Optical spectrum analyser method Part 5

30、-2: Reflectance parameters Electrical spectrum analyser method Part 5-3: Test methods for reflectance parameters Reflectance tolerance using an electrical spectrum analyser Part 6-1: Test methods for pump leakage parameters Optical demultiplexer Part 7-1: Test methods for out-of-band insertion losse

31、s Filtered optical power meter Part 10-1: Multi-channel parameters Pulse method using an optical switch and optical spectrum analyzer Part 10-2: Multi-channel parameters Pulse method using a gated optical spectrum analyzer Part 10-3: Multi-channel parameters Probe methods Part 11-1: Polarization mod

32、e dispersion Jones matrix eigenanalysis method (JME) Part 11-2: Polarization mode dispersion parameter Poincar sphere analysis method _ 1The first editions of some of these parts were published under the general title Optical fibre amplifiers Basic specification or Optical amplifier test methods. SA

33、NS 61290-5-1:2007This s tandard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SABS .61290-5-1 IEC:2006 9 The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until the maintenance result date indicated on the IEC web site under

34、“http:/“ in the data related to the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be reconfirmed, withdrawn, replaced by a revised edition, or amended. SANS 61290-5-1:2007This s tandard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SAB

35、S .61290-5-1 IEC:2006 11 INTRODUCTION As far as can be determined, this is the first International Standard on this subject. The technology of optical fibre amplifiers is quite new and still emerging, hence amendments to and new editions of this standard can be expected. Each abbreviation introduced

36、 in this standard is explained in the text at least the first time it appears. However, for an easier understanding of the whole text, a list of all abbreviations used in this standard is given in Clause 3. SANS 61290-5-1:2007This s tandard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and f

37、reemailing clients of the SABS .61290-5-1 IEC:2006 13 OPTICAL AMPLIFIERS TEST METHODS Part 5-1: Reflectance parameters Optical spectrum analyzer method 1 Scope and object This part of IEC 61290 applies to all commercially available optical amplifiers (OAs) and optically amplified sub-systems. It app

38、lies to OAs using optically pumped fibres (OFAs based on either rare-earth doped fibres or on the Raman effect), semiconductor OAs (SOAs), and waveguides (POWAs) The object of this standard is to establish uniform requirements for accurate and reliable measurements, by means of the optical spectrum

39、analyzer test method, of the following OA parameters, as defined in IEC 61291-1: a) maximum input reflectance; b) minimum input reflectance; c) output reflectance. NOTE 1 All numerical values followed by () are currently under consideration. NOTE 2 The reflectance test method described in this stand

40、ard does not apply to distributed fibre Raman amplifiers. The evaluation of reflectance and return loss of the distributed fibre Raman amplifiers is under consideration. NOTE 3 The choice of methods, either the optical spectrum analyzer test method or the electrical spectrum analyzer test method, ca

41、n depend on equipment availability. Normally, similar results are anticipated from both techniques. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the late

42、st edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. IEC 61291-1: Optical fibre amplifiers Part 1: Generic specification 3 Acronyms and abbreviations ASE amplified spontaneous emission DFB distributed feed-back (laser diode) OA optical amplifier OFA optical fibre amplifier 4 App

43、aratus A scheme of the measurement set-up is given in Figure 1. The test equipments listed below, with the required characteristics, are needed. SANS 61290-5-1:2007This s tandard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SABS .61290-5-1 IEC:2006 15 The pola

44、rization-dependent loss variation of each optical passive component listed below shall be better than 0,2 dB (). a) Optical source: The optical source shall be either at fixed wavelength or wavelength-tuneable. It shall generate light at the wavelength specified in the relevant detail specification,

45、 and shall emit enough optical power to allow measurements of reflectance of 50 dB to 60 dB. The suppression ratio of side modes shall be higher than 30 dB(). An optical isolator with isolation greater than 40 dB shall be either integrated within the source package, or connected at the source output

46、. The source shall be linearly polarized, in order to accomplish high precision measurements of amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) power within a narrow optical bandwidth. NOTE A DFB laser or an external cavity laser can be suitable optical sources. b) Optical coupler: A 3 dB, 2 2 optical coupler

47、is needed. It shall have an insertion loss lower than 3,5 dB () and a directivity not lower than 60 dB. Its input connectors shall have reflectance lower than 60 dB (). Its output connector shall be of the same type as the OA input connector. Its output unused port shall have a reflectance lower tha

48、n 60 dB (). The polarization dependent loss of the optical coupler shall be less than 0,5 dB (). c) Optical power meter: This device is used for calibration purposes. It shall have a measurement accuracy better than 0,2 dB, a dependence of the state of polarization lower than 0,1 dB (), within the o

49、perational wavelength bandwidth of the OA. Its dynamic range shall exceed the range of reflectance to be measured. d) Optical spectrum analyzer: Its linearity and accuracy of spectral-power-measurement shall be better than 1,5 dB and 1 dB respectively, within the operational wavelength bandwidth of the OA. Polarization dependence of the spectral power measureme

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