UL 61010-2-201 (ND)-2018 National Differences For UL 61010-2-201 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement Control and Laboratory Use C Part 2-201 Particular Reqo.pdf

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UL 61010-2-201 (ND)-2018 National Differences For UL 61010-2-201 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement Control and Laboratory Use C Part 2-201 Particular Reqo.pdf_第1页
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1、UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULNational Differences ForUL 61010-2-201Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use Part 2-201: Particular Requirements for Control EquipmentUL COPYRIG

2、HTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULNational Differences ForUL 61010-2-201Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use Part2-201: Particular Requirements for Control EquipmentSecond EditionEdition

3、 Date: MAY 14, 2018This new edition of ANSI/UL 61010-2-201 is an Adoption of IEC 61010-2-201:2017, SafetyRequirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use Part2-201: Particular requirements for control equipment Second edition issued by the IEC March2017.Please note t

4、hat the National Difference document incorporates all of the U.S. nationaldifferences for UL 61010-2-201.This document provides a single listing of the National Differences included in the UL adoption ofthe corresponding IEC standard.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced

5、, stored in a retrieval system, ortransmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwisewithout prior permission of UL.UL provides this standards document as is without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied,including but not limited to, the imp

6、lied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose.In no event will UL be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages,including loss of profits, lost savings, loss of data, or any other damages arising out of the use of or theinability to use this standa

7、rds document, even if UL or an authorized UL representative has been advisedof the possibility of such damage. In no event shall ULs liability for any damage ever exceed the pricepaid for this standards document, regardless of the form of the claim.Users of the electronic versions of ULs Standards f

8、or Safety agree to defend, indemnify, and hold ULharmless from and against any loss, expense, liability, damage, claim, or judgment (including reasonableattorneys fees) resulting from any error or deviation introduced while purchaser is storing an electronicStandard on the purchasers computer system

9、.Copyright 2018 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.MAY 14, 2018NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR UL 61010-2-2012UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULPrefaceThis document provides a single listing of the technical National Differences included in

10、the UL adoptionof the corresponding IEC standard.In its IEC-based standards, UL uses the notations indicated below to identify national difference type, andthese types are additionally noted in this document. The standard may not use all types of thesedeviations.D1 - These are deviations which are b

11、ased on basic safety principles and requirements, elimination ofwhich would compromise safety for U.S. consumers and users of products.D2 - These are deviations based on safety practices. These are deviations for IEC requirements that maybe acceptable, but adopting the IEC requirements would require

12、 considerable retesting or redesign on themanufacturers part.DC - These are deviations based on the component standards and will not be deleted until a particularcomponent standard is harmonized with the IEC component standard.DE - These are deviations based on editorial comments or corrections.DR -

13、 These are deviations based on the national regulatory requirements.Each national difference contains a description of what the national difference entails. Typically one of thefollowing words is used to explain how the text of the national difference is to be applied to the base IECtext:Addition /

14、Add - An addition entails adding a complete new numbered clause, subclause, table, figure,or annex. Addition is not meant to include adding select words to the base IEC text.Deletion / Delete - A deletion entails complete deletion of an entire numbered clause, subclause, table,figure, or annex witho

15、ut any replacement text.Modification / Modify - A modification is an altering of the existing base IEC text such as the addition,replacement or deletion of certain words or the replacement of an entire clause, subclause, table, figure,or annex of the base IEC text.MAY 14, 2018 NATIONAL DIFFERENCES F

16、OR UL 61010-2-201 3UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULNational Differences5.3DV D2 Modification of Clause 5.3 of the Part 1 by replacing the text with thefollowing:Open equipment shall be exempt from the Durability of markings tes

17、t unless cleaning inthe area of required markings is recommended by the manufacturer.Annex 101.DVA DE Addition of Annex 101.DVA as follows:A brief summary of the major changes from the First edition to the Second Edition of IEC61010-2-201:2017, Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measur

18、ement, Controland Laboratory Use Part 2-201: Particular requirements for control equipment, asspecified by UL, is shown below:Cl Change1.1.1 Scope Reworded equipment examples. Clarified equipment ratedCAT II, III and IV is covered by this standard.3 Terms and Definitions Terms and definitions were a

19、dded or changed. KeyChanges include:Modified “Protective Conductor Terminal” replace by“Protective Earth Terminal”Added definition of Ambient as air surrounding theequipment.Removed Hand-held equipment. Terminals Functional Earth Terminal can be IEC 60417-5017 or IEC60417-5018.5.1.8 Field Wir

20、ing Terminal boxes Field wiring terminal need not be marked to indicate thetemperature rating for control circuit conductors.5.4.1 General Allows instruction to be in the form of electronic media forequipment intended to be installed by service personnelor trained installers. Figure 102 Corre

21、cted and added clarification. Items circled in red, onright side, may only apply to spread of fire considerations,clause 9. Identification of each circuit e.g. Mains circuit #1and #2 are added to clarify that those items apply todifferent (separated) circuits. Clearances Linear interpolation

22、is permitted between the nearest twopoints in Table Clearance and Creepage Distances Annex FF added to clarify measurement of Clearance (CL)and Creepage (Cr) distances for components mounted ona printed wiring board (PWB). The key clarification was tonote that the required Cr distance from

23、 pad to pad may bebased on the component material group (Other insulatingmaterial) and not the PWB material group depending onthe distance between the component and the PWB. Thiscould increase the required Cr distances between thepads on the printed wiring board.6.7.101 Insulation for Field Wiring T

24、erminal of CAT II Table 104 was revised to align with IEC 61131-2.Requirements of some creepage and clearance distanceswere reduced. Clarified that Annex K shall be used forCAT III and IV applications.MAY 14, 2018NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR UL 61010-2-2014Table Continued on Next PageUL COPYRIGHTED MATE

25、RIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULTable (Continued)Cl Change6.8.3 Test procedures Removed the 500 VA requirements for dielectric testers.8.1 General Clarified that impact testing to 6.8 Joules. Minor increasein impact force.9 Protection against spr

26、ead of fire Cl 9.2 added Figure 102.Cl 9.3.2 Added glow-wire test as option. Added testrequirements to allow magnesium alloy enclosure, AnnexDD.10 Equipment Temperature limits and resistance to heat. No significant change in requirement but significantchange to attesting methodology. Removed test en

27、closurerequirements for Open type equipment. Details means tomeasure ambient temperature. Requires most equipmentto be tested at rated ambient temperature.MAY 14, 2018 NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR UL 61010-2-201 5UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULMAY 14, 2018NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR UL 61010-2-2016No Text on This Page


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