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1、1Unit 24 Society Section Warmup (should) be sent5Its suggested that a lab _ (build) in this school.答案:(should) be built二、英语口语跟熟人交谈时用下列表达方式可以使“建议”听上去不生硬,具有试探性。If I were you, I would.If I were you, I would accept the job at once.如果我是你,我会立即接受这份工作。I think you should.I think you should study English well

2、 before going abroad.我认为你在出国之前应该把英语学好。I think you ought to.I think you ought to tell your husband youre pregnant.我想你应该告诉你丈夫你怀孕了。三、用下列方式可以强硬地对某人批评、责怪或提出建议,使用这种方式常具有权威性。I wouldrather.后跟从句,从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用一般过去时表示当时或将来要做的事,用过去完成时表示过去做的事Id rather you met her at the airport tomorrow morning.我希望你明天早上能到机场去接她。I

3、d rather you hadnt told him the news that day.我真希望你那天没有把那个消息告诉他。Youd 后跟不带 to的不定式。否定形式 Youd better put on more 4better. 把 not放在 had better的后面 clothes today.今天你最好多穿点衣服。 强化印证 2翻译句子1是你该刻苦学习的时候啦。_ 答案:Its about/high time you should study hard/studied hard.2如果我是你,我会买这辆车的。_ 答案:If I were you/Were I you, I wo

4、uld buy this car.3你最好立即给她打电话。_ 答案:Youd better call her(up)/ring her/telephone her at once/immediately/right now.4我宁愿你还没告诉她真相。_ 答案:I would rather you hadnt told her the truth.5我认为你应该先向他道歉。_ 答案:I think that you should/ought to apologize/make an apology to him first.考点研讨1 We would rather our daughter _

5、 (stay) at home with us, but it is her choice, and she is not a child any longer.答案研讨:stayed 考查虚拟语气。句意:我们真希望女儿和我们一起呆在家里。但这是她的选择,她不再是个孩子了。would rather.that.句型中,从句谓语动词用虚拟语气形式。谓语动词用一般过去时表示当时或将来要做的事,用过去完成时表示过去做的事。由句中的两个 is可知,应是现在的情况,故用一般过去时。判断动词发生的时间是解决这道题的关键。2.Is Anne coming tomorrow?I dont think so. I

6、f she _ (come), she would have called me.答案研讨:were to come/should come 考查虚拟语气。句意:Anne 明天来吗?我认为不会。如果她来的话,她就会给我打电话了。由语境可知,此空是对将来的虚拟,所以用 were to do或 should do表示虚拟。判断出动词发生在什么时间,是做此题的5关键。3. My mom suggests that we _ eat out for a change this weekend.答案研讨:should 句意:我妈妈建议我们应该换换口味,这个周末出去吃饭。本题考查虚拟语气。题干中的 sug

7、gests是解题的标志词,它后面的宾语从句需用虚拟语气,谓语动词使用(should) do 的形式。4. Eye doctors recommend that a childs first eye exam _ at the age of six months old.答案研讨:(should) be 句意:眼科医生建议孩子的第一次眼睛检查应该在六个月的时候(进行)。本题考查虚拟语气。动词 recommend(建议)后加宾语从句,宾语从句的谓语形式为:动词原形或 should动词原形。5It was John who broke the window. Why are you talking

8、to me as if I _(do) it?答案研讨:had done句意:是约翰打坏的窗户,你为什么和我说呢?好像是我打坏的一样。本题考查虚拟语气。第一句已经说明是 John打坏的窗户,所以第二句中 as if后面要用虚拟语气,而且是对过去的虚拟,故填 had done。达标演练.翻译句子1如果我是你,我要重新考虑他的建议。_ 答案:If I were you, I would reconsider his proposal.2下次你应该更小心才是。_答案:You ought to/should be more careful next time.3他们建议立即采取措施。_答案:They

9、advised/suggested that steps (should) be taken at once.4我认为你应该到大公司去申请一份工作。_答案:I think you should/ought to apply for a job in a big company.5他们坚持让他立刻开始工作。_答案:They insisted that he (should) begin the work at once.6到了我们去图书馆的时候了。_ 6答案:Its high time that we went/should go to the library.7我宁愿你自己付钱。_ 答案:Id

10、 rather you paid the money yourself.8我希望你昨天来演讲。_ 答案:I wish you had come to the lecture yesterday.9老师命令所有的孩子准时到这。_ 答案:The teacher ordered that all the students (should) be here on time.10你最好在这方面给他一些建议。_ 答案:Youd better give him some advice on it.单句语法填空(不多于 3个单词)1Mikes father, as well as his mother, in

11、sisted that he _ (stay) at home.答案:(should) stay insist(坚持要求)后宾语从句用(should) do 的虚拟形式。2It was ordered that no smoking _ (allow) in the library, which made the smokers unhappy.答案:(should) be allowed order“命令” ,其后的从句用(should) do 的虚拟形式。3Where are the children? The dinners going to be completely ruined.I

12、 wish they _ (not) always late.答案:werent wish 后跟 that从句,从句部分采用虚拟语气,与现在事实相反的用一般过去时,与过去事实相反的采用过去完成时。本题表示与现在事实相反,所以用一般过去时。答语句意为:我希望他们不要总是迟到。4 Although you _ find bargains in London, its not generally a cheap place to shop.答案:can 句意:尽管有时你可能会在伦敦找到便宜货,但总得说来那不是一个购物的便宜的地方。根据句意表示有时可能;有时会,用 can。5George is goi

13、ng to talk about the geography of his country, but Id rather he _ (focus) more on its culture.答案:focused 由句中的 is going to talk可知这是对将来的虚拟。would rather that结构表示的动作发生在将来时,谓语动词用一般过去时。76Its high time we _ (stop) cutting down the rainforests.答案:stopped 此题考查“It is high time.”句型,从句要用虚拟语气,从句谓语用一般过去时。7The wor

14、kers requested that their working conditions _ (improve)答案:(should) be improved 句意:工人们要求改善工作条件。request 后面宾语从句中的动词要用虚拟语气,即 should动词原形,should 可省略,且根据句意,应用被动结构。8If I _ you, I would stay at home watching 2014 FIFA World Cup instead of going summer camping.答案:were 句意:如果我是你,我会呆在家里看 2014世界杯而不是去夏令营。由句意可知是对现

15、在情况的虚拟,故用 were。9If you are planning to spend your money having fun this week, you better _ (forget) ityouve got some big bills coming.答案:forget better 相当于 had better,属于情态动词,后接动词原形。(had) better do sth.“最好做某事” 。10 _ (be) there no modern telecommunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world.答案:Were句意:要是没有现代化的通讯工具,我们要等上几周才能获取世界各地的新闻。本题考查虚拟语气。根据主句谓语结构 would have to可知设空处表示与现在事实相反的假设,if 条件从句谓语应为“动词的过去式” ,即 If there were.,在虚拟条件句中可以省略 if,把 were提到句首。


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