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1、12019中考英语完形填空选练(6)及答案Passage AWhen I was in primary school, I fell in love with reading. The books _1_ me to a wonderful world. The more I read, the more I wanted to know. However, my parents _2_ afford so many books. I had to solve the problem myself. There was a book shop near my home. One day I w

2、alked into _3_ shop and picked up a book. I didnt know whether _4_ there without buying any books. _5_ I wasnt noticed, I just read a few pages and then put it back. Luckily, no one noticed me. After that, I went there to read every day. Several days later, while I was reading, the owner came up and

3、 asked, “You like reading?” I looked down and replied _6_, “Yes. ” “Dont worry, ” he said with a smile. “You may read books here _7_ you help me clean the shop. ” I felt quite surprised, “Really? Its so kind of you!” I was very happy that I _8_ to read there. From then on, I spent a little time clea

4、ning the shop. After that, I quietly read there. That way, I read lots of books. I became one of _9_ writers in our school. I even won some prizes in writing. Now studying in high school, I can borrow books _10_ the library. My hobby of reading is kept. It will make a big difference to my life. 1. A

5、. brought B. are bringing C. bring D. have brought2. A. couldnt B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt3. A. a B. an C. the D. /4. A. can I read B. I can read C. could I read D. I could read5. A. Make sure B. To make sure C. Believe in D. To believe in6. A. nervous B. nervously C. angry D. angrily7. A. if B

6、. although C. before D. unless8. A. will allow B. will be allowed C. allowed D. was allowed9. A. good B. the best C. poor D. the poorest10. A. to B. for C. with D. from110、AACDB BADBD2Passage B2016中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案-广告布告类Merry Market is 1 big supermarket.Its very near my home.There 2 many things.There

7、are 3 many people,especially(尤其是)on holidays 4 at weekends.You can 5 food and 6 ,clothes and so on.The shop is open 24 hours every day.The salesmen in the supermarket 7 very nice and 8 . 9 like to talk to you and help you.You can buy things there and you can 10 meals there,too.【小题 1】 Aa Ban Cthe D/【

8、小题 2】 Aam Bis Care Dbe【小题 3】 Aalso Btoo Ceither Dboth【小题 4】 Aand Bwith Cor Dalso【小题 5】 Asell Bsells Cbuy Dbuys【小题 6】 Awater Bjuice Ccoffee Ddrink【小题 7】 Aam Bis Care Dbe【小题 8】 Afriend Bfriendly Cfriends Dbad【小题 9】 AHe BShe CThey DThem【小题 10】 Ahave Bhas Chad DhavingPassage C3阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、

9、C 或者 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。There is a holiday next week and I cant decide what to do. I have a lot of work to do _1_and this would be a good chance(机会) _2_. But I dont like _3_ the holiday in this way. I can work at home all the rest of the year. Last year I went_4_to the mountains. _5_ there was beautiful,

10、but it is too cold this time of year. And its really_6_ far to go for a short holiday. I decide _7_ this isnt a good time to_8_the mountains. But I_9_to go somewhere else.Perhaps this would be a good chance to go to the beach(海滨). I like to go for walks _10_ the seashore_11_ the warm sunshine and wa

11、tch the water. Its only eight miles and I could get there_12_about two hours. After thinking it _13_, I am sure that this is a _14_ time for the seashore than _15_.1. A. at home B. at house C. in school D. in factory 2. A. do it B. doing that C. to do it D. with that3. A. to pass B. to spend C. havi

12、ng D. asking4. A. the north B. or north C. north D. to north5. A. Nothing B. Everything C. Somebody D.A girl 6. A. very B. enough C. rather D. too7. A. that B. what C. whether D. when8. A. go B. go to C. arrive D. leave9. A. do want B. shall want C. wanted D. am wanting10.A. on B. by C. beside D. al

13、ong11.A. on B. during C. in D. under12.A. in B. for C. with D. after13.A. in B. out C. over D. on14.A. good B. fine C. better D. best15.A. home B. the mountains C. big cities D. country villages名师点评这篇短文讲述了作者是如何计划一个短暂的假期,去山里天气太冷,而且假期又短,所以她决定去附近的海边度假。4答案简析A。 根据下文的 I can work at home all the rest of th

14、e time 可判断这里是 at home。意思是“我家里有许多事要做” 。C。 a good chance to do it 这里的 to do it是不定式做后置定语B。 “度假”应用动词 spend。C。 go south/north/west/east to somewhere 意为朝着(东南西北)方向去某处。B。 everything there was beautiful 说明那儿的一切都很美。D。 tooto为固定结构,意思是“太而不” 。A。 因为 decide后面的宾语从句不缺任何成分,故用 that 来引导陈述句宾语从句。B。 A。 do want 表强调,意思是“我”真的

15、很想去度假。整篇文章时态是以现在时为主,故wanted不可选,其它两个选项无此用法。D。along the seashore 意思是“沿着海边” 。C。 在阳光下应该用 in ,而不是 under。A。 in 和一段时间连用表示将来,而 after只有和点时间连用可表示将来。C。 think over 意思是“仔细考虑” 。C。 根据后面的 than可知这里应用比较级 better。B。 根据第一小节作者觉得这个时候去山里不合适,所以这里应选 mountains。Passage D阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Zhang Lei is a highly s

16、killed(技艺精湛的)doctor. He was born in a lonely 31 village. The people there lived a hard life. They seldom walked out of the mountain. They could 32 get good education. However, Zhang Lei was 33 , for he not only went to college, but he also became an excellent doctor. Then what made him lucky? A volu

17、nteer teacher called Han Xue encouraged him, and 34 his life.When Han Xue first entered Zhang Leis school, she couldnt 35 _ her eyes. She was shocked by the sights(情景)in front of her: broken windows, small old desks and chairs. Even worse, students of different ages were in the 36 5classroom. It was

18、 the only class in the school. Han Xue realized 37 poor the people were in education. She planned to 38 as many ways as she could to help them. One day when Han Xue was giving a class, Zhang Lei 39 some noises for fun. Other kids laughed. At that time Han Xue decided to make good use of the 40 to he

19、lp him. She walked towards Zhang Lei and asked him to put out his hands. Looking at them 41 , Han Xue said with a kind smile, “As soon as I see your little 42 , I know you will become a highly skilled doctor in the future. Come on!” Hearing this, Zhang Lei was surprised because almost 43 said such w

20、ords this way. Zhang Lei couldnt believe that completely, but he remembered what the teacher said in his heart.After that, Zhang Lei studied harder and then made more 44 continuously. Later, Zhang Lei went to college. After many years, he became a famous doctor, saving many lives. 45 Zhang Lei talks

21、 about his life, he always expresses thanks to his volunteer teacher. Her encouraging words have made what he is.31. A. forest B. sea C. mountain D. river32. A. hardly B. usually C. always D. ever33. A. simple B. lucky C. popular D. common34. A. worried B. understood C. changed D. caught35. A. cover

22、 B. close C. open D. believe36. A. bright B. new C. same D. enjoyable37. A. how B. when C. where D. what38. A. hand out B. find out C. hang out D. come out39. A. said B. put C. played D. made40. A. chance B. change C. example D. action41. A. angrily B. sadly C. nervously D. carefully42. A. fingers B

23、. head C. eyes D. ears643. A. everybody B. anybody C. nobody D. somebody44. A. decisions B. progress C. discussions D. plans45. A. Whatever B. Whenever C. Whoever D. However【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。聪明的 Zhang Lei出生在一个贫穷的山村,一个名叫 Han Xue的志愿者来到这个山村支教,这个条件极差的山村学校让 Han Xue难以置信,但他却以Zhang Lei灵巧的双手鼓励 Zhang Lei将来会成为医生。

24、结果是,Zhang Lei 在 Han Xue的鼓励下,成为了一名著名的医生。31. C 考查名词辨析。从下文 They seldom walked out of the mountain知,这里说的是Zhang Lei出生于一个偏僻的山村。故选 C。32. A 考查副词辨析。联系上文分析:由于那儿的人生活贫困,并很少走出大山,所以那儿的人几乎没有接受好的教育。故选 A。33. B 考查形容词辨析。从下一分句 he not only went to college, but he also became an excellent doctor. Then what made him lucky

25、?说明,Zhang Wei 是幸运的。故选 B。34. C 考查动词辨析。worried 担心;understood 懂得;changed 改变;caught 抓住。对比这个小山村的人几乎没有接受多少教育和 Zhang Lei上大学的信息知,Zhang Lei 的生活因一个名叫 Han Xue的志愿者的鼓励而改变。故选 C。35. D 考查动词辨析。cover 覆盖;close 关闭;open 打开;believe 相信。从下文的描述broken windows, small old desks and chairs.知,这个学校条件极差。由此推知,Han Xue初进 Zhang Lei的学校

26、,她简直不相信眼前看到的一切。故选 D。36. C 考查形容词辨析。bright 明亮的;new 新的;same 同样的;enjoyable 可享受的。从下句 It was the only class in the school.知,不同年龄的学生在同一个教室。故选 C。37. A 考查宾语从句的连接词。句意:Han Xue 意识到,这些人在教育方面多么落后呀。由此知,这里用 how修饰形容词 poor。故选 A。38. B 考查动词短语辨析。hand out 上交;find out 发现;hang out 闲逛;come out 出来,出版。根据选项理解句意:她计划找到尽可能多的方法来帮助

27、这些人。故选 B。39. D 考查动词辨析。句意:一天,当 Han Xue正在上课时,Zhang Lei 因好玩而发出了噪音。make some noises 为固定结构,意为“制造一些噪音” 。故选 D。40. A 考查名词辨析。chance 机会;change 改变;example 例子;action 行动。根据选项理解句意:在就在那个时候,Han Xue 决定提供一个有用的机会来帮助他。故选 A。41. D 考查副词辨析。angrily 生气地;sadly 沮丧地;nervously 紧张地;carefully 仔细7地。从语境看,这里说的是 Han Xue仔细地看了看 Zhang Le

28、i的双手。故选 D。42. A 考查名词辨析。分析:技术精湛的医生肯定有双灵巧的双手,所以这里指 Han Xue看了 Zhang Lei的手指。故选 A。43. C 考查复合不定代词用法。从 Zhang Lei was surprised推知,以前没有人跟 Zhang Lei说过这些话。故选 C。44. B 考查名词辨析。decisions 决定;progress 进步;discussions 讨论;plans 计划。句意:在那时,Zhang Lei 努力学习并持续地取得了进步。故选 B。45. B 考查让步状语从句中的连词。根据选项理解句意:无论 Zhang Lei什么时候谈论他的生活,他总

29、是对这个志愿者老师表达感谢。故选 B。Passage E阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 或者 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。I sat down to read under an old tree in the park. I felt my life was _1_, for my whole world was dark.A young boy ran up to me, out of _2_. He stood right before me with his head down and said _3_, “Look what I found!” In his ha

30、nd was a flower, and what a poor sight! The flower was dry and _4_. I gave him a small smile and then turned my eyes away so that he could take his dry flower and go off to play._5_, he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his _6_ and said in surprise, “It smells sweet and its beautiful, too

31、. Thats _7_ I picked it. Here, its for you.” The flower before me was dead. But I knew I must _8_ it, or he might never leave. So I accepted the flower, and replied, “This is just what I _9_.” Just then, for the first time I noticed that the boy could not _10_ he was blind.Tears (眼泪) came down my fa

32、ce as I _11_ him for picking the best one. “Youre welcome.” He smiled, and then ran off to _12_. I sat there and wondered how he was able to learn about my pain (痛苦)Through the eyes of a blind child, _13_ I could see the problem was not with the world; the problem was me. And for all those years I m

33、yself had been _14_. I decided to see the beauty in life, and _15_ every second of my life. And then I held that dry flower up to my nose and breathed in the smell of a beautiful rose.(2011宿迁)8( )1. A. hopeless B. colourful C. simple D. wonderful( )2. A. mind B. trouble C. breath D. work( )3. A. sad

34、ly B. strictly C. angrily D. excitedly( )4. A. dead B. fresh C. alive D. heavy( )5. A. So B. Or C. However D. And( )6. A. head B. nose C. ear D. neck( )7. A. how B. when C. where D. why( )8. A. buy B. sell C. accept D. break( )9. A. admire B. dislike C. want D. have( )10. A. cry B. speak C. smile D.

35、 see( )11. A. forgave B. thanked C. paid D. hated( )12. A. sleep B. study C. dance D. play( )13. A. at most B. at times C. at first D. at last( )14. A. cheerful B. useful C. blind D. deaf( )15. A. waste B. enjoy C. lose D. forget语篇解读:本文讲述了当我感觉生活世界是黑暗,感觉绝望时,通过一个盲童送给我一朵干了的花,及与其的对话,使我明白要珍惜现在美好生活,要享受生活中

36、每一秒钟。1. A。由后句“for my whole world was dark.”可知我此时的心情觉是绝望的。故选A。2. C。由语境可知“一个年青男孩跑到我面前时,累的上气不接下气” ,out of breath意为“上气不接下气” 。故选 C。3. D。由下句“Look what I found!”可知这个年轻人有了一个新发现,故表情表现为很兴奋。故选 D。4. A。由上句“The flower was dry ”可知这朵花已经死了。故选 A。5. C。在四个项中,只有 however不能直接连接两个分句,必须另起新句,并用逗号隔开。故选 C。6. B。由下文“It smells sw

37、eet.”可知答案:smell 意为“闻起来” ,闻时用鼻子。故选 B。7. D。thats way 意为“那就是的原因” 。故选 D。8. C。句意为“我知道我必须接受它,否则它可能永远都不会离开” 。可知应选 D。9. C。由语境可知句意为“这正是我所想要的” ,想要的,用 want表示,故选 C。10. D。由下文“he was blind.”可知,他看不见。故选 D。11. B。thank for doing sth.意为“感谢某人做某事” 。故选 B。12. D。联系上下文可知,他跑去玩了。故选 D。913. D。at most 意为“至多” ;at times 意为“有时” ;at first 意为“首先” ;at last意为“最后” 。联系上下文可知,我最后找到了我的问题。故选 D。14. C。由上句可知我这些年看不到外面精彩的世界,寓意为“自己的眼已瞎了” 。故选C。15. B。根据上文可知,这时我决定去看美丽的世界,享受我生命的每一秒。故选 B。


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