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1、1Unit 4 Cyberspace词汇积累分层单词写作词汇1. n.增长;生长 2. adv.快,迅速地 3. adj.平均的 n.平均数 4. n.方案;工程 7. vt.影响 8. vt.建议,提议 9. vi.消失 10. n.材料,原料 11. adj.明显的,显而易见的 12. n.洪水,水灾 13. n.时髦,时尚 14. n.观光,游览 15. vi.集中注意 2答案 1.growth 2.rapidly 3.average 4.attack 5.likely 6.project 7.affect 8.suggest 9.disappear 10.material 11.obv

2、ious 12.flood 13.fashion 14.tourism 15.focus阅读词汇1.crash vt. 2.arrangement n. 3.skip vt. 4.artificial adj. 5.gallery n. work n. 7.volcano n. 8.historical adj. 9.harbour n. 10.military adj. 11.locate vt. 12.suburb n. 13.chaos n. 答案 1.(汽车、飞机等)撞毁;坠毁 2.安排 3.跳过4.人造的 5.画廊 6.网络 7.火山 8.历史的 9.海港10.军事的,军用的 11.

3、坐落于;位于 12.市郊,郊区13.混乱,无秩序拓展词汇1. n.建议,提议 vt.建议,提议 2. n.真实,现实 adj.真实的,现实的 adv.真实地 3. adj.科学的 n.科学 n.科学家 4. vi.定居 n.(新)定居地 5. n.犯罪;罪行 n.罪犯 adj.犯罪的;犯法的 6. n.时髦,时尚 adj.时髦的,时尚的 37. vi.消失 n.消失 n.外表 8. n.恐怖分子 n.恐怖主义 n.恐怖 vt.使恐惧;使惊吓 9. vt.规则的 adv.定期地;规则地 13. n.导游,向导 vt.指导,引路 n.指导;引导 15. n.娱乐;款待 vt.使娱乐;款待 答案 1

4、.suggestion;suggest 2.reality;real;really 3.scientific;science;scientist 4.settle;settlement 5.crime;criminal 6.fashion;fashionable 7.disappear;disappearance;appearance8.terrorist;terrorism;terror;terrify 9.harm;harmful;harmless10.attractive;attraction;attract 11.obvious;obviously12.regular;regularl

5、y 13.attack;attacker 14.guide;guidance15.entertainment;entertain高频短语1. 编造,构成 2. 采取行动 3. (和)取得联系 4. (愿望、梦想等)实现 5. 接收,接管 6. 本人,亲自 7. (电话用语)别挂断 8.as well as 9.be known as 10.cut off 11.have problems with 12.consist of 413.be up to 14.as if/though 15.whats more 答案 1.make up 2.take action 3.get in touch

6、(with)e true 5.take over 6.in the flesh 7.hang on 8.也,又 9.被认为是 10.切掉,切断 11.在方面有困难 12.由组成 13.做,从事 14.好像,仿佛 15.而且经典句型1.Ill have my (修表)because it doesnt work. 2. (是真的)that all that is done out of kindness. 3.Why are you talking to me as if I (打破窗户)? 4.He made a suggestion that we (更改日期). 5.Once you get into a bad habit of smoking, you will find it (难以去掉). 答案 1.watch repaired 2.Its true 3.had broken the window4.(should) change the date 5.hard to get rid of it


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