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1、1Unit 6 Design.七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2018 课标全国)Before there was the written word, there was the language of dance. Dance expresses love and hate, joy and sorrow, life and death, and everything else in between.1 We dance from Florida to Alaska, from north to south and sea to s

2、ea. We dance at weddings, birthdays, office parties and just to fill the time. “I adore dancing,”says Lester Bridges, the owner of a dance studio in Iowa. “I cant imagine doing anything else with my life.”Bridges runs dance classes for all ages. “Teaching dance is wonderful. 2 Its great to watch the

3、m. For many of them, its a way of meeting people and having a social life.” 3 “I can tell you about one young couple,” says Bridges. “Theyre learning to do traditional dances. They arrive at the class in low spirits and they leave with a smile. 4 ” So, do we dance in order to make ourselves feel bet

4、ter, calmer, healthier?Andrea Hillier says, “Dance, like the pattern of a beating heart, is life. Even after all these years, I want to get better and better. 5 I find it hard to stop!Dancing reminds me Im alive.” A.So why do we dance?B.Dance in the U.S. is everywhere.2C.If you like dancing outdoors

5、, come to America.D.My older students say it makes them feel young.E.I keep practicing even when Im extremely tired.F.Dancing seems to change their feeling completely.G.They stayed up all night long singing and dancing.答案 1.B 本句为主旨句。空格位于段首。空格后描述跳舞在美国的流行程度:从佛罗里达州到阿拉斯加州,从北到南到大海上。在婚礼上、在生日派对上、在办公室派对上人们都

6、在跳舞。由此可知到处都能看到美国人在跳舞,与 B 项吻合,所以答案为 B 项。2.D 本句为过渡句。空格前作者用直接引语的方式描述了“教舞蹈简直太美妙了”。空格后句子中出现的代词 them 指代的就是 Bridges 所教的学生。D 项中的 students 和 them 相对应,所以答案为 D 项。即我的那些年龄大的学生说舞蹈让他们感觉自己年轻。3.A 本句为主旨句。空格位于段首。后面以一对年轻夫妻为例说明了跳舞给他们带来的好处。由此推断出本段是描述跳舞会给一个人的情绪带来巨大的影响,这就是人们喜欢跳舞的原因。这与 A 项(那么,我们为什么要跳舞呢?)相符。4.F 本句为细节句。空格前描述这

7、对夫妻刚来到舞蹈班时情绪低落,当他们离开的时候脸上露出了微笑。这都是舞蹈给他们的情绪带来的变化。这与 F 项(舞蹈好像彻底改变了他们的情绪。)相符。5.E 本句为过渡句。空格前描述这么多年来 Hillier 想跳得越来越好。空格后描述 Hillier 发现自己就是停不下来,跳舞让 Hillier 知道自己还活着。作为前后过渡的空格处应该与 Hillier 一直不停地跳舞相关,这与 E 项(即使当我非常累的时候我还在练习跳舞。)相符。.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2018 课标全国)When most of us ge

8、t a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person, we usually say “sorry, 1 number!”and move on. But when Dennis Williams 2 a text that clearly wasnt intended for him, he did something 3 . On March 19, Dennis got a group text 4 him that a couple he didnt know were at the hospital, waiting fo

9、r the 5 of a baby. 3“Congratulations!But I think someone was mistaken,”Dennis 6 . The baby was born and update texts were 7 quickly from the overjoyed grandmother, Teresa. In her 8 , she didnt seem to realize that she was 9 the babys photos with a complete stranger. “Well, I dont 10 you all but I wi

10、ll get there to take pictures with the baby,”replied Dennis before asking which room the new 11 were in. Much to the familys surprise, Dennis stuck to his 12 !He turned up at the hospital 13 gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy. Lindseys husband was totally 14 by the unexpected visit. “

11、I dont think we would have randomly invited him over but we 15 it and the gifts.” Teresa 16 a photo of the chance meeting on a social networking website 17 by the touching words:“What a 18 this young man was to our family!He was so 19 and kind to do this.”The post has since gained the 20 of social m

12、edia users all over the world, receiving more than 184,000 shares and 61,500 likes in just three days. 1.A.unlucky B.secret C.new D.wrong2.A.received B.translated C.copied D.printed3.A.reasonable B.special C.necessary D.practical4.A.convincing B.reminding C.informing D.warning5.A.wake-up B.recovery

13、C.growth D.arrival6.A.responded B.interrupted C.predicted D.repeated7.A.coming in B.setting out C.passing down D.moving around8.A.opinion B.anxiety C.excitement D.effort9.A.comparing B.exchanging C.discussing D.sharing10.A.accept B.know C.believe D.bother11.A.parents B.doctors C.patients D.visitors1

14、2.A.dream B.promise C.agenda D.principle13.A.bearing B.collecting C.opening D.making14.A.discouraged B.relaxed C.astonished D.defeated15.A.admit B.need C.appreciate D.expect16.A.found B.selected C.developed D.posted17.A.confirmed B.simplified C.clarified D.accompanied418.A.pity B.blessing C.relief D

15、.problem19.A.smart B.calm C.sweet D.fair20.A.sympathy B.attention C.control D.trust答案 语篇解读 本文为记叙文。丹尼斯收到短信,说一对夫妇的孩子即将出生。尽管他告诉对方发错了,但之后还是收到了孩子的照片。最终他带着礼物到医院探望,孩子的奶奶将探望照片发到了网上,得到了大量转发和点赞。1.D 根据 an unknown person 可知,我们大部分人在收到陌生人的短信时,通常会告诉对方发错了,故wrong(错误的)符合语境。2.A 根据下文内容可知,丹尼斯收到了陌生人发来的短信,故 received 正确。tr

16、anslate 翻译;copy 复制;print 印刷。3.B 本句与上句为转折关系。大部分人会告诉对方发错了,但是丹尼斯收到陌生人的短信后,却做了特别的事情。reasonable 合理的;special 特殊的,特别的;necessary 必要的,必需的;practical 实用的。故选 B。4.C 空格处作定语,修饰 text,后面提到了短信的内容,故 informing(通知;告知)正确。5.D 短信告诉他有一对他不认识的夫妻在医院,等待着自己的孩子的出生。根据下文 The baby was born.可知,arrival(到来)符合语境。6.A “恭喜!但是我认为有人弄错了。”这应该是

17、丹尼斯收到短信后作出的回复,故 responded 正确。interrupt 打断;predict 预测;repeat 重复。7.A 下文提到特蕾莎和丹尼斯这位陌生人分享了孩子的照片,由此可见孩子出生后,特蕾莎非常高兴,又向丹尼斯发来了短信,故 coming in 正确。set out 出发,动身;pass down 流传;move around 走来走去。8.C 因为孩子出生了,所以孩子的奶奶特蕾莎很兴奋,根据上句的 overjoyed 可知 excitement 正确。9.D 根据语境可知,特蕾莎给陌生人丹尼斯发来了短信,分享(sharing)了孩子的照片。compare 比较;excha

18、nge 交换;discuss 讨论。故选 D。10.B 根据前面的 stranger 可知,丹尼斯回复对方“噢,我不认识(know)你们所有人,但是我会去那儿和宝宝照相。”511.A 孩子刚刚出生,由此可知丹尼斯要去医院和孩子照相,应该询问孩子的父母(parents)在哪个房间。故选 A。12.B 下句提到丹尼斯带着礼物来到了医院,由此可见他信守了自己做出的承诺,即到医院和孩子照相。dream 梦;promise 承诺;agenda 议程;principle 原则。根据语境可知选 B。13.A 根据空格后的 gifts 可知丹尼斯为婴儿以及婴儿的妈妈带来了礼物。bear 携带;collect

19、收集;open 打开;make 制作。14.C 根据 the unexpected visit 以及他说的话可以看出他对丹尼斯的探望感到很吃惊。由此可知选C。15.C 空格后的 it 指代上文提到的 the unexpected visit,由此可知丈夫对丹尼斯的探望以及他带来的礼物感到感激(appreciate)。16.D 根据下文的 The post has since gained.可知,特蕾莎将这次偶然会面的照片发到了一家社交网站,故 posted(公布;贴)正确。17.D 根据空格后的引号里的内容可知这是给图片配的文字,故 accompanied(附有;配有)正确。confirm 证

20、实,确认;simplify 简化;clarify 澄清,阐明。18.B 这位年轻人真是我们全家的福气!pity 遗憾,可惜;blessing 福气;relief 安慰;problem 问题。19.C 空格处与 kind 并列,再结合上文可知,丹尼斯去探望了素不相识的一家人,因此 sweet(和蔼的,友好的)正确。smart 聪明的;calm 冷静的;fair 公平的。20.B 根据下文“184,000 次分享和 61,500 次点赞”可知,网上的这个帖子得到了全世界社交媒体用户的关注(attention)。sympathy 同情;control 控制;trust 信任。.语法填空(2018 山

21、东泰安一模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。A desert doesnt sound like the most promising place to plant a tree. Yet, since 1978, China has planted at least 66 billion of them across its arid(干旱的) northern territories, 1 (hope) to transform its sandhills into a Great Green Wall. The tree-planting strate

22、gy is 2 massive attempt to help fight desertification(沙漠化). 3 (Rough) a million square miles of China a quarter of the countryis covered in sand. Many scientists are skeptical as to whether planting trees will make a difference in the long run. But Chinas State Forestry Administration claims the mea

23、sure 64 (reduce) sandstorms by 20 percent and desertification by nearly 5,000 miles in recent years. Ian Teh, who lives in Malaysia but 5 (work) throughout Asia, documents humans influence 6 the landscape. Over six days in May 2016, he photographed the tree-planting 7 (plan) in the Gobi Desert in no

24、rthern China. They seemed to be 8 (success) in places like Duolun County, some 220 miles north of Beijing, 9 the government has planted 2.6 million trees over the past 17 years. The places became almost grassy. “To be honest, 10 is hard to imagine it was ever a desert at all,”he says. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

25、 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 答案 语篇解读 马来西亚一位摄影记者拍摄了中国植树造林改造荒漠计划的实施和取得的成就。1.hoping 考查非谓语动词。逗号后的部分应该是非谓语动词作状语。hope 与其逻辑主语 China 之间是主动关系,所以要用 v.-ing 形式。2.a 考查冠词。句意:植树造林战略是一个大规模的与沙漠化作斗争的尝试。考查不定冠词表示泛指意思:一次大规模尝试。3.Roughly 考查副词。粗略估计,中国有一百万平方英里的土地被沙漠覆盖着。句首用副词形式来修饰整个句子。4.has reduced 考查动词时态。空格处是从句的谓语,根据时间状语 in recent year

26、s 可知此处要用现在完成时,且主语是单数形式,故填 has reduced。5.works 考查动词时态。but 连接两个并列的谓语动词 lives 和 works。6.on 考查介词。此处表达:记录下人类对地貌产生的影响。根据 have an influence on 可知答案为介词 on。7.plans 考查名词复数。他拍摄了中国北方戈壁沙漠的植树造林计划。根据下一句中的代词 They 可知此处要用复数形式。8.successful 考查形容词。这些计划在一些地方好像非常成功。空格处要用形容词作表语。9.where 考查定语从句。空格处引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词 places,where

27、 在定语从句中充当地点状语。10.it 考查 It is/was+adj.+to do sth.句式。表达“做某事是的”,其中 it 作形式主语。7.短文改错(2018 山东泰安一模)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。I took a

28、trip to China a few months before. It was a wonderful experience where was beyond description. We spent three weeks visiting Beijing, Shanghai and several other tourist attraction. The closer we approached the centre of China, the much I liked it. Then we went to Hong Kong last week, which I think i

29、s different with Beijing. It is noisiest place I have ever seen. And another thing that give me a deep impression was the people therethey were so much friendly. Anyway, the trip itself was interested. I cant wait to flying to China again.答案 1.第一句:beforeago 表达从现在起多长时间之前,要用 ago,往往与一般过去时或过去进行时连用。2.第二句

30、:wherewhich/that 该定语从句修饰先行词 experience,从句中缺少主语,所以要用关系代词 which/that。3.第三句:attractionattractions 此处表达:北京、上海还有其他一些旅游景点,所以要用名词的复数形式。4.第四句:muchmore 根据句首的 The closer 可知此处考查:the more.,the more.句式:越越。5.第五句:withfrom 考查固定搭配:be different from 与不同。6.第六句:noisiest 前加 the 此处考查形容词的最高级前要用定冠词 the 修饰。87.第七句:givegave 此

31、处描述过去的旅游经历,因此要用过去时态。8.第七句:删掉 so 后的 much 此处表达:他们是如此友好。程度副词 so 修饰 adj.,所以要把 much 去掉。9.第八句:interestedinteresting 总之,这次旅游经历非常有趣。主语为物,应该用 interesting修饰。10.第九句:flyingfly 句意:我迫不及待又想飞到中国去了。在 cant wait to do sth.中 to 是不定式符号,后跟动词原形。.书面表达(2018 黑龙江高三仿真模拟七)随着手机和电脑的普及,年轻人给家人和朋友写信的机会越来越少。最近,某英语学习网站邀请网友针对这个现象展开讨论。你

32、打算参与讨论,请根据下面的提示,写一篇发言稿。1.现代通信工具的弊端;2.写信的好处;3.发出几点倡议。注意:1.词数 100 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。答案 One possible version:Nowadays with the popularity of the Internet and mobile phones, there are few opportunities for us to write letters to our friends and family.Actually, there are some disadvantages of using m

33、odern communication tools. On the one hand, we dont know how to write Chinese characters with our hands because we are 9used to sending messages or chatting online. On the other hand, we are losing the ability to express our thought in a clear and proper way.In contrast, the advantages of writing letters are obvious. It is not only a good way to keep our tradition alive, but also reminds us of our friendship forever.Lets write letters to our friends and family. Lets resist texting or chatting online. It is everyones duty to protect traditional Chinese culture.


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