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1、1江苏省清江中学 2019 届高三英语上学期 12 月月考试题(扫描版)23456789101112132018-12高 三 英 语 第 三 次 调 研参 考 答 案第 一 部 分 听 力 ( 满 分 20分 每 题 1分 )15 ABCCA 610 BCACA 1115 ABCBB 1620 AACBC 第 二 部 分 语 言 知 识 与 运 用第 一 节 单 选 题 ( 满 分 15分 每 题 1分 )21-25 BCCDC 26-30 ACADB 31-35 DBDDB 第 二 节 完 形 填 空 ( 满 分 20分 每 题 1分 )36-45 CDCAC ABDBC 46-55 DCD

2、BC DABCD第 三 部 分 阅 读 理 解 ( 满 分 30分 每 题 2分 )A 56-57 BB B 58-61 BCAD C 62-65 BCCDD 66-70 CDCAD 第四部分 任务型阅读 (满分 10 分 每题 1 分)71.hiring/training 72.less 73.bores/upsets/ discourages 74.Weigh 75.dream76.long/permanent/lasting 77.future 78.consideration/account 79.prefer80.dedicated/devoted/ loyal第五部分 书面表达(满

3、分 25 分)What the passage tries to convey is that with a sum of money, we can save much time, fill our stomach and even happiness, depending on the way we spend it.I am quite in favor of the authors opinion. In fact, there has been growing recognition that money is no doubt the most important basis of

4、 happiness in the modern world. That is to say, with money, we can buy basic supplies for living, improve our material life, get some entertainment and maybe satisfy part of our spiritual needs. Whats more, people who are poor seem to get much happier when their monetary prospects improve; so do the

5、 very sick. Another possibility is that money brings an increase in status, which may 14have a greater impact on happiness.Therefore, though money may fail to bring a constant sense of joy, money can, to some extent, buy the happiness, on condition that we spend it in a wise way.附 : 录 音 材 料第 一 节 ( 共

6、 5 小 题 ; 每 小 题 1 分 , 满 分 5 分 ) 听 下 面 5 段 对 话 。 每 段 对 话 后 有 一 个 小 题 , 从 题 中 所 给 的 A、 B、 C 三 个 选 项 中 选 出 最 佳 选 项 , 并 标 在 试 卷 的 相 应 位 置 。 听 完 每 段 对 话 后 , 你 都 有 10 秒 钟 的 时 间 来 回 答 有 关 小 题 和 阅 读下 一 小 题 。 每 段 对 话 仅 读 一 遍 。 Text 1 W: Last weekend I went to an art exhibition. There were music and dancing. I

7、t was so crowded, though, that I got lost. I had to call my mother so she could find me. M: Sorry I missed it. Text 2 W: Im having trouble hearing my music on my iPod through these earphones. I think theres something wrong with them. M: Here, give them to me so I can listen. Oh, yes. You need to get

8、 a new pair. Text 3 W: What time shall we leave for Liverpool tomorrow? M: I dont know. Lets go to the ticket office and check the times. W: Oh, no! All the tickets are sold out. What should we do? M: Lets get the bus. Text 4 M: Excuse me. Where is the bathroom? W: Its just down the hall to your rig

9、ht. The lock is broken, though. M: You know, you should really fix that lock. No one wants to be walked in on while he go to the bathroom. Text 5 W: Wake up, sleepy. Time to go to school. 15M: What? But I usually get up at 8:00. Why did you wake me up at 7:00 this morning? W: Because you went to bed

10、 without doing your homework, you need to do it now. M: All right, I will start it in a minute. 第 二 节 ( 共 15 小 题 ; 每 小 题 1 分 , 满 分 15 分 ) 听 下 面 5 段 对 话 或 独 白 。 每 段 对 话 或 独 白 后 有 几 个 小 题 , 从 题 中 所 给 的 A、 B、 C 三 个 选 项 中 选 出 最 佳 选 项 , 并 标 在 试 卷 的 相 应 位 置 。 听 每 段 对 话 或 独 白 前 , 你 将 有 时 间 阅 读 各 个 小 题 , 每

11、小 题 5 秒 钟 ; 听 完 后 , 各 小 题 将 给 出 5 秒 钟 的 作 答 时 间 。 每 段 对 话 或 独 白 读 两 遍 。 听 第 6 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 6、 7 题 。 Text 6 W: Please sit still so I can take your temperature. How long have you been feeling like this? M: I dont know. I just feel uncomfortable and it lasts some days. W: Okay. Please open your mouth.

12、 Hey, now youre moving your arms! Sit still, please. M: Im trying! Im just feeling really nervous about having my health examined. W: Theres nothing to be nervous about. Just sit still and let me examine you. M: Okay. Thank you, doctor. W: Well, nothing serious. Just a cold. Take this medicine three

13、 times a day. Drink more water and have a good rest. 听 第 7 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 8、 9 题 。 Text 7 W: Hello, youve reached Birch & Co. This is Felicity speaking. How can I help you? M: Hello, is Cassandra in? W: Im sorry, she left for the rest of the day, but she should be here tomorrow morning. May I take a

14、message? M: Sure. This is Roger Mars calling from The New York Times. I wanted to interview her about the opinion piece that was published in Newsweek yesterday. W: Okay, Ill give her the message. Would you like her to call you back?M: Yes, please. She can reach me at The New York Times office. Just

15、 have her tell 16the secretary that she has a phone appointment so she wont be put on hold. W: I will give her the message. Have a nice day! 听 第 8 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 10 至 12 题 。 Text 8 M: My French teacher Mr. Armenta is so mean. He told me that my French was not good enough. He said no one in France wou

16、ld understand me. W: That is mean. M: I told him I am going to France for vacation, and that I need to be able to talk to the locals. Im the only French speaker in my family. They are depending on me. W: What did he say? M: He said I should take a vacation to London or New York instead. W: What did

17、you say? M: I said he should try another job. Teaching might not be for him. W: You should report him to Mr. Calderon. M: Well, I dont want him to get in trouble with his boss. I just want him to say he is sorry. 听 第 9 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 13 至 16 题 。 Text 9 M: Anne, I remember that you had your try-out ye

18、sterday. How did it go? W: It went really well! I think Ill definitely get a call back. M: What kind of material did you read? W: It was a passage from a play called Laila. My characters name is Penny. Can I recite it for you? M: Sure. W: Okay, Ill only perform the first few lines. Here I go. “Have

19、you ever made a wish? I make them all the time. I watch for the first star each night, and then I wish on it. I always make the same wish, but I cant tell what it is. Then it might not come true. I go to wishing wells with lucky pennies, too.” Okay, Im finished now. M: That is wonderful! Youre a gre

20、at actress! 17W: You really think so? Thank you. Im really hoping that they call me back.M: Im sure that they will. What did you try out for this time a play or a movie? W: A movie! I love plays, but I feel like Im ready to start acting on the big screen. You know, I want to become a movie star! M:

21、Youd be great on TV, too! 听 第 10 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 17 至 20 题 。 Text 10 Judy Garland was an American singer and actress. Born in 1922, Garland was known for her singing, and she performed in many musical productions. In 1939, she starred in The Wizard of Oz, which is still one of the most famous films to

22、day. The film was known for being the first major film to be in color. Her career lasted for more than 40 years, and she won many awards, including a Golden Globe Award, several Grammy Awards, and a Special Tony Award. At the age of 39, she won the Cecil B. De Mille Award for lifetime achievement in

23、 the motion picture industry. She was signed by a film studio as a teenager, and she made more than two dozen films for them. After 15 years, the studio released her from her contract, and she began performing in concerts. Even though she had many professional successes, Garland struggled in her personal life, starting when she was a child. She died in 1969 at the age of 47. In 1999, the American Film Institute placed her among the 10 greatest female stars in the history of American cinema.


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