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1、1人教九年级(全) Units 12单元重点回顾类别 课标考点要求重点单词1.conversation(n.)谈话;交谈2.aloud(adv.)大声地;出声地3.pronunciation(n.)发音4.patient(adj.)有耐心的 (n.)病人5.express(v.)表达;表示6.discover(v.)发现;发觉7.physics(n.)物理;物理学8.chemistry(n.)化学9.ability (n.)能力;才能10.create(v.)创造;创建11.active(adj.)活跃的;积极的12.knowledge(n.)知识;学问13.wisely(adv.)明智地;聪

2、明地14.admire(v.)欣赏;仰慕15.dead(adj.)死的;失去生命的16.warmth(n.)温暖;暖和17.punish(v.)处罚;惩罚18.steal(v.)偷;窃取19.lie(v.)存在;平躺;处于20.lay(v.)放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)21.spread(v.)传播;展开 (n.)蔓延;传播词性转换1.pronounce(v.)发音pronunciation(n.)发音;读音2.discover(v.)发现discovery(n.)发现3.active(adj.)活跃的;积极的activity(n.)活动4.wisely(adv.)明智地;聪明地wise(a

3、dj.)聪明的5.stranger(n.)陌生人strange(adj.)陌生的;7.lay(v.)放置;产(卵);下(蛋)laid(过去式/过去分词)8.tie(n.& v.)领带;捆;束tying (现在分词)9.lie(v.)存在;平躺;处于lay(过去式)lain(过去分词)lying(现在分词)10.dead(adj.)死的;失去生命的die(v.)死death(n.)死亡dying(adj.)垂死的;11.warmth(n.)温暖warm(adj.)温暖的12.spread(v.& n.)传播;展开;蔓延spread(过去式/过去分词)13.create(v.)创造;创建creat

4、ive(adj.)有创意的14.expression(n.)表情;表达方式express(v.)表达15.ability(n.)能力able(adj.)能干的2奇怪的6.steal(v.)偷;窃取stole(过去式)stolen(过去分词)临死的 16.wonder(v.& n.)想知道wonderful(adj.)精彩的wonderfully(adv.)极好地;精彩地重点短语 1.通过听磁带by listening to tapes2.通过大声朗读 by reading aloud3.做笔记 take notes4.向老师求助 ask the teacher for help5.(在词典、参

5、考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头看 look up6.逐字地 word by word7.的秘密 the secret to8.记忆句式 memorize sentence patterns9.提高阅读速度increase reading speed10.天生具有做某事的能力 be born with the ability to do sth.11.注意;关注 pay attention to12.把和连接或联系起来connectwith13.写下 write down14.增加(体重);发胖put on15.洗净;清除 wash away16.射下 shoot down17.摆开;布置 lay

6、 out18.大喊;喊出call out19.与某人分享某物share sth.with sb.20.最终成为;最后处于end up重点句子1._How_ do you study for a test? 你是如何备考的?I study _by_ working with a group.我通过小组学习的方式学习。2.Dont read _word_by_word_.不要逐字去读。3._The_more_ you read,_the_faster_ youll be.你读9.Bill wonders _whether_ theyll have zongzi again next year.比尔

7、想知道他们明年是否还有粽子。10.Ive _put_on_ five pounds!我体重增加了五磅!11.I believe _that_ April is _the_hottest_ month in Thailand.我认为四月是泰国最热的月3得越多,你读得就会越快。4.But _whether_or_not_ you can do this well _depends_on_ your learning habits.但是你能否做好取决于你的学习习惯。5.Its _too_ hard _to_ understand spoken English.理解英语口语太难了。6.But beca

8、use I wanted to understand the story,I _looked_them_up_ in a dictionary.但因我想理解这个故事,所以我查字典。7._What_fun_ the Water Festival is! 泼水节多么有趣啊!8._How_pretty_ the dragon boats were! 这些龙舟多么漂亮啊!份。12._Not_only_ do people spread them around in different hiding places for an egg hunt,_but_ they _also_ give out th

9、ese treats as gifts.在寻找“彩蛋”的过程中,人们不仅会把它们分散在不同的藏身地点,而且会把它们作为礼物送出去。13.Everyone _is_born_with_ the ability to learn.每个人天生就具有学习的能力。14.Chinese people _have_been_celebrating_ the MidAutumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries.多个世纪以来,中国人就一直在庆祝中秋节和吃月饼。语法1.宾语从句(含 that,if 或 whether)(详见第二编 P151)2.介词 b

10、y 的运用(by doing sth.)(详见第二编 P143)3.感叹句(详见第二编 P149)话题Unit 1 Learning how to learn(学会如何学习)Unit 2 Festivals(节日)单元重难点突破by (九全册 Unit 1 P1)【举例透析】Last weekend,my parents went to London by air.上周末,我的父母乘飞机去了伦4敦。(by交通工具,表示“通过;乘;由” 。)Students should go to bed by 22:30 at night.学生们应该在晚上十点半之前上床睡觉。(by时间名词,意为“在之前”

11、。)She was drinking orange juice by the swimming pool.她正在游泳池边喝橙汁。(by地点名词,意为“在旁边”,相当于 beside。)The book named Old Man and the Sea was written by Hemingway.老人与海这本书是海明威写的。At last,we found out that the window was broken by Tom.最后,我们发现窗户是汤姆打破的。(用于被动语态,意为“被;由”,引出动作发出者。)I study English by listening to tapes.

12、我通过听磁带来学习英语。(bydoing_sth.意为“通过方式或途径做某事”, 对 by 引导的方式状语提问用how。)其他短语:by oneself 独自;by mistake 无意地;by accident 偶然地;by the end of 到末为止(C)1.We can save money _ cooking our own meals instead of eating outside.A.with B.to C.by D.in(A)2.(2018 咸宁中考改编)President Xi Jinping paid an important visit to the US in 2

13、017.And he was warmly welcomed_ Donald Trump,the 45th American president.A.by B.from C.to D.with3.在我们学校,如果你在晚上九点半之前没有回到寝室,你会受到惩罚的。Youll be punished if you dont go back to the dormitory _by_21:30 in our school.“疑问词动词不定式” 结构的用法 (九全册 Unit 1 P5)5【举例透析】How_to_deal_with_it(作主语) is still a problem.如何处理它仍然是

14、一个难题。The question is which_to_choose(作表语).问题是选哪一个。I dont know where_to_go_on_vacation(作宾语).我不知道去哪儿度假。(疑问词 who,what,which 等和疑问副词 when,where,how 等后面跟不定式,构成“疑问词动词不定式”结构,在句中作主语、宾语、表语等。)(A)1.Its important for us to know _.Yeah.Cooking is an important life skill.A.how to cook B.when to cookC.which to cook

15、 D.why to cook2.I really dont know what I can do to help her out.(改为同义句)I really dont know _what_ _to_ _do_ to help her out.感叹句 (九全册 Unit 2 P9)【举例透析】What a foggy day (it is)!好大的雾!(Whata/anadj.可数名词单数主语谓语!)What beautiful flowers_(they are)!多么漂亮的花啊!(Whatadj.可数名词复数主语谓语!)What nice weather_(it is)!多好的天气啊!

16、(Whatadj.不可数名词主语谓语!)How beautiful these flowers are!这些花多漂亮呀!How quickly Bob runs!鲍勃跑得多快啊!(How形容词/副词主语谓语!)注意:究竟用 how 还是用 what/what a/what an,一切以主谓之前的词性为准。主谓之前为形容词/副词 考虑 how,主谓之前为名词考虑 what。(C)1.(2018 重庆中考 A 卷)_ special class we had today! We learned about 6kung fu.A.How B.What C.What a D.How a(B)2.(20

17、18 临沂中考)_ popular festival Halloween is in North America!A.What B.What a C.How D.How a辨析 lie 与 lay (九全册 Unit 2 P11)【举例透析】A dog lay in front of the gate yesterday.The dog still lies there now,so the dog has lain there for two days.昨天一只狗躺在门前。今天这只狗仍然躺在那儿,所以这只狗已经躺在那儿两天了。(此句中 lie 意为“躺下”,其过去式为 lay,过去分词为 l

18、ain,现在分词为 lying。)A boy with a group of sheep lied to kind people twice last week.He has already lied to the kind people many times since last month.People dont believe him,because he is a liar.放羊的男孩上周对善良的人们撒谎了两次。自从上个月以来,他已经对善良的人们撒谎了很多次。人们不相信他,因为他是个骗子。(此句中 lie 意为“撒谎”,其过去式为 lied,过去分词为 lied,现在分词为 lying

19、,撒谎者为 liar。)Look!The hen is laying an egg.And she has laid over 20 eggs.Yesterday she laid a very big egg.看!这只母鸡正在下蛋。她已经下了 20 个蛋。昨天她下了一个很大的蛋。(此句中 lay 意为“下蛋;产卵”,其过去式为 laid,过去分词为 laid,现在分词为 laying。)(B)1.Dont _ the glass on the corner of the table.A.lie B.lay C.laid D.lied(A)2.When I came into the room

20、,I found _ in bed.A.him lying B.he lyingC.he lies D.him lay(A)3.When he got closer,he found that a turtle was _ on the beach.7A.lying B.laying C.laid D.lieincrease (九全册 Unit 1 P5)【举例透析】Travel increases my knowledge of the world.旅行增长我的世界知识。(此处 increase 为动词,意为“增长;增加” 。)There is a fast increase in popu

21、lation of China because of the twochild policy.由于二孩政策,中国的人口迅速增长。(此处 increase 为名词,指“在某方面的增长” 。)The price of eggs has increased_to 10 yuan a kilo.鸡蛋的价格已经涨到每公斤 10 元。(increase to 表示“增加到” 。)The population of the town has increased by 5 percent.这个镇的人口增长了5%.(increase by 表示“增加了” 。)(C)The population of our c

22、ountry has increased _ 1.4 billion.A.in B.by C.to D.on高频话题写作指导学会如何学习话题解读学习,尤其是终身学习,已经成为了现代社会人们的共识。在这个认识的前提下,学会学习,掌握学习的基本方法和思维就非常有意义。在近年的中考写作中,对学习方法进行总结陈述也时有出现,培养学生自我完善、自我总结的学习能力,为下一步的学习打好基础。一般来说,有如下写作角度可供观察:1.如何找学习伙伴(2018 年浙江中考);2.谈论学习情况(2018 年江苏泰州);3.如何提高个人学习效率(2017 年四川宜宾)等。写作素材包常用作文开头语:1.Learning

23、is very important to all of us.(be important to sb.对某人很重要)8【试一试】按时吃早餐对我们学生来说非常重要。_Having_breakfast_on_time_is_very_important_to_us_students._2.It is a good way of improving our grades to learn by ourselves.(It isadj. /n.to do sth.做某事是怎么样的或是什么)【试一试】一周学习 7 天不是个好的学习方法。_Its_not_a_good_way_of_learning_to

24、_study_for_seven_days_a_week.3.Id like to say something about how to learn math.常用作文中间语:1.First,I learn English by listening to the teacher in class very carefully.(by doing sth.通过方式)【试一试】他不断练习来提高自己的成绩。_He_improved_his_grades_by_practicing_a_lot._2.I think the most important thing is to use it a lot

25、.3.Asking questions is very necessary for you to solve the problems you meet in your study.4.I always make a study plan at the beginning of a new term.(at the beginning of 在的起点,开始)【试一试】妈妈常说在一年的开头我们要做好所有的准备。_Mum_often_says_that_we_should_get_ready_for_everything_at_the_beginning_of_a_year._5.To be ho

26、nest,I dont like to read books all day.常用作文结束语:1.All in all,action speaks louder than words.2.Of course,everyone has a better way to learn.3.I believe you can make it.Dont you hear a saying “Where there is a will,there is a way.”?4.I hope that you can get your own ways to improve your grades.典例剖析(原创

27、题)你的英语成绩一直不错。班级里正在准备一次学习方法的交流会。请你根据9下面所给的提示,选取至少三项内容,并结合自身实际适当拓展,准备一份发言稿就如何学好英语与同学们交流。Listen carefully in classPractice with friendsMake friends with foreignersMake notes Read aloud Ask the teacher for help要求:1.90 词左右;语意通顺,意思连贯;2.不能出现真实的学校名和姓名。【审题指导】这是一篇介绍学习方法的作文。写作时必须包含要点中提到的至少三点,可适当发挥。全文在写作时以一般现在时

28、为主,以第一人称的口吻进行叙述。但是在叙述相关情况时,可使用第二人称。【写作导图】【参考范文】Im very pleased to have the chance to say something about my English study.To get good grades,first I think we should listen to our teacher very carefully in class because we have to spend most of the time at school.Then,I think its important to read al

29、oud in class and at home.Its good for us to 10practice English over and over again.Third,its a good idea to make friends with foreigners.They will be very helpful to your English study.Finally,I think we should try to fall in love with English.We all know that interests are the best teacher.Thank yo

30、u very much for your listening!【名师点评】本文的亮点之处有:1.内容完整,条理清晰;2.句式富于变化,使用了动词不定式作状语和 it 作形式主语的句式,符合英语语言习惯,体现了作者扎实的语言功底;3.用表顺序的连接词 first,then,third,finally 来描述学习英语的方法,使读者对本文主体内容一目了然;4.要点突出,符合要求,并有一定拓展。模拟写作(2019 预测)假如你叫魏东,你的表弟李明今年就要上初二了。他对初二的生活既充满了向往,又充满了对未知的迷惘。尤其对于英语学科,他还不知道该如何有效地学习。他写了一封电子邮件向你请教,请你给他写一封回

31、信,介绍一下你的英语学习情况。要点提示:1.学习英语的重要性;2.具体的方法(3 条);3.对他的鼓励和期待。要求:1.词数 90 左右;2.内容完整,语言流畅,可适当发挥;3.不能使用真实的学校名或自己的姓名。Dear cousin, Im a little surprised and happy to receive your email.Also I am glad to tell you how I learn English. First,I think English is one of the most important subjects in middle school an

32、d in the senior high school,even in the college.It is a bridge to the outside world.So we must learn it well. Then,I believe you should face the difficulty in your English study.Its very common.In my opinion,if you work harder and spend more time on it,you can get better grades.And another way is to

33、 speak English! Its a language,so we have to try to use it every day. If you have any problem,please ask me or your teacher.Dont be afraid! I 11expect your progress next term. Wei Dong直 击 中 考一、单项选择。(C)1.(新信息题)Did you know the news that Stephen Hawking _ on March 14th,2018?Yes.What a pity!A.die B.dea

34、d C.died D.dying(C)2.I wonder _ Jane gets on well with her classmates?Yes.She is friendly and she always cares much about others.A.whether B.how C.why D.when(C)3.(原创题)We should pay attention to _ the environment while developing our economy.A.protect B.protectedC.protecting D.protection(B)4.(2018 玉林

35、中考)Mom,what does the word “attention” mean?Oh,my dear.You should _ the dictionary and then you will get the meaning.A.look for B.look upC.look at D.look out(C)5.(2018 云南中考)_ fast China is developing!Yes,we are so lucky to live in such a great country.A.What B.What a C.How D.How a二、完形填空。“How can I le

36、arn English well? This is a _1_ that many students ask.In my opinion,the most effective _2_ is to learn by heart.If you can recite the text and write it out,you will learn it pretty well.And if you can tell _3_ your own words about _4_ the lesson says,you are a very successful learner indeed.Your En

37、glish will be quite perfect.12This is a difficult task.However,if you try to learn by heart only part of each lesson,youll find it not so hard _5_ you might have thought.Learn this way,and you will _6_ great progress.Of course,writing is also necessary.It helps you a lot on your way to _7_ in Englis

38、h studies.Its equally(同样地) important to feel the language.You should laugh at English jokes and be _8_ at bad news.When using English,try to _9_ your mother tongue._10_ helping you,your own language gets in your way.So,never try to learn English through putting every word into Chinese.(C)1.A.problem

39、 B.puzzle C.question D.solution(B)2.A.time B.way C.road D.place(C)3.A.with B.by C.in D.at(B)4.A.which B.what C.why D.when(C)5.A.than B.like C.as D.that(B)6.A.do B.make C.learn D.keep(A)7.A.success B.challengeC.difference D.difficulty(C)8.A.happy B.happily C.sad D.sadly(D)9.A.leave B.remindC.remember

40、 D.forget(A)10.A.Instead of B.InsteadC.Besides D.In order to三、(2018 德州中考改编)还原句子。阅读下面短文,把 A、B、C、D 四个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确。Dawa Dorji has many jobs singer,barkeeper and English tour guide,but he is most famous as the lead singer of the first folk(民间的) pop band in Tibet(西藏).In 2003,Dawa Dorji met two fa

41、ns of Tibetan music.1._B_And later another two joined the band.2._A_So they had to practise on weekdays in a small village after 13work.Dawa Dorji and his band members believed that they needed to communicate with their audience(听众) in order to write good songs.So on weekends they rushed to restaura

42、nts to sing for free.At the beginning,most audience were foreigners,but after a couple of months,many local people came to enjoy their music.3._C_“Whenever there is a festival,we Tibetans sing and dance.I sang songs with the old people,and I learned more about how to sing.” said Dawa Dorji.4._D_Many

43、 of them are from traditional ones.Dawa Dorji believes that their efforts(努力) are meaningful for introducing Tibetan folk music to the whole nation,and even the whole world.A.Each member of the band had his own job.B.They became good friends and started a band.C.As a result,the band became more and

44、more popular.D.So far,four albums(唱片) with 48 Tibetan language songs have come out.四、(2018 盐城中考改编)综合填空。阅读下面短文,根据单词、首字母、汉语和语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词,要求意义准确、拼写正确。Over 2,000 years ago,in China,there lived a boy called Confucius.When he was 1.only_ three,his father died.His mother was very poor.In those days

45、 people had to pay to go to school and his mother did not have 2._enough_(足够的) money to send him to school.As Confucius grew up,he wanted to learn things.So he 3._decided_(决定) to teach himself.Unfortunately he was a strangelooking boy.The other children pointed and made fun of him.They called him na

46、mes and laughed at him.Confucius got very upset,but he was a kind gentle boy and did not fight 4._back_(回来).Confucius did not play with other children.He went off to talk to holy men in the temple and learned from them.He 5.talked_ to artists and musicians and learned from them.If he tried to do som

47、ething difficult,he kept 6._trying_(try) over and over again until he learned how to do it.In this way the boy taught 7._himself_(he) to read and write and learned lots of 14interesting things.Confucius 8._grew_(grow) up to be a very clever man.When he was a man,Confucius became the ruler of the cit

48、y of Changtu.People were very 9.happy_ when he was their leader.He used his abilities and skills 10._in_ a wise way.People sometimes call him the greatest man who ever lived.We still remember many of his sayings today.五、(2018 荆门中考改编)完成句子。阅读下面短文,根据题后要求完成句子。How funny would it be to see memes(表情包)in textbooks?(A)来自成都七中的一些学生已经使它成为现实。The students wrote a set of creative textbooks that includes five subjectsChinese,English,maths,chemistry and physics.(B)They_share_t


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