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1、1动词及动词短语语法随堂演练(一)请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子完整正确,每个单词只用一次realise follow afford expect hit1The Apple Watch is very beautiful, but its too expensive. So I cant it.2Dreams are beautiful. However, to them needs lots of time and work.3Do you think our basketball team will win the match?Yes, we have be

2、tter players. So I them to win.4Whats wrong with Simon? He isnt at school today.His legs hurt. He was by a motorcycle this morning.5The drivers have to the traffic rules and control themselves if they want to be safe on the road.(二)选择合适的动词并用其适当形式填空1Please the stone. It like a fish.(look, look at)2It

3、 (seem, look) that he has been ill for a long time.3President Obama (pay, give) a visit to Asia last month.4This kind of fruit good, so it must delicious.(smell, taste)5“It (take, cost) him half an hour to walk to work every day.” means “He (pay, spend) half an hour walking to work every day.”6 (say

4、, speak) louder, or I cant hear you.7What are you (tell, talk) about?8Please (bring, take) the raincoat with you. It may rain later.9I can (carry, take) a bag of rice on my back.10How does Tom (get, reach) Beijing?(三)用适当的感官系动词或情态动词填空1The running water makes the stones very smooth.2The meat on the pl

5、ate so delicious. Lets try it together.3What about the blue skirt on the right? I think it will nice on you.24I love the song by the band Wild and Windy. It nice.5 I put the bike here?Im sorry, you . You put it there beside the window.6 I do all the exercises today?No, you . You do some of them.7Ple

6、ase turn on the light. I see things clearly.8You borrow two books at a time but you return them on time.9(2018浙江温州中考改编)The cheese cake so good that I cant wait to eat it.10(2018福建中考改编)Do you enjoy Chinese folk songs?Yes, the folk songs nice.11(2018江苏盐城中考改编)Look, little Jim is swimming so fast. I bel

7、ieve my eyes.12(2018四川凉山中考改编)Parents put the things like knives and medicine away in the house to keep children safe.13(2018贵州安顺中考改编)Is that Mr. Zhou?It be him. He has gone to Beijing.(四)根据汉语意思完成英语句子1你最好在交卷前检查一下试卷。Youd better the paper before handing it in.2我真的需要更多的锻炼,因为我的体重在不断上升。I really need to ta

8、ke more exercise because Im weight.3夏天来临的时候,许多人都想去游泳。When summer comes, a lot of people 4我妈妈总是以我为骄傲。My mother always me.5昨晚我熬夜看了一场足球赛。I late to watch a football match last night.6你走的时候别忘了关灯。Dont forget to the lights when you leave.7请把所有的旧书都收起来。Please all the old books 38在法国,你应该把面包放在桌子上。In France, yo

9、u put bread on the table.9她尽量注意听他说话。She tried to what he was saying. 10他的红墨水用完了。He has his red ink.参考答案(一)1.afford 2.realise 3.expect 4.hit 5.follow(二)1.look at; looks 2.seems 3.paid4smells; taste 5.takes; spends 6.Speak7talking 8.take 9.carry 10.reach(三)1.feel 2.smells 3.look 4.sounds5May/Could/Can; cant/mustnt; may/can6Must; neednt; can/may 7.cant8can/may; must 9.smells 10.sound11cant 12.should 13.cant(四)1.go over 2.putting on 3.feel like swimming4is; proud of 5.stayed up 6.turn off7put; away 8.are supposed to9pay attention to 10.run out of4


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