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1、Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?,单元主题写作九,Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?,单元主题写作九,话题分析,本单元的话题是“好玩的地方(Fun places)”。在描述“好玩的地方”时,最常见的形式是“写游记”。写此类文章通常要使用一般过去时。在描述具体的旅行经历时,要注意交代清楚时间、地点、人物以及具体的旅行经历等。,单元主题写作九,典 型 例 题,上周末,你和父母一起在青岛度过了愉快的一天。请你根据下列四幅图片的内容提示,写一篇游记。要求:语言通顺,无语法或拼写错误,80词左右。,单元主题写作九,思

2、路 点 拨,本文是一篇游记,属于记叙文,要求描述一次旅行。写本文的时候,要按照如下思路进行: 1第一段:总体概述。我们可以用几个简单的句子来总体说明这次旅行的时间(last weekend)、地点(Qingdao)和人物(my parents and I)。,单元主题写作九,2第二段:详细叙事。注意根据图片提示进行叙述,切勿遗漏要点。 (1)描述第一幅图:坐火车去青岛; (2)描述第二幅图:坐公共汽车去崂山,这部分我们可以简单描述一下在崂山玩得怎么样; (3)描述第三幅图:全家一起到水族馆,看到了很多种鱼及其他水生生物; (4)描述第四幅图:到海边玩,一起拍照。,单元主题写作九,3第三段:总结

3、全文。在结束时可以发表自己的观点,以此来总结全文,可以用一两句话描述自己玩得很开心或其他感情。,单元主题写作九,素材积累,常用词汇 1告诉某人有关某事的情况 _ 2与不同 _ 3美景 _ 4人口众多 _ 5变得越来越受欢迎 _,tell sb. about sth.,be different from,beautiful/fantastic sights,have a large population,单元主题写作九,get more and more popular,6海鲜 _ 7在海里游泳 _ 8躺在沙滩上 _ 9照相 _ 10便利的 _,seafood,swim in the sea,l

4、ie on the beach,单元主题写作九,take photos,convenient,11现代风格 _ 12传承 _ 13特产 _ 14拥有一次愉快的旅行 _,modern styles,pass on,special local products,单元主题写作九,have a good trip,单元主题写作九,常用句子 1I only have been to Qingdao once. 我只去过青岛一次。 2Well have more fun if we stay two more days. 如果我们再待两天的话,我们会玩得更开心。 3I will never forget

5、that exciting journey. 我永远也不会忘记那次令人兴奋的旅行。 4What a wonderful trip!多么精彩的一次旅行呀! 5Have you ever been to Qingdao? 你曾经去过青岛吗?,单元主题写作九,6Qingdao is a peaceful and modern city. 青岛是一座宁静而现代化的城市。 7There are many places of interest in Qingdao, such as Badaguan, May Fourth Square, Laoshan Scenic Spot and so on. 青岛

6、有很多名胜,像八大关、五四广场、崂山风景区等。 8The people there are very friendly and the food is very delicious. 那儿的人非常友好,食物非常美味。,单元主题写作九,Have you ever been to Qingdao? Many friends tell me that Qingdao is a good place to have a holiday. So last week, I spent my weekend with my parents. We went to Qingdao on vacation.,高

7、分模板,单元主题写作九,The weather was great! We took the train to Qingdao and went to Lao Mountain by bus. We had fun there. Then I went to the aquarium with my parents. There were many kinds of fishes and other animals in the water. In the end, we went to the beach. How beautiful the beach and the sea were!

8、We took photos as many as possibleWe had a wonderful time that day.,单元主题写作九,名师点评,运用本单元所学的have been to 句式开头,学以致用。 用感叹句表达了看到海水和沙滩时的欣喜之情。 as many as possible结构描述了所到之处的美景之多, 让人想通过照片的形式把美景留下来。,小试身手,单元主题写作九,昨天早上,你和三个朋友一起去郊外露营。请根据下列图片的提示内容写一篇关于这次野营的英文短文。70词左右。,单元主题写作九,One possible version:Yesterday, I went

9、 camping with my friends. We took a lot of things and set off by bike in the early morning. When we got there, two of us began to put up the tent. The other two went fishing by the river so that we could have fish for lunch. After lunch, we sat together and sang happily in the open air. How excited we were! The next morning, we ended our camping trip and went home happily. That was a very special experience for us.,


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