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1、1华宁一中 2018-2019 学年上学期 9 月考试高二英语试卷出卷: 审卷: 时间:120 分钟第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第 1 节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)请听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the man looking for?A. A book B. A desk C. A bag2. Where will the man have his lunch

2、?A. In a restaurant B. In the dining room C. In his office3. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Reporter and editor B. Teacher and student C. Boss and secretary4. When will the woman go to meet the man?A. At 10:00 B. At 10:30 C. At 11:305. What does the woman want the man

3、to bring?A. Some plates B. Some spoons C. Some forks第 2 节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)请听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。6. What kind of room will the man live in?A. A quiet room B. A

4、 smoking room C. A non-smoking room7. How much does the room cost a night?A. $ 50 B. $ 100 C. $ 150听下面一段对话,回答第 8 和第 9 两个小题。8. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Bus driver and passenger B. Strangers C. Hotel clerk and guest9. How is the woman going there?A. By bus B. By taxi C. On foot

5、听下面一段对话,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。10. Where does this conversation take place?A. In the street B. At the mans home C. On the telephone11. What are the questions about?2A. Work B. Hobbies C. Health12. What can we learn about the man?A. He takes vitamins regularlyB. He often does sportsC. He has a balanced di

6、et听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第 16 四个小题。13. When did the speakers meet each other last time?A. Two days ago B. A week ago C. A month ago14. How does the man feel?A. Bored B. Depressed C. Confident15. What is the man hungry for now?A. A new job B. A good salary(工资) C. A good preparation16. What can we learn abou

7、t the man?A. He told a lie to his wifeB. He has a part-time job at the coffee shopC. He found nothing in the advertisements听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题。17. Where can the listeners buy Beginning English?A. From the speaker B. In the main office C. In the bookshop 18. What can the listeners do during the

8、 break?A. Play computer games.B. Go to the cafeteriaC. Eat in the classroom19. What class is on Tuesdays?A. Typing B. English C. Math20. How long will the English class last within a day?A. For two hours B. For two and a half hours C. For three hours第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 2 分,满分 30

9、分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AMy sister and I grew up in a little village in England. Our father was a struggling lawyer, but I always knew he was special. He never criticized us, but used praise to bring out our best. Hed say, “If you pour water on flowers, they flourish (茂盛). I

10、f you dont give them water, they die.“ I remember as a child I said something unkind about somebody, and my father said, “Any time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, its a reflection of you.“ He explained that if I looked for the best in people, I would get the best in return. From th

11、en on Ive always tried to follow the principle in my life and later in running my company. 3Dads also always been very understanding. At 15, I started a magazine. It was taking up a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a choice: stay in school or leave to work on my magazin

12、e.I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision at first, as any good father would. When he realized I had made up my mind, he said, “Richard, when I was 23, my dad persuaded me to go into law. And Ive always regretted it. I wanted to be a biologist, but I didnt pursue my dream. You

13、know what you want. Go fulfill it.“As it turned out, my little publication went on to become Student, a national magazine for young people in the U.K. My wife and I have two children, and Id like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad raised me.21. What can we know about the authors fa

14、ther?A. He was a specialist in law. B. He usually encouraged kids.C. He seldom looked for the best. D. He was a father without principles.22. The author left school at 15 mainly because_.A. the school forced him to B. he had a dream to realizeC. he had to work for money D. his father understood him.

15、23. The underlined phrase in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by _.A. accuse me of B. remind me ofC. agree with me on D. persuade me out of24. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. My Respectable Father B. Be nice to OthersC. My Happy Childhood D. Go Fulfill Your DreamBMost people agree that eatin

16、g healthy food is important. But sometimes making good food choices can be tough. Now, there are apps that can help people learn about the food they eat to improve their diets.Open TableOpen Table helps people choose restaurants when they want to go out to eat. Open Table is a free service that show

17、s users restaurant availability based on where and when they want to dine. Open Table users can also make reservations directly through the app or website.EpicuriousEpicurious is a free app and website to help users find recipes and become better cooks. The app has more than 30,000 recipes and can c

18、reate a shopping list based on the ingredients in a recipe. The app rates recipes for popularity and other qualities and inform users about vegetables in season in different areas.Happy Cow4The Happy Cow app is made freely for Vegetarians. Users can search for vegetarian restaurants and stores aroun

19、d the world. The Happy Cow app is based on the Happy Cow website, where users can discover places nearby or search using keywords.Local EatsRestaurant chains, like McDonalds, can be found almost anywhere a person might travel. But sometimes tourists want to eat like locals. The website and app Local

20、 Eats is designed for that, which can help you find local restaurants in major cities in the US and in other countries. It lists locally owned restaurants so users can try foods from that area.Where Chefs Eat“Where Chefs Eat” is a 975-page book. Most people would not want to carry that around. But t

21、here is a much lighter app version of the same name for just one dollar. Six hundred chefs provide information on 3,000 restaurants around the world on the Where Chefs Eat app. Users can also search by region, chef, or restaurant name.25. Which app can help people book a table for a meal in advance?

22、A. Local Eats B. Happy Cow C. Epicurious D. Open Table26. Who might be interested in the app Local Eats?A. chefs B. Vegetarians C. travelers D. App designers27. What can we know from the text?A. Native Americans like dinning in McDonalds. B. Epicurious offers information about seasonal fruits. C. Wh

23、ere Chefs Eats is a name of both a book and an app. D. Happy Cow is designed for people fond of eating meat.28. This text introduces these apps to help people to_.A. save money B. go on a diet C. be better cooks D. eat healthilyCAccording to a recent study out of the University of Pennsylvanias Whar

24、ton School, men with shaved heads are considered to be more manly, powerful, and successful than those with longer hair or thinning(稀少的) hair. Besides, in some cases, they are considered to have greater leadership potential (潜力). That may explain why the power-buzz look has become popular among busi

25、ness leaders in recent years.Albert Mannes, Wharton management lecturer, said he was encouraged to do the research after noticing that he was treated with more respect when he shaved off his thinning hair.Mannes did three experiments to test peoples impression of men with shaved heads. In one of the

26、 experiments, he showed 344 subject photos of the same men in two versions: one showing the men with hair and the other showing them with their hair digitally removed, so their heads appear shaved. In all three tests, the subject report found the men with shaved heads are more dominant(占优势的) than th

27、eir hairy counterparts(对应的人).5The study found that men with thinning hair were viewed as the least attractive and powerful. For those men, the solution could be as cheap and simple as a shave.New York image consultant Julie Rath advised her clients to get closely cropped when they start thinning up

28、top. “There is something really strong, powerful and confident about laying it all bare(光秃的),” she said, describing the thinning look as kind of raunchy(不修边幅的). Not everyone needs a bare head. Rick Devine, 55, the CEO of Devine Capital Partners, advised executive candidates attracted by their clippe

29、rs to keep their hair closely cropped, rather than completely shaved. “It is way too much image risk,” he said, “The best thing you can do in a business meeting is to make your look not an issue.”29. We can learn from paragraph 1 that men with shaved heads have more chances to _.A. be liked by their

30、 leader B. become business leadersC. be laughed at by their leaders D. feel stressed from their work30. When did Albert Mannes decide to do the research?A. Long before he shaved his own thinning hair.B. When he was looked down upon because of his thinning hair.C. When people treated him more respect

31、fully after he shaved his thinning hair.D. When he noticed that others began to shave their thinning hair.31. The underlined part in Paragraph 4 probably means that the solution is to _.A. buy a pair of cheap scissors. B. have a cheap shaveC. keep their thinning hair D. shave their own thinning hair

32、32. Whats the authors attitude toward mens bare heads?A. Objective B. Negative C. Positive D. DoubtfulDMuch meaning can be conveyed, clearly, with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak.Do you have such kind of experience? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too long. And if he i

33、s sensing that he is being stared at, he may feel uncomfortable.The same in daily life. If you are looked at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down, to see if there is anything wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry toward others stare at you that way. Eye

34、s do speak, right?Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive. But things are different when it comes to stare at the opposite sex. If a man glances at a 6woman for more than 10 seconds and refuses to move his gaze, his intentions are obvious, that is, he wishes to attract her att

35、ention, to make her understand that he is admiring her.However, the normal eye contact for two people engaged in conversation is that the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what the former is speaking, to tell him t

36、hat he is attentive.If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking, as if he tries to dominate you, you will feel uncomfortable. A poor liar usually exposes himself by looking too long at the victim, since he believes in the false idea that to look straight in the eye is a sign of honest commu

37、nication. Quite the contrary.In fact, continuous eye contact is confined to lovers only, who will enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time, to show affection that words cannot express.Evidently, eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the specific

38、situation.33. Which of the following behaviors is proper according to the passage?.A. To the opposite sex, stare at him or her.B. To a stranger, avoid looking at him or her.C. In a conversation, look at the listener all the time.D. Make eye contact depending on the relationship and different situati

39、ons.34. If two persons exchange eye contact gently for long, what is probably their relationship?A. Boss and employee. B. Lovers.C. Teacher and student. D. Strangers35. Whats the best title of the passage?A. Dont stare at others B. Body language is importantC. Eyes can speak D. Eye contact benefits

40、you第二节 (共 5 小题; 每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项Secret codes(密码)keep messages private. Banks, companies, and government agencies use secret codes in doing business, especially when information is sent by computer.People have used secret codes for thousands of years. 36 Code b

41、reaking never lags(落后)far behind code making. The science of creating and reading coded messages is called cryptography.There are three main types of cryptography. 37 For example, the first letters of “My elephant eats too many eels” spell out the hidden message “Meet me.”38 You might represent each

42、 letter with a number, for example. Lets number the letters of the alphabet, in order, from 1 to 26. If we 7substitute a number for each letter, the message “Meet me” would read “135520135.”A code uses symbols to replace words, phrases, or sentences. To read the message of a real code, you must have

43、 a code book. 39 For example, “bridge” might stand for “meet” and “out” might stand for “me.” The message “Bridge out” would actually mean “Meet me.” 40 However, it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long. So codes must be changed frequently.A. It is very hard to break a code without the co

44、de book.B. In any language, some letters are used more than others.C. Only people who know the keyword can read the message.D. As long as there have been codes, people have tried to break them.E. You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.F. With a code book, you mi

45、ght write down words that would stand for other words.G. Another way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 15 分,满分 30 分)A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feetHe held up a 41 which said

46、:“I am blind, please help”There were only a few 42 in the hatA man was walking byHe took some change from his pocket and 43 it into the hatHe then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some _ 44 He put it back so that everyone who passed45 would see the new wordsSoon the hat began to 46 There w

47、ere a lot more people 47 money to the blind boyThat afternoon the man who had 48 the sign came to see how things wereThe boy 49 his footsteps and asked, “Are you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?” The man said, “I just wrote the 50 I said what you said but in a different

48、way.”What he had written was: “Today is a beautiful day but I 51 see it”Do you think the previous sign and the new one were 52 the same thing? Of course both signs 53 people that the boy was blind 54 , the first sign simply told people to help by putting some money in the hat because of his blindnessThe second sign told people that they were 55 enough and able to enjoy the 56 of the day , which the boy couldnt.There are at least two 57 we can learn from this simple story.The fir

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