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1、- 1 -扶沟二高 2018-2019 学年度下期第一次考试高一英语试卷第 1 部分 :听力(略)第 2 部分 :阅读理解(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AKeeping the kids busy over the school holidays can be discouraging and cost parents a lot . But weve found some cheap and cheerful ways to enjoy family time thi

2、s Easter from free days out to fun-filled theme parks which wont cost you much . Weve done the homework so you can get started on having a great time. Theme ParksSave from 10% to 25% off the price of tickets for LEGOLAND in Windsor by booking in advance online . A family of four can save up to 45.90

3、 on a one-day ticket , paying 137.70 .Book seven days in advance and save 43 off the price of a family of four tickets for Drayton Manor Theme Park . Call 0844-472-1950 or book online and youll pay $65 on the day .You can pick up a family of four tickets for a day at Alton Towers in Staffordshire fo

4、r 43.80 off the day price .Save 16 off the price for a family trip to The Making of Harry Potter by buying a family ticket ( two adults and two children ) online . Family of four 101,compared to 117.ActivitiesStudents looking for a cut-price trip to see the animals can save 15% off the ticket price

5、at Bristol Zoo and pay 12.71 rather than the full adult price 14.53 . Teens should show their identity as students .FreebiesLet your kids discover what its like to be an animal on the African Plain or in the ocean . Or , theycan learn to love leaf beetles or become a scientist for the day at the Nat

6、ural History Museum in London.21 . In which theme park can visitors save most this Easter ?A . Dravton Manor Theme Park . B . The Making of Harry Potter .C . LEGOLAND in Windsor . D . Alton Towers .22 . What is a must for enjoying a cut-price trip at Bristol Zoo ?A . Parents company . B . Student ID

7、 card .C . Driving licence . D . Age over 8 .23 . Which place should Tom visit if he wants to know detailed things about whales ?- 2 -A . LEGOLAND in Windsor . B . Alton Towers .C . The Making of Harry Potter . D . The Natural History Museum .24 .The text is intended to A . show some funny activitie

8、sB . introduce some places of interestC . show how to enjoy a cut-price tripD . introduce some ways to enjoy family timeBMy writing career began ten years ago with my articles published locally and nationally . As a beginner , I was happy to be on my way , writing and learning as much as I could . W

9、ith two little kids underfoot , as well as working full-time , it was really difficult to make time for writing , but I managed . Readers told me they laughed , cried or were inspired by my articles . But they didnt know what was really going on behind the typewriter . I was not a happy mommy , and

10、found it difficult to enjoy the little things in everyday life . In short , I was not a happy person .I realized I had to make some changes . I started walking every morning . It cleared my head , allowed me time to think , gave me fresh air , and made me feel invigorated(精神焕发 )and healthy.I was eat

11、ing wisely , and the weight started to go . I started a new job , joined a monthly writing chapter , and was determined to keep up my walking . Finding the balance was sometimes difficult . But I was determined to fit in writing because it made me happy . Surely I loved to watch the news and have my

12、 tea , but that wasnt what made me truly happy .My own happiness has shown through my family , my job performance and my attitude towards challenging situations . I again have readers telling me the effect my writing has had on them , with some able to get on with their own writing because of my art

13、icles .It was up to me to make it happen - my own happiness . One step at a time and one word at a time .And I did it .25 . What was a big challenge to the author according to the first paragraph ?A . Writing good articles . B . Doing well at work .C . Finding the time to write . D . Taking good car

14、e of children .26 . Why did the author start walking every morning ?A . To be physically healthy . B . To enjoy fresh early morning air .C . To have more energy for writing . D . To get back to happiness .27 . What can we know about the author from the text ?A . Her articles had a great effect on re

15、aders .B . She didnt enjoy making changes in her life .C . She wasnt interested in watching TV news .D . She couldnt find the balance between work and life .28 . What do you think is the main idea of the text ?A . Practice makes perfect . B . Well begun is half done .- 3 -C . Time and tide wait for

16、no man . D . Happiness lies in your own hand .CThe spread of Western eating habits around the world is bad for human health and the environment . These findings come from a new report in the journal Nature .David Tillman , a professor of ecology at the University of Minnesota , America , examined th

17、e information from 100 countries to identify what people ate and how diet affected health . He noted a movement beginning in the 1960s . He found that as nations industrialized(工业化 ),population increased and earnings rose , more people began to adopt what has been called the Western diet .The Wester

18、n diet is high in sugar , fat , oil and meat . By eating these foods , people began to get fatter and sicker . David Tillman says overweight people are at greater risk for non-infectious diseases like diabetes (糖尿病) and heart disease .Unfortunately when people become industrialized . if they adopt t

19、his Western diet , they are going to have these health problems , especially in developing countries in Asia .China is an example where the number of diabetes cases has been jumping from less than one percent to 10 percent of the population as they began to industrialize over a 20-year period . And

20、that is happening all across the world , in Mexico , in Nigeria and so on .And , a diet bad for human beings is also bad for the environment . As the worlds population grows , more forests and tropical(热带的)areas will become farmland for crops or grasslands for cattle . We are likely to have more gre

21、enhouse gas in the future from agriculture than that coming out of all forms of transportation right now .Mr. Tillman calls the link between diet , the environment and human health , “a trilemma“ - a problem offering a difficult choice . He says one possible settlement is leaving the Western diet be

22、hind .29 . According to the passage , more greenhouse gas might be given off in the future from .A . transportation B . developing countriesC . agriculture D . developed countries30 . What does David Tillman believe ?A . Diet , the environment and human health are closely connected .B . The Western

23、diet is the only choice as the nation industrializes .C . People in tropical areas are more likely to have heart disease .D . The traditional diet is more balanced than the Western diet .31 . What can we infer from the passage ?A . Nigeria has the largest number of diabetes cases .B . Overweight peo

24、ple are at higher risk of infectious diseases .C . The examined information comes from developing countries .D . Industrialization contributes to the spread of the Western diet .D- 4 -Americans , especially the millennials (千禧一代), are always glued to their phones. A common day of an average universi

25、ty student in American starts off like this : an alarm clock wakes you up , which is quickly followed by checking social media such as Twitter and Facebook . Once in classes , you are again attracted by your buzzing phone and access to the Internet rather than pay attention to the lecturing professo

26、r . Then you have lunch with some friends , only to look up from your screen to realize that no one has said a word in five minutes and instead all are looking at their phones . Once the day ends , you cant help checking all forms of social media again before finally being able to shut your eyes onl

27、y to repeat this vicious cycle the next day .Cyberbullying(网络霸凌),a concept unknown before , is now in fashion . Many of the millennials are using the Internet to make jokes about others to extremes . The Internet gives cowards bravery . People feel like their actions and words have no bad results be

28、cause they cannot see the pain they cause others .Millennials also tend to think that whatever information shows up on their screens must be taken as truth, whether the source is reliable(可靠的) or not.Social media is not all bad , however . People are still able to use social media to connect with fr

29、iends and family who live a great distance away . With a few clicks , someone could make another person smile , or give words of hope and encouragement to a friend in need , or even help repair a broken relationship . Cyberspace is a vortex( 流涡) that is easy to get caught up in , but we must find a

30、balance to keep both feet in reality while travelling across the online world .32 . What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 infer ?A . You cant break away from your phone .B . You decide to get rid of this bad behaviour .C . You return to going cyberbullying the following day .D . You are caugh

31、t in the busy life .33 . What can be learned about the millennials ?A . They often mistake facts for personal opinions .B . They prefer to communicate face to face .C . They are often made fun of in the cyberspace .D . They dont often make their own judgement .34 . Which way of using social media is

32、 accepted by the author ?A . Being glued to the phones all the time .B . Promoting relationships .C . Losing themselves in the cyberspace .D . Fighting against others .35 . Whats the authors purpose of writing the text ?A . To state the ill effects of social media .B . To prove the benefits of cyber

33、space .C . To suggest using the social media wisely .D . To introduce the functions of phones .第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)- 5 -根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Moving into a new home in a new neighborhood is an exciting experience . Of course , you want to make sure that you become an accept

34、ed and valuable part of your new neighborhood . The easiest way to accomplish this is to make sure you conduct yourself as a good neighbor should . 36 .Perhaps one of the most important things you can do as a good neighbor is to keep your property(房产) neat , clean , and in good repair . 37 By choosi

35、ng to keep the outside of the home in great shape , you will help to improve the look and feel of the area .Second , take the overall appearance of the neighborhood seriously . When going for a walk , take along a small garbage bag . 38 This small act will let your neighbors know that you care about

36、 the area .39 If a neighbor is going to be out of town , offer to collect mail and newspapers . If a neighbor suffers an illness , offer to do the grocery shopping . Let them know that you are there to help in any way that is acceptable , while still respecting the privacy of your neighbor .40 By fo

37、llowing the basic rules of respecting others , taking care of what belongs to you , and taking pride in the appearance of the neighborhood in general , you will quickly become a good neighbor that everyone appreciates .A . In general , keep an eye on their property while they are gone .B . A good ne

38、ighbor is also one who likes to help out in small ways .C . Being a good neighbor is more or less about considerate behavior .D . Sometimes neighbors may go to the supermarket together to do shopping .E . Should you come across waste paper thrown out of a passing car , pick it up .F . People tend to

39、 take pride in keeping everything in their street fresh and inviting .G . Here are a few tips to help you win over everyone in the neighborhood quickly.第三部分:语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)When I was about 12 , I had an enemy . A girl liked to point out my 41 . Week by week her 42 g

40、rew : I was very thin ; I wasnt a good student ; I talked too much : I was too 43 , always feeling superior to others , and so on . I tried to hear all these as long as I could . 44 , I became very angry . I ran to my father with 45 in my eyes .He listened to me 46 , and then he asked , “ Are the th

41、ings she says true or not ? Janet , didnt you ever 47 what youre really like ? Well , you now have that girls 48 . Go and 49 a list of everything she said and mark the points that are 50 . Pay no attention to the other things she said . “I did 51 he told me . To my great 52 , I discovered that about

42、 half the things were true . I couldnt 53 some of them ( like being very thin ) , but - 6 -there were a good number I could - and suddenly I wanted to change . For the first time I had a fairly 54 picture of myself .I brought the list back to Daddy . He 55 to take it . “ Thats just for you , “ he sa

43、id . “ You know the truth about yourself 56 than anyone else . But you have to learn to 57 , not just close your ears in 58 , feeling hurt when something said about you is true , and youll find it of help to you . Our world is full of people who think they know your affairs . Dont 59 your ears . Lis

44、ten to them all , but hear the truth and do what you know is the right thing to do . ”Daddys advice has always 60 me at many important moments . In my life , Ive never had a better piece of advice .41 . A . qualities B . weaknesses C . strengths D . marks42 . A . list B . body C . fear D . trouble43

45、 . A . silly B . friendly C . dull D . proud44 . A . In other words B . Above all C . As a result D . At last45 . A . tears B . pains C . promises D . wishes46 . A . gratefully B . personally C . quietly D . hopefully47 . A . wonder B . prove C . learn D . doubt48 . A . excuse B . advice C . discuss

46、ion D . opinion49 . A . take B . make C . create D . receive50 . A . wrong B . correct C . big D . true51 . A . as B . since C . before D . till52 . A . surprise B . delight C . relief D . sorrow53 . A . seek B . accept C . admit D . change54 . A . wonderful B . clear C . interesting D . beautiful55

47、 . A . decided B . refused C . expected D . agreed56 . A . wider B . higher C . better D . worse57 . A . listen B . stand C . speak D . share58 . A . peace B . anger C . shyness D . - 7 -silence59 . A . open B . keep C . shut D . turn60 . A . reminded B . warned C . disappointed D . excited第二节(共 10

48、小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。It was the summer of 1903 . Henry Adams had very bad luck . He 61 ( sail ) in his boat out of the bay when a strong wind carried his boat far out to sea . A whole night passed before he 62 ( spot ) by a ship , which took him to London . Lost in this strange city , 63 ( penny ) and hungry , he didnt know what he should do . Just then , he heard someone calling him . He was led into a large hall of a splendid buil


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