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1、- 1 -2018-2019 学年上期高三第三次月考英 语 试 题第卷(选择题 共 95 分)第二部分:阅读理解 (共两节,满分 40 分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,共 30 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。AMy wife and I have always been friendly with the clerks at the local store. I dont think many people appreciate what a difficult job these clerks have. They work for a

2、 little money and I often wonder how they make ends meet.One of the clerks, Charlie, was always wearing his glasses but he didnt one day. I asked him about it and he said theyd been out of order and that he couldnt afford a new pair. His family needed money. It was clear that he was having a difficu

3、lt time.We wanted to help him, so we turned to our own eye doctor for help with a plan. We had his secretary contact him, asking him to come in for an eye exam for free. We told the doctor to let him order whatever glasses he wanted and that we would pay for them. Although Charlie questioned what wa

4、s going on, the doctor just told him that someone had offered the money for his new glasses. When we went in to pay the bill, the doctor told us he was touched by our idea so that he waived the exam fee and only charged us for half the price of the glasses!It was so wonderful to see Charlie in his n

5、ew glasses and he enjoyed telling all the regular customers how the gift came about. Im sure that upon hearing his story, ideas of kindness may have come in the minds of many people.21. Why didnt the clerk Charlie wear glasses one day?A. It was very warm and fine. B. His glasses were missing.- 2 -C.

6、 His old glasses were broken. D. He forgot to wear his glasses.22. From the passage, we can infer that _.A. Charlie was a young man with skillsB. Charlie couldnt support his family with enough moneyC. Charlie completely accepted the money for the new glassesD. Charlie knew who paid the money for the

7、 new glasses23. The underlined word “waived” in the third paragraph can be replaced by _.A. took up B. gave up C. cut down D. put off24. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?A. Customers Gift to an Employee B. A Friendly Clerk Charlie C. The Wonderful Feeling of Helping oth

8、ersD. An Expensive Pair of GlassesBAfter giving a talk at a high school,I was asked to pay a visit to a special student.An illness had kept the boy home,but he had expressed an interest in meeting me.I was told it would mean a great deal to him,so I agreed.During the nine-mile drive to his home,I fo

9、und out something about Matthew.He had muscular dystrophy(肌肉萎缩症).When he was born,the doctor told his parents that he would not live to five,and then they were told he would not make it to ten.Now he was thirteen.He wanted to meet me because I was a Gold-medal power lifter,and I knew about overcomin

10、g obstacles and going for my dreams.I spent over an hour talking to Matthew.Never once did he complain or ask,“Why me?“He spoke about winning and succeeding and going for his dreams.Obviously,he knew what he was talking about.He didnt mention that his classmates had made fun of him because he was di

11、fferent.He just talked about his hopes for the future,and how one day he wanted to lift weights with me.When we had finished talking,I went to my briefcase(公文包)and pulled out the first - 3 -gold medal I had won and put it around his neck.I told him he was more of a winner and knew more about success

12、 and overcoming obstacles than I ever would.He looked at it for a moment,then took it off and handed it back to me.He said,“You are a champion.You earned that medal.Someday when I get to the Olympics and win my own medal,I will show it to you.“ Last summer I received a letter from Matthews parents t

13、elling me that Matthew had passed away.They wanted me to have a letter he had written to me a few days before:Dear Dick,My mum said I should send you a thank-you letter for the picture you sent me.I also want to let you know that the doctors tell me that I dont have long to live any more,but I still

14、 smile as much as I can.I told you someday that I would go to the Olympics and win a gold medal,but I know now I will never get to do that.However,I know Im a champion,and God knows that too.When I get to Heaven,God will give me my medal and when you get there,I will show it to you.Thank you for lov

15、ing me.Your friend,Matthew25.The boy looked forward to meeting the author because .A.he was also good at weight liftingB.he wanted to get to the Olympics and win a medalC.he was one of the authors fansD.he admired the author very much26.The underlined sentence in the third paragraph probably means t

16、hat .A.the boy never complained about how unlucky he was to have this diseaseB.the boy never complained about not being able to go to schoolC.the boy never complained why the author had never come to see him beforeD.the boy never complained about not getting a medal27.Matthew didnt accept the author

17、s medal because .A.he thought it was too expensive - 4 -B.he was sure that he could win one in the futureC.he thought it was of no use to him as he would die soonD.he would not be pitied by others28.What would be the best title for this passage?A.A sick boy. B.A special friend. C.A real champion. D.

18、A famous athlete.CWant to find a job? Now read the following advertisements.FAIRMONT HOTELFive waiters and Ten Waitresses-Aged under 22-At least high school graduate-Good looking; men at least 1.72 meters tall and women 1.65-Those knowing foreign languages preferred-Paid 1600-2200 dollars per monthO

19、ne Secretary-Aged under 30-Female preferred-Good at writing and skilled at computerIf interested, call 465-4768 or write to: Mr. Jack Hundris Room 0825, Fairmont Hotel567 Wood Street, San Markers, 78003Fax: 6954828WILSON BOOKSTOREAccountant(会计)-Aged between 25 and 40-With an experience of at least t

20、wo years-With a degree and an accountant certificate(证书)-Paid 3000-4000 dollars monthly- 5 -With a knowledge of computerSalesclerk-Basic education of 12 years or more-Good at computer-Paid 1800-2200 dollars monthlyTel: 447-4398 Fax: 348526929. If you dont know how to use a computer, you can just app

21、ly for the position as _ .A. a secretary B. a waiter or a waitress C. an accountant D. a salesclerk30. If you want to get the position of accountant in Wilson Bookstore, you have to satisfy the following conditions EXCEPT _ .A. being a woman B. knowing well how to use a computerC. having been an acc

22、ountant D. having an accountant certificate31. If you want to try for a job in Fairmont Hotel, you _ .A. have to be a woman and know foreign languagesB. should be a university graduateC. have to be taller than 1.72 meters D. should be younger than 30 years oldDWhat to do if you dont feel popular? Tr

23、y to take part in activities. Call your friends. Plan to do something. The worst feeling is staying home alone, because it makes you feel even more lonely. Try to make new friends. Choose friends carefully, not just because you think theyre popular. And remember, making good friends takes time. Choo

24、sing a popular person to be friends with is okay, if they are nice.- 6 - Be yourself (保持独立). If you want to become friends with someone whos popular, dont make yourself into someone you are not just to impress that person. Be nice. Be friendly. Be outgoing (开朗的). But dont overdo it! Talk to trusted

25、friends if you are feeling really bad. Or you might want to write it down ill a journal (期刊) or diary. Do something special for yourself. You could take pictures of your friends, or collect their school pictures, and take a collage (拼贴画) to hang on your wall. This will remind (提醒) you, when you are

26、feeling unpopular, that you really do have friends. Think up your own ideas. These suggestions might not work for everyone.What to do if you have a problem with your teacher? Talk to your parents, or another adult who will listen to you and perhaps can help. Talk to your friends. Maybe they have had

27、 problems with the same teacher, too. Dont give the teacher a reason to have problems with you. Do your work, complete your task, attend the class seriously and take notes. Maybe you just need to give the teacher a chance (机会). Try to find out what the problem is. Talk to the teacher if you feel com

28、fortable doing this. Dont be nasty (闹别扭的), but express your concerns (关心). Listen to the teacher, as well. Just accept the fact that youre not going to love all your teachers.32. What do we mean by saying “not feeling popular“?A. Not liked by our classmates or workmates. B. Not doing what we want.C.

29、 Not showing any interest in anything.D. Not so happy.33. What does the underlined word “overdo“ mean?A. Do something too much or in an extreme way.B. Try your best to do something.- 7 -C. Do something carefully.D. Work too hard.34. The writer A. believes that your friend will help you out if you ta

30、ke their pictures.B. suggests that you discuss the reason of problem with your teacher when you feel uncomfortable. C. wants you to know that students usually hates teachers.D. is not too sure if his advice will certainly work on you.35. Whats the best title of this passage?A. Why We Have Problems a

31、t School.B. Always Be Yourself.C. How to Handle Problems at School.D. Dont Be Afraid of Problems With Others.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中的两项为多途选项。How to Become a Top StudentSuccessful students use different techniques(技巧)to study,which brings them more success. 36 Here

32、 are the four techniques almost all topperforming students use.They are regular.Almost all successful students study regularly,because they know “what you give is what you get”If you put in regular hours of studying,then you will learn more and get better grades. 37 This will help you to study regul

33、arly.They have clear goals.All topperforming students have definite,specific goals. 38 They motivate(激发)you and drive you to study more.But make sure - 8 -that you do not get carried away.Set realistic goals which can challenge(挑战)you,but do not seem impossible or too difficult to achieve.They study

34、 without pressure(压力)Successful students study a lot.But they study without putting strain on themselves.Most students make the mistake of studying too hard or studying continuously for a long time. 39 Studying should be done in a balanced manner.Take a break for a few minutes,after studying for 30

35、or 45 minutes.Relax,walk around your room or house,or drink some water and return to studying.Such short breaks will refresh your brain and you will learn more.40 Studying is not something you do just because your parents ask you to do it.Its actually very important for you.Studying gives you knowle

36、dge and skills that will remain with you for the rest of your life.It gives you the ability to get a job and earn money.And successful students recognize the value of studying well.A. This creates tension and actually slows down learning and memory.BBut to score grade A in English,you should make we

37、llplanned efforts.CSet aside some hours,each day or each week,for studying.DHaving such goals gives you a purpose to study better.ELearn their techniques,and you will also join their rank.FThey finish their homework on time.GThey give importance to study.第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节:完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题

38、1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D 中),选出可以填入空白处。The best example of universally understood body language may be the smile. A smile can open doors and tear down walls among 41 .- 9 -I have organized and reorganized an 42 with the dentist for months. I also 43 it twice and called the day bef

39、ore to 44 all the paperwork would be ready for the x-rays.Then I arrived. It wasnt 45 at all. The lady there even had no 46 what I was talking about. I 47 felt my blood boil. I was getting so 48 . I didnt yell at her but I may as well have because the 49 I was talking to her was not nice. I spoke do

40、wn to her like she was a child and incapable. It was not a good moment. The whole time she smiled and was 50 to me.Only when everything was finally 51 was I nice. I sat down in the waiting area and 52 it all. How can I make it better? How can I make up for my 53 behavior a moment ago? I couldnt. I c

41、ould 54 her a chocolate bar I had on me, but this needed more than that. It needed an honest 55 . And that is exactly what I gave.I apologized for the way I had spoken to her and told her it was wrong of me. She 56 . Again with a 57 . God help me be that woman who smiles and forgives so 58 . I dont

42、get it right every time. I can be rude and when I am, I almost 59 myself for it. I am not that person, not anymore. Yet I continue to grow and continue to 60 . Its true that smile vanished my anger and opened a door to understanding.41.A.friends B. strangers C. patients D. relatives42.A.interview B.

43、 operation C. experiment D. appointment43.A.confirmed B. arranged C. discussed D. admitted44.A.conclude B. approve C. ensure D. apply45.A.crowded B. ready C. open D. busy46.A.plan B. thought C. idea D. mind47.A.mildly B. roughly C. privately D. immediately48.A.mad B. sad C. humorous D. curious49.A.

44、habit B. way C. accent D. tune50.A.rude B. attached C. friendly D. devoted51.A.figured B.added C.made D.sorted- 10 -52.A.reflected on B.worked at C.called at D.went through53.A.unnecessary B.impolite C.impossible D.unfair54.A.post B.assist C.press D.gift55.A.comment B.promise C.apology D.suggestion5

45、6.A.refused B.agreed C.ignored D.accepted57.A.smile B.hope C.doubt D.belief58.A.slowly B.easily C.frequently D.tightly59.A.teach B.forgive C.hate D.see60.A.expand B.react C.overcome D.learn第二节:语法填空(共 10 小题;每题 1.5 分,共 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。England has many interesting _61_ (pl

46、ace) that people like to visit. Among them, the pub is often said to be _62_very special place for visitors to get to know _63_ real life of the English people. The pub _64_ (be) a small “public place”, where people can buy _65_ (beer), soft drinks _66_ even some fast food. Whats more, a pub is also

47、 a meeting place where people sit and enjoy the beer and talking with _67_ (friend). One can easily find a pub at the street corner _68_ in a small village. English people like the pub a lot. After a whole day of _69_ (busily) work, many men spend the whole evening in the pub and go back home at abo

48、ut eleven oclock when the pub _70_ (close).第 II 卷(非选择题 共 50 分)第三部分:写作(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节:短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)下面短文中有 10 处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号() ,并在其下面写上该加的词。- 11 -删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。John Brown is a London taxi driver who love going to the theatre. Last week his mother gave her two tickets for a play. The tickets were on Sunday evening. But John read some reviews of the play, that all said was a terribly one! He wouldnt go to see a play that no one liked it .So two hours before th


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