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1、.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 1.(2017北京中考)More and more young people go skating winter. A.at B.in C.on D.to 答案 B 本题考查介词的用法。在季节类词汇之前要用in,in winter意 为“在冬季”。 2.I will take bus to get there. I will get there in half hour. A./;a B./;an C.a;a D.a;an 答案 D take a/the bus意为“乘坐公共汽车”;half an hour意为“半 小时”。,3.(2017吉林长春双阳区4月

2、月考)I usually walk to school;sometimes I go to school bike. A.in B.on C.of D.by 答案 D by bike是固定搭配,意为“骑自行车”。 4.(2017广东佛山顺德区3月月考)How far is your home from school? Its about two walk. A.hours B.hours C.hours D.hour 答案 B two hours walk意为“步行两个小时的路程”,故答案为B。,5.(2017广东汕头潮南区5月月考)Look at the ! It is heavily no

3、w. A.rain;rain B.raining;raining C.raining;rain D.rain;raining 答案 D 句意:看那雨!现在下得正大。第一空要用名词rain,第二空要 用raining,故答案为D。 6.(2016北京师范大学附属中学期中)There will be rain and wind. Oh, we cant go out to play. A.heavy;strong B.strong;big C.big;heavy D.large;big 答案 A 表示“大雨”要用heavy rain,表示“强风”要用strong wind, 故答案为A。,7.(2

4、018山东济南槐荫区期末)Rick is quite . He eats a lot and he never exercises. A.long B.heavy C.curly D.blonde 答案 B 本题考查形容词的词义理解。根据题干中的“他吃得很多, 从来不锻炼身体”可推断,Rick很胖,故所缺的词是heavy。 8.(2016黑龙江大庆五十一中期中)There is going to a meeting the day after tomorrow. A.have B.has C.be D.is 答案 C there be句型的一般将来时的结构是there will be或ther

5、e is/are going to be,故答案为C。,9.Will you buy the black car? No, I wont. I will buy a one because I dont have enough mon- ey. A.cheap B.expensive C.high D.low 答案 A 结合题干中的“我没有足够的钱”可知,我会买一辆便宜的 车,故cheap符合题意。 10.Will there be more trees in the future? . I think the world will become more and more beautiful

6、. A.Yes,they will B.No,they wont C.Yes,there will D.No,there wont 答案 C 由Will there be.可先排除A和B;再结合句意中的“我觉得 世界会变得越来越美丽”可知要用肯定答语。故答案为C。,11.(2018湖南邵阳中考)Must I go home now? No, you . A.mustnt B.neednt C.shouldnt 答案 B 本题考查情态动词的用法。问句问的是“我现在必须回家 吗”,根据答语中的“No”可推断,你不必现在就回家,故neednt符合题 意。 12.(2016江苏连云港中考)Dont w

7、orry.There is wrong with the TV set.Its only because of power cut. A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything 答案 B 句意:别担心。电视机没问题。只是因为停电了。本题考查 代词的用法。根据Dont worry.以及Its only because of power cut.可知, 电视机没出问题。There is nothing wrong with sth.某物没问题,符合语 境。故选B项。,13.(2016广东东莞期末)The students and villagers

8、want to have a bridge. Can this dream ? A.get away B.come true C.come out D.get out 答案 B 句意:学生和村民都想有一座桥。这个梦想会实现吗?come true意为“实现;成为现实”,故答案为B。 14.(2016黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考)Not only you but also everyone here watching football matches. A.likes B.like C.is like 答案 A 句意:不仅你,而且这里的每个人都喜欢看足球比赛。主语是 not only you but als

9、o everyone,根据就近原则可知,应选A。,15. (2016山东潍坊中考)Must I hand in the report now? No, you . Tomorrow is OK. A.cant B.neednt C.mustnt D.shouldnt 答案 B 句意:我必须现在交报告吗?不,你不必。明天也可 以。Must I.?结构的否定答语是“No, you neednt.”,表示“不,你不 必”。,.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) What will our life be like in the future? Each family will have a 1 in

10、the future.You can ask it to do everything 2 you. It will serve you 3 hours a day, so you will be free all day. The robot will 4 like a human. It can talk with you when you are 5 . You wont know it is a human 6 a robot when you meet it in the street.People will have 7 time to work and more time to t

11、ravel. The vehicles in the future will fly freely in the sky because every vehicle will have wings with it. They will 8 you to any place you want to visit. You can go to 9 when you are travelling if you feel tired. All vehicles will be 1 0 because they will be driven by robots.,1.A.plan B.rocket C.r

12、obot D.computer 2.A.in B.on C.about D.for 3.A.10 B.12 C.20 D.24 4.A.teach B.live C.walk D.leave 5.A.in B.careful C.out D.sad 6.A.and B.but C.because D.or 7.A.some B.more C.less D.few 8.A.help B.make C.want D.take 9.A.school B.work C.the zoo D.sleep 10.A.pleasant B.safe C.dangerous D.happy,答案 1.C 结合下

13、文中的robot可知答案为C。 2.D 你可以要求机器人为你做所有事情,故for符合题意。 3.D 下文中提到了“所以你一整天都会很空闲”,由此可知,它会24小 时为你服务。故答案为D。 4.C 机器人会像人一样“走路”,故walk符合题意。 5.D 结合句意可知,在你“难过”的时候,它会和你聊天。故答案 为D。 6.D 当你在街上遇到它时,你不会知道它是人类还是机器人,故or符合 题意。,7.C 结合其后的more time to travel可知,人们工作的时间“更少”,会 有更多的时间旅游。故答案为less。 8.D 结合下文的描述可知,它们会带你去任何你想去的地方。故take 符合题意

14、。 9.D 由其后的“if you feel tired”可知,你可以去睡觉。故答案为D。 10.B 所有的交通工具都会很“安全”,因为它们都是由机器人操纵 的。故答案为B。,.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分) A Jack:At the usual time, I dont use my car for short journeys. I walk,or go by bike. It is better for my health and it doesnt pollute the air.Its the least I could do to protect our earth. Mary

15、:Im an artist, and I enjoy making things out of rubbish, like this model plane, which I made from old cans. Actually, I hate throwing away things. I even keep my old clothes and use them for cleaning or making mops(拖把). Fred:Im careful not to waste electricity.For example,I always turn the lights of

16、f when I leave a room. And I dont have the TV on when Im not,watching it. If it is not too hot, I seldom turn on the air conditioner. Li Hua:I only buy writing paper and cards made from recycled paper(再造 纸). When I have to buy something made of wood, like a wooden table, I make sure it comes from a

17、forest where they plant new trees. I suggest buy- ing plastic ones instead of wooden ones. 1.Who is trying to protect our forest? A.Fred B.Mary C.Li Hua D.Jack 2.What does the word “electricity” mean in the passage? A.石油 B.粮食 C.电 D.光,3.Mary feels interested in . A.planting new trees B.buying somethi

18、ng made of plastics C.taking a trip on foot D.making things out of rubbish 4.Which of the following is true? A.Li Hua often buys writing paper and cards. B.Fred thinks it is our duty to save water. C.Jack prefers going by bike to driving a car for short journeys. D.Mary often turns off the lights.,5

19、.What the four students are talking about is how to . A.make use of(利用) rubbish B.save water C.use recycled paper D.protect our environment,答案 1.C 通读Li Hua的叙述可知,想要保护森林的人是Li Hua。 2.C 结合下文中的“我离开房间的时候总是关灯”以及“我不看电 视的时候不让电视开着”等信息可推断,Fred很注意不浪费“电”。故 答案为C。 3.D 由Mary叙述的“Im an artist, and I enjoy making thin

20、gs out of rubbish, like this model plane, which I made from old cans.”可知答案为 D。 4.C 由Jack叙述的“At the usual time, I dont use my car for short jour- neys. I walk, or go by bike.”可知,选项C是正确的。 5.D 通读全文可知,他们四个讲述的都是如何保护环境。故答案为D。,B (2016北京大学附中河南分校期末) There will be a kind of new cars in the future. People will

21、 like this kind of small cars better than the big ones. The car is as small as a bike. But it can carry two people in it. Everybody can drive it easily, just like riding a bike. Even children and old people can drive them to schools or parks. If everyone drives such cars in the future, there will be

22、 less pollution in the air. There will be more space for all the cars in cities, and there will also be more space for people to walk in the streets. The little cars of the future will cost less money to buy and to drive. These,little cars can go only 65 kilometers an hour, so driving will be safer.

23、 The cars of the future will be fine for going around the city, but they will not be useful for a long trip. This kind of cars can save (节约) a lot of gas (汽油). They will go 450 kilometers, and then they have to stop for more gas. They are nice cars, arent they? 6. This kind of new cars will be than

24、the cars we use today. A.more expensive B.bigger C.much smaller D.faster,7.If you drive this kind of new cars for four hours, you can probably go at most (最多). A.260 kilometers B.65 kilometers C.450 kilometers D.130 kilometers 8.Why do these little cars have to stop after going 450 kilometers? A.For

25、 more water. B.For more gas. C.To have a rest. D.To charge (充电). 9. The little cars are big cars. A.cheaper than B.more expensive than C.as cheap as D.as expensive as,10. Which of the following is not true? A.Driving big cars can make the air more polluted. B.These little cars can make more space fo

26、r other cars and people. C.These little cars will be useful for a long trip. D.This kind of new cars can save much gas.,答案 6.C 由第一段中的“There will be a kind of new cars in the future.”以 及“The car is as small as a bike.”可推断,将来的汽车会更小,故答案为 C。 7.A 由第三段中的“These little cars can go only 65 kilometers an hour

27、, so driving will be safer.”可知,这种小汽车一个小时能够跑65公里,根据 题干中的“for four hours”可计算出答案为A。 8.B 由第四段中的“They will go 450 kilometers,and then they have to stop for more gas.”可知答案为B。 9.A 由第三段中的“The little cars of the future will cost less money to buy and to drive.”可知,这种小汽车会更便宜,故答案为A。,10.C 由第三段中的“The cars of the

28、future will be fine for going around the city, but they will not be useful for a long trip.”可知,选项C是 错误的描述。,.任务型阅读(每小题3分,共15分) (2018湖南湘西期末) Do you often think of life in the future?Will we study at home?Will we fly to the moon easily?Everyone may have his or her views(观点)about that. Life in the futur

29、e will be very different from life today. Between then and now, many changes will take place, but what will the changes be? There will be changes in our food. Maybe no one will eat meat. Instead, people will eat more and more fruit and vegetables. People will stay away from junk food. People will be

30、 much healthier. Computers will be smaller and much more useful. Maybe we will even put the computer into our pockets. There will be at least two computers in ev-,ery family. And computer studies will be one of the most important sub- jects at school. Work in the future will be different, too. Dange

31、rous and hard work can be done by robots. People will work fewer hours than they do now. And they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and traveling. 根据短文内容填空。,答案 1.stay away 2.into our pockets 3.two computers 4.most important subjects 5.watching TV,.语法填空(每小题1.5分,共15分) (2018浙江绍兴中考) 阅读下面短

32、文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的 正确形式。,This is Tammela School, a primary school in Finland. The students are having a math class with their robot teacher. The “teacher” is 1 small, blue machine about 25cm high, Reuters reported. Whenever students have problems, it helps them very 2 (pa-,tient)and never ge

33、ts bored. “The robot can make students 3 (active)in class than usual. I see Elias as one of the 4 (tool)to get different kinds of practice and activities into the classroom,”a teacher told Reuters. So far the school 5 (introduce)four robot teachers, one of whom is a language teacher that can speak 2

34、3 languages and dance to music. “ 6 is necessary to encourage kids to come up 7 new ways to make use of technology in school life,”the head of the school 8 (add)in the inter- view. The robot teachers are used 9 (help)improve learning. This doesnt mean that human teachers will lose their jobs. The ro

35、bots can teach well,10 they are not able to keep class in order. The school still needs human teachers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.,答案 1.a 2.patiently 3.more active 4.tools 5.has introduced 6.It 7.with 8.added 9.to help 10.but,.补全对话(每小题2分,共10分) (2016天津八中3月月考) 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。 A:What do you t

36、hink your life will be like in ten years? B: 1 A:Where will you live? B: 2 A:How will you get there? B: 3 A:Will life be interesting there? B:Yes, I think it will be more interesting.,A: 4 B:Of course there will. I think the supermarket will have all kinds of things and we can take anything for free

37、. A: 5 B:I agree (同意). People will have a happy life there. A.I will live in space. B.What will you do there? C.Oh, I think life will be better. D.I will take a spaceship (宇宙飞船)to get there. E.Will you have a good time there? F.Maybe everyone will enjoy the life there. G.Will there be banks, schools

38、 and shops? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,答案 15 CADGF,.书面表达(共15分) 未来的100年,我们的生活将是什么样子?根据下面提示,以“Life in the Future”为题,写一篇60词左右的作文。 提示要点: 1.机器人会帮助人们做家务,跟人们交谈。 2.夏天很热,人们会生活在海里。 3.小汽车会像飞机一样飞行。 4.人们会有很多空闲时间,会去月球度假。 Life in the Future,答案 One possible version: Life in the Future Life in the future will be very different. There will be a robot in every home. It can help you do the housework and talk with people. People will live in the sea in summer, because the weath- er will be very hot. Like planes, cars will fly in the sky. People will have lots of free time and they will go to the moon for a holiday.,


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