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1、知识点一 once upon a time的用法 教材原文 The story begins:Once upon a time.这个故事的开头是:从前 once upon a time是固定搭配,意为“从前”,它是一般过去时的标志之 一。例如: Once upon a time, there was a king who loved horses.从前,有一个很喜欢 马的国王。,例 (2018天津部分区期末联考)Once upon a time, there a little girl called Goldilocks. A.is B.are C.was D.were 解析 本题考查动词时态

2、。根据Once upon a time可知,时态是一般过 去时,先排除A和B;主语是a little girl,故所缺的词是was。 答案 C,知识点二 decide to do sth. 教材原文 She decided to go for a walk in the park with her basket.她决 定拿着篮子去公园散步。 decide to do sth.意为“决定做某事”。decide作动词,意为“决定”。 例如: Yesterday they decided to visit the museum.昨天他们决定去游览博物 馆。 拓展 派生词:decision n.决定;

3、决心 相关短语:make a decision 做决定,例 (2018广西柳州期末)The college student decided children in the west of China. A.teaching B.to teach C.teach 解析 句意:那名大学生决定去中国西部教孩子学习。根据decide to do sth.“决定做某事”的固定搭配可知答案为B。 答案 B,知识点三 行为动词的一般过去时的一般 疑问句 教材原文 Oh, did she often go for a walk in the forest alone?哦,她经常 独自在森林中散步吗? 本句是行

4、为动词的一般过去时的一般疑问句,结构是“Did+主语+动词 原形+其他?”,它的答语有两种形式,肯定答语是“Yes, 主语+did.”,否 定答语是“No, 主语+didnt.”。例如: Did you have a good time last night?你们昨天晚上玩得开心吗? Yes, we did.是的,我们玩得很开心。,例 (2017山东济南槐荫区期末)I studied in the United States last year. (改为一般疑问句)you in the United States last year? 解析 本题考查一般疑问句。把did提前,其后要用动词原形。

5、 答案 Did;study,知识点四 look around 教材原文 Goldilocks looked around her.金凤花姑娘环顾四周。 look around是固定搭配,意为“环顾四周;向四周看”。例如: Look around before crossing the street. 在过马路之前先环顾一下四周。 拓展 常见的look短语有:,例 根据汉语提示完成句子 他环顾四周,但什么也没有发现。 He , but he didnt find anything. 解析 本题考查look around的固定搭配。 答案 looked around,知识点五 notice的用法

6、教材原文 Then she noticed a little house, so she hurried towards it, and knocked on the door. 然后她注意到一个小房子,所以她飞快地向它跑了 过去,并敲了敲门。 本句中的notice是动词,意为“注意到”。例如: I noticed a girl crying at the corner. 我注意到一个女孩正在角落哭泣。 拓展 notice有如下搭配:,I noticed a boy running into the store. 我注意到一个男孩正跑进那家商店。(动作正在发生) I often notice

7、him play under the tree. 我经常注意到他在那棵树下玩耍。(动作经常发生) I noticed a thief run out of the store and get on a bus. 我注意到一个小偷跑出商店,上了公共汽车。(某事发生的全过程),例 We noticed the boys basketball in the playground. A.played B.playingC.to play D.plays 解析 本题考查notice sb. doing sth.的固定搭配。句意:我们注意到那 些男孩正在操场上打篮球。由此可知所缺的词是playing。 答

8、案 B,知识点六 knock的用法 knock是不及物动词,意为“敲”,knock on/at可以和door搭配。例如: He is knocking on/at the door.他正在敲门。 例 (2018山东威海中考)根据音标写单词 I /nkt/at the door, but there was no answer. 解析 本题考查knock的写法和时态。 答案 knocked,知识点七 answer的用法 教材原文 Nobody answered.没有人应门 answer作动词,意为“应门;回答”。例如: I knocked at the door, but nobody answ

9、ered.我敲了敲门,但没有人应门。 I cant answer the question.我不会回答这个问题。 拓展 answer还可以作名词,意为“答案”。表示“的答案”时, 和answer搭配的介词是to,即the answer to the question“问题的答 案”。例如: I dont know the answer to the question.我不知道这个问题的答案。,例 (2016宁夏中考)Have you got the answer the question? Not yet. A.on B.with C.about D.to 解析 句意:你有问题的答案了吗?还没

10、有。本题考查介词。 the answer to the question问题的答案,固定搭配。故选D。 答案 D,知识点八 enter的用法 教材原文 Goldilocks entered the house and looked into a small room.金 凤花姑娘进了那所房子,向一个小房间里看过去。 enter作动词,意为“进入”,相当于go/walk into。例如: He entered the classroom from the back door and nobody noticed him.他通 过后面的门进入了教室,没有人注意到他。 例 (2015广东广州中考)根

11、据首字母提示写单词 You should always knock at the door before you e a room. 解析 本题考查enter的写法。句意:在你进入一个房间之前,你总是应 该敲门。故所缺的词是enter,此时enter的含义是“进入”。 答案 enter,知识点九 pick up的用法 教材原文 She picked up the very big bowl but she didnt like it.她拿起 那个很大的碗,但是她并不喜欢它 pick up是固定搭配,意为“捡起;拿起”。它的宾语有如下两种情况:,Please help me pick up th

12、e books. =Please help me pick the books up. 请帮我把这些书捡起来。 I picked them up and put them on the table. 我把它们捡起来,并把它们放在桌子上。 注意 pick up表示“捡起;拿起”,而pick的含义是“采;摘”,它跟表示 花或果实的词汇搭配,如flower, apple等。例如: The boy is picking apples. 那个男孩正在摘苹果。 There is an apple on the ground. Please pick it up. 地上有一个苹果,请把 它捡起来。,例 (2

13、018广东茂名期末)Look!Whats on the ground? Oh, its my sweater. Please . A.pick it up B.put it on C.give it out D.take it off 解析 pick up捡起;put on穿上;give out分发;take off脱掉。题干中提到 了“地上是什么”以及“那是我的毛衣”,由此可推断答案为A。 答案 A,.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词 1.My elder sister is very beautiful and she has long black (头发). 2.(2016山东聊城文轩中

14、学期中)It is comfortable to live near the (森林). 3.The old man is holding a (篮子)full of vegetables. 4.The room was too (黑暗的), so I turned on the light.,5.What size (碗)of noodles would you like? Id like a small one. 6. He walked into the garden and (摘) some flowers. 7.(2017江苏盐城期末)He (决定) to help Jane bec

15、ause he didnt want to see the same thing happen to her.,答案 1.hair 2.forest 3.basket 4.dark 5.bowl 6.picked 7.decided,.根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词 1.(2018海南中考)Jack went to school without breakfast, so he is h now. 2.(2018新疆中考)Class begins!Listen carefully and a my questions. 3.Someone k on the door. I opened t

16、he door and saw a young lady outside. 4.Dont pull the door.Cant you see the sign “P it,please.” 5.David was late for class.He e the classroom quietly and the teacher didnt notice him. 6.I noticed a boy p basketball with his friends in the playground.,答案 1.hungry 2.answer 3.knocked 4.Push 5.entered 6

17、.Playing,.单项选择 1.(2018上海中考)Mr. Zhou is good at cooking and he has decided his own restaurant. A.open B.opened C.to open D.opening 答案 C 句意:周先生擅长做饭,他已经决定要开他自己的餐厅了。 decide to do sth.意为“决定做某事”,故答案为C。,2.Leo was so that he rushed to the kitchen, hoping to find some- thing to eat. A.thirsty B.hungry C.tire

18、d D.sleepy 答案 B 结合本题语境可知,Leo太饿了,他冲进厨房,希望能找到一些 吃的。故hungry符合题意。,3. (2017天津和平区期末)When he saw a wallet on the ground, he at once. A.picked it up B.gave it up C.picked up it D.gave up it 答案 A 句意:当他看到地上有个钱包时,他马上把它捡了起来。pick up意为“捡起”,而且it要位于pick和up之间,故答案为A。,4. (2017江西中考)Ive just returned from my trip to Lon

19、don. I many interesting places there. A.visit B.will visit C.am visiting D.visited 答案 D 本题考查动词的时态。根据本题语境可知,“我游览了许多 有趣的地方”这件事发生在过去,故要用一般过去时。,5.(2018广东茂名期末) you go to the concert last Saturday? , and Lily went there, too. A.Were;Yes,I was B.Did;Yes,I did C.Were;No,I wasnt D.Did;No,I didnt 答案 B 根据行为动词g

20、o可知,要用助动词did,先排除A和C;根据答语 中的“莉莉也去了”可推断,要用肯定答语“Yes, I did”,故答案为B。,6. (2016四川自贡中考)When you feel helpless and , just remember you are not in the world because your friends are around you. A.alone;alone B.alone;lonely C.lonely;alone 答案 C 句意:当你觉得无助而孤独的时候,记得你在这个世界上并非 独自一人,因为你的朋友都在你身边。第一空要用lonely表示“孤独 的”,第二

21、空要用alone表示“独自一人”,故答案为C。,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.I (call)you ten minutes ago, but you didnt answer it. 2.They (move)to the countryside last year. 3.My father (be)in his office half an hour ago. 4.(2018黑龙江龙东中考)You should learn to make a (decide)by yourself.,答案 1.called 2.moved 3.was 4.decision,.根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的

22、单词 1.How often do you go swimming? O or twice a week. 2.There was a book on the ground.The teacher asked me to p it up. 3.Please write to me as s as possible.Im looking forward to receiv- ing your letter. 4.Jimmy looked a , but he saw nothing. 5.I cant find the way to the zoo.I think I get l .So Im

23、going to buy a map.,答案 1.Once 2.pick 3.soon 4.around 5.lost,.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.昨天我在花园里摘了一些花。 I in the garden yesterday. 2.(2018天津滨海新区期末)露西把书捡了起来并且放在桌子上。 Lucy the book and put it on the desk. 3.从前,一些村民居住在那个村庄里。, some villagers lived in the village. 4.昨天我决定制订一个旅行计划。 Yesterday I a travel plan. 5.他环顾四周,看到了一些

24、奇怪的东西。 He and saw something strange.,答案 1.picked some flowers 2.picked up 3.Once upon a time 4.de- cided to make 5.looked around,.按要求完成句子。每空一词 1. (2017上海中考)The invention of smartphones changed the world in many ways. (改为一般疑问句)the invention of smartphones the world in many ways? 2. (2017重庆万州区期末)They

25、had a great time on the farm last week. (改 为否定句) They a great time on the farm last week. 3.Did Lisa have fun at the party?(作肯定回答) Yes, .,4.They are going to visit the Summer Palace tomorrow.(把tomorrow改为 yesterday) They the Summer Palace . 5.She moved to the countryside.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) to the count

26、ryside? No, .,答案 1.Did;change 2.didnt have 3.she did 4.visited;yesterday 5.Did she move;she didnt,.根据汉语意思翻译句子 1.谁在敲门? Who is ? 2.我奶奶不在家。她去散步了。 My grandmother wasnt at home.She . 3.去年我不住在北京。 I in Beijing last year. 4.昨天你看电影了吗?a movie yesterday? 5.当你迷路时,请打110向警方求助。 When you , please call the police at

27、 110 .,答案 1.knocking on/at the door 2.went for a walk 3.didnt live 4. Did you see/watch 5.get/are lost;for help,.任务型阅读 Long long ago,there was a man living in a village with his wife and two children.They had a hen.It laid a golden egg every day.The man sold the golden egg and the family lived a ric

28、h and comfortable life. But the man was very greedy(贪婪的).He wanted to get all the golden eggs from his hen at a time.So,he thought hard every day about how to achieve it and he got a plan at last.He decided to kill the hen and get all the eggs.He didnt want to tell his wife about the plan because he

29、 wanted to give her a big surprise.He was so excited about his great plan.He even started to sing when he thought of the plan. The next day when the hen laid a golden egg,the man couldnt wait to take,a knife and cut its body open.However,there was nothing but blood(血液) all around.There werent any eg

30、gs at all.He was very sad because he would not get even one egg now. Their life used to be comfortable with one egg a day,but now their life changed a lot. How silly he was! 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 1.How many children did the man have?2.Had the mans family lived a rich and comfortable life before he killed the hen?,3.Why did the man kill the hen?4.What did the man get from the hen at last?5.What do you think of the man in the passage?,答案 1.Two./He had two children. 2.Yes,they had. 3.Because he wanted to get all the eggs. 4.Nothing./He didnt get any eggs at all. 5.He was greedy and silly.,


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