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1、题型四 补全对话,做补全对话题时,容易忽视:1.问答句中的“呼应点”;2.不同场景下的常考句式;3.中西方差异;4.语法;5.上下文联系;6.常识;7.主题。 基于以上易忽视点,应对策略如下: 1.对话都是以问答形式展开的,这些句式中必定会出现相互呼应的疑问句或疑问词等。通常可以根据答语来确定疑问句的种类,如以yes或no作答的肯定是一般疑问句或反意疑问句;以时间、地点或方式等细节信息作答的多为特殊疑问句,当然也有可能是选择疑问句。针对特殊疑问句,答题关键是要确定特殊疑问词。 2.通读全文和待选项,知晓A、B双方在怎样的场景(如打电话、问路、购物、看病、邀请、约会、就餐、谈论喜好等)下进行对话

2、是解答补全对话题的关键。对话双方总是围绕某一话题各抒己见,或赞同或反对。有问有答,一来一往。对于待选项中所叙述的是同一话题的句子要保留下来,与话题无关的话要首先排除掉。,3.在情景交际题中,需要留意中西方差异,包括文化差异与思维差异等。比如在电话用语中,用“This is.”表达“我是”,而不用“I am.”表达。中国人和西方人在思维和表达方式上差距较大,此时要注意“进入角色,换位思考”。 4.任何时候都不能忽视语法的重要性。比如遇到动词就要考虑其对应的时态、语态或是否需要用非谓语形式;遇到名词就要考虑是否需要用复数形式;遇到形容词就要考虑是否需要用它的比较级或最高级。所以做完试卷后一定要检查

3、答案是否符合语法规则。 5.做补全对话题时,要充分利用所给的提示或上下文,认真分析,如果缺少有把握的证据,可将该题跳过,有的题目是可以从下文中得到启示的,还有些题目需要通读全文之后才能推敲出答案。所以一定要注意联系上下文。,6.补全对话题都是和生活有关的口语运用,因此,在实际解题的过程中,还需要有一定的生活常识。因为在情景交际中,有一些题是需要结合生活常识才能作出恰当选择的。比如reading books多在library,生病了就有可能会去hospital,丢了key就有可能进不了家门等。 7.抓住主题有助于更好地理解对话内容,从而提高做题的准确率。一篇完整的对话通常包括三个阶段:提出话题、

4、展开话题和结束话题。解题时应充分利用所给的词句信息,以掌握对话者的身份、态度、意图等。,典例(2018安徽改编) A:Hi,Alice. 1 B:Yeah,Id like to do some traveling. A: 2 B:Not yet. A:Do you want to travel in big cities? B: 3 A:How about Huangshan Mountain? B: 4 A:Sure!In China,its considered to be the king of all the mountains. B: 5 A:Right.You can see sp

5、ecial pines(松树),odd rocks and sea of clouds.You can enjoy hot springs as well. B:Great!Thank you.,A.Glad to help you. B.What else can we enjoy? C.Is it worth traveling there? D.Have you decided where to go? E.Then it must have something special. F.I dont think it fun to travel in big cities. G.Do yo

6、u have any plan for the summer holiday?,答案与解析 1.G 从下文谈论的旅游景点信息可知,这里A问B,这个暑假是否有假期计划。故选G项。 2.D 从答语“Not yet.”可知,A问B,是否决定了去什么地方。故选D项。 3.F 从上句“你想在大城市旅行吗?”及下句“黄山怎么样呢?”等信息可知,B不想去大城市,她认为大城市不好玩。故选F项。 4.C 从答语“在中国,黄山被认为是大山之王”可知,B在此问的是,黄山是否值得一玩。故选C项。 5.E 从答语“你能看见奇松、怪石和云海”等信息可知,B说的是,(既然黄山是大山之王,)那么它一定有许多的特色。故选E项。

7、,素养训练提高,【1】 (2018广西河池) A:Hello!Zhu Hui,have you seen the movie Amazing China(厉害了,我的国)? B:Not yet.What do you think of it? A: 1 B:I heard its a documentary,but many people like watching it. 2 A:Its about Chinas achievements over the last five years. B: 3 A:No,55.5% of the audience are 20 to 29 years

8、old. B:Really?I cant believe it.Anything else?,A.And the film has caused a patriotic fever(爱国热) recently. B.Who is the director? C.I think its fantastic. D.I guess the old people like it better,right? E.How can I get there? F.What is it about? G.Would you like to go with me?,A: 4 B:Oh,Ill go to see

9、the film tonight. 5 A:Haha.You know I have seen it.You can ask Li Ming to go with you.He wants to see it. B:OK.Ill call him later. A:Have a good time tonight.,【答案】CFDAG,【2】 (2018湖北黄石) A:Hi,Peter,how long have you been in China? B: 1 However,Im going back to Britain tomorrow.Ive seen many interesting

10、 things in China. A: 2 B:Oh,yes.I love it.But when I visited it last time,there were too many people.Ive also been to the Birds Nest. A:Wow,great! 3 B:Yes,I went to see the West Lake in Hangzhou.It is so beautiful.,A.Whats your favourite Chinese dish? B.Where have you been? C.Ive been here for two w

11、eeks. D.Did you go anywhere outside Beijing? E.Have a safe trip home. F.I wish you will have a good time in China. G.Have you been to the Great Wall?,A:OK.Have you tried any Chinese food? B:Oh,yes.I love Chinese food. A: 4 B:My favourite is Beijing Duck.Its delicious. A:Thank you for your time! 5 B:

12、Thank you.,【答案】CGDAE,【3】 (2018湖南怀化) A:Hello! May I speak to Helen,please? B:Hello! 1 Whos that? A:Susan speaking. 2 B:I am not sure. 3 A:Yes,I do.What about going to Chengdu together? B:Good idea. 4 A:By train. 5 B:OK.Two double rooms,please.,A.Can I book(预订)the rooms now? B.Did you go anywhere inte

13、resting? C.Do you have a good idea? D.How can we get there? E.How was your vacation? F.This is Helen speaking. G.Where will you go on vacation?,【答案】FGCDA,【4】 (2018江西) (Sandra and Luke plan their trip to Cape Town.S=Sandra L=Luke) S:OK,thats the flight(航班).Lets look for a hotel now. 1 L:Three nightsF

14、riday,Saturday and Sunday.Are there any hotels near the airport? S:Yes,there are.But they are expensive.Just a minute.no,there arent any cheap hotels near the airport.They are all expensive. 2 L:Wow!Well,what about a youth hostel(青年旅社)?Is there a youth hostel near the airport? S:OK,lets see.I dont t

15、hink so.no,there isnt.I dont like youth hostels. 3 L:OK.Lets look in the city centre.Are there any cheap hotels there? S:Yes,of course there are.,A.I think the bus is fine. B.We need a room for two. C.Do you like a youth hostel? D.Is it for two nights or three? E.They arent very comfortable. F.There

16、s a bus every twenty minutes. G.This one is four hundred dollars a night.,L:Well,thats good.And is there a bus to the city centre? S:A bus from the airport?Yes,there is. 4 There isnt a train,but thats OK. L:And there are taxis,too. S: 5 OK.So lets look at these hotels. A.I think the bus is fine.,【答案

17、】DGEFA,【5】 (2018山东滨州) A:Hello,is that Mr.Rogers? B:Yes,it is. 1 A:Im from the package delivery company (快递公司);I have your package.Are you at home? B:Unfortunately Im at work right now. 2 A:Actually,this package needs your signature(签名).Can I bring it to your office instead? B: 3 I dont have time to

18、leave my desk. A:I see. 4 B:Yes,that would be better.Can you bring it to my home at 6 p.m.? A:Sure,that is fine. 5 B:Great,thank you so much!,A.Can you leave the package at my door? B.What time is it? C.Well,can I bring the package tomorrow? D.Ill see you tomorrow at 6 p.m. E.What can I do for you? F.How much does it cost? G.Im quite busy at work now.,【答案】EAGCD,

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