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1、1语法专项练 10 动词的时态和语态20172018真题集训1.(2018广东)It is said that the number of forest parks in Guangdong to more than 1,000 so far. A.increase B.increasedC.has increased D.will increased答案 C解析 句意:据说到目前为止广东省森林公园的数量已经超过一千个。sofar 用于现在完成时,thenumberof.意为“的数量”,谓语动词需要用第三人称单数形式。故选 C项。2.(2018广东)I saw the light of you

2、r room was still on at two oclock last night.Oh,I a football match of the Russia World Cup. A.watched B.was watchedC.am watching D.was watching答案 D解析 句意:语境中有时间提示“attwooclocklastnight”,可知“watchafootballmatch”为当时正在进行的动作,故用过去进行时。故选 D项。3.(2018贵州黔南)Mary a math problem with her classmates when the math te

3、acher knocked at the classroom door. A.has discussed B.was discussedC.was discussing D.discusses答案 C解析 句意:数学老师敲教室门的时候,Mary 正在和她的同学讨论数学问题。根据 knocked可知设空处应用过去进行时。故选 C项。4.(2018海南)May I use your computer?Sorry.I on it. A.work B.am workingC.have worked D.worked答案 B解析 由答语“Sorry”可知不能借电脑,原因是“我正在使用”,本句应用现在进行

4、时态。故选 B项。5.(2018河北)Gary is the best singer in my class.No one else so well. A.sings B.sangC.will sing D.is singing答案 A解析 根据语境可知,这里表述的是一个客观事实,应用一般现在时态。故选 A项。6.(2018河北)The bread is really delicious.2Thank you.I it myself. A.make B.madeC.will make D.am making答案 B解析 根据语境知,“做面包”的动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时态。故选 B项。7.

5、(2018湖南湘潭改编)My cousin 100 model planes since 2015. A.collects B.is collectingC.has collected D.collected答案 C解析 since2015意为“自从 2015年起”,表从过去某一时间开始持续到现在的动作或状态,因此句子应用现在完成时。8.(2018湖南湘西改编)I think Karen should go swimming with Kate.If she ,she will have great fun. A.does B.doC.will do D.did答案 A解析 if引导条件状语从

6、句,主句用一般将来时,从句只用一般现在时,可排除 C项和 D项;又因主语she是第三人称单数,故选 A项。9.(2018湖南湘西)Where do you live,Lin Tao?I live in Beijing now.I here for ten years. A.moved B.have movedC.have been D.am moving答案 C解析 由 fortenyears可推知用完成时,排除 A项和 D项;和一段时间连用,完成时的谓语动词用延续性动词,故选 C项。10.(2018上海)The film OperationRedSea a lot of praise sin

7、ce its first show months ago. A.wins B.winC.will win D.has won答案 D解析 句意:自几个月前的首演以来,电影红海行动获得了很多好评。根据后面的时间状语“sinceitsfirstshowmonthsago”可知设空处要用现在完成时,故选 D项。11.(2018河北)I an invitation to the concert.I cant wait to go. A.receive B.will receiveC.was receiving D.have received答案 D解析 句意:我已经收到了一张音乐会的请柬。我迫不及待地

8、想去了。从语境知,这张请柬已经收到了,所以现在“我迫不及待”。由此知,设空处用现在完成时态。故选 D项。312.(2018湖北恩施)Do you think if Robert will go to the zoo tomorrow?I think he will go if he too much homework. A.dont have B.wont haveC.doesnt have D.didnt do答案 C解析 if引导条件状语从句时,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。13.(2018湖北恩施改编)Recently,school violence in some schools

9、. Luckily,our government has carried out some polices to stop it.A.has appeared B.appearedC.will appear D.was appearing答案 A解析 “当前,一些学校出现了暴力行为。”后文说“幸好政府已经施行一些政策来阻止这种情况”。符合现在完成时态的用法,强调过去发生的动作对现在产生的影响或结果。且 recently是一个现在完成时态的信号词。14.(2018湖北黄冈)Your new watch is so nice!When did you buy it?In April.I it fo

10、r two months. A.have had B.hadC.have bought D.bought答案 A解析 考查动词时态判断。由语境推断该句应使用现在完成时,buy 是终止性动词,与时间段连用时,需将 buy改为 have。故选 A项。15.(2018湖北黄石)More and more foreign students begin to learn Chinese,and many of them Chinese better and better now. A.are spoken B.spokeC.have spoken D.are speaking答案 D解析 句意:越来越多

11、的外国学生开始学汉语,而且现在他们中的很多人汉语说得越来越好。由时间状语 now可知,这里应用现在进行时,故选 D项。16.(2018湖北黄石)Nowadays,because of theReaders(朗读者) by CCTV,many book fans reading in public place. A.will see B.were seenC.are seen D.have seen答案 C解析 句意:如今,由于中央电视台朗读者的播出,很多书迷被看到在公共场所读书。由句中nowadays可知,本句应用一般现在时态。fans 与 see是被动关系,故此空选 C项。17.(2018湖

12、北十堰改编)Sam,lets go to the cinema.Theres a new movie called Avengers (复仇者联盟 3).Not now.I my brother David with his English. 4A.help B.helpedC.am helping D.have helped答案 C解析 根据“Notnow.”可知要用现在进行时态。故选 C项。18.(2018湖北十堰)Kevin will be healthier than before as long as he less meat and more vegetables. A.eat B

13、.eatsC.will eat D.eaten答案 B解析 句意:凯文只要少吃肉,多吃蔬菜,他的身体将会比以前更健康。句中的 aslongas引导条件状语从句,主句和从句的时态符合“主将从现”的规律。故选 B项。19.(2018湖北随州)Did you see a girl with an English book in her hand pass by just now?No,sir.I a magazine. A.read B.am readingC.was reading D.would read答案 C解析 根据问句“Did.justnow?”可知事情发生在过去。故回答用过去进行时“w

14、asreading”表示过去正在发生的动作。句意:“你刚才看到一个手里拿着英语书的女孩经过了吗?”“没有,先生。我当时在看杂志。”故选 C项。20.(2018湖北咸宁)High-speed trains,Mobile payment,Sharing bikes and Online shopping are called “four new great inventions” of modern China.They our daily lives more convenient. A.have made B.had madeC.have been made D.made答案 A解析 根据语境

15、,结合实际可知“新四大发明现在(已经)使我们的生活更加便利”,表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,应用现在完成时态。故选 A项。21.(2017湖北咸宁)What do you think of the latest TV play theNameofPeople?Its very popular.Millions of families by it during that time. A.attracted B.are attractedC.were attracted D.were attracting答案 C解析 根据“Itsverypopular.”以及“duringthattime”

16、可知,要用一般过去时。故选 C项。22.(2017广东)The waiter told me that free parking for the hotel guests. A.provides B.providedC.will be provided D.was provided答案 D5解析 宾语从句的主语 freeparking与动词 provide存在被动关系,应用被动语态,排除 A、B 两项;又根据前面 told可知设空处用一般过去时。故选 D项。23.(2017河北)Hangzhou as the City of Silk.Tourists like shopping for si

17、lk there. A.knows B.is knownC.was known D.will be known答案 B解析 句意:杭州以丝绸之城闻名于世。旅游者喜欢到那里购买丝绸。结合上句,可知应该用被动语态;根据下句可知为一般现在时态。故选 B项。24.(2017甘肃天水改编)The boy was seen computer games in the net bar. A.play B.playedC.plays D.to play答案 D解析 句意:男孩儿被看到在网吧玩电脑游戏。在被动语态句子中,需将不定式符号 to还原。故选 D项。25.(2017四川乐山)Its not your t

18、urn yet.Please wait on the chair over there until you . A.are calling B.have calledC.are called D.have been called答案 C解析 句意:还没轮到你,请在那边的椅子上等一等,直到叫到你。you 与谓语动词 call是被动关系,故用一般现在时的被动语态。故选 C项。26.(2017天津)Lets wait and see whether books by the Internet in the future. A.replace B.replacedC.will be replaced

19、D.were replaced答案 C解析 句意:咱们等着瞧,(看看)未来书是否会被因特网所取代。根据句中的“inthefuture”,可知设空处用一般将来时;其次 books与 replace之间是被动关系,因此设空处用一般将来时的被动语态。故选 C项。27.(2017河北)Wow!You dinner!Lets eat now. A.cook B.are cookingC.will cook D.have cooked答案 D解析 句意:哦!你做完晚餐了!现在让我们吃饭吧。强调过去的动作对现在造成的影响,用现在完成时态。故选 D项。28.(2017广东)Sue wasnt happy because she the concert given by her favorite singer. 6A.misses B.missedC.will miss D.is missing答案 B解析 根据前面的关键词“wasnt”可知设空处用一般过去时。故选 B项。


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