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1、1Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parentsSectionB(1a-1e)知能演练提升.用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空knock lend use communicate play1.My parents dont allow me the telephone. 2.I found a group of children on the playground. 3.She offered me her bike. 4.You can improve your skills through practice. 5.She entered the room wi

2、thout at the door. .单项选择1.The woman over there our Chinese teacher. A.may B.maybeC.may be D.be2.I think hes been drinking, Im not completely sure. A.if B.thoughC.until D.as3.I like the dress, but Im I havent got enough money. Dont worry. I dont mind you some if you like. A.afraid; lending B.glad; le

3、ndingC.afraid; to lend D.glad; to lend4.Its difficult for a small shop to with a big supermarket. A.share B.dropC.compete D.provide5.Be nice to himhe is under a lot of these days. A.pressure B.independenceC.experience D.mind.完成句子,每空一词1.英语社团有多少成员? How many in the English club? 2.萨姆喜欢和朋友们一起在公园闲逛。Sam l

4、ikes to his friends in the park. 3.你不应该和你的弟弟打架。You shouldnt with your brother. 4.他们总是相互竞争。2They always each other. 5.不要给孩子们太多的压力。Dont give children . .阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)Everyone has his or her problems to worry about.Son: I try to be a good son, but no matter how hard I try, my parents never seem to be

5、 satisfied. They think I should eat healthier food, wear nicer clothes, and get better grades. And according to them, my hair should be shorter, my room should be neater(整洁), and my friends should be more polite when they come to visit. You know it isnt easy to be a teenager.Parents: We try to be go

6、od parents, but no matter how hard we try, our children never seem to be satisfied. They think we should wear more fashionable clothes, buy a faster car, and listen to more interesting music. And according to them, we should be more sympathetic(富有同情心的) when they talk about their problems, we should

7、be more friendly when their friends come to visit, and we should be more understanding when they come back late from a Saturday night party. You know it isnt easy to be parents.1.There are four people in the boys family.2.The boys parents want him to have shorter hair and make his room cleaner.3.Acc

8、ording to the boy, its hard to have polite friends.4.The parents try their best to be good.5.According to the passage, children always want their parents to eat much healthier food.参考答案.1.to use 2.playing 3.to lend munication5.knocking.1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A.1.members are there 2.hang out with 3.have a pete with 5.too much pressure.1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F3


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