NAVY MIL-C-85578-1982 COUNTERMEASURES SET AN DLQ-5(V)《AN DLQ-5(V)型干扰对策设备》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-C-85578-1982 COUNTERMEASURES SET AN DLQ-5(V)《AN DLQ-5(V)型干扰对策设备》.pdf_第1页
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1、MIL-C-8557 5 7799906 0375729 T I i=- 3 - 9 o MIL-c-85578 (As 16 November i982 MILITARY SPECIFICATION COUNTERMEASURES SET AN/DLQ-5 (VI * This apecifioation ia approved for use by Naval Air Systems Command, Department of the Navy, and ia available for uae by all Departments and Agenoies of the Departm

2、ent of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. Thin apecifioation establishes the requirements for the mnufac- ture and acoeptanoe of the AN/DLQ-S(V) Countermeasures Set, referred to herein aa the set. 2 . APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government doouments. 2.1.1 Speoifications, atandarda, and handbooks, Unless oth

3、erwise specified, the followinR aDecifioation8, atandarda, and handbooks of the issue listed in that issue o? the Departmentof Defenae. index of Specifications and Standard8 (DoDISS) speoified in the solicitation form a part of thia specification to the extent apeoified herein. SPECIFICATIONS MILITA

4、RY MIL-P-116 Methods of Preservation. MIL-E-54 O0 Electronlo Equipment, Aerospace, General Specification for. I MIL-T-54 22 Testing, Environmental, Airborne Electronic and Assoc- ated Equipment. Beneflofal oommenta (reoommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data whioh may be of uae in

5、 improving thia dooument ahould be addreaaed to: Commanding Offioer, Naval Air Engineering Center, Engineering Speoifioatlona and Standarda Department (ESSD) Code 93, Lakehurst, New Jeraey 08733, by uaing the aelf-addressed Standardiza- tion Dooument Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at

6、the end of thia document or by letter. FSC 5865 THIS DOCUMENT CU?dT!tlNS ag. PACrY Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-85578 58 7777706 0375730 b MIL-M-779 3 UIL-E-17555 MIL-T- 18303 STANDARDS MILITARY MIL-STD-129 MIL-STD-130 MIL-ST

7、D-4 54 MIL-STD-4 6 1 MIL-STD-4 62 MIL-STD-704 MIL-STD-78 1 MIL-STD-79 4 MIL-STD-831 MIL-STD-45662 MS17321 W27473 MIL-C-85578 (As) Meter, Time Totalizing. Eleotronio and Eleotrioal Equipment Acoeaaor-es an Parta; Paokaging and Paoklng of. Repair Test Prooedurea, Preproduotion, Aooeptance, and Life fo

8、r Airoraft Eleotronio Equipment; Format for. Marking for Shipment and Storage. Identifioation Marking of U.S. Military Property. Standard General Requirement8 for Electronic Equipment. Eleotromagnetio Interferenoe Characteristics, Requirements Eleotromagnetio Interference Charaoteristics, Measuremen

9、t of. Aircraft Electrio Power Characteristics. Reliability Deaign Qualifioation and Production Acceptance Parta and Equipment, Procedures for Packaging and Packing of. Teat Reporta, Preparation of. Calibration System Requirements. Meter, Time Totalizing, Miniature, Digital 28 Volt DC. Conneotor, Plu

10、g, Eleotrical, Straight, Crimp Type, Bayonet for Equipment. Tenta.; Exponential Dia tribu tion. Coupling, Seriea II, 2.1.2 Other overnment dooumenta, drawinga, and publicationa. The following other overnment dooumenta, drawinga, and publioationa form a part of this spec- ifloation to the extent apeo

11、lfied herein, DR AWINOS NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND (Code Ident 30003) 1356AS300 Countermeaaurea Set AN/DLQ-S(V) . 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-c-85578 (AS) 1356830 1 Countermeaaurea Set ANIDLQ-5 (V ) (Interfaoe Control Drkwing

12、) (Copien of apeoifioations, standards, handbooka, drawings and publications required by manufaoturera in oonneotion with apeoifio aoquiaition funotiona should be obtained from the proouring aotivity or aa direoted by the contract- ing offioer. ) 2.1.3 Order of preoedenoe. In the eventpf a oonflict

13、between the text of this apeoifiaation and the referenoea oited herein, the text of this apecifi- oation ahall take preoedenoe. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Set deaorptlon. The aet la a aingle module that contains a noise 8ouroe, traveling wave tube amplifier, power aupply, and oontrol circuitry. . 3.1.1 Maj

14、or oomponenta. The net ahall oonsiat of the following major com- ponents : a. Traveling Wave -Tube (TWT). b. Power Supply. o, Voltage Controlled Oaoillator (VCO) Mode Generator. d. 25 deoible (dB) Output Sampling Direotional Coupler. 3#l.2 Oovernment furniahed equipment. The set ahall utilize the fo

15、llowing aasooiated equipment whioh ahall be Oovernment furnished (see 6.4) : a. Command Loglo Card: Part Number 1356AS218 b. Component Amy AM Board: Part Number 1356AS202 o. Component Aaay Noiae Board: Part Number 1356AS183 d. VCO (4-8 OHZ): Part Number 135668207-3 e. VCO (8-11 OHZ): Part Number 135

16、6A3208-3 3.2 Firnt artlole. When apeoified, a aample shall be subjected to the firnt artiole inapeotion (see 4.4 and 6.3). 3.3 Interface. 3.3.1 External eleotrioal and RF. The external eleotriaal interfaces for , the set ahall be provided through oonneotora J1, 52, and 53, and looated aa ahown on Dr

17、awing 1356AS300. Table I. Conneotor type and funotion chal1 be as shown in 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-8557 58 W 7799706 0175732 T = KIL-c-85578 (As)- TABLE I. Electrioal and RF interface types and funotions. I Referenoe D

18、esignation 52 53 Conneotor Type Type N Female SMA Female Func tion Cmd A Cmd B Cmd C Cmd D Cmd Standby +28 Vdo Gnd, 28 Vdc return AM Waveform SAM Sweep Swept Noise Sweep RF Output RF Output Sample - Pin A B C D E z W K L J - - LThe J1 connector shall be a MS type and shall mate with MS27473E16B99S.

19、3.3.2 External mechanical. The external mechanical interface dimensions shall be a3 ahown on Drawing 1356AS300. The mechanical interface shall enable direct installation into Government selected electronic platforms Using exist- ing mounting holes. 3.3.3 Internal interface with Government furnished

20、equipment (GFE). The physical and functional Interface requirements between the GFE and the con- tractors design shall be as shown on Drawing 1356AS301. The set shall incorporate the oontrols and functions listed In Table II, which are included on the Government furnished equipment, except for the R

21、F TUNE, which shall be developed by the contractor. shall be readily acoeasible. accordanoe with MIL-M-7793, Type MS17321-10. 3.4 Controla. All controls ,* 3.5 Time meter. The set shall be provided with a time-totalizing meter in 3.6 Materials, prooesses, and parts. In the selection of materials, pr

22、oc- esses, and parts, fulfillment of major design objectives for the intended ap- plication specified herein shall be the prime consideration. following shall govern: In so doing, the a. Hiorowave teohnology shall be oonaidered and microwave items shall oonform to requirements apeoified herein. 4 Pr

23、ovided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-85578 58 m 7777706 0375733 3 m b. Hateriala, processes,and parta requirements shall be in accordance Contractor-designed (peculiar) microwave items shall meet the Approval for the me of nonstandard

24、materials, processes, and parts With MIL-Eo54 O0 c . general intent of MIL-E-5400: shall be obtained in accordance with with ML-E-5400. d. . 3.7 Characteristics. 3.7.,1 Performance. $he set shall meet the performance requirements speci- fied herein at the cond?tions of 3.8. power source in a

25、ccordance with Table II and Figures gand 10 of MIL-STD-704, except as follows: / Input power; ;The set shall operate as required when supplied a TABLE II. Controls and functions. I Control RF TUNE TWT SAT SPT BW BAR BW SWP BW SWP FRQ SWP MLT/LO/HI BLNK MULT/LO/HI BLNK FRQ BLNK DTY SAM FRQ SAM RATIO

26、SAM SWP SAM DTY SPT SAT Function Developed by the contractor. Controls noise amplitude into TWT Adjusts RF bandwidth of spot and instantaneous noise band- Adjusts the sets frequency width for barrage and swept noise Adjusts bandwidth of barrage noise Adjusts swept noise bandwidth Adjusts swept noise

27、 frequency Switches swept noise frequency between low and high range Switches blink freuqency between low and high range Adjusts blink frequency Adjusts duty cycle of blink waveform Adjusts low end of SAM frequency range Adjusts high end of SAM frequency range Adjusts sweep time from low frequency t

28、o high frequency Adjusts duty cycle of SAM waveform Adjusts spot noise frequency linearity 5. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.7.0203 . Reverse polarit$ potection praetfcea. Soldering practices shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-4 54

29、, Requirement d. . 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISXONS 4.1 o Unless otherwise specified in the con- tract , the sontractor is responsible for the per- formnse of all inspestion requirements as specified herein. Except as other- wise specified im the oontract or purchase. order, the contractor my use his

30、 own 8% any other facilities suitable for the performnce a% the inspection re- quirements speoified herein, onlesa diaappoved by the Government. The Covern- ment reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the speoifiontion whee such inspes$iona are deemed nedessary to assure s

31、upplies and serviees conform to pesoribed requirements. 4.1.1 Insgeotion eyateei. The contractor shalboassure product conformance to The video frequency tolerance of the set shall be teated to verify aonformance with 4.7.4 Environmental teats. The environmental teata of Table VI ahallbe pe

32、rformed in accordance with MIL-T-5422, except as modified herein. The right is reserved by the procuring activity to modify the teata or require any addi- tional testa deemed neceaaary to determine compliance with the requirement8 apecified herein (aee 6.2.1). at room ambient condition8 prior to per

33、formance of meaaurementa and inspections. The teat specimen8 ahall be allowed to stabilize TABLE VI. Modification of teat chamber conditions for temperature-altitude tests. Table II of atep MIL-T-5422 . 1 2 3c 4 5 6 7 8 9 9A 9c 10 11 12 13 Temperature (egree C) -35 -35 -35 -10 +54 +54 om1 t omit O A

34、MB 21 O +30 Omit Omit omit Altitude (feet) ATM l ATM 50,000 ATM ATM ATM - - 50,000 AMB 50,000 35,000 - - - Time (hours) Input Voltage operating/ Nonoperating Nonoperating Operating Operating Nonoperating Operating - - - Operating Nonoperating Operating Operating - - - -ATM equals 1 atmosphere -AMB e

35、quals ambient 20 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-85578 5 99977Ob 0375747 5 m 7 Operational environmental teata. The aeta performance ahall be tested and meet the requirementa of 3.7.1 dur1 lowing environments to verify c

36、onformance to 33. and after exposure to the fol-;l Temperature and altitude teat. The net ahalb be tested in accord- ance with the temperature-altitude teat of MIL-T-5422 Table II, as modified here- in by Table VI. vibration teat of MIL-T-5422, Curve I and Curve II. Shock test. tea

37、t of MIL-T-5422, excet as modified herein to no greater than 25 g. Vibration test. The aet shall be tested in accordance with the The aet ahall be teated in accordance with the shock Explosion teat. TCd set shall be tested in accordance with the explosion teat of MIL-T-54 22. 4.7

38、.4.2 Nonoperational environmental tests. The set performance shall be teated and meet the requirements of 3.8.2 after exposure to the following envi- ronments. Thermal shock teat. The set shall be tested in accordance with ._ the thermal shock teat of MIL-T-5422. Humidity test. T

39、he set shall be tested in accordance with the hu- midity teat of MIL-T-5422, except that two continuous cycles shall be used in- stead of 10. 4.8 Preshipment inspection. Prior to shipment, inspection shall ensure that preservation, packaging, packing, and marking for shipment are in accordance with

40、the requirements of Section 5. 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Preservation-packaging, and packing. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order (see 6.2.1), the level of preservation-packaging, and packing ahall be in accordance with MIL-E-175551 iid MIL-STD-794, Level C. The method of preservatio

41、n for level C ahall be determined in accordance with the selection chart in Appendix D of MIL-STD-794 and the method of packaging shall be in accordance with MIL-P-116. 5.2 Markinq. 5.2.1 Special marking. Special marking shall be as specified in the con- tract or purchase order (see 6.2.1 ). 5.2.2 N

42、ormal marking. Unit packages and shipping containers shall be marked in accordance with the requirementa of UL-STD-129. 21 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-85578 50 H 9797705 0175750 I M 5.3 S are arta. Unless otherwiae apecified

43、 in the contract or purchase order (see *pare parts shall be preaerved and packaged to the aame speci- fioatlon aa a aomplete set except that weight of apare parts will determine aelec- tlon of style of the box oontalnep. 6. NOTES 6.1 Intended ue. The AN/DLQ-S(V) Countermeasures Set is intended for

44、use The set In electronia warfare test and evaluation programs and fleet training. will be utilized aa a modular unit, easily combined with other target vehicles to provide electronic warfare configurations. 6.2 Ordering data. 6.2.1 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents should specify the

45、* following: a. bo C. d. e. f. g. h. i. J. k. 1. m. n. 0. Number, title and date of this specification. Responsibility for inspection (see 4 1 Requirement for detail test plans (see 4.1.2). Requirement for detail test data (see 4.1.3). Requirement for failure records (see 4.1.4). First article 8ampl

46、.e (see 4.4). Additional testa and samples, if required (see 4.4.1). First article failure analysiu and corrective action (see 4.5.1). Diapoaitlon of first article (see 4 -5.2). Seta to be selected for reliability test (see 4.6.2 and Table V). Option to stop acceptance of aet during reliability test

47、ing (see Requirement for reliability data and test reports (see Requirement for performance tests (see 4.7.2). Envlroiunental teats, if other than specified in 4.7.4. Level of preservation-packaging and packing (see 5.1). 4.6.2) . 22 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networki

48、ng permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-85578 58 U 7979906 0175751 3 U p. Special marking (ses 5.2.1). %q. Level of packing for apare parts if different than the set (aee 5.3). 6.2.2 Data requlrementa. When this specification is used in an acquisition which inaorporatea a DD Form 1423, Contr

49、act Data Requirements List (CDRL), the data requirementa identified below ahall be developed as specified by an ap- proved Data Item Description (DD Form 1664) and delivered in accordance with the approved CDRL incorporated into the contract. When the provisions of DAR- 7-104.9(n) (2) are invoked and the DD Form 1423 is not used, the data specified below ahall


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