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1、1话题晨背全辑 十三 情感与态度第一组1affect vt. 感动;感染affection n. 喜爱,钟爱2argue vi. 争辩,争论3accept vt. 接受;接纳;认可4bear vt. 忍受,容忍;承担;承受5desire n& vt. 要求;期望6devote vt. 奉献;致力于;专心于7disappoint vt. 使失望 8expect vt. 预料;盼望;认为expectation n. 预料;期望9likely adj. 可能的10mean v. 意欲;打算;意思是第二组11object vt. 反对12pleasure n. 高兴,愉快13probably adv.

2、 很可能,大概14stand vt. 容忍,忍受;站立15accuse vt. 指责;控告16sympathy n. 同情;赞同;支持17annoyed adj. 烦恼的18anxiety n. 担忧,焦虑2anxious adj. 忧虑的,焦急的19tolerant adj. 忍受的;容忍的;宽容的20appeal vi. 吸引第三组21approve vt.& vi. 赞成,同意;批准,通过22astonish vt. 使惊讶23confused adj. 困惑的;糊涂的;混乱的24convince vt. 使确信,使信服25depressed adj. 抑郁的;沮丧的;意志消沉的26de

3、votion n. 挚爱;奉献;忠诚;专心27emotion n. 情感;情绪;激情28enable vt. 使能够;使成为可能29evaluate vt. 估值,评价,评估30willing adj. 愿意的;乐意的;乐于相助的第一组1agree on 对意见一致2agree to (suggestion,proposal,plan) 同意(建议、提议、计划)3agree with sb. 同意某人的看法,与某人看法一致4at ease 舒适;自在5be afraid to do/of doing sth. 害怕去做某事6be in high spirits 心情好7be in low sp

4、irits 情绪低落8burst into laughter 突然大笑起来9burst into tears 突然哭起来10for fear of. 因害怕第二组11frighten sb.into doing sth. 恐吓某人做某事12look up to 尊敬13have a preference for 偏爱14look down upon/on 看不起,轻视15believe in sb. 信任某人31It goes without saying that a smile can help us get through difficult situations and find fr

5、iends in a world full of strangers.毫无疑问,微笑能够帮助我们渡过难关,帮助我们在一个充满陌生人的世界里找到朋友。2Im convinced that 10% of my life is what happens to me and 90% is how I react to it.我深信,我生活的 10%是事情本身,90%是我对事情所采取的态度。3This experience has also taught me that as long as I never give up and keep trying,I can succeed.这次经历也让我学到:

6、只要我永不放弃并努力尝试,我就会成功。4Only by comparing ourselves with others can we know the aspects we are weak in,and well make efforts to improve ourselves to a higher level.只有通过将自己与他人进行比较我们才能知道自己薄弱的地方,然后我们会努力将自己提升到一个更高的水平。5I am always grateful to my parents.They not only gave me life,but also brought me up with selfless love and support,feeling so proud of my every tiny bit of progress.我总是感激父母。他们不仅给予我生命,而且用无私的关爱和支持抚养我,因我每一个微小的进步而感到非常骄傲。


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