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1、1Unit 6 Lets Go阶段能力训练(Lessons 3436).完形填空Im Linda. I like _1_. I often go to the zoo to _2_ them. My father works _3_ the City Zoo. It is near our _4_. So he often _5_ there. When he _6_ the zoo, he cleans the animals houses and cages. There are many_7_ kinds of animals. Tigers, monkeys and pandas ar

2、e all my favourites. There are also _8_ visitors(参观者) every day. My father likes _9_ job very much. He thinks animals are our _10_. We should(应该) be friendly to them.( )1.A.people Banimals Cbirds Dtigers ( )2.A.feed Bbuy Csee Dlook ( )3.A.on Bwith Cat Dto ( )4.A.home Bschool Cclassroom Dcity ( )5.A.

3、drives Bjumps Cwalks Dgets( )6.A.gets Bgets to Cgoes Dgoes to ( )7.A.the same Bcute Csame Ddifferent ( )8.A.much Ba lot Clot of Dlots of ( )9.A.my Bher Chis Dour ( )10.A.students Bfriends Cworkers Dclassmates .阅读理解Here is a train schedule from Liuzhi to Kunming.6061 K1235 K1139 K109Liuzhi 4:23 14:23

4、 23:30 15:02Liupanshui 6:07 17:07 1:28 16:28Hongguo 11:10 / 4:54 /Qujing 14:17 20:08 6:51 19:47Kunming 16:52 22:09 8:38 21:28( )1.The underlined word “schedule” means “_” in Chinese.A车票 B地图C日历 D时刻表( )2.Which train station is next to Liuzhi?ALiupanshui. BHongguo.2CQujing. DKunming.( )3.How many train

5、 stations are there between Liuzhi and Kunming?AOne. BTwo.CThere. DFour.( )4.If you want to get to Kunming at 16:52, which train will you probably(可能) take?AK1139. B6061.CK1235. DK109.( )5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AK1139 train gets to Liuzhi at 23:30.BK1235 train s

6、tops at Hongguo.CThere are four trains from Liuzhi to Kunming.D. It takes five hours to go to Kunming from Liupanshui by K109. 任务型阅读In Britain, you can be a volunteer(志愿者) at a zoo on weekends. It is very interesting to be a volunteer at a zoo. You can see a lot of animals for free, and you can also

7、 make a lot of friends. But first of all(首先), you should know some rules(规定 ) while you enjoy seeing animals and making friends. In fact, you should walk around the zoo and tell people what is not allowed(允许). For example, visitors cant give food to the animals or take photos of the animals. It is y

8、our duty(责任) to show visitors(游客) around the zoo if(如果) someone asks you to. At_the_end(在最后)_of_the_day,_dont_forget_to_say_goodbye_to_the_visitors. “Thank you for coming here! Hope to see you next time!”12题完成句子;34 题简略回答问题;5 题将文中画线句子译成汉语。1_ you can be a volunteer at a zoo in Britain.2The volunteers

9、at the zoo can see lots of animals for _3Can visitors give food to the animals at the zoo?_4What is the volunteers duty at the zoo?_5_3教师详解详析.1.B 由后句的“go to the zoo” 可知“我”喜欢“动物” 。2C 动物园不允许游客喂或买动物,排除 A项和 B项。look 为不及物动词,see 为及物动词。故选 C。3C “在动物园”用“at the zoo”表示。4A 5.C 6B get to the zoo 意为“到达动物园” 。7D 8.D 9.C 10.B.15 DACBB.1.On weekends2free 3No, they cant.4To show visitors around the zoo if someone asks you to.5在一天的最后,不要忘了和游客说再见。


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