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1、1Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry李仕才Section A (1a2d).用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1I like to listen to quiet music while _ (eat)2Listening to soft music _ (make) him feel relaxed.3The soft music makes me _(sleep) 4We all like this movie very much, because its _ (real) interesting.5Can you tell me what _ (do) next?6

2、The long boring story made him _ (want) to sleep.7At the New Year party, all the students had fun _ (sing) happily.8The girl is very quiet and she always feels _(leave) out.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 rather, drive, late, leave, friendship1Tom nearly _ his wife mad because of his careless mistakes yesterday.2I

3、havent seen Bob_. Maybe he is away on holiday.3She fell and hurt her leg _ badly.4You must remember your_ with him more than anything else.5I think its unfair to _ out what he said. 根据汉语意思完成句子1我不会忘记我和你之间的友谊,我和你将永远是朋友。Ill never forget the _ between you and me. Ill be _ with you forever.2她宁愿严格要求自己也不愿放

4、弃她的梦想。She would rather _ _ _ herself _ _ _ her dream.3在我很忙的时候,这样吵闹的音乐容易让我发疯。Such noisy music is very easy _ _ _ _ when Im very busy.4在学校,学生越开朗,就越受欢迎。_ _ _ the students are at school, _ _ _ they are.5虽然这两幅画不一样,但它们还是有很多共同之处。The two paintings are different, _ they have a lot _ _2.单项填空( )1.2017达州 Do you

5、 prefer _basketball with me? No, Id rather _ at home and watch TV.Aplay; stay Bto play; to stayCplay; to stay Dto play; stay( )2.The boy is often made _ his homework again because of his mistakes.Ado Bdoing Cto do Ddone( )3.Your words made me _ confident, and I began to make cakes _Afeel; carefully

6、Bto feel; carefullyCfeel; careful Dto feel; careful( )4.What are they doing in the meeting room now?They are discussing _ for the coming holiday. I prefer somewhere warm.Awhat to do Bhow to goCwhere to go Dwhen going( )5.2017遂宁 How do you improve your English?_ you speak, _ your English will be.AThe

7、 less; the moreBThe more; the betterCThe less; the betterDThe more; the less( )6.2017贵阳 Huangguoshu Waterfall is _ beautiful that I want to come here again next year.Aso Btoo Csuch ( )7._ listen to some light music?Im sure youll feel better soon.AWhat about BWould you likeCWhy dont you DHow do you l

8、ike( )8.Its reported that Chinese _ more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat.Its true. But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time.Acost Bpay Ctake Dspend( )9.What makes you _ so _?Afeel; happy Bfeels; happilyCfeel; happily Dto feel; happy( )10.The time we spent together in Australia made our

9、 _ much _Afriends; strongBfriendship; strongest3Cfriends; strongestDfriendship; stronger. 按要求完成下列各题1I prefer to go to Blue Ocean rather than go to Rockin Restaurant.(改为同义句)I _ _ go to Blue Ocean _ go to Rockin Restaurant.2It was such a sad movie that it made me cry.(改为同义句)The movie was _ sad _ it ma

10、de me cry.3The teacher made the students copy the text.(改为被动语态)The students were _ _ copy the text.4They dont know what they can do at the train station in such cold weather.(改为同义句)They dont know _ _ _ at the train station in such cold weather.5He doesnt like to travel to Jining because_he_dislikes_

11、the_food_there(对画线部分提问)_ _ he _ to travel to Jining?.完形填空It was the last day of school and I planned to travel to my friends hometown. I hadnt seen him for years and this was a good _1_ to meet him again.I was busy at school so it was rather _2_when I came back home. It was already 10 oclock at nigh

12、t. Time was running out. After a hurried meal I left. _3_, I found a taxi very soon. Asking the driver to drive me fast to the station, I relaxed for a while, imagining what my friend looked like now. I was soon at the station and was sure that I would be able to _4_ the train. Unfortunately, I fell

13、 on the way and lost some time. To my complete _5_, when I reached the platform, I saw that the train had just left! It was the last train so I had to _6_ home.My mother was glad to see me back as she had a feeling about my trip. But I was unhappy. I tried to relax and went to bed but I had a _7_ sl

14、eep. The next morning I was very tired.As I was having breakfast the _8_ arrived. I read over the pages and was shocked to _9_ that the train I missed had had an accident. How _10_ I was that I missed the train!( )1.A.sign Bchance Csense Ddream( )2.A.strange Bcold Clate Dquiet( )3.A.Finally BSuddenl

15、y CStrangely DLuckily( )4.A.stop Bsee Ccatch Dmiss( )5.A.satisfaction Bhope Csurprise Djoy( )6.A.call Bleave Creach Dreturn( )7.A.deep Bbad Cgreat Dheavy( )8.A.newspaper Bticket Cbook Dtrain( )9.A.find Bhear Cfeel Dremember( )10.A.hopeful Bthankful Ccareful Dpainful4.2017娄底任务型阅读A man came home from

16、work late, tired and unhappy.(A)He_found_his_5yearold_son_waiting_for_him_at_the_door.The boy asked, “Daddy, how much do you make every hour?” The father was angry at his sons question. When he said $20 an hour, the little boy asked him for $10. The father was even angrier because he thought the boy

17、 just wanted some money to buy a toy. So he didnt answer his son.The little boy quietly went to his room. After about an hour, the man calmed himself down (使 平静)and started to think: Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $10.“Maybe I was too hard on you just now, ” the man went

18、 into his sons room and said. “Heres the $10 you asked for.”“Oh, thank you, Daddy! ” the little boy said. Then he reached under his pillow(枕头), pulled out some crumpled(压皱的) money and said, “Daddy, I have $20 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. (B)我很想和你共进晚餐。 ”根据短文内容

19、,完成下列各题。1The man didnt give the money to his son at first, did he?_2How much could the father make every hour?_3What did the boy really want to buy?_将短文中画线的两个句子翻译成中文或英文。4(A)_5(B)_详解详析Section A (1a2d).1.eating 2.makes 3.sleepy 4.really 5to do 6.want 7.singing 8.left.1.drove 2.lately 3.rather 4friends

20、hip 5.leave.1.friendship; friends2be strict with; than give up3to drive me crazy/mad4The more outgoing; the more popular5but; in common.1.D 考查非谓语动词的用法。prefer to do sth.意为“更喜欢做某事” ;would rather do sth.意为“宁愿做某事” 。故选 D。2C 3A 前半句中的 make 是使役动词,因此后面接动词原形作宾语补足语,后半句中的make 是“制作”之意,是行为动词,因此用副词修饰。故选 A。4C 考查“疑问

21、词动词不定式” 。在行为动词后面可以接“疑问词不定式”作宾5语。句中的“somewhere warm”表明讨论的主题与地点有关,故选 C。5B 6A 考查固定搭配。句意:黄果树瀑布如此美丽以至于我明年还想去那儿。sothat 意为“如此以至于” 。故选 A。7C 8.D 9A make sb. do sth.表示 “使/让某人做某事” ;feel 是系动词,后跟形容词作表语,故选 A。10D.1.would rather; than 2.so; that3made to 4.what to do5Why doesnt; like.【主旨大意】 本文讲述的是“我”准备晚间乘火车去看望朋友,但因误

22、点错过了火车,为此“我”感到沮丧。 “我”从第二天的报纸上得知:那辆“我”没赶上的火车出了事故。1B 由句意可知,这是一次再次见到老朋友的好机会。sign 意为“记号,标志” ;chance 意为“机会” ;sense 意为“感觉” ;dream 意为“梦想” 。故选 B。2C 根据后句可知,已是晚上 10 点钟,相当“晚”了,故选 C。3D 分析句意可知,虽然很晚,但很幸运“我”很快找到了一辆出租车。finally意为“最后,终于” ;suddenly 意为“突然地” ;strangely 意为“奇怪地” ;luckily 意为“幸运地” 。故选 D。4C 由句意可知, “我”认为肯定能赶上

23、火车。表示“赶上火车”用动词 catch,故选 C。 5C 由句意可知,令“我”彻底惊讶的是,当“我”到站台时,火车刚刚离开了。to my surprise 意为“令我惊讶的是” ,为固定词组。6D 根据上文所述, “我”已经错过了火车,就不得不“回”家了。call 意为“打电话” ;leave 意为“离开” ;reach 意为“到达” ;return 意为“返回” 。故选 D。7B 根据上文所述, “我”原打算去看望老朋友,但没有赶上火车,因此心情不愉快,故睡得不好。deep 意为“深的” ;bad 意为“坏的” ;great 意为“好的” ;heavy 意为“重的” 。故选 B。8A 跳读

24、下文可知, “我”在看报纸,故选 A。9A 由句意可知, “我”在报纸上发现“我”错过的那趟火车出事故了。find 意为“找到,发现” ;hear 意为“听到” ;feel 意为“感到” ;remember 意为“记得” 。故选 A。10B 由句意可知, “我”对错过火车感到感激。hopeful 意为“充满希望的” ;thankful 意为“感激的” ;careful 意为“小心的” ;painful 意为“痛苦的” 。故选 B。.1.No, he didnt.2$20 an hour./$20.3An hour of his fathers time.4他发现他五岁的儿子正在门口等他。5I really want to have supper with you.

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