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1、1Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles【巩固练习】I. 单项选择。1Its getting dark,_ theyre still workingAand Bbut Cso Dor2We are going to the bookstore in Tonys carYou can come with us _ you can meet us there laterAbut Band Cor Dthen3Tom isnt good at playing football,_ he enjoys watching football matchesAbut Band Cor

2、Dfor4Study hard,_ you are sure to have a good result in the examAor Band Cfor Dbut5 “Are you going to eat here _ take it away?”asked the waiterAand Bso Cor Dbut6Now you can see that cup is _ waterAfill with Bfilling with Cfull with Dfilled with7A mobile phone of this type costs too muchYoud better _

3、Await Bwaiting Cwaited Dto wait8The advertisement company _ $200,000 _ the new productApaid;for Bspent;in Cpaid;on Dtook;to9Mary as well as her mother _ to Tibet by train next weekAare going Bgo Cis going Dgoes10I have a new ideaI want to _Atry out it Btry it out Ctry on it Dtry it on11I prefer _ ra

4、ther than _ TVAto read;watch Bto reading;watchCto read;watching Dto reading;watching12_,what time is it now?Its half past sevenABy the way BIn the way COn the way DIn this way13If you eat _ junk food, you will become overweightAtoo many Btoo much Cmany too Dmuch too14You make lunch,_ Ill take care o

5、f the babyAbut Bor Cfor Dand15How was the food in the town?Terrible,_ we still had a good time thereAor Bso Cbut Dbecause真题链接1. Practice more, _ youll learn English better. A. or B. so C. and D. but2. Youd better take care, _ you will hurt your eyes. A. so B. but C. or D. and23. Going to the movies

6、is good, _ I really only like listening to music. A. and B. but C. so D. orII. 完形填空。Last year I went to Australia to study and travelI stayed in Sydney for three monthsI visited places of 1 in the morning and took English lessons in the afternoonA friend and I stayed in the host family in SydneyThe

7、family were very 2 to usWe talked about a lot of things with each other in EnglishMy spoken English improved 3 in AustraliaI used to speak little English in China 4 in Australia I had to use it very oftenI was soon able to 5 with my teachers and host family in English freelyTo me,the best place in A

8、ustralia is the Sydney Opera House(悉尼歌剧院),You can look at it from different sidesIt is beautiful to look atI cannot sing very well,but 6 I was inside,I really wanted to singTime 7 while I was in SydneySoon Christmas came,then the New YearI had to spend the New Year 8 my parentsI felt a little lonely

9、I missed them so muchIn the evening,I 9 my familyWhen I heard 10 voices,I began to cryMy host mother held me in her arms and comforted(安慰) me1Afun Buse Cinterest Dscenery2Afriendly Bboring Ccool Dserious3Awidely Bweakly Chardly Dgreatly4AThough BBut COr DSo5Aspeak Bsay Ctalk Dtell6Awhen Bbefore Cunl

10、ess Dwhether7Aran Bjumped Cflew Dwalked8Aof Bwith Cfrom Dwithout9Aasked Bphoned Cfound Dheard10Amy Bour Cits DtheirIII. 阅读理解。AWhen you are next in Hawaii,be sure to stay at the Garden HotelWhether you come on business or on holiday,you will find everything as comfortable and as convenient as you wou

11、ld expect in a first-class international hotelEvery bedroom has its own private bathroom,telephone,wall-to-wall carpeting and colorful,modern materials and furniture in the local styleIn the Mitsui Restaurant,you can choose your meals from as wide a variety of dishes,both Eastern and European,as you

12、 will find anywhere in the countryIn the Beach Bar,you can drink with your family and friends in air-conditioned comfort,to the music of internationally known musiciansOr you can take your drink outside into the beautiful garden that gives the hotel its name,or to the tables that surround the swimmi

13、ng poolThroughout the hotel,you will find the service is both friendly and efficientThe Garden Hotel is right on the beach,only five minutes walk from 3Hawaiis modern shopping centerHere you will find all that money can buy,at prices you Call afford1Every bedroom at the Garden Hotel has _Aa colorful

14、,local style telephoneBa bathroom with a carpet from wall to wallCfurniture in the local styleDcomfortable and modern furniture2In the Mitsui Restaurant,you can choose your meals from as wide a variety of dishes,both _ and European,as you will find anywhere in the countryANorthern BSouthern CWestern

15、 DEastern3 “The Service is both friendly and efficient”means _Ayou can get what you want quickly and pleasantlyByou can serve yourself,your family and your friendsCinternationally known musicians will serve youDyou can meet your friends there in air-conditioned comfort4The Garden Hotel lies _Aon the

16、 beach not far from Hawaiis modern shopping centerBon the beach where you wont find all that money can buyCclose to shops where everything is cheap and justly famousDon the beach far from Hawaiis modern shopping center5You will _ at the Garden HotelAsleep well Beat well Chave fun Dall of the aboveBM

17、illions of children in the United States go to summer campsSome go to play outdoors at traditional camps in the woods,in the mountains or on lakesBut families now have many choices of special campsThese can be in the middle of nature or a big citySpecial camps offer young people the chance to learn

18、about different subjects:anything from space exploration to business to medicineIn technology camps,one subject that children can learn about is video game designThey learn how to use computer programs to create games of their ownOne program that teaches video game design is called CybercampsChildre

19、n can learn how to design their own virtual(虚拟的) world to set their video game inThen,they program their own rules and objects into the gameCybercamps also offers courses in robot building and Web designA recent story in the Washington Post described bow one child made a robot that could sing a song

20、Another made a robot that could follow a black line drawn on a piece of cardboardAlso ,children can learn how to make Web sitesOne child made a site for Pokemon,one of his favourite cartoon shows6Traditional camps are _Ain the woods Bin the mountains Con lakes Dall the above7Special camps offer youn

21、g people the chance to learn _Aonly space Bonly science Conly medicine Ddifferent 4subjects8In Cybercamps a child made a robot that could _Asing Bdance Cspeak Ddraw9Which one is NOT true according to the passage?AThere are many special camps in the USA nowBFamilies prefer traditional camps to specia

22、l campsCSpecial camps can be in the middle of nature or a big cityDIn technology camps,children can create games of their own10The best title for the passage is _ATraditional camps BSpecial camps CSummer camps DSummer holidayCFrom: Wendy and Jack BrownDate: September 22,2014To: 8th and 9th graders a

23、t R.L.S. Junior SchoolSubject: Bonjour!Bonjour!(That means hello in French.)We hope you all had a great summer. Ours was a lot of fun. We have seen so many new things and met so many wonderful people. The French gave us a warm welcome and helped us get used to living here soon. We have so many thing

24、s to share with all of you. We are going to send you more emails,but here are the best parts of our holiday in France so far.We had a fantastic time seeing the Tour de France this summer. It is the most famous bicycle race in the world. The riders travel more than two thousand miles in about a month

25、!We got a quick look at the riders as they sped past!After the race,our family rented bikes,and rode along part of the route that the cyclists used.A few of you asked whether the French really eat snails(蜗牛). The answer is yes. We went out to dinner the other day,and our parents ordered some. We eac

26、h tried one and it didnt taste too bad. The snails,called escargots,are served with lots of butter. They feel a little rubbery when you bite into them,but they dont really have much taste. Mums favourite food here is the French pastries. Dad loves the red wine. Our favourite is the fresh bread from

27、the shop down the street.We went to visit the Eiffel Tower a few weeks ago. We went all the way to the top. It was a sunny day,so we could see for miles and miles into the distance. Dad doesnt like heights,so he stayed at the bottom of the tower and took pictures from the ground.We miss all of you a

28、 lot. Write back to us and let us know what is new at home.Au revoir!(Can you guess what that means in French?)Wendy and Jack Brown11. What do the Browns think of French people?A. Friendly. B. Funny. C. Welcome. D. Popular.512. Jacks favourite food in France is _.A. tasty snails B. French pastries C

29、. fresh bread D. red wine13. Which of the following is NOT true according to the email?A. Wendy and Jack got used to the life in France soon.B. Tour de France is the best-known bicycle race in the world.C. The Browns have seen many wonderful things in France.D. The Browns went to the top of the Eiff

30、el Tower together.14. Wendy and Jack wrote this email to _.A. tell a story about riding bicycles in FranceB. tell a story about their experiences in France C. advise the readers to try escargots in FranceD. advise the readers to visit France in summerIV. 书面表达。Mary 是一个正在北京学习汉语课程的交换生。她想给朋友 Judy 写一封信,谈

31、论在北京的学习、生活等情况。假设你是 Mary,完成这封信。词数在 80 左右。主要内容:1你对中国风俗认识的变化。2你在寄宿家庭的住宿情况及与中国家人的交往情况3你的学习和课余生活。_答案与解析:. 单项选择。1B。由下文 still working“仍在工作”得知,此处是意义上的转折。故用表示转折关系的连词 but。2C。but“但是” ,表示转折;and“和” ,表示顺承, or“或者” ,表示选择,then“然后”,表顺序。由前句句意“你可以和我们一起”及下句句意“你可以过会与我们在那儿见面”可知前、后两句是表选择的并列句,故用 or 连接。3A。由前句“汤姆不擅长踢足球”及后句“他喜

32、欢看足球比赛”可知前后两句意义相反,故选表示转折意义的并列连词 but。4B。前后两句是顺承关系,故用 and 连接。5C。由“asked the waiter”可知,这里是问在这儿吃还是带走, “eat here”与“take it away”构成选择关系,故应选 or。6D。be filled with 与 be full of 均有“充满、填满”之意,而 full 不能与 with 连用,故选 D。7A。had better“最好” ,后跟动词原形。8A。payfor为付款;spend.on 或 spend.in doing sth花费时间或金钱做某事;take 作花费解时,则多用于句型

33、:It takes sb. some time to do sth.中。故选A。9C。as well as 表示“除 之外,还有” ,连接并列主语时,谓语动词在人称与数上要与第一个主语保持一致。Mary 是第三人称单数,故排除 A、B 两项;由 next week“下周”可知句子用一般将来时,故用 be going (to)结构。610B。try out“试验,尝试” ,try on“试穿” 。二者都是动副短语,当宾语是人称代词时,代词只能放在动、副词中间,故排除 A、C 两项。由前句“我有一个新想法”可知:我想尝试一下。故选 B。11A。prefer to do rather than do

34、 意为“宁愿做也不做” 。故选 A。12A。by the way“顺便说一下” ;in the way“挡路,妨碍” ;on the way“在途中” ;in this way“这样” 。由题意可知应选 A。13B。too many“太多” ,修饰可数名词复数;too much“太多” ,修饰不可数名词;much too“太,非常” ,修饰形容词或副词。句中 food 为不可数名词,故用 too much 修饰。14D。句意为:你做午饭,我照看小孩。You make lunch 为祈使句,相当于 if 引导的条件状语从句。该句为“祈使句+andor+简单句”句型。根据题意应选 D。15C。or

35、“或者” ,并列连词表选择;so“因此” ,并列连词表因果;but“但是” ,并列连词表转折;because“因为” ,引导原因状语从句。由答句句意“食物很差,但是我们仍旧在那儿过得很愉快。 ”知前后句表转折。故选 C。真题链接1. C。句意:练习的更多,你的英语会学得更好。这是一个并列复合句。两个简单句Practice more 和 youll learn English better 之间是并列的关系,应用连词 and。故选 C。2. C。句意:你最好小心些,否则会伤了你的眼睛。本题考查连词。由句意可知前后分句之间是顺承关系,故答案为 C 项。3. B。句意:看电影是不错,但是我却只喜欢听

36、音乐。本题考查连词用法。and 和,而且;but 但是;so 因此;or 或者,否则。根据句意可知选 B 项。II. 完形填空。1C。places of interest 意为“名胜” ,是固定短语。2A。be friendly to sb. 意为“对某人友好” ,是常用搭配。3D。widely“广泛地” ;weakly“虚弱地,有病地” ;hardly“几乎不” ;greatly“大大地”。由上下文可知:在澳大利亚我的英语口语水平大大地提高了。故应选 D。4B。由上句“我过去在中国很少说英语。 ”及下句“在澳大利亚我不得不经常说英语。 ”可知前、后两句具有转折关系。故选 but。5C。四个选

37、项中能与 with 连用的只有 talk,talk with sb意为“和某人谈话交流” 。6A。when“当时候” ,before“在之前” ,unless“除非” ,whether“是否” 。句意:我唱得不是很好,但是当我在里面时,我的确想唱歌。故选 A。7C。Time flies“时光飞逝” ,是常用短句,因文章时态为过去时,故此处应用 fly 的过去式 flew。8D。由后句“我感到有一点孤独。 ”可推知:新年我没有与父母一起过。故选 without。9B。从后句中的 heard“听见”可推知我给家里打电话。故用 phoned。10D。从 voices 可知,声音不止一个人的。故选 t

38、heir。III. 阅读理解。A 篇1C。根据第一段的最后一句可知。2D。根据第二段的第一句可知。3A。阅读全文可知。4A。根据最后一段可知。5D。阅读全文可知。7B 篇6D。由文中第一段中第二句“Some go to play outdoors at traditional camps in the woods,in the mountains or on lakes.”可知。7D。由文中第一段中最后一句可知。8A。由文中第三段中“A recent story in the Washington Post described how one child made a robot that c

39、ould sing a song ”可知。9B。由文中第一段“But families now have many choices of special camps ”可知。10B。由文章大意可知。C 篇11. A。细节理解题。题意:布朗一家认为法国人怎么样?A. Friendly 友好的; B. Funny 有趣的;C. Welcome 欢迎的;D. Popular 受欢迎的。从短文第一自然段的“The French gave us a warm welcome and helped us get used to living here soon.”(法国人热烈欢迎我们并帮助我们很快习惯于住

40、在这儿)可以推断出,法国人友好。故选 A。12. C。细节理解题。题意:杰克在法国最喜欢的食物是什么?A. tasty snails 味道好的蜗牛;B. French pastries 法国的糕点;C. fresh bread 新鲜的面包;D. red wine 红酒。从短文第三段“Our favourite is the fresh bread from the shop down the street.”可知,最喜欢的是 fresh bread。故选 C。13. D。推理判断题。题意:根据邮件内容下面哪一个不对? A. Wendy and Jack got used to the life

41、 in France soon.文迪和杰克很快习惯了法国的生活; B. Tour de France is the best-known bicycle race in the world.环法自行车赛在全世界最著名;C. The Browns have seen many wonderful things in France.布朗一家在法国看了许多奇妙的东西。D. The Browns went to the top of the Eiffel Tower together.布朗一家一起去的埃菲尔铁塔的顶部。根据短文,布朗先生恐高,未上埃菲尔铁塔。故 D 错。14. B。推理判断题。题意:文

42、迪和杰克写这封邮件的目的是什么?A. tell a story about riding bicycles in France 讲述在法国骑车的故事; B. tell a story about their experiences in France 讲述他们在法国的经历;C. advise the readers to try escargots in France 建议读者尝试法国的蜗牛;D. advise the readers to visit France in summer 建议读者夏天去法国旅游。本文主要写的是作者一家在法国的经历。故选 B。IV. 书面表达。Dear Judy,

43、How are you getting on with your study? Im writing to you from BeijingIm studying Chinese at a language schoolI find Chinese customs are different from oursMy understanding of Chinese customs is improvingI stay in a Chinese familyThe Chinese family help me with my ChineseThey are friendly to meWe ar

44、e getting on well with each otherEvery day I take a bus to go to school. At noon I eat lunch at school with someone else in my classIn the afternoon,the school organizes plenty of activities for us after classI go back home at 5 oclockI often take trips to many places of interest in Beijing on weekendsIm enjoying myself,but I wish you were here with me! Love,Mary


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