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1、1Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.李仕才Section A (3a4c).根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1I felt very _ after listening to some light and peaceful music.(relax)2For most people, time is the most _(value)3China is one of the most beautiful and richest countries in _ Asia.(east)4The famous professor will give us

2、 a speech about some table _(manner)5All students are _ to hand in their homework on time. (suppose)6Dont keep others _ for you all the time.(wait).将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式1They often_ their friends homes.(顺便拜访)2Mr. Green _ because his daughter told a lie yesterday.(大动肝火)3You must_ if you want to ma

3、ke it a success.(作出努力)4The TV series In the Name of People is_(值得看)5Although Emily did something wrong, _(这没什么大不了的). 单项填空( )1. 2017扬州 My grandpa knows the history and medical _ of many plants.Awealth BpriceCvalue Dcost( )2.2016南京Have you read the book Jane Eyre?Yes. Its a famous book and really wort

4、h_Ato read BreadingCto be read Dread( )3. Its one of the happiest things in the world to stay with friends.I agree. It always makes us _A. relaxing B. relaxedC. happily D. unhappy( )4.You had better hurry or well be late for the plane. The plane will _ in a few minutes.Atake up Btake downCtake off D

5、take away( )5.Dont lose heart._, you are so young and you have other opportunities.AAfter all BIn allCOf all D. After that( )6.It is not polite to get into a room without _ first.2Aknocking Bto knockCknocked Dknock.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,使语篇意思完整,必要时请用否定式UFO is short for unidentified(身份不明的) flying object. Mo

6、st teenagers around the world show great 1._(interest) in UFOs. Im sure that nearly every kid has ever read some books or watched some movies about UFOs. In recent years, there have been lots of reports about UFOs in different 2._(part) of the world.Last week,a farmer 3._(call) Jim Burns reported th

7、at he saw a UFO over his house. His story goes like this:It was around three oclock in the early morning.Suddenly,my dog started to make strange 4._(noise). It seemed that it was worried about something. I woke from the dream. I put on my coat and went outside to see what was 5._(happen). Then I saw

8、 a thing flying low in the sky to the west. It was moving really slowly,so I could see it 6._(clear)It was bright and round. I called out my wife,but then I 7._(remember) she had gone to town.The flying thing came right over my house. It was making a low humming(嗡嗡声) sound. I hid 8._(my) and moved q

9、uickly off to the north. I thought about 9._(get) my camera,but it was too late. It was gone. Then I rang the police station to report it. Twenty minutes later,two 10._(policeman) arrived,but neither of them believed me.3详解详析Section A (3a4c).1.relaxed 2.valuable 3.eastern4manners 5.supposed 6.waitin

10、g.1.drop by 2.got mad 3.make an effort4worth watching 5it was no big deal/it was not a big deal.1.C 考查名词辨析。句意:我爷爷知道许多植物的历史和药用_。wealth意为“财富” ;price 意为“价格” ;value 意为“价值” ;cost 意为“费用” 。根据句意可知选 C。2B 3.B 4.C5A after all 意为“毕竟 ”; in all 意为“总共,共计” ; of all 意为“在所有的当中” ; after that 意为“那以后” 。根据空后句意“你还很年轻,还有其他机会”可知 A 项正确。6A .1.interest 2.parts 3.called4noise(s) 5.happening 6.clearly7remembered 8.myself 9.getting10policemen


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