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1、1Unit 4李仕才一、词汇复习(一)单句语法填空1 I truly believe_beauty comes from within. 答案:that 考查名词性从句引导词。从句部分不缺少任何成分也不缺意思。因此用只起连接作用的 that。2(2015陕西,19 改编)Reading her biography,I was lost in admiration for _Doris Lessing had achieved in literature. 答案:what 考查宾语从句中引导词的选择。分析语境可知,此处是介词 for后接了宾语从句。从句中缺少 achieved的宾语,故要用 wh

2、at来引导。句意:读她的传记,我对多丽丝莱辛在文学上所取得的成就钦佩不已。3(2015安徽,25 改编)A ship in harbor is safe,but thats not _ ships are built for. 答案:what what 引导表语从句,在从句中作介词 for的宾语。句意:船停泊在港口里是安全的,但那可不是造船的目的。4(2015浙江,6 改编)If you swim in a river or lake,be sure to investigate _ is below the water surface.Often there are rocks or bra

3、nches hidden in the water. 答案:what investigate 后面是宾语从句,从句中缺主语,故用 what。句意:如果你在河里或湖里游泳,一定要调查一下水面下的东西。经常会有石头或树枝藏在水中。5(2015湖南,26 改编)You have to know _ youre going if you are to plan the best way of getting there. 答案:where 本题考查宾语从句的引导词。You have to know 后面是一个宾语从句,_ youre going if you are to plan the best

4、way of getting there是一个完整的句子,应用连接副词 where来引导从句。句意:如果你要计划去那里的最佳方案,你必须知道你要去哪里。(二)英汉互译190、earthquake n. _191、quake n. _192、right away _193、well n. _194、crack n. vt. & vi. _ 2195、smelly adj. _ 196、farmyard n. _197、pipe n. _198、burst vi. (burst, burst) 、n. _199、million n. _200、event n. _201、as if _202、at

5、 an end _203、nation n. _204、canal n. _205、steam n. _206、dirt n. _207、ruin n. vt. 208、in ruins 209、suffering n. _210、extreme adj. _211、injure vt. _212、survivor n. _213、destroy vt. _214、brick n. _215、dam n. _216、track n. _217、useless adj. _218、shock vt. & vi. n. _219、rescue n. & vt. _ 220、trap vt. n.

6、_221、electricity n. _222、disaster n. _223、dig out _224、bury vt. _225、mine n. _226、miner n. _227、shelter n. _228、a (great) number of _3229、title n. _230、reporter n. _231、bar n. _232、damage n. & vt. _233、frighten vt. _234、frightened adj. _235、frightening adj. _236、congratulation n. _237、judge n. _238、

7、sincerely adv. _239、express vt. n. _240、outline n. _241、headline n. _242、cyclist n. _二、完形填空。Something quite tragic(悲剧的)happened in our home.It had a _1_ effect on our lives.It _2_ the way we relax and even where we sit.There was no fire or flood.we _3_ our WiFi service,for over a week.I was raised i

8、n the preWiFi era,so I was relatively _4_ to the situation.My children,_5_,did not have this training.When given the news that there was no WiFi in the house,their first _6_ was:“But,what will we do?”Fortunately,the TV still worked,although the children were _7_ to find that it had only 70 channels.

9、For the children,a(n) _8_ challenge was homework,most of which is now given online.The lack of broadband seemed to provide a new _9_ of “the dog ate my homework”excuse.My daughter _10_ that one of her friends had her water supply temporarily _11_ due to a leak,but she thought that our lack of WiFi w

10、as _12_.“Because you can go to the shop and buy water,right?”My husband and I need the Internet to _13_ us to work at home.Luckily,Ive found out that these days you can go to the shop to _14_ WiFi.Although expensive,it allows you to set up your own WiFi network _15_.Buying 1 GB of data makes you vie

11、w your broadband differently.I dont want to _16_ it like leaving a tap running.We log on to the WiFi network and do what we have to do as _17_ as possible and log off.4The changes that _18_ has created in our daily life have occurred without us really _19_.The _20_ part of our time without WiFi was

12、seeing the children make forts(堡垒)out of the sofa cushions,which they havent done in years.1A.possible BmodestCpositive Dhuge2A.explored BchallengedCimproved Dguaranteed3A.received BbookedClost Dbought4A.addicted BaccustomedCadmitted Dattached5A.however BthereforeCotherwise Dbesides6A.impression Bin

13、spirationCresponse Drequest7A.excited BgratefulCembarrassed Ddesperate8A.avoidable BmajorCenjoyable Dsimple9A.version BtranslationCdimension Dcollection10A.repeated BpromisedCobserved Dignored11A.fixed up Bcut offCused up Dlaid in12A.worse BbetterCclearer Dmore13A.force BencourageCremind Denable14A.

14、look into Bsearch forCpurchase Dborrow15A.easily BsecurelyCfirmly Dconstantly516A.share BanalyzeCstore Dwaste17A.steadily BquicklyCproperly Dsmoothly18A.technology BinformationCknowledge Dintelligence19A.reflecting BhearingCappreciating Dnoticing20A.rigid BtoughCbright Dnecessary【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,讲述了

15、 WiFi对“我”家生活的影响。【核心词汇】have an effect on 对有影响 temporarily adv.暂时地 log on登录 occur v发生1D 根据上下文可知,家里没有 WiFi对我们生活的影响是巨大的(huge)。possible“可能的” ;modest“谦虚的” ;positive“积极的” 。2B 根据前一句“It had a _1_ effect on our lives”和下文的“But,what will we do”可知,平时家里离不开 WiFi,现在没有了,当然对我们平时的生活方式产生挑战。explore“探索” ;improve“提升” ;gua

16、rantee“保证” 。3C 根据下文的“When given the news that there was no WiFi in the house”可知,我们家里失去(lost) WiFi 一个多星期;receive“收到” ;book“订购” ;buy“购买” 。4B 根据第二段第一句“I was raised in the preWiFi era”可知, “我”是在没有 WiFi的时代长大的,因此对于没有了 WiFi也是比较习惯的(accustomed),be accustomed to表示“习惯于” 。5A 根据上下文可推知, “我”习惯无 WiFi的生活,但是孩子们不习惯。上下文

17、是转折关系,因此选 however。6C 根据空后的“But, what will we do”可知空处指的是他们的第一反应(response)。7D 根据上下文可知,没有 WiFi只有电视,且电视频道只有 70多个,孩子们很绝望。excited“兴奋的” ;grateful“感激的” ;embarrassed“尴尬的” ;desperate“绝望的” 。8B 根据本句的定语从句“most of which is now given online”可知,家庭作业应是孩子们的主要(major)挑战。avoidable“可避免的” ;enjoyable“令人愉快的” ;simple“简单的” 。6

18、9A 空后的“the dog ate my homework”表示“狗吃了我的作业” ,此处表示没有网络是这种借口的一个新提法,故选 A。10C 根据空后的宾语从句“that one of her friends had her water supply temporarily_11_ due to a leak”可知,这些内容应该是女儿讲出来(observed)的。 repeat“重复” ;promise“承诺” ;ignore“忽略” ;observe“观察,说,评论” 。11B 根据该空后的“due to a leak”可推知,水管漏水了,供水会被暂时中断(cut off)。12A 根据

19、上下文可知,女儿认为我们没有 WiFi更糟糕(worse)。13D 根据上下文可知,为了能够在家工作,丈夫和“我”需要互联网。enable sb.to do sth.表示“使某人能做某事” 。14C 根据下文的“Although expensive”可知, “我”去商店买(purchase)WiFi。 look into“调查” ;search for“寻找” ;borrow“借” 。15A 根据语境可知,买了 WiFi, “我”建立自己的网络就容易了。16D 根据本句中的“like leaving a tap running(像让水管的水不停地流着一样)”可知,我们知道让水管的水不停地流着意

20、味着“浪费” ,故选 D。17B 根据上下文可知,当“我”上网做事时, “我”是尽快地做,as quickly as possible表示“尽快地” 。18A 根据语境可知,技术已经引起了我们日常生活的改变,这些改变在我们没有注意(noticing)的情况下发生了。19D 参见上题解析。reflect“反思” ;hear“听到” ;appreciate“欣赏” 。20C 根据该空后的“without WiFi was seeing the children make forts(堡垒)out of the sofa cushions,which they havent done in year

21、s”可知,没有了WiFi,孩子们可以在一起玩,这是愉快的(bright)事情。三、短文语法填空。Classical Chinese poetry is traditional Chinese poetry 1. (write) in Classical Chinese and typified by certain traditional forms and close 2. (connect) with particular historical periods,such as the poetry of the Tang Dynasty.Its existence 3. (document

22、) at least as early as the publication of the Classic of Poetry or Shijing.4. (variety) combinations of forms and genres exist.Many or most of these 5. (arise) at the end of the Tang Dynasty.Use and development of Classical Chinese poetry 6. (active) continued up to the year of 1919,7. the May Fourt

23、h Movement took place,and is 7still developed even today. Poetry created during this 2,500year period of moreorless continuous development shows 8. great deal of diversityclassified by both major historical periods and by dynastic periods.Of the key aspects of Classical Chinese poetry,another is 9.

24、(it) intense interrelationship with other forms of Chinese art,such as Chinese painting and Chinese calligraphy. Classical Chinese poetry has proven to be of strong influence 10.poetry worldwide.【语篇解读】 本文为说明文。文章简单介绍了中国古诗的一些相关情况。1written 考查非谓语动词。中国古诗是用古文写的传统中国诗歌。write 与 poetry之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。2con

25、nections 考查名词。空前有形容词 close“紧密的” ,故空处填名词。connection在此表示“(两种事实、观念等的)联系,关联” ,是可数名词,故填名词的复数形式。3is documented 考查动词的时态和语态。document 在此表示“记录,记载” ,是及物动词,document 与 existence之间是动宾关系,故用被动语态,且此处表示客观事实,要用一般现在时。4Various 考查形容词。存在多种多样的形式和种类的结合体。空处修饰名词combinations,故填形容词 various“多种多样的” 。5arose 考查动词的时态。它们中的很多或者说大部分产生于

26、唐代晚期。arise“产生,出现” ,是不及物动词,根据时间状语 at the end of the Tang Dynasty可知本句用一般过去时。6actively 考查副词。分析句子结构可知,空处修饰谓语动词 continued,故用副词actively“活跃地” 。7when 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,先行词是 the year of 1919,空处在从句中作时间状语,故填 when。8a 考查冠词。a great deal of“大量的,许多” ,是固定搭配,修饰不可数名词,故填a。9its 考查代词。空处指代对象是 Classical Chinese poetry,且表示“的” ,故填its。易错分析 本空容易误填 their,因为学生没有弄清楚文章的逻辑关系,以为空处指代的对象是前面的 the key aspects。但是如果这样的话,句意就说不通了。10on/upon 考查介词。influence“影响”常与介词 on/upon连用。8


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