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1、1Global warming李仕才(选修 6 Unit 4)【短文语法填空】根据短文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Having become a millionaire,some people still continue to be 1.concerned(concern) about money and work hard to get all the money,2.while others,one of whom is Charles Gray,have turned their backs on their money and try 3.to_

2、be(be)a happy person.Although Charles Gray is very 4.wealthy(wealth),he is leading a simple life.He lives in a small room which 5.is_equipped(equip) with secondhand furniture.In fact,Charles was pleased 6.to_give(give) up the lifestyle of a rich man.7.Tired(tire) of being a person who had everything

3、 in a world,he gave all his money away,which brought him a lot of happiness.Having discovered that most of the people 8.who wanted to earn much money never made 9.it,Charles decided to drop out.In his opinion,having only a little money makes a person much 10.happier(happy).阅读理解The world is getting w

4、armer.Animals have begun to change in response to the new condition.And some of them have become smaller.Some scientists thought this might be an adaptation to a warmer world;smaller bodies should be able to lose heat better.But now a new study published in Science has found that for red knot birds,

5、thats not the case.Ecologist Jan van Gils and his colleagues have been studying these birds for 33 years.Over the course of their research,van Gils and his team have found that in Russia where the red knots summer,snowmelt and spring have been advancing by half a day per year on average.Over more th

6、an thirty years,the researchers caught and measured nearly 2,000 birds.In years when the snowmelt had arrived particularly early,the birds were likely to be smaller and have shorter bills(鸟嘴).The birds leave the coast of Western Africa,where they winter,and fly north 2toward Russia with no clue as t

7、o what the weather is like there.The birds are supposed to arrive in spring,so they can lay their eggs and when their chicks hatch out,there will be a wealth of arthropod(节肢动物) insects to feed their young.But even though the red knots are advancing their arrival date by about a quarter of a day per

8、year,it is not enough to keep up with the snowmelt.And in years when the snowmelt arrives early,the arthropods reach the greatest quantity before the birds need them.Therefore,chicks miss out on eating well and they grow up to be smaller and have shorter bills.Being smaller and having a shorter bill

9、 isnt a problem in Russiabut it is in Africa.There,adult birds feed on thin-shelled bivalves(双壳贝类),Loripes lucinalis.But the bivalves are buried deep.However,other options,Dosinia isocardia bivalves and seagrass rhizomes(根茎),which only the youngest birds rely on,are not abundant or nutritious.Van Gi

10、ls and his colleagues found that,in their first year,shorter-billed red knots dont survive as well in Africa.“A few short-billed birds make it,”van Gils says,“but the majority of birds that survive are the long-billed birds.”1.Jan van Gils and his colleagues reached the conclusion by . A.comparing r

11、ed knots with other birdsB.dividing 2,000 red knots into several groupsC.watching and examining red knots for three decadesD.analyzing studies that have been published in Science2.What influence does early snowmelt have on red knots?A.Their chicks dont have enough to eat.B.Their eggs take more time

12、to hatch out.C.They need to find other places for summer.D.They arrive in Russia half a day earlier each year.3.Few adult short-billed red knots survive in Africa because . A.they cant find arthropod insects to eat3B.they cant access Loripes lucinalis bivalvesC.the Dosinia isocardia bivalves they ne

13、ed are rareD.the seagrass rhizomes they feed on are not nutritious4.Whats the purpose of the text?A.To tell a story.B.To provide facts.C.To make an announcement.D.To put forward suggestions.BI had the honour of being elected chief of my tribe(部落)With the title came great responsibility.It was my job

14、 to make peace with the Maori Tamaki tribe,whose village we visited.Their soldiers jumped from a canoe and faced us down with fierce crying,sticking eyes and much noise of sticks.They laid a palm leaf on the ground and,as head,I was forced to accept this peace offering by picking it up, then touchin

15、g noses with their chief.“Kia ora, ” he said,welcoming us into the woodland home of his people.My “tribe” was my New Zealand coach tour group,who had forced me into being their leader.Wed been warned that the ceremony was a serious occasion and that to laugh or even smile would be considered rude to

16、 the Tamaki.After that it was nonstop fun as they demonstrated their ancient customs and I received instruction in performing the haka,the war dance immortalized(使不朽)by the All Blacks rugby team.Then they pulled our dinner of lamb,beef and vegetables out of the ground.It had been slowcooked in the h

17、eat just below the surface in the geothermal(地热的)area of North Island,a Maori tradition known as a hangi that goes back an extremely long period of time.Obviously,this form of it is put on for tourists but it was hugely enjoyable.The journey back to the hotel was alone worth the effort,our elder Mao

18、ri driver being deserving of his own television show.“The wheels on the bus go round and round, ”he got us singing,while he circuited a roundabout three times.A couple of days from the end of our trip,there was still something missing,a New Zealand icon I wanted to see to make my grand tour complete

19、.Riding 4over a ridge,there it was Aotearoa.The Maori name for New Zealand translates as “the land of the long white cloud”Can I say “Kia ora,Aotearoa?” You bet I can.1How were the visitors greeted in the tribe?AThe soldiers made a palm leaf road.BThe soldiers touched their noses.CThe soldiers shook

20、 sticks fiercely.DThe soldiers made noise with shut eyes.2Which refers to the Maori cooking custom?AKia ora. BHaka.CHangi. DTamaki.3What does the author think of the driver?AHe was good at singing.BHe made the journey memorable.CHe was not familiar with the road.DHe performed well on a TV show.4What

21、 is the best title for the text?AA taste of Maori cultureBHello,New ZealandCThe honour of being a tribe chiefDThe best of New Zealand【解题导语】本文为记叙文,作者讲述了他去新西兰旅游时接触到的毛利文化。1C 考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“Their soldiers jumped from a canoe and faced us down with fierce crying,sticking eyes and much noise of sticks.The

22、y laid a palm leaf on the ground and”可知,毛利部落的勇士们从独木舟上跳下来,用狂热的叫喊、瞪大的眼睛和巨大的棍棒晃动声将作者一行人镇住了,他们还在地面上放置一片棕榈叶。这些都是毛利人对游客表示欢迎的方式。故选 C。2C 考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Then they pulled our dinner of lamb,beef and vegetables out of the ground.It had been slowcooked in the heat.a Maori tradition known as a hangi”可知,在地下土炉中烹制食

23、物是毛利饮食传统,这被称为hangi。3B 考查推理判断。根据第四段的“The journey back to the hotel was alone worth the effort,our elder Maori driver being deserving of his own television show.”可知,作者一行人的回宾馆之旅让他们难忘:有表演天赋的毛利老司机让作者他们5一路欢歌,故选 B。4A 考查主旨要义。作者作为赴新西兰的旅游团的队长,在旅游中有幸接触毛利文化,这给作者留下了深刻的印象,故 A 项“体验毛利文化”作标题最佳。.完形填空(2016河南六市第一次联考)Wh

24、en I was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years back,I reacted like most who receive a cancer diagnosis and the first thing that came to mind was a “death sentence”. 1 ,instead of complaining,I decided to look for the 2 side of it. I realized that I was about to 3 a new beginning.I knew that I had

25、 to develop and gain 4 from all my experiences.Even with the pain I had to 5 through each diagnosis,and all the 6 Ive dealt with all my life,I still felt truly lucky.I 7 myself that I still have my life,so why am I to 8 ? One day,I had an unusual experience.I turned that experience into a 9 and I ca

26、lled it “Peace”.Writing had become therapy(治疗)for me.I took that poem,along with many others I had 10 during my breast cancer period and placed them in book form.I was 11 enough to have that book published.I later had another inspirational childrens book 12 ,with a third one 13 .Im hoping that anyon

27、e who has the chance to read my first book of poems will benefit from it.My poems are from the heart,and I wish to have a positive 14 on someone whos ill.I 15 believe when you survive a serious 16 like cancer,its for a reason,and I want to live to 17 exactly what that is for me. Thats what Im all ab

28、out now,inspiration.I would have 18 become a writer,producing inspirational poems and stories,if I had not gone through all that I did.Im a true example that you can 19 cancer,as long as you have faith and allow that faith to 20 your path. 1.A.However B.Besides6C.Therefore D.Otherwise2.A.bad B.oppos

29、iteC.right D.positive3.A.mark B.missC.face D.find4.A.advantage B.strengthC.knowledge D.skill5.A.express B.hideC.go D.bear6.A.chances B.strugglesC.decisions D.businesses7.A.persuaded B.showedC.reminded D.taught8.A.complain B.encourage C.disappoint D.please9.A.poem B.novelC.diary D.play10.A.read B.lea

30、rnedC.written D.collected11.A.confident B.luckyC.careful D.shocked12.A.published B.translatedC.typed D.reviewed13.A.in the dark B.above the averageC.ahead of time D.on the way14.A.impression B.influenceC.result D.conclusion15.A.hardly B.honestlyC.truly D.widely16.A.accident B.diagnosis7C.disaster D.

31、disease17.A.look for B.find outC.concentrate on D.pick out18.A.ever B.alreadyC.just D.never19.A.cure B.developC.survive D.treat20.A.direct B.crossC.follow D.walk短文改错In July 21,I,together with some people,gathered at Youth Square at 5 am.Then we boarded a bus,where took us to Wuling Mountain,taking u

32、s two and a half hour.To tell the truth,Wuling Mountain is a really attractive spot,where the scene was beautiful enough.When first climbing mountain,I felt excited,and walked fast,only take some pictures now and then.There was a large number of tourists that day,making the path crowded.At noon,I ha

33、d a simply lunch,for I took some food with me.We had returned at four oclock,laughing and talking.Tired but happy,we arrived home safely and sound.考点规范练(选修 6 Unit 4).【解题导语】本文是说明文。受到全球变暖的影响,在融雪期特别早的年份孵化出来的8红腹滨鹬会体格变小、鸟嘴变短,这直接影响它们的生存。1.C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Ecologist Jan van Gils and his colleagues have been

34、 studying these birds for 33 years.”及“Over more than thirty years,the researchers caught and measured nearly 2,000 birds.”可知答案为 C 项。2.A 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“And in years when the snowmelt arrives early,the arthropods reach the greatest quantity before the birds need them.Therefore,chicks miss out on eating

35、 well.”可知,如果融雪期提前到来的话,等红腹滨鹬的幼鸟孵化出来时,它们已经错过了节肢动物数量最多的时候,因此没有足够的食物吃。3.B 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“.adult birds feed on thin-shelled bivalves,Loripes lucinalis.But the bivalves are buried deep.”可推测,Loripes lucinalis 这种贝类在地下比较深的地方,因此嘴短的红腹滨鹬吃不到它们,影响生存。4.B 写作目的题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了在融雪期特别早的年份孵化出来的红腹滨鹬会体格变小、鸟嘴变短,从而直接影响它们生存的

36、事实。.【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者身患癌症,但没有抱怨,而是通过写诗歌和小说来阐述人生,最终战胜了病魔。1.A 上文说,作者对于患上癌症首先想到的是“死亡判决”;下文说,作者并没有抱怨。据此可以判断,空处前后文之间是转折关系,故 A 项正确。2.D 根据该句中 instead of complaining 可知,作者没有选择抱怨而是决定寻找癌症积极的一面;D 项意为“积极的”,符合语境。3.C 根据语境可知,作者将面对新的开始。face 意为“面对,面临”,符合语境。4.B 根据该句中的 from all my experiences 可以判断,作者决定从自己的经历中获得战胜癌症的

37、力量;B 项意为“力量”,符合语境。5.D 根据该句中的 with the pain 可知,作者要忍受癌症的痛苦;D 项意为“忍受”,符合语境。6.B 根据该句中的“Ive dealt with all my life.”并结合前文作者对患癌症的叙述可以判断,B 项意为“挣扎”,符合语境。7.C 根据语境可知,作者提醒自己,自己仍然活着;C 项意为“提醒”,故 C 项正确。A 项意为“说服”;B 项意为“展示”;D 项意为“教” 。8.A 根据上文第一段最后一句中的“complaining”并结合语境可知,A 项正确。B 项意为9“鼓励”;C 项意为“失望”;D 项意为“取悦” 。9.A 根据

38、下文的“I took that poem”可知,作者将那次经历写成了一首诗;A 项意为“诗歌”,符合语境。10.C 根据上句中的 Writing 可以判断,这些诗是作者在患癌症期间写的,故 C 项正确。11.B 根据该句中的 enough to have that book published 可以判断,作者足够幸运,出版了自己的诗集,故 B 项正确。A 项意为“自信的”;C 项意为“仔细的”;D 项意为“震惊的” 。12.A 根据上句中的 have that book published 及本句中的 another 可以判断,作者又出版了一本书,故 A 项正确。B 项意为“翻译”;C 项意为

39、“打字”;D 项意为“审查” 。13.D 根据该句中“another.with a third one”可以判断,第三本书将要出版;on the way 意为“即将发生”,符合语境。14.B 作者的诗歌源于心灵,作者希望它们对病人有积极的影响。have an influence on为固定短语,意为“对有影响”,故 B 项正确。A 项意为“印象”;C 项意为“结果”;D项意为“结论” 。15.C 作者真的相信,你能从像癌症这样的重疾中存活下来,这肯定是有原因的;C 项意为“真正地”,符合语境,故 C 项正确。16.D 根据该句中的 like cancer 可以判断,这里指像癌症那样的重疾,故

40、D 项正确。17.B 根据该句中的 its for a reason 可知,作者要弄清楚对他来说那是什么;B 项意为“弄清楚,弄明白”,符合语境。A 项意为“寻找”;C 项意为“全神贯注于”;D 项意为“挑选” 。18.D 根据语境可知,如果不是癌症,作者肯定不可能成为作家,写出鼓舞人心的诗歌和故事,故D 项正确。19.C 根据前文第三段最后一句中的 survive 可知,作者是从癌症中存活下来的真实例子,故 C 项正确。20.A 根据该句中的 your path 可知,只要你有信念,并让信念指引你的方向,那么你就可能会战胜癌症。A 项意为“指引”,符合语境。.短文改错10In July 21

41、,I,together with some people,gathered at Youth Square at 5 am.Then we boarded a bus,where took us to Wuling Mountain,taking us two and a half hour .To tell the truth,Wuling Mountain is a really attractive spot,where the scene was beautiful enough.When first climbing mountain,I felt excited,and walked fast,only take some pictures now and then.There was a large number of tourists that day,making the path crowded.At noon,I had a simply lunch,for I took some food with me.We hadreturned at four oclock,laughing and talking.Tired but happy,we arrived home safely and sound.


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