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1、1Unit 12 Culture Shock李仕才【阅读理解】I was taking the garbage out two nights ago and I recognized a neighbor so I said hi.We started chatting and he began by telling me how his wife passed away in September last year and how they had been together for 63 years.He is now 87.I was delighted to listen to his

2、 stories about when he lived in Poland, the country that he is from,and how he was a skilled worker that got payment only with food and wine.He continued to tell me very interesting facts about crows he had seen on National Geographic国家地理,and about how happy he is in this neighborhood where he can w

3、alk everywhere and doesnt even need a car to get around.We chatted for about 30 minutes and then we began to part ways.On his way back home,he was sure to let me know how I had made his day by chatting with him.He said hes old and just talks to himself every day.During the conversation,he told me wh

4、at unit he lives in,in the building and I was so happy about that! I decided to bake a delicious pie and some peanut butter cookies to share with him,and chat with him some more.In the meantime,I want to ask him if he would like me to visit from time to time.Im sure hell love the company and the hum

5、an interaction.So I wanted to share my story,because not only did I make his day,but also he made mine! It was the highlight of my day,and now I cant wait to surprise him with my food!1.How did the authors neighbor begin his talk with him?A.By telling him how his wife died.B.By telling him why he le

6、ft Poland.C.By telling him what his hobbies were.D.By telling him how he got along with his children.2.What made the author overjoyed?2A.His neighbours kind characters.B.His neighbours life experiences.C.His neighbours optimistic attitude.D.His neighbours comfortable life style.3.What do you know ab

7、out the old man?A.He has been living a hard and difficult life.B.He is too old to support himself on his own.C.It is hard for him to find someone to chat with.D.No one is interested in his stories except the author.4.What is the author going to do to further the relationship with his neighbor?A.Do s

8、ome housework for him regularly.B.Make food for him.C.Bring him out to eat.D.Invite him to his home.参考答案: 1.A; 2.B; 3.C; 4.B解析: 1.事实判断题。根据第一段:We started chatting and he began by telling me how his wife passed away in September last year. 2.推理判断题。根据第二段的 I was delighted to listen to his stories about可

9、知,老人的生活经历使得作者很高兴。3.推理判断题。根据第三段的 He said hes old and just talks to himself every day可知,平时老人很难找到人倾诉,每天自言自语打发时光。4.细节理解题。根据最后一段的 now I cant wait to surprise him with my food可知,作者想亲自为老人制作食品,这自然会加深他们之间的关系。完形填空Abbaye, a master artist, was ready to retire in 1392.One day,Bartoli, a rich Italian merchant, _1

10、_ him, saying, “Could you _2_ my portrait on my banquet room wall? Its 20 feet tall.”“Im ready to retire, ” Abbaye shook his head, “so Im not _3_ ” But seeing the disappointment in Bartolis eyes, he _4_ his mind, “Well, theres a possibility if you can find it in your _5_ to allow me to explore 3the

11、_6_ of my abilities.Furthermore, already I can see your _7_, so I insist that while I work your portrait stay _8_ even from you!”“No problem, ” Bartoli agreed, though he thought it was _9_, “Anything you wish, but it must look realistic.”Immediately the master artist _10_ a high curtain in front of

12、the wall, through which Bartoli couldnt see at all.A week passed.“How is it coming?” asked the _11_ Bartoli.“Its coming quite well.You see, a masterpiece _12_ quite a while at least, ” Abbaye answered from behind the _13_Another three, four weeks passed and _14_ half a year went by.Bartoli lost his

13、_15_ “Today I must see it!” he shouted.Stepping from behind the curtain _16_ surprised by such anger, Abbaye said calmly, “Thats fine.”“You needed only to request it.” And he _17_ aside the 20foot curtain.Bartoli stared at the masterpiece and then his mouth _18_ open.He was obviously so angry that h

14、is eyes _19_ red.So what was wrong? Abbaye had drawn to his hearts _20_ for 20 feet tall.Perhaps Bartoli couldnt tolerate his abstract expression, which Picasso would have been proud of.【解题导语】 本文为记叙文。绘画大师 Abbaye要退休了,富有的 Bartoli请他将自己的肖像画画在墙上,Abbaye 决定发挥自己最大的能力,尽情地在墙上作画。1A.sent for Bthought ofClaughed

15、 at Dheard fromA 解析:句意:一天,一个富有的意大利商人 Bartoli派人去请他send for派人去请;think of 想到;laugh at 嘲笑;hear from 收到某人的来信。2A.fix BmakeCpaint DrepairC 解析:根据空后的 my portrait可知,Bartoli 请 Abbaye将他的肖像画画到(paint)宴会室的墙上。fix 确定;make 制作;repair 修理。3A.possible BsharpCreliable DavailableD 解析:根据上文的“Im ready to retire, ” Abbaye shoo

16、k his head可知,Abbaye说自己要退休了,没有空。available“有空的” ,符合语境。possible 可能的;sharp尖锐的;reliable 可靠的。4A.formed Bchanged4Cgot DinsistedB 解析:根据下文的 Well, theres a possibility可知,他改变了主意(changed his mind)。form 形成;get 得到;insist 坚持。5A.heart BmindCroom DbrainA 解析:句意:好吧,如果你发自内心地让我探索自己能力的极限就有可能。in ones heart意为“发自内心” ,符合语境。m

17、ind 思想;room 房间;brain 大脑。6A.challenges BlimitsCcontrol DconfidenceB 解析:根据下文可知 Abbaye随心所欲地创作,是为了探索自己能力的极限(limit)。challenge挑战;control 控制;confidence 自信。7A.figure BportraitCimage DmasterpieceB 解析:根据上文的 my portrait on my banquet room wall可知,Abbaye 已经看过 Bartoli的肖像画(portrait)了。figure 人物,身材;image 画像,雕像;maste

18、rpiece杰作。8A.safe BlonelyCprivate DcoolC 解析:根据下文的 through which Bartoli couldnt see at all可知,Abbaye要求在画肖像画的时候,甚至 Bartoli都不能看。stay private意为“保持私密性” ,符合语境。safe 安全的;lonely 孤独的;cool 凉爽的,酷的。9A.terrible BcommonCfunny DstrangeD 解析:根据上文的 I insist that while I work your portrait stay _ even from you可知,Bartoli

19、 认为 Abbaye的要求有些奇怪(strange)。terrible 可怕的;common普通的;funny 滑稽的。10A.brought BdecoratedChung DboughtC 解析:根据空后的 a high curtain in front of the wall可知,这位绘画大师在墙前面挂(hang)了一个很高的窗帘。bring 带来;decorate 装饰;buy 买。11A.hopeful BanxiousCserious DcarefulA 解析:根据上文的 A week passed.“How is it coming?”可知,Bartoli 是满怀希望的(hope

20、ful)。anxious 焦虑的;serious 严肃的;careful 仔细的。512A.affords BspendsCcosts DtakesD 解析:此处是指一件杰作至少要花费(take)很长一段时间。take 花费(时间),主语为物;afford 负担得起;spend 花费,度过,主语为人;cost 花费(金钱),主语为物。13A.wall BcurtainCpicture DladderB 解析:根据上文的 a high curtain in front of the wall可知 Abbaye从窗帘(curtain)后面回答。wall 墙;picture 图画;ladder 梯子

21、。14A.in total BobviouslyCeventually Dabove allC 解析:根据空前的 Another three, four weeks passed可知最后(eventually)半年过去了。in total 总共;obviously 显然地;above all 最重要的是。15A.money BmoodCtemper DtasteC 解析:根据下文的 surprised by such anger可知,Bartoli 发脾气了。lose ones temper意为“发脾气” ,符合句意。money 钱;mood 情绪;taste 鉴赏力。16A.as if Be

22、ven ifCnow that Din caseA 解析:根据空前的 Stepping from behind the curtain可知,Abbaye 好像(as if)被这样的愤怒惊呆了。even if 甚至;now that 既然;in case 以防。17A.set BpulledCleft DstoodB 解析:本句句意:他拉开 20英尺的窗帘。set 设置;pull 拉;leave 离开;stand站立。18A.felt BremainedCkept DfellD 解析:根据上文的 Bartoli stared at the masterpiece可知,Bartoli 变得张口结舌

23、。fall open意为“变得张口结舌” ,符合语境。feel 感觉;remain 仍然是;keep 保持。19A.changed BshowedCfound DturnedD 解析:根据上文的 He was obviously so angry可知,他的眼睛变红了。turn red变红。20A.content Bconfidence6Cpower DdesignA 解析:此处是指 Abbaye把肖像尽情地画了 20英尺高。to ones hearts content意为“尽情地,心满意足地” ,符合语境。confidence 自信;power 力量;design设计。语法填空Also 1._

24、(know) as “paper paintings” and “painted pictures”, New Year paintings are 2._ unique art form in Chinese folk culture.The paintings are called “New Year paintings” because they are 3._(most) posted during the Chinese New Year holiday 4._ decoration and they are also a symbol of New Years greetings.

25、New Year paintings 5._(appear) around the Tang dynasty, replacing the previous door pictures 6._(feature) the gods believed to be able to protect the residents and drive away ghosts.In the Song dynasty, New Year paintings were created on a large scale.With the advancement of printing technology, the

26、 content and forms of New Year paintings became 7._(diversity)The development of the paintings matured in the Ming and Qing dynasties, 8._ the art hit its heyday(全盛期)Traditional printing 9._(method) of New Year paintings include woodblock printing, stoneblock printing, offset(胶印) printing, tradition

27、al Chinese painting, watercolor painting and sketches etc.Woodblock printed New Year paintings 10._(be) the most popular and interesting ones.【解题导语】 本文为说明文,涉及社会文化和习俗话题。本文主要介绍了中国的传统文化艺术之一年画的用途、起源和分类,彰显了中国元素。1known 解析:考查过去分词。空前无主语,故填非谓语动词。be known as“作为而知名” ,故填 known。2a 解析:考查冠词。年画是中国民间文化中的一种独特的艺术形式。此处

28、表示泛指,故填不定冠词。unique 的发音不是以元音音素开头的,故用 a。3mostly 解析:考查副词。因为它们通常都在春节期间被张贴,作为装饰画。修饰谓语动词用副词。mostly“通常,多半,大部分” 。4for 解析:考查介词。此处表示目的,故用介词 for。5appeared 解析:考查时态。年画大约起源于唐代,表示过去发生的动作,故使用一般过去时。6featuring 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:代替先前的以神为特色的门画。分析句子结构可知,空处作定语修饰 door pictures。door pictures与 feature之间存在7逻辑上的主谓关系,故填动词的ing 形式作定

29、语,feature 在此是动词,意为“以为特色” 。7diverse/diversified 解析:考查词性转换。在本句的系表结构中,作表语的应是形容词。diverse“多种多样的” 。也可填 diversified“多样化的” 。8when 解析:考查定语从句引导词。年画在明清时期走向成熟,达到鼎盛。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,且从句中缺少时间状语,故填 when。9methods 解析:考查名词单复数。从后文可知,年画的制作工艺有很多种,故填method的复数形式。10are 解析:考查主谓一致和时态。木版年画最为盛行,也最有趣。由主语paintings 可知,谓语动词应使用复数。

30、且此处是对客观情况的陈述,应用一般现在时。、七选五The book A Big Fat Crisis: The Hidden Forces Behind Obesity and How We Can End It by Deborah Cohen, a senior natural scientist, is very popular now. 1 But according to this book, the following are some misunderstandings of obesity or being overweight.1. If youre obese, blame

31、 your genes.2 Yet, between 1980 and 2000, the number of Americans who are obese has doubled too quickly for genetic factors to be responsible. At restaurants, a dollar puts more calories on our plates than ever before, because restaurant meals usually have more calories than what we prepare at home,

32、 so people who eat out more frequently have higher rates of obesity than those who eat out less.2. If youre obese, you lack self-control.Research shows that if we are faced with too much information, we have a tendency to make poor choices on diet. 3 Even the most vigilant(警觉的) people may not be goo

33、d controllers of themselves.3. 4 Although the US Department of Agriculture estimates that fewer than 5 percent of Americans live in the food deserts, about 65 percent of the 8nations population is obese. For most of us, obesity is not related to access to more fresh fruits and vegetables, but to the

34、 choices we make in supermarkets.4. The problem is not that we eat too much, but that we dont exercise.Michelle Obamas Lets Move campaign is based on the idea that if kids exercise more, childhood obesity rates will decrease. 5 In fact, although a drop in work-related physical activity may explain u

35、p to 100 fewer calories burned, leisure physical activity appears to have increased.A. Lack of access to fresh fruits and vegetables is a cause of obesity.B. Obesity rates have increased.C. Fresh fruits and vegetables we choose in a supermarket are related to obesity.D. But there was no obvious decr

36、ease in physical activity levels as obesity rates climbed in the 1980s and 1990s.E. People hold different views on obesity.F. People benefit a lot from physical activities.G. Our world has become so rich in food that we can be led to consume too much in ways we cant understand.【语篇解读】肥胖是现代社会的主要问题之一。D

37、eborah Cohen 的 A Big Fat Crisis: The Hidden Forces Behind Obesity and How We Can End It一书中,作者介绍了人们对肥胖问题的几种误解。1.E 【解析】根据下句由转折意义的内容But according to this book, the following are some misunderstandings of obesity or being overweight.(但该书认为下面几点是关于肥胖的几点误解)可知,人们对肥胖问题观点不一,故 E项正确。2.B 【解析】根据下句内容Yet, between 1

38、980 and 2000, the number of Americans who are obese has doubled too quickly for genetic factors to be responsible.(然而,在 1980年到 2000年,美国肥胖的人数就翻了一番。该速度太快,可见肥胖并非遗传因素所致)可知,此处表示肥胖比例有所增加,故 B项正确。93.G 【解析】根据上句Research shows that if we are faced with too much information, we have a tendency to make poor choi

39、ces on diet.(研究表明,如果我们面临太多信息,我们很可能会就节食作出糟糕的选择)可知,该句应表示我们现在的食物如此丰富以致于我们会被引导以自己难以想象的方式去消耗食物,故选 G项。5.D 【解析】根据下句although a drop in work-related physical activity may explain up to 100 fewer calories burned, leisure physical activity appears to have increased.(尽管跟工作相关的体力活动减少导致人们少燃烧多达 100卡路里,但休闲体力活动似乎有所增加

40、)可知,在二十世纪八十年代和九十年代,人们的体力活动并未明显减少,故选 D项。、短文改错My father is the man I respect most.Strict as he may be,however he never fails to show her care and consideration.Once I broke a neighbor window.Seeing nobody around,I ran away immediately.When Dad came home,he noticed my uneasiness and asked me what has h

41、appened.I could only tell him a truth.Instead of scold,he praised my honesty and then encouraged me to apologize our neighbor.I learned from this incident that not only does Dad take care of my health and he also teaches me what to be a good citizen.How luckily I am to have such a good father!【答案】 M

42、y father is the man I respect most.Strict as he may be, he never howeverfails to show care and consideration.Once I broke a window.Seeing herhis neighborneighborsnobody around,I ran away immediately.When Dad came home,he noticed my uneasiness and asked me what happened.I could only tell him truth.In

43、stead hashad atheof ,he praised my honesty and then encouraged me to apologize our scoldscolding toneighbor.I learned from this incident that not only does Dad take care of my 10health he also teaches me to be a good citizen.How I am to have andbut whathow luckilyluckysuch a good father!第一处:删除 howev

44、er。考查连词。在 as引导的让步状语从句中,表语放句首时,从句倒装,分析句子结构可知,however 多余。第二处:herhis。考查代词。与上文人称代词 he保持一致,可知,此处应用形容词性物主代词 his。第三处:neighborneighbors。考查名词所有格形式。此处用名词所有格形式作定语,修饰名词 window。第四处:hashad。考查动词时态。与 asked呼应可知,此处应用过去完成时,表示过去的过去。第五处:athe。考查冠词。tell the truth 为固定词组搭配,符合语境,故用定冠词the。第六处:scoldscolding。考查动名词。介词后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,故用动名词scolding作介词 of的宾语。第七处:our 前加 to。考查介词。apologize to sb.意为“向某人道歉” ,为固定词组搭配,故用介词 to。第八处:andbut。考查连词,not only.but also.意为“不但而且” ,为固定结构,故用连词 but。第九处:whathow。考查疑问词。与 teaches呼应可知,此处表示方式,故用 how。第十处:luckilylucky。考查形容词。与 I am呼应可知,此处应用形容词 lucky作表语。


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