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1、UL 298ISBN 0-7629-0124-1Portable Electric Hand LampsSeptember 16, 1998 UL 298 tr1Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)333 Pfingsten RoadNorthbrook, IL 60062-2096UL Standard for SafetyforPortable Electric Hand Lamps, UL 298Fourth Edition, Dated November 25, 1996Revisions: This Standard contains revisio

2、ns through and including September 16, 1998. UL is in the processof converting its Standards for Safety to the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). SGML aninternational standard (ISO 8879-1986) is a descriptive markup language that describes a documentsstructure and purpose, rather than its

3、physical appearance on the page. Significant benefits that will result fromULs use of SGML are increased productivity, reduced turnaround times, and data and information consistency,reusability, shareability, and portability. The changes noted in these revised pages are needed to modify theformat an

4、d layout of this Standard to allow it to be converted to SGML. These editorial changes are now ineffect.A change is indicated by a note following the affected item. The note is preceded and followed by an asterisk.The revisions dated September 16, 1998 include a reprinted title page (page 1) for thi

5、s Standard.As indicated on the title page (page 1), this UL Standard for Safety has been adopted by the Department ofDefense.The master for this Standard at ULs Northbrook Office is the official document insofar as it relates to a ULservice and the compliance of a product with respect to the require

6、ments for that product and service, or if thereare questions regarding the accuracy of this Standard.ULs Standards for Safety are copyrighted by UL. Neither a printed copy of a Standard, nor the distributiondiskette for a Standard-on-Diskette and the file for the Standard on the distribution diskett

7、e should be alteredin any way. All of ULs Standards and all copyrights, ownerships, and rights regarding those Standards shallremain the sole and exclusive property of UL.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmittedin any form by an

8、y means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise without priorpermission of UL.Revisions of UL Standards for Safety are issued from time to time. A UL Standard for Safety is current only ifit incorporates the most recently adopted revisions.UL provides this Standard as is withou

9、t warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but notlimited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose.In no event will UL be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages, includingloss of profits, lost savings, loss o

10、f data, or any other damages arising out of the use of or the inability to usethis Standard, even if UL or an authorized UL representative has been advised of the possibility of suchdamage. In no event shall ULs liability for any damage ever exceed the price paid for this Standard, regardlessof the

11、form of the claim.tr2 September 16, 1998 UL 298UL will attempt to answer support requests concerning WordPerfect, Envoy, and Standards-on-Diskette.However, this support service is offered on a reasonable efforts basis only, and UL may not be able to resolveevery support request. UL supports a Standa

12、rds-on-Diskette only if it is used under the conditions and operatingsystems for which it is intended. ULs support polices may change from time-to-time without notification.UL reserves the right to change the format, presentation, file types and formats, delivery methods and formats,and the like of

13、both its printed and electronic Standards without prior notice.Standards-on-Diskette purchasers agree to defend, indemnify, and hold UL harmless from and against anyloss, expense, liability, damage, claim, or judgement (including reasonable attorneys fees) resulting from anyerror or deviation introd

14、uced while purchaser is storing a Standard-on-Diskette on the purchasers computersystem.If a single-user version Standards-on-Diskette was purchased, one copy of this Standard may be stored on thehard disk of a single personal computer, or on a single LAN file-server or the permanent storage device

15、of amultiple-user computer in such a manner that this Standard may only be accessed by one user at a time andfor which there is no possibility of multiple concurrent access. The original distribution diskette should be storedin a safe place.If a multiple-user version Standards-on-Diskette was purcha

16、sed, one copy of the Standard may be stored ona single LAN file-server, or on the permanent storage device of a multiple-user computer. The number ofconcurrent users shall not exceed the number of users authorized for the Standards-on-Diskette version. Theoriginal distribution diskette should be sto

17、red in a safe place.Standards-on-Diskette are intended for on-line use, such as for viewing the requirements of a Standard,conducting a word search, and the like. Only one copy of the Standard may be printed from each single-userversion of a Standards-on-Diskette. Only one copy of the Standard may b

18、e printed for each authorized userof a multiple-user version of a Standards-on-Diskette. An employee of an organization purchasing a Standard-on-Diskette can make a copy of the page or pages being viewed for their own fair and/or practical internal use.Because of differences in the computer/software

19、/printer setup used by UL and those of Standards-on-Diskettepurchasers, the printed copy obtained by a purchaser may not look exactly like the on-line screen view or theprinted Standard.The requirements in this Standard are now in effect, except for those paragraphs, sections, tables, figures,and/or

20、 other elements of the Standard having future effective dates as indicated in the note following theaffected item. The prior text for requirements that have been revised and that have a future effective date arelocated after the Standard, and are preceded by a SUPERSEDED REQUIREMENTS notice.New prod

21、uct submittals made prior to a specified future effective date will be judged under all of therequirements in this Standard including those requirements with a specified future effective date, unless theapplicant specifically requests that the product be judged under the current requirements. Howeve

22、r, if theapplicant elects this option, it should be noted that compliance with all the requirements in this Standard willbe required as a condition of continued Listing, Recognition and Follow-Up Services after the effective date,and understanding of this should be signified in writing.Copyright 199

23、8 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.September 16, 1998 UL 298 tr3This Standard consists of pages dated as shown in the following checklist:Page Datetr1 tr4 . September 16, 19981 . November 25, 1996 (Reprinted September 16, 1998)2 . September 16, 19983 7 . November 25, 19968 10, 10A, 10B . September 16,

24、199811 14 . November 25, 199615 . July 17, 199716 26, A1, A2 . November 25, 1996tr4 September 16, 1998 UL 298No Text on This PageNOVEMBER 25, 1996(Title Page Reprinted: September 16, 1998)1UL 298Standard forPortable Electric Hand LampsPrior to the first edition, the requirements for the products cov

25、ered by this standardwere included in the Standard for Cord Sets and Power-Supply Cords, UL 817.First Edition October, 1975Second Edition November, 1980Third Edition November, 1991Fourth EditionNovember 25, 1996An effective date included as a note immediately following certain requirements is oneest

26、ablished by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.The Department of Defense (DoD) has adopted UL 298 on April 23, 1984. Thepublication of revised pages or a new edition of this standard will not invalidate theDoD adoption.Revisions of this standard will be made by issuing revised or additional pages bearing

27、their date of issue. A UL Standard is current only if it incorporates the most recentlyadopted revisions, all of which are itemized on the transmittal notice thataccompanies the latest set of revised requirements.ISBN 0-7629-0124-1COPYRIGHT 1975, 1998 UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC.2 PORTABLE ELECTRI

28、C HAND LAMPS UL 298 SEPTEMBER 16, 1998CONTENTSFOREWORDINTRODUCTION1 Scope . 52 Glossary . 53 Components . 64 Units of Measurement . 65 References . 6CONSTRUCTION6 General . 67 Spacings . 78 Enclosure and Other Insulating Materials . 79 Hand Lamp Fittings . 810 Lampholder . 10A11 Lamp Guard . 1112 Sw

29、itches . 1113 Power-Supply Cord . 1214 Strain Relief . 1215 Terminal Identification and Wiring . 1316 Grounding . 1317 Protection Against Corrosion . 1318 Protection Against Personal Injury . 13PERFORMANCEGENERAL19 Conductor Secureness . 1420 Strain Relief . 1421 Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Conduct

30、ors . 1422 Crushing . 1423 Accelerated Aging . 1524 Extended Use Test . 1625 Insulation Resistance . 1626 Normal Temperature Test . 1727 Dielectric Voltage-Withstand . 1828 Abnormal Operation . 1829 Drop Test . 2030 Grounding Path Resistance . 21NOVEMBER 25, 1996 PORTABLE ELECTRIC HAND LAMPS UL 298

31、3RECEPTACLE OUTLETS31 General . 2132 Retention of Attachment Plugs . 2133 Overload . 2134 Temperature . 2235 Resistance to Arcing . 22LAMPHOLDERS36 General . 2237 Security of Screw Shell . 23MANUFACTURING AND PRODUCTION TESTS38 Dielectric Voltage-Withstand . 23RATING39 General . 24MARKING40 General

32、. 24APPENDIX AStandards for Components . A14 PORTABLE ELECTRIC HAND LAMPS UL 298 NOVEMBER 25, 1996FOREWORDA. This Standard contains basic requirements for products covered by UnderwritersLaboratories Inc. (UL) under its Follow-Up Service for this category within thelimitations given below and in the

33、 Scope section of this Standard. These requirementsare based upon sound engineering principles, research, records of tests and fieldexperience, and an appreciation of the problems of manufacture, installation, and usederived from consultation with and information obtained from manufacturers, users,i

34、nspection authorities, and others having specialized experience. They are subject torevision as further experience and investigation may show is necessary or desirable.B. The observance of the requirements of this Standard by a manufacturer is one ofthe conditions of the continued coverage of the ma

35、nufacturers product.C. A product which complies with the text of this Standard will not necessarily bejudged to comply with the Standard if, when examined and tested, it is found to haveother features which impair the level of safety contemplated by these requirements.D. A product employing material

36、s or having forms of construction differing from thosedetailed in the requirements of this Standard may be examined and tested accordingto the intent of the requirements and, if found to be substantially equivalent, may bejudged to comply with the Standard.E. UL, in performing its functions in accor

37、dance with its objectives, does not assumeor undertake to discharge any responsibility of the manufacturer or any other party.The opinions and findings of UL represent its professional judgment given with dueconsideration to the necessary limitations of practical operation and state of the artat the

38、 time the Standard is processed. UL shall not be responsible to anyone for theuse of or reliance upon this Standard by anyone. UL shall not incur any obligation orliability for damages, including consequential damages, arising out of or in connectionwith the use, interpretation of or reliance upon t

39、his Standard.F. Many tests required by the Standards of UL are inherently hazardous andadequate safeguards for personnel and property shall be employed in conductingsuch tests.NOVEMBER 25, 1996 PORTABLE ELECTRIC HAND LAMPS UL 298 5INTRODUCTION1 Scope1.1 These requirements cover portable electric hand lamps rated 125 V, 300 W or less for use in accordancewith the National Electrical Code.1.2 These requirements cover incandescent Edison-base portable electric hand lamp


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