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1、教材同步复习,第一部分,Grade 7 Book 1,Units 14(含Starter),温馨提示: 所列词汇辨析类、词汇用法类和句型应用类均按照近五年云南省卷、曲靖卷与昆明卷共13套试卷的单项填空题、词形填空和词组翻译题型涉及的考点批注考情。,中考考点 精讲,2,3,更多初中常见的提建议句型:,4, 活学巧练 1What about going shopping tomorrow afternoon? _. I have to look after my younger sister. AGood job BIm afraid not CSounds great DId love to 2

2、Youd better _ your friends for help when you are in trouble. Aask Bto ask Casked Dasking,B,A,5,3I like drawing pictures in my spare time. What about _? I like playing the violin, which makes me relaxed. Ayourself Byours Cyou Dyour 4The weather is fine today. What about _ hiking this weekend?(go) 5In

3、 order to have a good rest, youd better not _ up to watch Running Man 8.(stay),C,going,stay,6,7,8, 活学巧练 6Thanks for _ me with my science.(help) 7Thanks _ your advice and encouragement, I have found a right learning method and made great progress. Afor Bwith Cto Dby,helping,C,9,8Thank you for helping

4、 me carry the heavy box. _. AHelp yourself BIts a pity CNo problem DMy pleasure 9_ free education, the poor children in my hometown can go back to school. AThanks to BThanks for CInstead of DAs for,D,A,10,重点突破(二) help的用法,11, 活学巧练 10Im really too busy with my homework and I cant help my mother _ the

5、housework.(do) 11I couldnt help _ when I was watching the movie Three Billboards(三块广告牌)(cry) 12_ her teacher, Linda isnt afraid of speaking English in public anymore.(在的帮助下),do,crying,With the help of,12,13_ these dishes! They were specially cooked for you.(请自便) 14Mike, let me help you _ your broken

6、 bike, or you will be late for school. Thank you, Dad. Arepaired Brepair Crepairing Drepairs,Help yourself with,B,13,14, 活学巧练 15My friend asked me _ for him at the gate.(wait) 16When I meet difficulties, I often ask my good friends _ help. Ato Bfrom Cfor Dwith 17The teacher asked us _ the door and t

7、he windows before we left the lab. Aclosing Bclosed Cclose Dto close,to wait,C,D,15,分析云南省近四年中考真题, 书面表达涉及人物介绍相关的话题共有过七次, 写人叙事类作文主要涵盖以下几方面: 描述人物性格外貌特征, 发掘人格闪光点, 达到情感升华; 记叙生活中的一件小事或一件特殊而有意义的事, 感悟事情本质, 寻找内心触动点。多考查第一人称的使用, 在描述发生在过去的事情时考查对一般过去时的正确使用。 主体时态: 一般现在时、一般过去时 主要人称: 第三人称、第一人称,话题写作 指导,人物介绍(2018年1次;

8、 2017年2次; 2016年2次; 2015年2次),16,1I know a person of personality. 2Some people are interesting; some are outgoing. Theres also someone you can never forget. 3My mother is the greatest person Ive ever met. 4Let me tell you something about an ordinary, yet not so common man. 5is my hero. Let me tell you

9、 something about him. 6Time may take away something, but it will not bring away my memory of,17,7For me, is an amazing person. 8is the person who shows me what love is. 9In the year of, I met someone important. 10My father is not only smart, but very interesting. Here is something about him.,18,1Jan

10、e是我的英语老师, 让我说说关于她的事。 Jane is my English teacher. Let me tell you something about her. 2有的人和我一起学习, 有的人和我一起欢笑, 总有些人让我难忘。 Some people study with me; some laugh out with me. Theres always someone I can never forget. 3我的朋友让我知道什么是感激。 My friend showed me what gratefulness was.,19,4对于我来说, 他就是个特别的人。 For me,

11、he is a special person. 5我认识一个性格有趣的人。 I know a person of interesting personality.,20,1She/He is ofbuilt. 2She/He hashair. 3I find it is for her/him to do sth. 4Without her/his, I wouldnt be able to 5Thanks to 6It gives me a great lesson about 7Ill always bear it in mind. 8It takes sb. some time to d

12、o sth.,21,1赵老师中等身材。 Ms./Mr. Zhao is of medium build. 2他如此乐于助人, 我常常发现他帮助周围的人。 Hes so kind that I always find him help people around. 3多亏这件事, 让我明白有一颗善良的心是最重要的。 Thanks to this, I understand having a kind heart is the most important thing. 4这个人让我如此难忘。 This person is so unforgettable to/for me. 5我们花了半小时坐

13、汽车到海滩。 It takes us half an hour to get to the beach by bus.,22,1She is the one who gives me more than love, but also a kind heart to love. 2Of all the people I know, he may not be the best, but he never stops trying to be the best. 3My mom is important to me, because she teaches me knowledge and thi

14、ngs beyond knowledge. 4I love my father so much, not only because he is my hero, but also he seeds courage in me.,23,5My teacher gave me the confidence to learn and a key to a brand new world. 6A friend in need is a friend indeed. 7The one who offers you help is kind. The one who teaches you to help

15、 is generous, because he gives you a chance to be kind.,24,1老师不仅给了我爱, 还教会我怎么做一个善良的人。 My teacher is the one who gives me more than love, but also teaches me to be a kind person. 2在我认识的所有人里, 杰克是我最好的朋友。 Of all the people I know, Jack is my best friend. 3老师教我知识, 更教我自信。 My teacher teaches me knowledge an

16、d shows me how to be confident.,25,4我很喜欢外婆, 因为她不仅给我爱, 更将善良植于我心。 I love my grandmother deeply, not only because she gives me love, but also she seeds kindness in me. 5妈妈给了我生命, 也给了我通往美丽世界的钥匙。 My mother gives me life, and also a key to a beautiful world.,26,请根据以下信息写一篇短文 杰克中等身材, 金发碧眼, 乐于助人, 很喜欢打篮球。他虽然是英

17、国人, 但他的中文说得很好, 目前在北京上学。 Jack is an English boy. He is of medium build. He has blond hair and blue eyes. Jack loves to help around and he likes playing basketball a lot. Although he is a British, he can speak English very well. He goes to school in Beijing now.,27,请根据以下信息将短文补充完整: 自我介绍类,28,介绍他人类,29,介绍

18、他人类,30,(2017昆明) My_ 要求: 1请把题目补充完整再作答, 例如: 你可以写“My dream”, “My hometown”, “My pet dog”等。 2注意紧扣主题, 意思连贯, 语言通顺, 书写规范。 3文中不得使用真实姓名和校名, 如需使用名字, 请用Mike, Gina等英文名字, 校名统一用Guangming Middle School; 4词数不少于60。,31,1文体: 本文题目是“My_”, 要求考生介绍与自己相关的人或物, 属于说明文。 2人称: 谈论与自己相关的人或物应该采用第_人称, 谈论自己的感受应该使用第_人称。 3时态: 谈论人可采用_; 谈

19、论以前认识的人必须采用_。 4写作要点: 介绍这个人或物是谁/什么; 这个人或物有什么特点; 与自己有怎样的故事。,32,33,My FriendShe cares for me; she gives me love; she is a true friend. Shes Gina.It was a cold winter morning. I had a bad cold. Nobody noticed except Gina. She rushed to the school clinic and brought some medicine for me. Then, she gave m

20、e some hot water., 用when来连接这两个句子,34,I watched her doing so many things for me and I cried. I knew today would be hard without her help. A good friend may not be a perfect person. In my opinion, the friendly help matters the most, and thats what makes a friendship perfect. I think she is one of the m

21、ost important persons in my life., 丰富动词和形容词,35,My Friend She cares for me; she gives me love; she is a true friend. Shes Gina. It was a cold winter morning when I had a bad cold. Nobody noticed except Gina. She rushed to the school clinic and brought some medicine for me. Then, she gave some hot wat

22、er. I watched her doing so many things for me, tears filled up my eyes. I knew today would be hard without her help. A good friend may not be a perfect person. In my opinion, the friendly help matters the most, and thats what makes a friendship perfect. Such a friend shall always be the most importa

23、nt person in my life.,36,自古以来“友善”是中华民族的传统美德。英才国际学校广播台正在进行“我友好, 我善良”系列人物介绍。请你根据下列表格中的提示和要求, 写一篇介绍江明同学的文字稿。,37,参考词汇: say hello to ;make friends;kindness;get on well with;care about 写作要求: 1.词数不少于60(短文的开头已给出, 不计入总词数); 2.内容完整, 语言流畅, 不要逐句翻译, 可适当发挥; 3.短文中不得出现真实的姓名及校名。,38,Good morning, everyone!Today I am g

24、oing to introduce a teenager. His name is Jiang Ming. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,He is in Class Three, Grade Nine. Last Friday was a terrible day. It rained very hard and I fell down on my way to school. Jiang Ming tried hard to help me to stand up. No matter how hard we tried, I could not stand up. My ankle

25、s were so weak and hurt. He carried me on his back and ran to the nearest hospital in the heavy rain.Although Jiang Ming and I are not classmates, in fact, we were not even friends before last Friday. He offered his help the moment I needed it. He has such a kind heart that he is ready to help anyone. Besides that, he is always friendly and polite.This is my new friend, and he is a shining star in our school.,39,1文体: _ 2人称: _ 3时态: _,记叙文,第三人称,一般现在时; 一般过去时,40,41,


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