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1、1Lesson 3 Good Food, Good Healthy同步教案Navigation of the course(课程导航)Teaching aims(教学目标)1. 掌握本课单词和短语2. 了解食物的分类,即可划分谷物类、水果蔬菜类、蛋白质类、钙类食物3. 提醒学生饮食均衡对健康的重要性,改掉自己日常不良的饮食习惯Teaching important points(教学重点)1. New words and phrases of Lesson 3.2. Know about the balanced diet.Teaching difficult points(教学难点)Talk

2、about balanced dietGuiding teaching scene(教学情景导入)Good morning, class. What did you eat for breakfast? (S: ) Is there someone who had nothing for breakfast? What do you think of it? I think its bad for your body to have nothing for breakfast. And a balanced diet is important for our healthy. What is

3、a balanced diet? Lets know about it.Teaching steps(教学过程设计)Step1. Warming up: Discuss the following question, offering some pictures of food.What kinds of food do you have everyday?Food from grainFruit vegetables Salad Protein foods Calcium foodsStep2. Learning new words of the text.corn 玉米 Asian 亚洲

4、include 包括 vitamin n. 维生素 mineral n. 矿物 fibre n. 纤维 salad n. 色拉 yogurt n. 酸奶 protein n. 蛋白质 balanced adj.平衡的 diet n. 饮食 soy n. 大豆 bean n. 豆子 bone n. 骨头calcium n. 钙 contain v. 包含 wolf n. 狼 grain n. 谷物Step3. Listening tasks: Listen to the tape twice and then tell the sentences are true or false.Rice i

5、s made from grain.Vegetables are usually sweet.People in west countries often eat tofu.Step4. Reading tasks: Read the text with following questions and then answer 2them, please.What is salad made of?Its made of fresh vegetables and fruits.How does Calcium help your body?It makes your bones and teet

6、h strong.What should you do to have a balanced diet?You need to eat some food from each food group.Step5. Explain the text and learning the language notes.1. Milk, cheese and yogurt contain calcium. 牛奶,奶酪 和酸奶包含钙。contain v. 包含,容纳Beer contains alcohol. 啤酒里含有酒精。The speech contained some interesting ide

7、as. 这个演讲包含一些有趣的思想。2. Breakfast cereal is also made of different grains. 早餐麦片粥也是用不同的谷类制成的。be made of 由制成,从成品能看出原料be made from 由制成,从成品看不出原料be made into 被制成,主语为原料,后面是成品be made by 被制成,后接动作的执行者be made in 在制造,后接地点Step5. Evaluation standards:I. 根据汉语提示完成句子1. In some East _ (亚洲的) countries, people often eat

8、tofu.2. Fruit and vegetables help you grow and stay_(健康).3.Do you eat a _(均衡饮食)?4. The book _ (包括) four parts.II. 单项选择1. This chair is made _ wood.A. of B. from C. in D. into2. Fruit and vegetable _ rich in vitamins.A. be B. is C. are D. /3. My coat is different _ yours.A. from B. to C. with D. and答案:I. 1. Asian 2.healthy 3.balanced diet 4. includesII. 1.A 2.C 3.AHomework(作业)31. Finish off the activity book.2. Preview the next reading in the student book.3. Make a chart of a balanced diet for yourself.


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