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1、1Topic 1 China attracts millions of tourists from all over the worldSection C【学习目标】1、我能听、说、读、写、四会单词:state, remain, separate, enemy, expect, treasure; 我能认读和理解下列短语:suppose, stretch fromto , bring into, be regarded as, be famous for。2、进一步掌握 that /which 引导的定语从句的用法。3、阅读中根据句子的含义辨认单词,猜测陌生词语。【重点难点】1、进一步掌握 t

2、hat /which 引导的定语从句的用法。2、能读懂介绍长城相关知识的短文,在阅读中能根据语境推测、理解生词的含义。【学法指导】阅读时遇到长句子不用怕,注意划分句子结构。把复合句分解成咱们最拿手的简单句。聪明的你一定能够做到。【知识回顾】 “温故而知新”“龙”在我国文化中占有举足轻重的地位,运用所学完成下面填空练习:1. Dragon is the animal _ has become the symbol of the Chinese nation.2. Dragon _ _ _ _ in Chinese festivals.【快乐预习】1、通过阅读图片,我可以预测出这篇文章讲述的是:_

3、2、根据 1a 中 Pre-reading 部分提示回答下列问题(这些问题没有标准答案哦,各抒己见吧!)How long is the Great Wall?_What is the Great Wall made of?_Whats the symbol of the Great Wall?2_(也许你对这些问题你还不能给出合理答案,学完本课后你就会豁然开朗哦!)【自主学习】 我的学习我做主任务一:泛读 1a 内容,完成 1b 练习。尝试用英语解释英语单词,能够能够帮助咱们更准确把握单词含义。1. separate: ;2. enemy: ;3. expect: ;4. treasure:

4、;任务二:精读 1a 内容,完成 1c 图表填空。【合作学习】小组讨论:小组成员分工,快速在文中找出下列短语,相互核对答案并检查朗读发音。从延伸至 _ jointogether _wear away _ 把分开 _把当作 _ be famous for _小组互学:以小组为单位,检查 1b 主题句选择是否正确;小组成员间相互讨论,共同完成1c 填空练习。【展示交流】Believe in yourself! 相信自己,你是最棒的!挑战一:复述文章根据核对后的 1c 图表,尝试复述文章内容。挑战二:你问我答 小组讨论 2 部分活动,根据讨论结果陈述小组观点。【你探我究】联想归纳:Suppose y

5、ou are a tourist guide and your group members are tourists from America (who are very interested in the history of the Great Wall).这个长句子是一个含有多个从句的复合句。主句为祈使句,_做suppose 的宾语,是一个宾语从句。由并列连词_连接并列句_。括号中的句子为_引导的_从句,修饰先行词_,关系代词_在此处做主语,_省略。3遇到类似的长句子,切忌慌乱,运用所学知识对其进行句子结构分析,往往会起到事半功倍的效果。尝试对下列句子划分句子结构:1. These ea

6、rly walls that were made of packed earth and wood wore away in the rain and wind.2. Most of the Great Wall that can be seen today was built during the Ming dynasty.【达标检测】 ( )1、He is one of _in my classA. the tallest boys B. the tallest boy C. the tall boys D. tallest boys ( )2、This is the most inter

7、esting book _I have ever readA. what B. which C. that D. it ( )3、Break the eggs and separate the whites _the yolksA. from B. to C. in D. on ( )4、In the course of centuries, the wind has worn the rocks _A. from B. away C. into D. as( )5、He regards Tom _his best friendA. on B. to C. for D. as ( )6、Mos

8、t of _Great Wall was rebuilt during _Ming dynastyA. the , a B. , the C. the , D. the, the( )7、The book , _you borrowed from school library, has been returned.A. which B. who C. that D.where( )8、My little sister brought her boys _her bedroomA. to B. on C. into D.from【学后反思】 本课我学会的新词有: ;短语有:_。我还掌握了一个实用的阅读技巧,做阅读时,遇到长句子要_,能够达到事半功倍的效果。4通过本课的学习,使我了解到长城的伟大,民族自豪感油然而生。这堂课我的困惑是:_。


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