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1、1Topic 3 Now it is a symbol of EnglandUnit5 Topic3 SectionD 教学案例设计. Material analysis本课是九年级英语第五单元第三话题的最后一课,本课的主活动为 1a。介绍了世界七大奇迹之一的金字塔,复习了并列连词的用法,通过完成 1b 的表格培养学生根据有效的阅读策略获取有用信息的能力。通过 2 和 project 的任务设置训练学生根据图文理解相关话题的能力,并提高根据要求进行学习活动的能力,让学生体验合作学习的乐趣和成效,同时开拓视野,增进对世界著名文化遗产的了解。.Teaching aims1. Knowledge a

2、ims: 1)Words and phrases:complete, order sb. to do sth., ton, fix, tool, continue to do sth.2)Grammar:学习并列连词 eitheror, not onlybut also, both.and和neithernor的用法。学习主谓一致的用法。 2. Skill aims:1)能通过阅读介绍金字塔的短文总结文章大意。2)能读懂有关金字塔的短文,并能够获取有用信息。3)能根据图文理解相关话题,并根据要求进行学习活动。3. Emotional aims:鼓励学生积极参与并乐于与他人合作,共同完成学习任务

3、。4. Culture awareness:了解世界七大奇迹和世界新七大奇迹的知识。5. Learning strategies:能够养成复习的好习惯,温故知新。. The key points and difficult points21. Words and phrases:complete, order sb. to do sth., ton, fix, tool, continue to do sth.2. Sentences:1) Studies show that it took 100 000 people over 20 years to complete it. 2) The

4、 completion of the Great Pyramid shows the wisdom and the achievements of ancient Egyptian working people. 3. Grammar: 1) Conjunctions; 2) Agreement of subject and predicate. . Teaching aids多媒体课件,世界七大奇迹的图片。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activity Re

5、marks1Getting students ready for learning(3mins)Class activity1.Greeting.2.Check the homework.1.Greeting. 2.Report their homework. 2Revision(5 mins)Individual workGuide students to review grammar and functions.1.Sum up the usage of conjunctions. 2.Fill in the blanks in grammar according to the summa

6、ry. 3.Check the answers.4.Translate the 教师先让学生总结前几课学到的并列连词的用法,阐述复习总结的重要性,然后要求学生独立完成,3sentences in Functions into Chinese.教师适时指导。Pair workShow the pictures of the Egyptian pyramids. Ask students to talk about them with partners. Talk about the picture in pairs. Guess what they will learn in todays le

7、sson.3Pre-reading(5mins)Class activityAsk students to report something they know or they have searched about the pyramid.Make a report about the Egyptian pyramids they searched before class.本环节要求学生在课前做好准备,教师要强调预习的重要性。展示收集的信息时,可先让可能会完成较好的学生示范,逐渐让更多学生加入。4While-reading(14 mins)Individual work1.Ask stud

8、ents to read and finish choosing the title.2.Then Guide students to check the 1.Read the passage after the record, then choose the best title for it.2.And check the answers.通过略读了解文章大意,选出恰当的题目。在提问核对答案时,教师要根据不同问题的4answers.Individual work1.Ask students to read the table of 1b.2.Ask students to scan the

9、 passage and complete the table.3.Ask three students to check the answers.1.Read through the table.2.Read the passage carefully and complete the table.3.Check the answers together.Group workAsk students to discuss in groups and ask anything they cant understand.Discuss in groups of three or four to

10、understand the passage. The other groups help them to solve the question; teacher can offer help if possible.难易程度,有目的地选择不同基础的学生回答,让每名学生都能有效地参与到课堂活动中来。在 学 生提 问 环 节 里 ,提 倡 先 由 其他 组 帮 助 回答 , 教 师 补充 说 明 。55Post-reading(15 mins)Group work1.Show pictures of the New Seven Wonders of the world. Ask students

11、 to match them.2.Guides students to check the answers. 3.Introduce more about the New Seven Wonders of the world. 4.Divide the class into seven groups and ask them to prepare to complete Project.5.Ask students to 1.Work in groups to match them according to the knowledge they searched before class.2.

12、Choose one member of their group mates to report the answers. 3.Know more about the New Seven Wonders of the world.4.Each group chooses one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Write down information they searched before class under the pictures of the Seven Wonders of the World.5.Choose one member to

13、 introduce their 向学生进行文化意识的教育。使学生接受属于全人类先进文化的熏陶,了解更多的世界文化遗产,开阔学生的视野,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。6share the posters. works in front of the class.6Summarizing and assigning homework(3 mins)Class activity1.Ask students to sum up the key points.2.Repeat the key points.3.Assign homework. 1.Sum up the main content of thi

14、s class. 2.Read through what they have learnt after the teacher.3.1) Review the key points of this topic.2) Complete a passage to introduce one of the Seven Wonders of the World. 3) Preview the new section. 基础薄弱的学生完成第一项和第三项作业即可,基础好的学生可选择完成第二项作业。. Blackboard design7Topic 3 Now it is a symbol of Engla

15、nd. Section D1. 并列连词eitheror 或或;要么要么;不是就是bothand 和两者都not only but also 不但而且neithernor 既不也不2. Studies show that it took 100 000 people over 20 years to complete it. 研究表明它需要 10 万人用 20 多年来完成。complete v. 结束,完成It takes/took sb. +时间+ to do sth. 做某事花费某人多少时间。3. order sb. to do sth. 命令某人去做某事4. ton n. 吨5. fix v. 安装;修理6. tool n. 工具7. continue to do sth. 继续做某事


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